Assessing the Validity of Attitude and Heading Reference
Systems for Biomechanical Evaluation of Motions
A Methodological Proposal
Karina Lebel
, Patrick Boissy
, Christian Duval
, Mandar Jog
, Mark Speechley
Anthony Karelis
, Claude Vincent
, James Frank
and Roderick Edwards
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Research Center on Aging, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Interdisciplinary Institute for Technological Innovation (3IT), Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Department of Kinesiology, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Centre de Recherche Institut Universitaire de Gériatrie de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences, Neurology, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry,
University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
Department of Rehabilitation, Université Laval, Quebec, Canada
Faculty of Human Kinetics, University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada
Department Mathematics and Statistics, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
Keywords: Attitude and Heading Reference System, AHRS, 3-D Orientation Tracking, Mobility, Validation, Inertial,
Optical Motion Tracking System.
Abstract: Background: Attitude and Heading Reference Systems’ (AHRS) popularity in biomechanics has been
growing rapidly over the past few years. However, the limits of operation and performances of such systems
for motion capture are highly dependent upon their conditions of use and the environment they operate in.
The objectives of this paper are to: (1) propose a methodology for the characterization of the criterion of
validity of accuracy of AHRS in a human biomechanical context; and (2) suggest a set of outcome measures
to assess the accuracy of AHRS. Methods: The criterion validity of accuracy is established using an optical
motion tracking gold standard under standardized human motions. Results: Global assessment of accuracy
is derived by comparing the orientation data provided by the AHRS to those given by the gold standard
using a coefficient of multiple correlation. Peak values and RMS difference between both sets of orientation
data are also analysed to complete the accuracy portrait. The methodology proposed herein is verified for
the knee during regular walk. Conclusion: The proposed methodology and analyses take into consideration
the complexities and processes required to assess the accuracy of AHRS in their context of use and provide
a standardized approach to report.
Functional mobility is a fundamental aspect of
quality of life. The evaluation of mobility
impairments is therefore crucial to many clinical
decisions in fields ranging from rehabilitation to
geriatrics. Traditional approaches for biomechanical
evaluation of motion include optical motion capture
systems and magnetic trackers. Although well
known for their capacity to provide a highly accurate
tracking within a given capture volume, accurate
tracking for optical motion capture systems is
limited to portions of the capture volume with a
clear line of sight between the cameras and the
markers. The size of the capture volume is often
further constrained by the number and the resolution
of the cameras used. Furthermore, optical motion
capture systems can’t be used easily outside of a
laboratory environment. Magnetic trackers offer
excellent accuracy but are sensitive to magnetic
perturbations in the capture volume and their
accuracy is limited to short operating ranges
between transmitter and receivers due to the decay
of the magnetic field. Traditional motion capture
Lebel K., Boissy P., Duval C., Jog M., Speechley M., Karelis A., Vincent C., Frank J. and Edwards R..
Assessing the Validity of Attitude and Heading Reference Systems for Biomechanical Evaluation of Motions - A Methodological Proposal.
DOI: 10.5220/0004911202300237
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES-2014), pages 230-237
ISBN: 978-989-758-013-0
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
approaches all have limitations and trade-offs in
terms of accuracy, validity/reliability, time/cost,
training/expertise and real-world generalizability.
3D inertial motion tracking devices, also referred
to as Attitude and Heading Reference Systems
(AHRS), have been gathering interests by
researchers and end-users as an alternative to
traditional optical and magnetic motion capture and
analysis systems for biomechanical evaluation of
motion. AHRS are composed of inertial sensors
(accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers)
which outputs are fed into a fusion algorithm in
order to determine the orientation of a rigid body in
a global reference frame, defined by gravity and
magnetic North. An AHRS attached on a limb will
therefore enable assessment of changes in
orientation for that limb over time. Analysis of
orientation variations can be used, for example, to
study trunk kinematics of older adults during
transfer activities and assess muscle and postural
control impairments (Giansanti et al., 2007; Horak et
al., 2013). The AHRS ability to express their
orientation in a global reference frame also allows
them to be used in pairs, to reconstruct joint
kinematics. In the past few years, such approach has
also been used, for example, to study gait parameters
(Ferrari et al., 2010a; Horak et al., 2013) as well as
upper limb kinematics (Cutti et al., 2008,
Luinge et
al., 2007
). The long-term recording capabilities of
AHRS makes them suitable to appraise changes and
variability of mobility features during specific
scenarios such as sustained walking or stair climbing
over one floor.
The use of AHRS for biomechanical evaluation
of motion also has limitations. The required
measurement accuracy, depending on the scenario
and biomechanical features studied is a determining
factor in choosing to use AHRS. Several studies
have explored the validity of AHRS orientation
measurement on market-available systems (Brodie et
al., 2008; Cutti et al., 2006; De Agostino et al.,
2010; Picerno et al., 2011; Lebel et al., 2013). Some
studies focussed on assessment of accuracy using a
Plexiglas plank on which multiple units of the same
AHRS model were aligned. Using such setup,
Picerno et al. (2011) concluded that under multiple
static conditions, the tested modules define their
orientation differently, with a worst-case
discrepancy of 5.7
. Using a similar setup under
dynamic conditions, Cutti and al. (2006) revealed an
effect of velocity and direction of motion on the
precision of the orientation measurement. The
concepts evoked in these studies for a single system
were confirmed in a recent study from Lebel et al.
(2013) which used an instrumented Gimbal table in
order to assess, under controlled conditions of
motions, the criterion of accuracy of the orientation
measurement of different types of commercially
available AHRS. This study has shown a significant
effect of velocity for all three systems tested,
although the extent of the effect varied among the
different systems. The discrepancies between the
numerical results observed throughout those studies
suggests an effect of the environment on the
accuracy of the results. Indeed, the orientation data
provided by AHRS is estimated from inertial sensors
data using a fusion algorithm. Although the type of
fusion algorithm varies between AHRS models and
companies, they all face the same challenge: the
filter must autonomously differentiate between true
motion, change in environment and environmental
perturbations. Hence, the tuning of the filter as well
as the magnetic compensation used significantly
affect the computation of the estimated orientation at
a given time, and variations in either conditions
(environment or type of motion) is subject to impact
the precision of the orientation data provided.
The variation in accuracy due to the type of
motion, the velocity and the environment reported in
all those study motivates the definition of a
methodological approach for validating the accuracy
of AHRS in its actual biomechanical context of use.
To do so, a step-wise approach is suggested in order
to separate the validation of the technology itself
from the validation of the biomechanical model used
to interpret those measurements. The present paper
focuses on the technology validation portion and
therefore does not consider the use of any
biomechanical model in the validation process.
The scope of the present paper is (1) to propose a
protocol for the characterization of the criterion of
validity of AHRS in a biomechanical context; (2) to
suggest a set of outcome measures for
biomechanical features precision assessment; and (3)
to present typical validation results obtained using
this protocol.
2.1 General Setup and Assumptions
The proposed methodology aims at validating the
data provided by AHRS in a biomechanical context.
Measurement validation refers to the description of
the quality of the measurement which can be
characterized according to different concepts,
namely the accuracy, the precision and the trueness
of the measurement (Menditto et al., 2006).
According to the ISO nomenclature, accuracy of
measurement refers to the “closeness of agreement
between a quantity value obtained by measurement
and the true value of the measurand” (CAN/CGSB-
158.1-98, 1998) while the precision can be defined
as “the closeness of agreement between independent
test results obtained under stipulated conditions”
(ISO 3534-1,1993). Finally, the trueness refers to
“the closeness of agreement between the average
value obtained from a large series of test results and
an accepted reference value” (ISO 3534-1, 1993).
The validation of AHRS measurements is therefore
accomplished by evaluating the accuracy of AHRS
data compared to an optical motion capture gold
standard while a subject executes a set of pre-
determined tasks. Furthermore, accuracy evaluation
between the gold standard and the AHRS relies upon
the underlying assumptions that both systems are
exposed to the exact same movement at the same
time and that the gold standard is accurate.
2.2 Optical Markers Rigid Body and
The assumption that both systems undergo the same
motion at the same time is addressed with the use of
non-ferrous rigid bodies incorporating markers and
AHRS units tested (Figure 1). The number of
markers to be included in each rigid body depends
upon the cameras visibility during motion and the
nature of the markers (passive or active). In the case
of passive markers, a minimum set of four markers
is suggested to allow redundancy and to provide
more flexibility in the configuration of the rigid
bodies. Chosen configurations shall ensure easy
differentiation between the different rigid bodies
used simultaneously for enhanced tracking
capabilities. Each AHRS is then solidly affixed to a
rigid body (Figure 1, panel B) and the created
bundle is ready to be placed on the body segment
targeted for evaluation.
Figure 1: Rigid Body (A) General View (B) with AHRS.
2.3 Gold Standard Accuracy
Optical motion capture systems are often considered
the reference for accurate kinematic assessment of
motion in biomechanics. Very few studies however
report on the accuracy of these systems for specific
contexts of use. Indeed, their accuracy vary
according to the cameras lens distortion, the
resolution, the position and the number of cameras
available for the defined volume of acquisition, the
calibration procedure and the markers properties
(Windolf et al., 2008). In order to ensure an
acceptable level of truthfulness to compare the
accuracy of AHRS to a given gold standard in the
defined set-up, the following quality check
procedure is proposed.
The first step of the process is performed at the
markers’ position level and is based on the
assumption that the relative distances between
markers on a specific rigid body is constant.
Referring to the definitions listed in section 2.1, the
precision of the system in locating the position of a
marker can be estimated by computing the variation
in the relative distances between rigid bodies’
markers. To do so, relative distances between all
markers comprised within the same rigid body shall
be computed for all valid orientation data recorded
during a representative trial (i.e. if an orientation
data is provided for a rigid body at a specific
timestamp, it is then relevant to compute the
distances between its markers). The mean relative
distance, computed for each segment, defines the
reference value for that segment. It is indeed
reasonable to do so since the rigid body markers are
close enough to assume that a bias affecting the
measured position of a specific marker will affect its
companions in a similar manner, hence cancelling
the effect of the bias on the relative distance
measurement. Although the computation of the
standard deviation on the markers’ relative distance
measurements provides an idea of the overall
accuracy of the system in its specific context of use,
the impact of such variations on the orientation data
needs to be further addressed.
The second part of the procedure therefore
focuses on the evaluation of the accuracy of the
optical system at the orientation level through a
worst-case Monte Carlo analysis where only the
closest three markers of a rigid body will be used by
the system to reconstruct the rigid body’s attitude.
This step requires the identification of those three
markers and the definition of a sphere of uncertainty
around each of those markers, which radius is
equivalent to the mean standard deviation computed
on relative markers distances for that rigid body.
Orientation of the rigid body can be assessed from
the vectors defined by those three points. A Monte
Carlo analysis then enables the assessment of the
precision of the optical gold standard for the specific
context of use by computing the standard deviation
on the rigid body’s orientation estimate. The
difference between the mean rigid body’s attitude
(computed from Monte Carlo results) and the
reference orientation value (computed from the
reference segment distances defined) constitute the
level of trueness of the system. A global
appreciation of the accuracy of the optical system in
its conditions of use can finally be derived by
combining the computed trueness and precision of
the system in a 95% confidence interval.
2.4 Comparison of Orientation
Measurement from Different
A rigid body’s orientation is commonly represented
using a set of three elemental and independent
rotations allowing the definition of the current
spatial orientation of the rigid body based on a
known initial reference frame. Euler angles are a
good example of such approach. Although intuitive,
these representations are subject to gimbal lock, a
problem caused by the alignment of two of the
rotational axes during the independently-segmented
rotational process, affecting the overall ability to
describe the rigid body’s orientation.
An alternate representation to elemental rotations
for the definition of a rigid body’s attitude is the
quaternion. A quaternion is an angle-axis orientation
representation which defines the change in
orientation of a rigid body in a single step, using a
four-component vector. Although far less instinctive
than elemental rotations, the intrinsic redundancy
contained within the quaternion’s definition ensures
avoidance of singularities otherwise referred to as
gimbal lock. The current protocol proposes to use
the global range of motion (ROM) computed
directly from the quaternion’s first vector
component, as a comparison baseline between the
inertial and the optical motion tracking systems
instead of trying to decompose the motion using a
3D descriptive approach. From the definition of
cos( / 2)
sin( / 2)
sin( / 2)
sin( / 2)
, cos( / 2) sin( / 2)
,2cos(0) ()
where and a
OM a q ii
The assessment of accuracy using any 3D
descriptive approach would require an alignment
protocol between the two systems’ reference frame,
which accuracy can be debated. Theoretically, the
inertial reference frame can be defined by measuring
the local magnetic North and the gravity. The optical
reference frame being known to the user, one can
then deduce the alignment relationship between the
inertial and the optical reference frame. However,
such alignment procedure presents certain flaws
which may affect its accuracy. First of all, it assumes
intrinsic knowledge of the AHRS algorithm
regarding the global reference definition: Is the
algorithm compensating for the angle between the
gravity and the Earth’s magnetic North according to
the location? Does the definition considers the
theoretical value for the Earth’s magnetic field or
does it consider the initial measured value? Perhaps
a mixture of both approaches? Furthermore, typical
biomechanical lab, just like regular environments,
present certain magnetic variations (De Vries et al.,
2009; Bachmann et al., 2004). In order to adapt to
such changes in environment, AHRS are known to
allow slight deviations of their inertial frame
definition under constrained conditions. Hence, one
cannot assume the measured relationship between
the inertial reference frame and the optical reference
frame, would it be accurate, to be constant in time as
the module is moved in the environment. Expressing
accuracy using the global ROM as a baseline for
comparison over any other descriptive 3D quantities
is therefore proposed in an effort to concentrate the
evaluation on the ability of the module to detect
movement while minimizing any other sources of
2.5 Absolute and Relative Accuracy of
Orientation Measurements from
In biomechanics, inertial sensors are sometime used
solely, to measure the variation in the orientation of
a segment, or in pairs, to measure the angle at a
specific joint. In order to fully address the question
of accuracy for AHRS in biomechanics, we
therefore propose to divide the accuracy notion into
absolute and relative accuracy, which concepts are
further detailed in the following sub-sections. The
term accuracy is herein used as both concepts refers
to a general appreciation of the quality of the
2.5.1 Absolute Accuracy
In the current context, the concept of absolute
accuracy is directly linked to the ability of a system
to measure a variation in the orientation of a
segment over time. Assessment of absolute accuracy
criterion is therefore verified by comparing the
global change in orientation measured by an AHRS
to the global change in orientation measured by the
optical motion tracking system for a specific
2.5.2 Relative Accuracy
Relative accuracy assessment refers to the capability
of a pair of module to measure joint angle changes
(i.e. joint angle accuracy). In addition to the ability
of the involved modules to track accurate motion of
the segments around the specific joint, the relative
accuracy concept includes the ability of both
modules to express the independently-measured
motion in a matching reference frame so to
accurately define joint motion. The concept of
relative accuracy therefore relies upon a
combination of the inter-sensors consistency and the
trueness of the reference system of each sensor. The
direct repercussion of this type of accuracy on
biomechanical measurement motivates the
introduction of the relative accuracy concept.
The concept of accuracy of angular measurement
within a context of a biomechanical evaluation of
motion varies according to the evaluation’s purpose.
The following sub-sections describe how both
concept of accuracies are considered in the proposed
protocol in an effort to provide a validation process
as complete as possible.
3.1 Global Assessment of Validity and
Global assessment of validity refers to the capacity
of the system to measure the motion performed. This
criterion is verified using the coefficient of multiple
correlation (CMC) adapted for the evaluation of the
similarity of biomechanical data acquired
synchronously through different Medias (systems or
protocols) by Ferrari et al. (2010b).
,where P corresponds to the number of
waveforms to evaluate through G cycles, F
to the number of frames measured by gait cycle,
is the average ordinate of frame f of the g
over the P waveforms, and
is the overall mean
ordinate for the g
cycle over the P waveforms.
This specific version of the CMC is a measure of
the overall similarity of two waveforms which takes
into consideration the effect of offset, correlation
and gain in its similarity assessment, while ignoring
inter-cycle variability.
The definition of the CMC can be used as an
accuracy index in both absolute and relative
accuracy concepts, through the analysis of the
orientation waveform issued by a single AHRS
module with its matching waveform from the optical
system (e.g. trunk variations during sit-to-stand) or
looking at the variation in the joint angle waveform
computed from the related AHRS modules to the
joint angle waveform computed from the optical
system measurements (e.g. knee angle during
sustained walking).
The global assessment of fidelity is evaluated
using the RMS error between the two waveforms in
order to give an appreciation of the precision of the
measurement within a given trial. The combination
of the CMC and the RMS error reported for a
specific context of evaluation therefore gives a
global appreciation of the quality of the
measurement for that context.
3.2 Peak Accuracy
Orientation data is estimated by AHRS from inertial
sensors data using a fusion algorithm (e.g. Kalman
filter). Although powerful, the effectiveness of
-1 =CMC
fusion algorithms is known to be directly related to
the quality of the algorithm parameters’ adjustment.
Indeed, optimal tuning not only considers the quality
of the sensors over the filter prediction capacity, but
also the desired filter’s reactivity to a change in
motion versus its robustness to a perturbation in the
environment. According to the quality of the filter’s
tuning, the accuracy of the orientation data provided
by an ARHS is therefore expected to fluctuate
during a given motion, with situations such as
motion initiation and changes in direction being
identified among the most challenging
Maximal range of motion is one of the feature of
interest in biomechanical evaluations of motion
which involves measurements at those particularly
challenging situations. Analysis of accuracy at these
specific moments is therefore essential. To define
this error, we propose to compute the mean absolute
difference as well as the RMS error between the
orientation provided by the AHRS and the
orientation measurement provided by the optical
motion tracking system for these change in
direction. Combination of those values gives an
appreciation of the accuracy at these specific peak
The proposed methodology was applied in the
validation of a specific AHRS under human
conditions of motions with 21 adults. For this
specific application, the protocol was based on a
clinical test recognized as reliable for mobility
capabilities assessment, the Timed Up and Go
(TUG). This test includes a sit-to-stand transfer, a
walking portion, a 180
turn and ends with a stand-
to-sit transfer. For illustration purpose of the
concepts and methods presented before, results from
one subject only are reported.
The AHRS used to illustrate the evaluation
procedures is the IGS-180 motion capture suit
(Animazoo, 2013). The system includes 17 AHRS,
allowing full body kinematics reconstruction. A joint
targeted for evaluation in the study which intends to
use the IGS-180 is the knee. The validation protocol
therefore focussed on the AHRS placed on the thigh
and the shank.
The current protocol used the Vicon optical
motion capture system with 12 cameras as a gold
standard (Vicon, 2013). Each targeted AHRS was
coupled with a rigid body as explained in Section
2.2. Since the selected optical motion capture system
uses passive markers, specific care was given to the
design of the rigid bodies so to ensure optimal
tracking. AHRS were solidly affixed to their
matching rigid body and then, to the subject, as
shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: IGS-180 with Vicon Rigid Bodies.
Preliminary results for knee angle validation are
presented herein to illustrate the feasibility of the
proposed methodology to assess accuracy of AHRS
in a biomechanical context. The analysis of the
accuracy of the optical gold standard was performed
for the rigid bodies located on the thigh and the
shank. As explained in section 2.3, the variation in
the relative distances between the four markers
comprised within each of the rigid body was first
computed during a typical trial. In this case, the rigid
body on the thigh and the shank has shown a
standard deviation in the markers’ relative distances
of 1.04mm and 1.02mm respectively. A sphere of
uncertainty with a radius equivalent to the computed
standard deviation (1.04mm for the thigh and
1.02mm for the shank) was then defined around the
three closest points of each rigid body. A Monte
Carlo analysis revealed a trueness close to 0º (thigh:
0.0014º; shank:-0.0002º) and precision of 0.35º
(thigh: 0.3339º; shank: 0.355º), giving a 95%
confidence interval of [-0.7, 0.7].
Figure 3 illustrates the knee angle measured
synchronously by the two systems, the Vicon and
the IGS180, during a slow walk. The different cycles
measured by both system are visually very alike,
which similarity is reflected in the computed CMC
value of 0.995. Analysis of the difference between
the curves shows that the accuracy varies along the
motion with the maximum errors being reached at
the change in direction.
Table 1 reports the chosen indexes for global and
peak accuracy assessment, all for the knee angle
during sustained walking (12 to 18 cycles of walk),
but varying either the speed or the path (i.e. the
environment) of the walk. Increasing the pace of the
walk slightly decreased the CMC (0.991) and
increased both the RMS difference and the mean
difference at maximum ROM (respectively, 3.1
). Similarly, slow walking along a magnetically
perturbed path also affects the validation indexes.
Table 1: Accuracy Assessment in Different Conditions.
CMC 0.995 0.991 0.911
2.4º 3.1º 8.8º
2.0º 2.6º 12.3º
2.5º 3.3º 12.5º
Nb c
18 12 18
Figure 3: Knee Angle during Walk.
Optical motion capture systems are often considered
the reference for accurate kinematic assessment of
motion in biomechanics. Although their accuracy is
known to vary according to a number of factors,
very few studies report on the accuracy of these
systems for specific contexts of use. The
methodology proposed herein is intended to be
implemented in the system actual context of use,
hence considering both the material constraints
(cameras, settings, calibration, markers properties,
etc.) as well as the type of motion performed.
Reported accuracy of AHRS also vary according
to their conditions of use, including the environment
and the type of motion performed. The proposed
protocol is specifically designed to verify the
accuracy of AHRS in their context of use and the
chosen indexes were shown appropriate to assess the
impact of velocity, environment and time on the
accuracy of the features of interest. Preliminary
validation of the protocol confirms the feasibility
and added value of this evaluation strategy.
The proposed protocol and analyses take into
consideration the complexities and processes
required to assess the accuracy of AHRS in their
context of use and provide a standardized approach
to report.
This study was conducted as part of the EMAP
project funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health
Research (CIHR).
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