electrical worker will start to use a PM.
It is important to analyze the possible interference
with medical electronic devices, including PMs and
other implants, based on the new directive
2013/35/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council on the minimum health and safety
requirements regarding the exposure of workers to
the risks arising from physical agents
(electromagnetic fields). In the PM tests at TUT the
electric field under 400 kV power line may disturb a
PM, when the electric field (6.7–7.5 kV/m) is below
low ALs (10 kV/m, at Directive). However the risk
of disturbance is not considered to be high, because
only one of the several PMs showed a major
Acknowledgments: The assistance of the staff of the
Department of Energy and Process Engineering,
Environmental Health, Tampere University of
Technology (Markus Annila, Tero Haapala, and
Markus Wirta) is gratefully acknowledged. We
thank Harri Kuisti and Jarmo Elovaara (Fingrid Oyj)
for their advice and Hiroo Tarao (Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kagawa
National College of Technology, Japan) for his
advice and help with the measurements. In addition,
we thank Seppo Malinen (WL-Medical Oy) for
making programming devices available.
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within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive
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International Journal of Occupational Safety and