Setting the Criteria for the MATHOV + QAVS Tool
Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects for Wearable Fall Prediction
Mario S
aenz Espinoza and Miguel Velhote Correia
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
INESC-TEC, Porto, Portugal
Fall Prediction, Qualitative Assessment, Quantitative Assessment, Wearable Technologies, Screening Tool.
For the first time in history, the world shows a clear trend towards aging. This poses an intrinsic hazard for
the ever growing population, which becomes more vulnerable to common age-related illnesses and conditions.
One of the most serious risks elders face is falling, as it is responsible for countless admissions to geriatric care
institutions and thousands of deaths each year. In an effort to improve elders’ safety and quality of life many
groups have address the fall prevention issue, coming to several different results as of what variables are the
most important to consider in a fall prediction tool. These variables range from qualitative aspects (history of
falls, dementia, use of medication, etc.) to quantitative ones (total walked distance per day, walking cadence,
center of mass, etc.), but none of them per se seems to deliver a definite and complete answer to the problem
at hand. The paper herein aims to present a new hybrid approach, which combines both the highest co-related
qualitative and quantitative biovariables in a single tool: the MATHOV + QAVS, which is proposed as a new
fall assessment screening tool and eventually as baseline criteria for a complete elder fall prediction system.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a fall
as “an event which results in a person coming to rest
inadvertently on the ground or floor or other lower
level” (World Health Organization, 2012). Each year
37.3 million falls are severe enough to require med-
ical attention (424000 of them fatal) and according
to Peel, falls are the leading cause of both fatal and
non-fatal unintentional injuries in people older than
65 years —accounting for 40% of all injury-related
deaths worldwide (Peel, 2011).
Falling also implies a huge financial burden in
health care services all over the world. Based on Dol-
lar purchasing power parities, Heinreich et al. deter-
mined in his study that the mean costs per fall vic-
tim, per fall and per fall-related hospitalization ranged
from $2044 $ to $25955 $; $1059$ to $10 913$ and
$5654$ to $42840$ respectively (Heinrich et al.,
2010). This is more impressive in terms of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP): within the European Union
the amount sums up to 0.85%, whereas in a high-cost
health care model —such as in the United States—,
the total cost of medical care for elderly people has
risen from 0.8% of the GDP in 1975 to 2.7% in 2008
—more than half of the US 2013 military budget (Sir-
acuse et al., 2012).
Falling has become an actuality topic because of
the worldwide trend towards aging. It is estimated
that there will be two thousand million persons over
60 years in the year 2050, and by that time the oldest
and most vulnerable segment of population (aged 80
and over) are expected to represent 20% of the total
elder population. If preventive measures are not taken
in an immediate future, the number of injuries caused
by falls is projected to be 100% higher in less than 20
years (World Health Organization, 2007). As stated
by the WHO “Population aging is a triumph of hu-
manity, but also a challenge to society”; unfortunately
this statement forgets to remark the fact that the aging
issue is not only a social and economical challenge,
but also a technological one.
Predicting falls in order to prevent them consti-
tutes a serious question for both the health and en-
gineering fields. The former has long tried to eval-
uate qualitatively factors, aiming to find characteris-
tics that might be precursors to falls and actions or
conditions that influence the likeliness of falling (De-
mura et al., 2012; Grundstrom et al., 2012; Neumann
et al., 2013); whereas engineers have just recently
picked up the task: their approach is focused on ac-
quiring measurable data (Verghese et al., 2009; Liu
Sáenz Espinoza M. and Velhote Correia M..
Setting the Criteria for the MATHOV + QAVS Tool - Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects for Wearable Fall Prediction.
DOI: 10.5220/0004914200690075
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2014), pages 69-75
ISBN: 978-989-758-011-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
et al., 2011; Karlsson et al., 2012) for further quanti-
tative analysis using state vector machines (Lai et al.,
2008), neural and dynamic Bayesian networks (Gi-
ansanti et al., 2008a; Cuaya et al., 2013) and other
probabilistic/statistic models.
Fall prediction is very complicated in nature, as it
tries to answer what physically-acquirable data is of
interest, what quantitative bio-variables can be related
to falling and finally which tests are to be conducted to
actually gather this information. Moreover, all these
aspects only represent an entry level, since the subse-
quent challenge is what type of algorithms could be
used to process this information. The work presented
herein addresses the issues regarding the selection of
these bio-variables and proposes a set of them in the
form of the MATHOV + QAVS tool, which is part of
the first stage of an on-going project for a complete
wearable fall prediction solution (Espinoza, 2013).
The tool is based on an hybrid approach, i.e., uses
both qualitative and quantitative methods. Their se-
lection has been through an extensive bibliographical
research and uses only bio-variables that have been
tested and validated before by large studies with pa-
tients. It has been developed in an effort to deliver a
promptly and modern solution for improving elders’
health security and quality of life issue, either by be-
coming a standard screen tool for fall risk or by setting
the criteria for future fall prediction algorithms.
As previously mentioned, there is still an on-going de-
bate whether a qualitative or quantitative approach is
the best way to engage fall prediction. Defining the
criteria to separate fallers from non-fallers has proven
to be a difficult task, and many researchers have tried
—and successfully managed— to come up with vi-
able results. However, a completely hybrid-based so-
lution using wearable devices has not yet been devel-
oped (Espinoza, 2013). This new approach holds con-
siderable promise, as both the qualitative and quanti-
tative aspects that the MATHOV+QAVS tool takes in
consideration have already been proven, tested and
validated by different experts in different countries
with a considerable number of patients.
2.1 Qualitative Aspects
The tool’s name, MATHOV, is composed by the first
letters of the ve qualitative variables that have been
identified as the most common in fall assessment
studies, and most of the authors seem to agree they
have the highest co-relation with falls in the elderly.
These variables are Medication, Age, Toileting, His-
tory of falls and Vision impairment.
Of these five variables, history of falls has been re-
currently noted as the closest variable related to a near
future (usually a 12 months period) fall. This should
not come as a surprise, since a previous fall means
that the patient already presents some level of inabil-
ity to sustain balance, and it is likely the patient also
suffers from an injury caused by any of the previous
falls. These previous falls and lesions can limit the
patient’s mobility, reduce their confidence and nega-
tively contribute to their overall well-being.
Many of the medication drugs commonly pre-
scribed to elders —either psychotropics, painkillers
or blood pressure control drugs, just to name a few—
include side effects such as dizziness and drowsiness,
which naturally increase the risk of falling, specially
under an unsupervised scenario.
The Toileting factor also comes from somewhat
the same background as medication: the elders’ fre-
quently prescribed drugs (specially as with the case
of diuretics for treating blood pressure) usually come
hand in hand with frequent toileting. There also
seems to be a general consensus among the stud-
ied authors that frequent toileting is an indicator of a
muscular detriment to some degree, which could also
translate into lack of strength in the lower limbs and
thus incrementing the possibility of falling. Regard-
less if there is a overlap relationship between med-
ication and toileting, these two variables have been
constantly pointed out in the scientific literature as
highly influential factors prior to a fall —according
to both statistical approaches and assessment by elder
care nurses (Sherrington et al., 2010).
Vision impairment also plays a major role, as seen
by the amount of times it was repeatedly reported by
the studied authors. Limited vision is a very common
condition amongst elders and is natural to assume
that any type of limitation or impairment for walk-
ing —such as by needing a walking aid, low muscular
strength or, as in this case, poor visibility— increases
the risk of falling. This can be even worse if the pa-
tient walks around without his vision aid (glasses), as
this could represent a serious hazard to bump and fall
—specially in high-risk environments with lots of fur-
niture, carpets, steps, uneven floors and other com-
mon obstacles—, with possible fatal consequences.
Although the Age variable was not as recurrent
as others on Table 1, it is still considered a serious
aggravate, specially by health associations such as
the WHO (World Health Organization, 2007) and the
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Advisory (Feil and Gard-
ner, 2012). The later found over more than 400 stud-
Table 1: Qualitative Aspects for Fall Assessmet (by author).
Author Subject Count Medication Age Toileting Fall History Vision
(Perry, 1982) 1780 X X
(Oliver et al., 1997) 1780 X X X
(Lord et al., 2005) 684 X X
(Neyens et al., 2006) Bibliographic research X X X
(Gama and G
omez, 2008) Bibliographic research X X X
(Marschollek et al., 2009) 119 X X
(Russell et al., 2009) 344 X
(Sherrington et al., 2010) 533 X X
(Muir et al., 2010) 117 X
(Deandrea et al., 2010) Bibliographic research X X X
(Bongue et al., 2011) 1759 X X
(Fong et al., 2011) 554 X
(Grundstrom et al., 2012) 120923 X X
(Demura et al., 2012) 1122 X X X X X
(Feil and Gardner, 2012) Bibliographic research X X X X
(Aizen and Zlotver, 2013) 1013 X
(Neumann et al., 2013) 4735 X
ies a high co-relation between falling and advanced
age, and the importance of using this information as
a general risk stratification method: the older the pa-
tient, the higher the risk of falling.
Perhaps the most important characteristic that all
the MATHOV variables share is the ease of acquisi-
tion. Getting the information can be carried out in
very short time, does not require any special instru-
ments or technicians and a simple questionnaire to
the patient, a close family member, friend or care
provider will suffice.
2.2 Quantitative Aspects
The second part of the tool’s name, QAVS, stands for
Quantitative Assessment Variable Selection. As well
as with MATHOV, it was developed after a state of the
art research on fall prediction (Espinoza, 2013).
It is important to note that what is shown on Ta-
ble 2 are actually the tests that return the variables of
interest. For example, the 6 m walking test (SMWT) is
used to measure the time it takes the patient to walk
just over 6m on a straight line. A non-faller should
take less than 5.4 seconds, whereas a recurrent faller
(2 or more falls a year) takes on average 5.9 s or more
to complete the SMWT (Karlsson et al., 2012).
When the SMWT is accompanied by the num-
ber of steps for the 6 m walk, new classification cri-
teria can be set: recurrent fallers take more than 9.7
steps to complete the SMWT, and since the informa-
tion of time and number of steps is available, cadence
can also be obtained and compared with other stud-
ies (Menz et al., 2003).
The timed up and go test (TUGT) consists in mea-
suring the time it takes for the patient to get up from
a rest position (usually sitting) and walking a small
straight-forward distance (often 3m). As its name
suggests, the test is timed and then the threshold is set
accordingly. Contrary of SMWT, there is no statis-
tical information available in the literature for TUGT
based on large scale experiments, as the one by Karls-
son et al. Furthermore, each of the authors mentioned
on Table 2 that have experimented with TUGT have
used their own variations, almost turning TUGT into
a non-standard test. Nevertheless, the getting-up-and-
walking essence of TUGT has been extensively used
along the years, and can be easily adapted to unsuper-
vised tests using wearable technologies, thus its in-
corporation into the QAVS.
Other quantitative factors for fall risk, such as to-
tal walked distance per day and energy expenditure
have been recently and extensively evaluated by many
authors (Marschollek et al., 2008; Narayanan et al.,
2010). This features are particularly useful when
dealing with elders’ own perception on mobility: it
is common to see elders reporting their activities of
daily living as much more intense and longer than
they actually are. Total walked distance and energy
expenditure can provide a true value of the patient’s
activity, and could also be used to extended benefits,
such as calculating his right caloric intake according
to his lifestyle and activities.
Body mass index (BMI) also seems to play a major
role as a variable of interest in fall prediction. Morbid
obesity is usually related to reduced life expectancy
in part due to several illnesses and conditions asso-
ciated to it —such as diabetes, hypertension, choles-
terol, etc.—, as well as high risk of falling due to the
limited mobility obese patients present. This situation
seems to aggravate as it usually creates a vicious cir-
cle: limited mobility tends to discourage patients to
practice exercise, which further reduces their mobil-
Table 2: Quantitative Aspects for Data Gathering (by author).
Author Subject Count TUGT SMWT Steps for 6m
(Menz et al., 2003) 100 X X
(Tiedemann et al., 2008) 362 X
(Marschollek et al., 2008) 110 X X X
(Gietzelt et al., 2009) 241 X
(Verghese et al., 2009) 597 X
(Narayanan et al., 2010) 68 X
(Greene et al., 2010) 349 X
(Liu et al., 2011) 68 X
(Shimada et al., 2011) 213 X X
(Karlsson et al., 2012) 10998 X X
ity, directly affects on the patients’ strength and health
and increases their risk of falling (Rosengren et al.,
2011; Grundstrom et al., 2012).
After an extensive bibliographical research regarding
both the qualitative and quantitative aspects related to
falling in the elderly, it seems the conclusion still re-
mains the same as with many other studies: there is no
silver bullet to tackle the problem (Espinoza, 2013).
No specific factor or test can deliver a complete de-
cisive variable or threshold to be used systematically
with the elder population, suggesting that a combi-
nation of factors —essence of the MATHOV + QAVS
tool— could be the best approach.
One of the latest trends in quantitative fall as-
sessment has been the use of wearable technologies
(micro-electromechanics) which allow constant mon-
itoring of the patient in an unobtrusive way (Shany
et al., 2012a; Shany et al., 2012b). Furthermore,
if used accordingly to the proposed methods of this
research project, wearable technologies could also
avoid the laboratory settings needed for data acqui-
sition, reduce the white coat effect, eliminate the ne-
cessity of a supervisor and at the same time give com-
plete freedom and autonomy to the patients to do their
activities of daily living.
The MATHOV + QAVS tool merges what seem
to be the most extensively studied qualitative fac-
tors with quantitative variables easily acquirable with
micro-electromechanics’ technology (MEMs), which
are not also increasingly smaller over time and hold
a great amount of autonomy —thus, ideal for wear-
able projects—, but are also capable of acquiring bio-
variables in an secure, discrete, prolonged and non
invasive manner.
Table 3 summarizes the MATHOV + QAVS tool’s
variables. The qualitative variables are extremely
easy to assess by simply asking the patient or a
close family member. Of course some others —as
the amount of medication the patient is taking and
the level of visual impairment— can be assessed by
other means, i.e., by the patient’s physician or medi-
cal records. This straightforward form of evaluation
is ideal for low-tech and low-cost scenarios —such
as with developing countries— or simply for easiness
and practicality.
As an example, Figure 1 shows a possible device
for biodata gathering for the MATHOV + QAVS tool:
Kinematix’s WalkinSense is an in-shoe sensor array
located under the shoe’s insole capable of acquiring
plantar pressure, walking acceleration, speed, step
length, number of steps, tibial angles and their respec-
tive times (Kinematix, 2013). Furthermore, due to the
plantar pressure measurements, it is possible to deter-
mine if the patient is sitting (low plantar pressure) or
standing (high plantar pressure), which is extremely
convenient for the timed up and go test (TUGT).
Figure 1: WalkinSense: Example of a device for wearable
gait biodata acquisition.
As with the qualitative parameters of the tool,
quantitative tests are easy to perform, and the data
gathered can be used to calculate several indirect pa-
rameters, such as cadence, by using the number of
steps for 6m and dividing them by the time it takes
to perform the SMWT. Gait speed can also be calcu-
lated —either by integrating the acceleration obtained
with the wearable accelerometers or by indirect calcu-
lation using the distance and time—, which in return
can also be used to obtain the total energy expenditure
—using the patient’s weight from the data obtained
for the body mass index.
Other quantitative parameters known in the liter-
Table 3: MATHOV + QAVS Tool’s Criteria.
Qualitative Quantitative
Medication Time: Timed up and go test (TUGT)
Age Time: Six meter walk test (SMWT)
Frequent toileting Number of steps for 6m
History of falls Total daily walked distance
Vision impairment Body mass index
Walking cadence
Daily energy expenditure
ature, such as center of mass (McGrath et al., 2012)
and gait sway (Stalenhoef et al., 2002; Lord et al.,
2005; Giansanti et al., 2008b; Marschollek et al.,
2008) have been studied and have returned interest-
ing results, but pose a technological challenge to ac-
quire with wearable and autonomous devices: either
due to battery life constrains or the supervised or con-
trolled laboratory environment required. Since the
tool’s scope is focused on an approach as unstruc-
tured and unsupervised as possible, only tests that can
be performed completely unmonitored, using micro-
electromechanics and without any complicated tests
—like previously design walking courses or specific
researcher-designated trials— have been taken into
consideration while designing the tool.
The MATHOV + QAVS tool could also be used by
clinicians to constantly evaluate a patient’s risk of fall
and assess if the patient requires preventive or correc-
tive measures —namely, physical therapy—, yielding
the opportunity for timely and oriented interventions.
Similarly, it could also be used to prescribe walking
aids (canes, walkers or wheelchairs) if the falling risk
is too high and prophylactic measures should be con-
sidered instead.
Some recent studies have shown that what causes
most falls among elders is the lack or proprioception
and wrong perceptions of their own mobility capabil-
ities (Lafargue et al., 2013; Robinovitch et al., 2013).
Both proprioception and self-consciousness of their
moving limitations can be boosted by opportunely
prescribing the patients with exercise, which would
also delivers other benefits like greater energy con-
sumption, a more active living/aging, reduced fatal-
ities due to falls and reduce costs to both healthcare
systems and patients.
In summary, the tool’s variables were selected due
to their gathering simplicity and close relationship
with falling, keeping in mind the patient’s autonomy,
privacy and user-friendliness. The tool intends to con-
ciliate the autonomous, ubiquitous and unobtrusive
nature of wearable devices with the unsupervised and
unstructured testing methods for data acquisition.
Perhaps what stands as the most interesting ques-
tion is why hybrid (qualitative with quantitative) ap-
proaches had not been tried in the past. The answer
could reside with the fact that MEM technology has
just recently come into place, as well as the emerg-
ing field of biomedical engineering, which tries to ad-
dress issues converging both the medical an engineer-
ing point of view. Technology limitation and absence
of an specialized research field may have delayed the
launch of a hybrid approach, but it is undoubtedly that
these mixed tools will likely replace the one-sided
approaches and, consequently, increasingly improve
over time.
Furthermore, a great amount of confidence has
been deposited in the MATHOV + QAVS tool, as its
eclectic nature was specifically designed to meet the
expectations of clinicians asking for a fall risk screen-
ing tool as well as engineers looking for data to feed
their fall prediction algorithms. The success of the
tool can only be measured after extensive testing, but
due to its easy implementation, low cost technology
and intrinsic unobtrusive characteristics for the pa-
tient its likely and encouraging to anticipate a substan-
tial use of the tool by fall prediction research groups.
Although this tool has not yet been validated, fu-
ture research and trials will provide the necessary data
to conclude whether if it is of use or not. However,
taken into consideration the results obtained by other
groups with similar qualitative variables, it is tempt-
ing to suggest the expected results are at least as good
as the ones obtained by such authors, since the pre-
sented tool herein should be improved by its quantita-
tive component.
The authors would like to acknowledge the support of
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