Proposed model extends and improves the model for
simulating the dynamics of information
dissemination within the social network presented in
the earlier work of the author. The system of
messages is now used, which is crucial for future
work. The model can be used to study the dynamics
in social networks of varying size and orientation
created for the purpose of information exchange
(such as corporate networks, on-line services, local
structures aimed to solving everyday situations,
etc.), not limited to on-line services and electronic
transmission of information.
The presented results are only the beginning of
the exploring and simulating of the social networks
with this model, but experiments shown that model
provides interesting outputs comparable with the
behavior of individuals in the real world.
The model is continuously developing and
modifying. We plan to do much more experiments to
examine the influence of all parameters on the
network dynamics. We are constantly searching for
a suitable user interface, too. Stress will also be laid
on model of the quality verification and setting
model parameters using data from real social
networks. The mid-term goal is also to implement in
more detail the emotional states of agents.
This work was supported by internal grant of the
Institute of Technology and Business in České
Budějovice, grant No. 1/2013.
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