Domain-dependent and Observer-dependent Follow-up
of Human Activity
A Normative Multi-agent Approach
Benoît Vettier and Catherine Garbay
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble (LIG), AMA team, Université Joseph Fourier / CNRS, Grenoble, France
Keywords: Cognitive Systems, Ambient Intelligence, Agent Models and Architectures, Normative Multi-agent
Abstract: We propose in this paper a novel approach for human activity follow-up that draws on a distinction between
domain-dependent and observer-dependent viewpoints. While the domain-dependent (or intrinsic)
viewpoint calls for the follow-up and interpretation of human activity per se, the observer-dependent (or
extrinsic) viewpoint calls for a more subjective approach, which may involve an evaluative dimension,
regarding the human activity or the interpretation process itself. Of interest are the mutual dependencies that
tie both processes over time: the observer viewpoint is known to shape domain-dependent interpretation,
while domain-dependent interpretation is core to the evolution of the observer viewpoint. We make a case
for using a normative multi-agent approach to design monitoring systems articulating both viewpoints. We
illustrate the proposed approach potential by examples from daily life scenarios.
We propose in this paper a novel architecture for
human activity monitoring, which draws on a
distinction between two complementing universes of
discourse: the intrinsic universe of the activity
domain, and the extrinsic universe of the observer(s)
following this activity. While the domain-dependent
(or intrinsic) viewpoint calls for the follow-up and
interpretation of human activity per se, the observer-
dependent (or extrinsic) viewpoint calls for a more
subjective approach, which may involve an
evaluative dimension, regarding the human activity
or the interpretation process itself. Of interest are the
mutual dependencies that tie both processes over
time: the observer viewpoint is known to shape
domain-dependent interpretation, while domain-
dependent interpretation is core to the evolution of
the observer viewpoint. We make a case for using a
normative multi-agent approach to design monito-
ring systems articulating both viewpoints. In this
approach, we distinguish between intrinsic agents,
whose role is to build interpretation hypotheses from
the data at hand, and extrinsic agents, whose role is
to observe, adapt and frame the former process. Both
kinds of agents are launched by norms that express
in a declarative way the intrinsic and extrinsic
constraints that shape their activity. They share a
common multidimensional trace and evolve in
mutual dependency: intrinsic agents processing may
result in the launching of extrinsic agents, which
may in turn frame back intrinsic agents activities.
We illustrate the proposed approach potential by
examples from daily life scenarios.
We consider interpretation as a matter of generating,
selecting and testing hypotheses in front of evolving
data, contexts and requirements. Context
representation is a major issue in both Monitoring
and Ambient Intelligence (Brémond and Thonnat,
1998). In monitoring, human activity is captured in
the form of multi-sensor temporal data, that are
redundant, incomplete and ambiguous: the
physiological profile of a person may vary according
to various factors like the time of the day or the
geographical location; conversely, a given set of
data may correspond to several different patterns of
activity. Context sensitivity, personalization and pro-
activeness are important properties of the system to
be designed; their embodiment within broader social
contexts calls for considering other factors like
Vettier B. and Garbay C..
Domain-dependent and Observer-dependent Follow-up of Human Activity - A Normative Multi-agent Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0004918106730678
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2014), pages 673-678
ISBN: 978-989-758-015-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
compliance with social conventions, awareness to
the inner state of emotion or motives, or the ability
to act and interact in a consistent and transparent
way (Aarts and de Ruyter, 2009). The analysis
process must therefore imply several levels of
abstraction, from the local level of the data to a more
global level of norms, functional requirements and
goals (Weber and Glynn, 2006). Although some
contextual situations are fairly stable, discernible,
and predictable, there are many others that are not:
for (Greenberg, 2001), context must be seen as a
dynamic construct evolving with time, episodes of
use, social interaction, internal goals, and local
influences. Following (Klein et al., 2006), we will
approach interpretation not as a state of knowledge,
but rather as “a process of fitting data into a frame
that is continuously replaced and adapted to fit the
data”. As a consequence, we may not reduce the
understanding process to the description and
handling of contextual elements, nor to the mere
application of data-driven or goal-driven methods.
On the contrary, this process must be seen as the
constant perception-action loop, which consists in
focus, perception, interpretation, context modelling
and anticipation. The paradigm of Multi-Agent
Systems allows for multiple, heterogeneous entities
to be handled through a unified communication /
cooperation frame (Isern et al., 2010). The
heterogeneity of agents is considered as a
requirement to encompass the variety of states a
person can find oneself in; a large knowledge base
of interconnected interpretation models can thus be
explored, as a dynamic population of multiple
hypotheses on several levels of abstraction. A law
enforcement approach has been proposed (Carvalho
et al., 2005) to support dependable open software
development in the context of ambient intelligence
environments. Following these lines of approach, we
propose using the normative agent paradigm as a
way to design flexible context-aware norm-driven
systems. Normative MAS are a class of Multi-Agent
Systems in which agent behaviour is not only guided
by their mere individual objectives but also
regulated by norms specifying in a declarative way
which actions are considered as legal or not by the
group (Castelfranchi, 2006). Agents acting in such a
system may be seen as “socially autonomous": they
do not only pursue their own goals but are also able
to adopt goals from the outside, and act in the best
interest of the society. An additional control over the
adoption of goals is therefore needed, in the form of
norms, which operate as external incentives for
action (Dignum et al., 2000). These norms are
designed as condition-action rules, triggered by a
dedicated engine, and result in agent notifications.
Agents subscribe to norms and may adopt them or
not, which may result in penalties. Norms may
finally be adapted to cope with the evolution of
context (Boissier et al., 2011). The system dynamics
therefore depends not only on the agent dynamics
but also on the dynamic of the norms.
3.1 Proposed View
According to (Hébert, 2002), we propose to
distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic
perspectives to interpretation. Intrinsic interpretation
is domain-dependent: it is based on attributes and
classes that are inherent to the activity domain.
Intrinsic interpretation drives the construction of
hypotheses, which may be concurrent and
contradictory, as to whether a person is running,
walking, or staying quiet. Extrinsic interpretation is
observer-dependent: it relies on attributes and
classes that are inherent to the observer domain.
Extrinsic interpretation drives the construction of an
evaluative view over human activity, regarding
whether this activity is normal or alarming. It may
further apply to the way intrinsic interpretation is
conducted and provides a view as to whether this
process is efficient, informative, or for example open
or restricted to few hypotheses. These two universes
of discourse are mutually dependent. Indeed, the
evolution of intrinsic activity properties may yield
the evolution of extrinsic evaluation models, e.g. a
skiing or walking activity calls for different evalua-
tive models. Conversely, the observer’s extrinsic
evaluation provides a perspective view that drives
what is looked at, e.g. focus on speed if there is a
risk of fall for a skiing activity, focus on location if
there is a risk of getting lost for a walking activity.
Interpretation is modelled as a dynamic
exploration process driven in a context-sensitive
way. As proposed in a previous paper (Vettier and
Garbay, 2014), it is abductive in nature and
modelled as a perception-action loop combining
prediction and verification stances. This process is
situated with respect to a set of intrinsic and
extrinsic require-ments. Intrinsic requirements are
domain-dependent: interpretation hypotheses are to
be grounded into the evidence of data and the realm
of the activity at hand. Their confidence has to be
high enough for the hypothesis to be maintained:
otherwise other hypotheses must be evaluated.
Extrinsic require-ments are domain-independent but
observer-dependent (focus on a given range of
activity, drive the interpretation process toward a
given efficiency). These heterogeneous frames of
interpretation are subject to evolution, to cope with
the evolving contexts or requirements from the
observer: the current focus or expected performance
may be modified in front of unexpected critical
states for example. These features of monitoring
system were stated early by (Hayes-Roth, 1995).
We propose normative, rule-governed agents as a
way to design declarative, flexible context-aware
policy-driven systems, embedding sense-making
within constraints from various domains. As
illustrated in Figure 1, there are two main types of
agents, intrinsic and extrinsic. These agents are
formalized as a tuple: A = Role, Range, Regular,
Corrective. Role denotes the role of the agent
(interpretation hypothesis followed by the intrinsic
agent, requirement checked by the extrinsic agent).
Range denotes the level of achievement of the
agent’s role (confidence of the interpretation process
or fitness of requirement). Regular defines regular
methods for data interpretation (intrinsic agent) or
requirement checking (extrinsic agent), depending
on the type of the agent. The corrective method
defines how to regulate the interpretation process
(deposit new interpretation hypotheses, modify
intrinsic or extrinsic requirements). The agent is
situated with respect to a shared, multidimensional
trace. This trace is formalized as a tuple: T =
IntState, IntPast, Intrinsic, Extrinsic. It involves
information about the current and past state of
interpretation (IntState, IntPast): current hypotheses
with their confidence degree, running agents, current
interpretation efficiency… as well as information
about current Intrinsic and Extrinsic requirements.
The agent activity is framed by a set of norms
expressing intrinsic or extrinsic requirements. The
norms are triggered depending on patterns from the
trace and launch the agents. Any norm, intrinsic or
extrinsic, is formalized as a tuple: N = Type,
Weight, Context, Flag,Bearer, Object. Type
defines the type of the norm. Weight allows to
prioritize the rules. Context represents an overall
evaluation condition (as the overall system state or
human situation). Flag allows to bypass the
requirement when necessary.Bearerdenotes the
targeted element (agent or trace). Object is a
compound field, typically written as “launch
(conditions actions)”, characterizing the conditional
action attached to the norm (launching of agent
behaviour). The role of intrinsic norms and agents is
to evolve the state of interpretation while the role of
extrinsic norms and agents is to evolve the frame of
Figure 1: A dual perspective on human activity follow-up.
I-agents perform data interpretation, governed by intrinsic
norms. This domain-dependent interpretation process is
framed by E-Agents, working under extrinsic or observer-
dependent requirements.
3.2 I-Agents Life Cycle
The role of an I-Agent is to interpret incoming data
at given abstraction levels, according to provided
field of perception and models. Reasoning is of an
abductive nature and the agents navigate among
several behaviours (Initialization, Exploration,
Anticipation, Termination), according to a life cycle
governed by intrinsic norms (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Agents life cycle as governed by intrinsic filters.
An intrinsic agent is a tuple: I-Agent = Hyp,
Conf, Verif, Pred. Hyp denotes the hypothesis
followed by the agent and Conf
a confidence range
(low, medium, high) for this hypothesis: this field is
time stamped. Verif denotes the Regular agent
behaviour: its role is to proceed to confidence
computation, according to provided components and
model. This confidence value will be deposited in
the trace and processed by norms. Pred denotes the
Corrective agent behaviour: its role is to propose
further interpretation hypotheses. We distinguish
between three prediction mechanisms: Anticipation,
Exploration and Termination. Anticipation is raised
by the corresponding norms in case of a lowering
confidence that is persistent over time: a transition
toward another hypothesis at the same abstraction
level has to be proposed. Conversely, Exploration is
raised by the corresponding norms in case of a high
level confidence that is persistent over time: a
transition toward a higher level hypotheses might be
proposed, to open the current interpretation toward
new hypotheses spaces. The agents deposit the new
hypotheses in the Trace, with a null confidence.
They will be processed by dedicated norms, whose
role is to launch Intrinsic agents (Initialization
behaviour) for further processing (Verification).
Termination is launched in case of a low confidence
range persistent over some additional time, to stop
processing the corresponding hypothesis.
Figure 3: Correspondence between confidence degree and
I-Agents behaviours.
Figure 3 illustrates the correspondence between
Confidence level evolution and behaviour launch.
As may be seen, this process is regulated by several
parameters: two confidence thresholds C
to assess whether an hypothesis has a low,
medium or high confidence, and three durations
thresholds: δ
, δ
, δ
, to assess whether the
agent must be launched within an Exploration,
Anticipation or Termination behaviour. These
thresholds are part of the current agent Intrinsic
requirements and are shared through the Trace. They
may be subject to evolution, depending on the action
of Extrinsic agents.
Table 1: I-Norms examples (type, weights and flags
Context Bearer Object
Conf < high & T >
Conf = high & T >
The role of I-Norms is to frame the interpretation
process according to intrinsic requirements. To this
end, they launch their targeted I-Agents into one of
these 4 Corrective behaviours, depending on their
current hypothesis confidence degree and on the
time spent within the same confidence range. Some
I-Norm examples are provided in Table 1.
3.3 E-Agents Life Cycle
The role of E-agent is to ensure the follow-up of the
interpretation process according to observer-
dependent requirements. An Extrinsic-agent E is a
tuple: E-Agent = Requirt, Fit, Verif, Corr. Requirt
denotes the requirement that the agent follows (e.g.
stay in a Basal physiological state, keep
interpretation Parsimonious or Readable …). Fit
denotes a fitness range (low, medium, high) for this
hypothesis: this field is time stamped. Verif denotes
the regular E-agent behaviour: check the extent to
which the requirement is followed. Corr denotes the
corrective agent behaviour. It is launched by E-
Norms in case of a lack of compliance with the
considered requirement. Its role is to ensure the
“fitness” between the interpretation process and the
observer’s requirements.
Figure 4: Correspondence between fitness level and E-
Agents behaviours.
We distinguish between three corrective
mechanisms: I-Corr, E-Corr and Alarm. I-Corr holds
when a modification of intrinsic requirements will
ensure a better fit of the interpretation process to
existing extrinsic requirement. On the contrary, E-
Corr holds when the extrinsic requirements themsel-
ves have to evolve to fit some transitions in the
observed situation. Alarm will be raised in case of a
failure of the corrective attempts, which results in a
persistent lack of fit between the observer and the
interpretative process. Figure 4 illustrates the
correspondence between Fitness level and launching
of behaviours. As in Figure 3, this process is
regulated by several parameters. The role of the E-
Norm is to launch the proper regular or corrective
measures, depending on context. I-Corr (resp. E-
Corr) corrective measures will modify some intrinsic
(resp. extrinsic) parameters in the trace: e.g. rate of
anticipation, level of confidence required (resp.
expected level of performance, expected activity).
Examples of such norms are provided in Table 2.
Table 2: E-Norms examples.
Context Bearer Object
Parsimony I-Agent
NHyp >
I-Corr (Thigh
Basal E-Agent Winded
E-Corr (Heart
The Parsimony norm in Table 2 relates to how
well the hypothesis generation works: its role is to
control the current number of hypotheses to be
actively processed. Both lack and plethora of likely
hypotheses bring ambiguity and uncertainty, and
therefore low effectiveness. A solution to correct
these deviations is to modify the confidence and
duration thresholds: in case of lacking hypotheses,
reducing Anticipation will push more agents in the
Anticipation policy and thus increase resampling;
conversely, in case of too many hypotheses,
increasing the Thigh threshold will discriminate
more so that only the most likely hypotheses are
validated. Regulation at the extrinsic level may
occur in case of deviation from basal state: this may
require the verification of some further pathological
state. This is the role of the “Basal” E-Norm
example in Table 2: the occurrence of a Winded
Hypothesis, when the person is supposed to be in a
basal state, during a daily life scenario calls for
checking specific non basal physiological states and
therefore for a modification of the observer
expectations (extrinsic requirements Heart disease)
as regards the current state of the person.
We present in this section an application to human
monitoring. The person is wearing a combination of
physiological (heart rate, breath rate...) and
actimetric (acceleration, position) unobtrusive
sensors capturing its physiology and activity. He/she
is following an outdoor scenario (hiking).
4.1 Knowledge Elements
A priori knowledge is provided to the agents, in the
form of an ontology (Figure 5), together with models
to interpret incoming data and norms to regulate
interpretation. We distinguish between 4 abstraction
levels: the one of the overall scenario, the one of the
micro-scenario (conjunction of states), the one of the
states (designing physiology or activity), and the one
of the data.
Figure 5: An example view of a hypothesis network
corresponding to a hiking scenario.
For state agents, confidence is computed from raw
data elements. For example, computation of the
Basal State confidence Basal will involve:
Basal.K == {HeartRate, BreathRate, SkinTemp}.
For micro-scenario agent, it is computed from state
components. For example, a Break micro-scenario
will involve the following states:
Break:K =={Recovery Phonation Basal}.
4.2 Experiments
Figure 6 shows the follow-up of a hiking activity.
We show in this experiment that modifying an
extrinsic requirement as regards a micro-scenario to
be verified modifies the way interpretation develops.
(a) (b)
Figure 6: Influence of extrinsic requirement on
interpretation: (a) hike; (b) break.
The dot’s colors indicate the level of confidence in
the considered hypothesis (red for Low, yellow for
Medium, green for High). In case (a), the
interpretation is oriented toward a “hiking” micro-
scenario, which is consistent with the data, while it
is oriented toward a “break” in (b), which is not
consistent. As may be seen, the readability in case
(b) is bad. The system is lost in a collection of
wrong hypotheses. We show in figure 7a the result
of modifying the confidence thresholds so that
hypothesis verification becomes more difficult. This
was performed on the experiment of Figure 6a. A
better readability is obtained. A dynamic modifica-
tion of the verification rate, for the example on
Figure 6b is illustrated in Figure 7b. We observe a
reduced number of low hypothesis, due to a higher
termination rate (with some latency).
(a) (b)
Figure 7: Influence of intrinsic requirement on
interpretation: (a) increase of high threshold on case 6a;
(b) increase of verification rate on case 6b, while the
system is running (indicated by the vertical arrow).
We have proposed in this paper a novel approach to
handle both domain-dependent (or intrinsic) and
observer-dependent (or extrinsic) viewpoints on
human activity follow-up. A normative multi-agent
architecture is proposed, which draw on a distinction
between I-Agents and E-Agents, whose role is
respectively to ensure the follow-up of the observed
activity and the running interpretation. Their
processing result in the modification of a common
trace where results from both follow-up are stored.
Our design further draws on a distinction between I-
Norms and E-Norms, which regulate the behaviour
of the corresponding agents, based on information
from the trace, and express domain-dependent as
well as observer-dependent requirements. Further
work is needed to better formalize the approach (in
particular the deontic dimension of norm
application) and increase the experimental
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