framework. Current issues include:
• General Concept Representation. Arbitrary ob-
jects can be represented by use of tensor spline
groups, as well as shape modification processes
as described by Leyton. Implementation will re-
quire careful attention. In addition, Leyton argued
that wreath products could represent any concept;
therefore, extensions need to be found for struc-
tural, material properties, social, and other types
of relations.
• Combining Sensor and Actuation Data. A de-
tailed characterization of how sensorimotor data is
embedded in the wreath product representation is
required. There are limitations in what the actua-
tors can achieve compared to what the sensors can
perceive, depending on the robot used and its De-
grees of Freedom (DoF). In the cube example, we
mentioned that a robot with a head having 360
3-DoF can actuate the concepts as motions. Sim-
ilarly, a robot with a dextrous hand will be able to
manipulate the object and be able to map the ac-
tuations to the concepts: e.g., in 2D the robot can
draw the square, given the generative concept of
a square, while in 3D it can trace its fingers along
the smooth faces of a cube and infer the object
type based on the Bayesian network for a cube.
On the contrary, a two-wheeled robot with only a
range sensor and no movable head or hands can
only move on the ground, and will thus have lim-
itations in relating actuations directly to concepts
(especially 3D shape concepts).
• Prior and Conditional Probabilities: must be
determined for the networks. This requires a rig-
orous learning process for the statistics of the en-
vironment and the sensors. For example, we are
studying the error in fitting planes to Kinect data,
and first results indicate that the noise appears
Gaussian (see Figure 13).
Figure 13: Error Distribution in Plane-Fitting for Kinect
• Prime Factorization. In the shapes we address, a
Bayesian network can be created in multiple ways
for the same shape; e.g., two square representa-
tions are ℜ o Z
and ℜ o Z
× Z
o Z
. The equiv-
alence of resulting shape must be made known
to the agent (even thought the generative mech-
anisms are different); we are exploring whether
subgroups of the largest group generating the
shape allow this to be identified.
• Object Coherence and Segmentation. Object
segmentation is a major challenge, and object
classification processing will be more efficient if
related points are segmented early on. We are
looking at the use of local symmetries (e.g., color,
texture, material properties, etc.) to achieve this.
Moreover, object coherence can be found from
motion of the object; namely, there will be a sym-
metry in the motion parameters for all parts of
a rigid object which can be learned from experi-
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