the motion estimation with a fixed empiric variance
value and with the ANVI method are recorded for
Figure 6: Result of the motion estimation.
As shown in Figure 6, motion estimation includes
position estimation and velocity estimation, and the
accuracy of both improved with the ANVI method.
The root-mean-square error of the results compared
with the groudtruth data is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Root-mean-square error of the results in Figure 7.
RMS error position(m) velocity(m/s)
without ANVI 0.110 0.151
with ANVI 0.037 0.105
A novel adaptive variance identification method is
proposed in this paper. Experiment shows that with
this method, variance of the noise could be identified
reliably. With the ANVI method, results of the motion
estimation will basically be optimal.
The method is especially suitable in the vision-
aided motion estimation of UAVs. Because firstly,
the noise of vision location results is changeable and
needs adaptive identification. Secondly, the validity
of the ANVI method is based on the special kinematic
properties of UAVs, as explained in the derivation.
However, since most kinds of robot share the same
kinematic properties that the kinematic acceleration
has a upper limit. Therefore, with certain adjustments
of the parameters, the proposed method could be used
in wide applications.
The work in this paper was supported by the Na-
tional Science and Technology Major Projects of the
Ministry of Science and Technology of China: ITER
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