weather parameters and hospitalizations due to the
cardiac problems. The question of big practical
value is if one can find such a relationship between
hospitalization and data obtained from the numerical
weather forecasts.
We have compared several time periods of actual
weather parameters measured and weather forecast
which was prepared for a period of time.
We have used numerical weather forecast
provided by Interdisciplinary Centre for
Mathematical and Computational Modelling,
because of its high reliability (Figure 11).
Figure 11: Reliability of the numerical weather forecast
provided by the ICM (source www.meteo..pl) - chart for
the 86h prediction of the pressure values.
Figure 12: Forecasted and measured data (Temperature
Figure 12 shows the actual and predicted values
for the first two weeks of 2008. This period was
marked by a Kohonen network and the recorded
values of weather parameters here are two
significant events.
Although the data from weather forecasts differs
from the actual data, there is a great similarity
between both graphs. For this reason, it is likely
concluded that the weather event points may be
determined based on the forecast. Therefore it is
possible to determine the risk of increased morbidity
and cardiac symptoms.
We have analyzed basic weather parameters and
correlated them with the hospital admissions due to
the cardiac problems. Using advanced methods we
have show existing correlations and present that
particular weather events cause increased risk of
cardiac related hospitalizations. The proposed
method allows to deal with the rare events and
correlate them to for example weather changes. This
method will be significantly improved with the use
of larger number of medical records. Based on data
from two hospitals and one region of Poland we
achieved encouraging results. These results,
however, should still be checked in at least a few
other regions to confirm the correctness of methods.
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