tear film maps provided by the developed system are
similar to the annotations done by three experienced
optometrists. In clinical terms, the manual process
done by experts can be automated with the benefits of
being unaffected by subjectivefactors and providing a
detailed distribution of the interference patterns over
the whole tear film lipid layer.
In this research, the proposed methodology pro-
cesses the whole set of windows inside the region of
interest. Although the feature extraction time over
one single window is almost negligible (under 1 sec-
ond), processing the whole set takes too long. There-
fore, as future research, we plan to develop an opti-
mization of the proposed methodology focus on the
reduction of the processing time. In addition, our fu-
ture research will also involve proposing new algo-
rithms for tear film segmentation based, for example,
on other classical algorithms such as seeded region
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retar´ıa de Estado de Investigaci´on of the Spanish
Government and FEDER funds of the European
Union through the research projects PI10/00578 and
TIN2011-25476. Beatriz Remeseiro acknowledges
the support of Xunta de Galicia under Plan I2C Grant
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