ing are clearly improved in comparison to the original
article (Clement Deymier, 2013a).
The IPCC algorithm complexity is evaluated to
m × log(m)) where n is the number of camera
and m is the number of points in the scene. But if
we consider that a 3D points is only seen in a small
number of camera : τ (It is often the case when the
mobile vehicle is acquiring) then the algorithm com-
plexity become : O(τ
nm × log(m)). The method be-
come scalable to very long sequence with millions of
points and hundred of images. The number of iter-
ation necessary to remove all 3D points depend on
volume and trajectory of the moving objects but in
our experiments, after six iteration the scene is always
close to be totally photo-consistent.
The objective of this article was to improve the photo-
consistency estimation and to demonstrate the effi-
cacy of the IPCC algorithm. It present an original
method to detect moving object both in camera and
in range data. The core of the problem, the non syn-
chronous acquisition of the data is solved by using a
time-independent photo-consistency criterion applied
on the entire sequence. This criterion use a princi-
pal mode extraction in color descriptor vector space
to find the statics points in the sequence and the non
photo-consistent point are classified as moving and
deleted from the scene. The iterative aspect of this
algorithm allow to detect all the 3D points on the
moving object and not only it surface. Moreover, this
method is very flexible because more than one range
finder or camera can be used since the cloud is dense
enough and the camera are in color.
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