Enhanced Bone Healing Through Mechanical Stimulation by Implanted
Piezoelectric Actuators
Natacha Rosa
, Fern
ao D. Magalh
, Ricardo Sim
and Ant
onio Torres Marques
FEUP, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
LEPAE, Department of Chemistry Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave, School of Technology, Barcelos, Portugal
Institute for Polymers and Composites IPC/I3N, University of Minho, Guimar
aes, Portugal
DEMec, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
This research study from its inception to realization
is a three year project. After a year of concept un-
derstanding through literature review and familiarity
with the theory and terminology underlying this topic,
a strategy to overcome this challenge was proposed.
The project is currently in a stage where the ideas
and strategies suggested are going to be put into ac-
tion. The material required is being purchased and the
evaluation system prepared.
Albeit, these seems to be an innovative strategy to
address this high-impact problem. It is a complex and
multidisciplinary issue with very ambitious goals and
for which solution proposal presents unpredictable re-
There is still much work ahead and great benefit
will be acquired from the exchanges and discussions
that will take place at the Doctoral Consortium.
The main goal of this research work is to develop an
actuator device that through piezoelectric mechanical
stimulation is capable of accelerating in a controlled
manner, the bone physiological fracture-healing pro-
cess and leads to a reconstructed fracture that approx-
imates normal anatomy.
By decreasing the minimum period of recovery
time, we aim to reduce the number of delayed union
and non-union cases, which are very common in frac-
tures resulting from high energy trauma, like open
fractures. This will facilitate an early rehabilitation
and avoid an additional costly surgical intervention.
All these are expected to help reduce the total cost
and personal discomfort associated with tibia frac-
Fractures are one of the most frequent injuries of the
musculoskeletal system and from all the long bones in
the human body, the tibia is the one in which healing
is most problematic. This may be due to the nature of
the mechanical loading and biological factors, such as
the fact that muscle tissue does not surround the bone
(Lacroix and Prendergast, 2002).
Tibia fractures are treated medically, and health-
care cost depends on treatment options, which, in
turn, vary by injury type and severity and the pres-
ence of complications. There is no universal consen-
sus on the best method of managing these type of in-
juries. In daily routine, each surgeon develops an in-
dividual fracture reduction techniques specific to the
different fracture type and they are also challenge to
manage the initial fracture using any of the least or
non-invasive means available to enhance osteogenesis
(Antonova et al., 2013; Smith, 1985; Malizos et al.,
There are two basic histological types of bone
healing, depending on the mechanical stability
present at the fracture site (Giannoudis et al., 2007).
Primary or direct fracture healing, is rare. The
fracture is treated with open reduction, where inter-
fragmentary compression is achieved through the use
of lag screw or with a plate placed in compression
mode. The fracture fixation in this situation provides
absolute stability. There is no movement in the frac-
ture site, and no callus is formed. The fracture heals
through the formation of osteonal cutting cones and
Harversion remodelling of the compressed cortical
(Hak et al., 2010; Giannoudis et al., 2007).
In contrast, secondary bone healing occurs in the
vast majority of bony injuries. This type of fracture
healing will occur if the fracture site is treated with
cast or braces, and intramedullary nail, or plate placed
Rosa N., D. Magalhães F., Simões R. and Torres Marques A..
Enhanced Bone Healing Through Mechanical Stimulation by Implanted Piezoelectric Actuators.
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
in a bridging mode leading to relative interfragmen-
tary movement. To stabilize the fractured bone during
repair, an external callus develops where bone forms
intramembranously proximal and distal from the frac-
ture site and endocondrally in the rest of the callus
(Giannoudis et al., 2007; Lacroix and Prendergast,
Biological healing is a complex physiological pro-
cess that follows a characteristic course divided into
three partially overlapping phases: an inflammatory
phase (0-3 days after the injury) with formation of
early fracture hematoma, an initial inflammatory re-
sponse characterized by chemotaxis and migration of
inflammatory cells and granulation tissue formation;
a reparative phase (4 days to months after the injury)
with revascularization, soft callus, lamellar bone de-
position and hard callus formation, and a remodeling
phase (months to years after a injury) which is char-
acterized by changes in bone shape (Kumagai et al.,
2012; Mav
c and Antoli
c, 2012; Claes et al., 2012).
Although, in the last decades, fracture treatment
has improved considerably, complications, like de-
layed union and non-unions with an incidence rate
up to 13 %, still occur. Nonunion can be defined
as the non consolidation at the fracture site within 6
months. Sometimes, there is no need to wait such an
amount of time, and a non union situation can be iden-
tified when there is no progress in callus formation at
the fracture site at 4 weeks intervals follow up. On
the other hand when there are indications of progress
in callus formation, it is wise to wait more than 6
months(Antonova et al., 2013; Audig
e et al., 2005;
Giannotti et al., 2013).
Delayed union and non-unions cases put addi-
tional burden on the patient because they prolong the
disability and are associated with substantial pain,
suffering and morbidity, which is not exempt of risks
and potential complications and increases health-care
costs. Currently, the assessment of fracture healing
and complications detection during the repair process
is performed by clinical and radiographic examina-
tion, both of which are dependent on the orthope-
dic surgeon’s expertise and clinical judgment (Audig
et al., 2005; Claes et al., 2012).
In Portugal, the reduction of the tibiae open
fractures are the sixth most common type of mus-
culoskeletal surgical intervention (NHS-Portugal,
2012). Although, the younger generation is consid-
ered the ”prime victims” of this type of fracture, by
representing a high loss values on the society work-
ing force, older adults aged 65 or more, also suffer a
large percentage of tibia fractures. Fractures in this
age group lead to an acute inpatient stay, post-acute
inpatient stay, and home health care as well as out-
patient visits and physical and occupational therapy
(Antonova et al., 2013; Leung et al., 2009).
The process of fracture healing is impacted by
several factors of which some are patient-dependent
like nutritional and health-conditions and other de-
pend on external circumstances such as the severity
of the trauma experienced. From all the variables af-
fecting the bone healing process, mechanical stimula-
tion has special importance. Mechanical signals can
be regulated via stiffness of fixation, rigidity of cast
immobilization, control of weight bearing, or even ap-
plied loading to the fracture site influence the amount
of motion between the bone fragments or forces trans-
mitted across the callus which consequently affects
the quality, rate and progression of repair. A compro-
mise should be taken into consideration in order not
to interfere negatively with the healing process (Gian-
notti et al., 2013; Claes et al., 2012).
Several years ago, it was believed that complete
immobilization was imperative for successful frac-
ture healing and that the resorptive effect of disuse
was necessary to release calcium for callus miner-
alization. Now, we know that shielding the callus
from mechanical stimulus with the use of high stiff-
ness frames can suppress osteogenic response at the
pereosteum, and is permissive to a delayed or atrophic
non-union, while internal fracture fixation, via plates
which are too stiff, can cause osteopenia below the
device. At the other extreme, overloading caused by
early weight bearing on a fracture protected only by
flexible external fixation lead to delayed union. Also
decreased frame stiffness stimulates periosteal callus
where unstable fixation avoids the invasion of blood
vessels and the differentiation of pluripotential tissue
into bone, leading to the formation of avascular tis-
sues with higher failure strains, such as cartilage or
fibrous tissue and fractures presenting signs of im-
pair, hypertrophic non-union cases or delayed heal-
ing in most cases require open orthopaedic interven-
tion. Frames with low stiffness may also result in high
pin/bone interface stresses that induce local absorp-
tion and are associated with pin loosening (Goodship
et al., 2009; Bail
on-Plaza and van der Meulen, 2003;
Boerckel et al., 2012).
It is also important to highlight the additional dif-
ficulty in defining the exact end point of fracture re-
pair which also hampers clinical studies (Claes et al.,
2012). In the study developed by (Bacon and Good-
ship, 2007), after evaluating healed-bone magnitude
and orientation through the use of neutron experi-
ments they suggested that ”normal” bone matrix is not
present even after 22 months of healing and that this
may question the apparent ability of bone to repair
without a scar.
As mentioned previously, the length of healing
time is an important parameter with direct implica-
tions on the patient’s physical and emotional well-
being and it also represents an additional cost to the
health care system. In 2007, the average direct costs
for treating tibial fracture nonunions were around
32.660 dollars in UK and when considering all cat-
egories of care (except emergency room costs) ex-
penditures were more than 2-fold higher on delayed
union patients cases than in those with considered
union (Antonova et al., 2013; Malizos et al., 2006;
Wu et al., 2013).
Based on the conclusions obtained in some re-
search studies (Wu et al., 2013; Heckman and
Sarasohn-Kahn, 1997), the delays in fracture healing
cost more money than early intervention to shorten
the time of fracture recovery. Hence, there seems
to be important economic advantages, besides all the
other patients well-being benefits, on mechanically
stimulating bone fracture to accelerate the healing
process in such a way that the need for fracture fix-
ation is reduced to the minimum necessary period of
Although, the curing process of a fracture is a phe-
nomenon with biological features, it is directly re-
lated to the medical treatment carried out, namely
how rapidly the bone can heal and return to normality
(Roseiro et al., 2013). Hence, in these section we are
going to evaluate the latests tendencies and develop-
ments in the medical and research fields.
4.1 Current Clinical Procedures
The common clinical practices used to stimulate bone
regeneration and avoid delayed union cases include
the use of different bone-grafting methods (such as
autologous bone grafts, allograft and bone-grafts sub-
stitutes), supply of osteoprogenitors and mesenchy-
mal stem cells to the fracture site and local applica-
tion of growth factors, which are sometimes accom-
panied by a therapies such as low-intensity pulsed ul-
trasound and electrical stimulation. The above men-
tioned bone-healing stimulation methods, are associ-
ated with several drawbacks and limitations to their
use and availability (Dimitriou et al., 2011; Steven-
son, 1998)
Autologous is the gold standard bone graft ma-
terial, because it is obtained from the patient’s own
tissue. But the necessity of sample harvesting re-
quires an additional surgical procedure, with well-
documented complications and discomfort for the pa-
tient. This strategy has the additional disadvantages
of quantity restrictions and substantial cost.
An alternative is allogeneic bone grafting, which
is obtained from human cadaver or living donors. Un-
fortunately, this method presents issues of immuno-
genicity and rejection reactions, possibility of infec-
tion transmission and it also has high costs associated
(Dimitriou et al., 2011).
There is also the possibility of using bone grafts
substitutes made of synthetic or natural biomaterials.
But at present there are no heterologous or synthetic
bone substitutes available that have superior or even
the same biological or mechanical properties com-
pared to bone, hence this is still an ongoing study field
(Dimitriou et al., 2011).
Growth factors are natural potent inducers of en-
cochondral ossification. Therefore, a number of bone
growth factors (especially BMPs because these are
the most potent osteoindictive molecules) are clin-
ically being used to accelerate normal bone heal-
ing ectopically or are injected into the fracture site.
However, there are several issues about their use, in-
cluding safety where supraphysiological concentra-
tions of growth factors are needed to obtain the de-
sired osteoinductive effects, the high cost of treat-
ment, and more importantly, the potential for ectopic
bone formation (Bail
on-Plaza and van der Meulen,
2003; Dimitriou et al., 2011).
With respect to the bone regeneration by local
mesenchymal stem cells application strategy, it is fair
to say that the role of these cells in fracture repair is
still in its infancy, largely due to a lack of studies into
the biology of mesenchymal stem cells in vivo in the
fracture environment.
Low-intensity pulse ultrasound is a fracture ther-
apy that uses a source of mechanical energy transmit-
ted as high-frequency acoustic pressure waves into the
biological tissue. The data in the study developed
by (Kumagai et al., 2012), suggests that this tech-
nique accelerates fracture healing by stimulating the
recruitment of osteogenic progenitors cells to the site
of bone formation near the fracture site. Although,
this is a well known therapy that enables fractures to
be treated without surgical invasion, this technique is
limited to the amount of residual periosteum at the
fracture site.
Bone’s piezoelectric behavior and ”streaming po-
tentials” were the fundamental basic concepts that led
to the development of electrical bone growth stimula-
tor devices. There are three main clinical methods for
bone electric currents administration: direct current,
capacitive coupling and inductive coupling (Griffin
and Bayat, 2011).
In direct current treatment, an electrical current is
produced between a cathode implanted at the fracture
site and the anode in the soft tissue nearby. When us-
ing this procedure, patient’s compliance is minimal.
However, drawbacks include the invasive nature of
this technique, possibility of infection, risk of soft tis-
sue reaction, prominent or painful implants, and the
potential for lead breakage or electrode dislodgement
(Griffin and Bayat, 2011; Goldstein et al., 2010).
The capacitive coupling technique consist in gen-
erating an electric field between two capacitor plates
placed on the opposite sides of the fracture. Un-
like the direct current method, this technique is non-
invasive but its 24 hours day use creates the potential
for decreased compliance and skin irritation from the
capacitor plates (Goldstein et al., 2010).
In inductive coupling procedure, a coil attached
to an external power source is placed on the fracture
site skin surface to generate a magnetic field, which
consequently induces a electrical field. The primary
advantages of this procedure is that it is non-invasive
and painless. However, patients compliance may be a
limiting factor in the success of this treatment (Gold-
stein et al., 2010; Griffin and Bayat, 2011).
Besides all the advantages shown by the clinical
electrical stimulation methods described, the mecha-
nism by which the stimulatory effect enhances bone
healing still remains unclear. These procedures have
also been contraindicated when the fracture gap is
wider than 0.5 cm (Griffin and Bayat, 2011; Zamora-
Navas et al., 1995).
When after the application of the common clinical
practices, the bone healing presents signs of failure, a
second costly surgical intervention, aiming to stabi-
lize the fracture, is inevitable (Antonova et al., 2013).
All the clinical methods currently being used to
accelerate bone repair present important limitations.
This is most probably due to the still surprisingly lack
of information available concerning bone regenera-
tion in humans in vivo (Dimitriou et al., 2011). Hence,
it seems clear that there is a need to develop novel al-
ternatives to complement the standard clinical meth-
ods used for tibia fracture-healing regeneration.
4.2 Research
Now-a-days, the concept that proper loading condi-
tions are crucial for bone repair is well accepted. And
also that the mechanical stimulation of bone-healing
depends on the type, magnitude, rate, duration and
timing of initiation of the loading. But in the re-
search field there is a challenge to identify the me-
chanical environment which is both safe and enhances
the repair process. In an attempt to establish the rel-
evant window of bone-repair mechanical stimulation,
in vivo internal loads acting in long bones during daily
activities were considered of special interest in frac-
ture healing research (Wehner et al., 2009; Leung
et al., 2009). Albeit, several excellent papers on bone-
healing accelerating methods have been written, due
to the limited space we will only mention the ones we
believe are more relevant.
The immediate consequence of mechanical load-
ing is strain, which is a small deformation throughout
the calcified matrix, 1 µε equals 1 µm of deforma-
tion per meter of length (Aarden et al., 2004). Several
in vivo studies (Kunnel et al., 2002; Minary-Jolandan
and Yu, 2009; Duncan and Turner, 1995; Mav
c and
c, 2012) showed that the application of static
loads to bone tissue has no effect on bone formation.
It was estimated that with the cyclic loading type of
treatment 27 % of the healing time was saved in com-
parison to constant compression. Also, both strain
magnitude (or amplitude) and strain rate are consid-
ered essential parameters in the stimulation process.
According to (Rubin et al., 2001), there seems to be
a relation between the strain magnitude and the strain
rate in cortical bone.
(Fritton et al., 2000) showed that when counting of
the daily (12 to 24 hours) strain events, large strains
(higher than 1000 µε) occur relatively few times a day,
while very small strains (less than 10 µε) occur thou-
sands of times a day. Moreover, in a study developed
by (Rubin et al., 2001), very lower magnitude values -
less than 10 µε - combined with high-frequency phys-
iological strain rate (10 to 100 Hz) showed to be capa-
ble of stimulating bone growth by doubling its forma-
tion rate. These findings allow concluding that low-
amplitude high-frequency postural strains due to mus-
cular contractions could be more effective than high-
amplitude low-frequency strains due to locomotion
in maintaining bone mass. Such behavior might ex-
plain why astronauts in a microgravity environment,
where the need to maintain posture is absent, lose
bone mass despite rigorous exercise or why 3 h/day
of quiet standing has been shown to prevent bone loss
in bed rest patients (Fritton et al., 2000).
Based on the fact that fracture healing is a re-
generative process of osseous tissue, several studies
started considering the possible advantages of apply-
ing low-magnitude high-frequency strain stimulus to
the bone-healing acceleration process. In vivo sys-
tems for applying loading, such as whole-body vibra-
tion and individual limb compressive were tested in
order to successfully show the stimulation ability of
low-magnitude high-frequency strain stimulus to in-
duce callus formation and mineralization, and hence
accelerate fracture healing.
A beneficial effect of low-magnitude high-
frequency vibration was reported by (Leung et al.,
2009). In their study, osteotomized rat tibiae with in-
tramedular kirschner wires, were stimulated by a vi-
bration platform with 35 Hz, actuating 20 min/day for
5 days a week during a total period study of 9 weeks.
This type of stimulating showed a positive osteogenic
effect through the formation of larger amount of cal-
lus, accelerated callus remodeling and fracture site
healing, comparatively to the non-stimulated ones.
(Goodship et al., 2009) reinforce the idea that me-
chanical stimulus do not need to be large to posi-
tively influence the fracture-healing process. In their
study, they applied a short duration (17 minutes),
extremely low-magnitude (25 µε), high-frequency
(30 Hz) interfragmentary axial displacement on a 3
mm osteotomized mid-diaphyseal sheep tibia, using
for that purpose a ferroactive shape-memory alloy
incorporated into the body of the external fixator.
These experiment showed the beneficial effect of low-
amplitude high-frequency interfragmentary axial dis-
placements which proved to be able to accelerate the
process of bone healing.
In another study, developed by (Tarnit¸
a et al.,
2010), osteosynthesis was stimulated by using bio-
compatible shape memory alloy nitinol-based staples.
The staples continuously ensured the return of the
pre-strained plate to its original shape and this effect
remains as long as the original shape was not reached.
The major disadvantage of this solution is the high
cost of the medial plate, which is entirely constructed
of nitinol, as well as the highly complex procedure of
decoupling this central piece.
Indeed, bone tissue is extremely sensitive to phys-
ical signals. When load is applied on bone, first it
pressurizes the interstitial fluid around the osteocytes,
before the fluid is driven to flow. Then the intersti-
tial fluid within the lacuna and canaliculi is driven to
flow through the thin layer of non-mineralized peri-
cellular matrix surrounding the osteocytes cell bod-
ies and their dendritic process, toward the Harver-
sian or Volkmann’s channels. During mechanical
stimulation, since bone is not a continuum mate-
rial, microstructural inhomogeneities will result in
inhomogeneous microstructural strain fields and lo-
cal tissue strains will be magnified in association
with microstructural features (Aarden et al., 2004;
Rath Bonivtch et al., 2007; Klein-Nulend et al., 2013;
Duncan and Turner, 1995).
The flow of interstitial fluid through the lacuno-
canalicular network induces shear stress on the cells
membranes and provides the mechanism by which os-
teocytes sense the very small in vivo strains of the
calcified matrix (Bacabac et al., 2004). According
to (Ajubi et al., 1996), osteocytes react to pulsating
fluid flow shear stress as low as of 0.5 to 0.02 Pa.
These findings may help to explain the fact that low-
magnitude, high frequency stimulus can be sense by
bone cells during the healing process.
Despite the significant efforts observed in litera-
ture, a quantifiable causal relationship between the
rate of healing and mechanical stimulus has never
been discovered. But, in the latest research stud-
ies there seems to be a point of common agree-
ment on the potential of the osteogenetic response
to low-magnitude high-frequency strain stimulus in
the bone-healing acceleration process. One of the
great limitation on the research studies that try defin-
ing an appropriate loading profile on bone healing
is that although our understanding of bone regener-
ation at the cellular and molecular level has advanced
enormously, coordinate relations between these me-
chanical variables and a large number of responses at
the molecular and cellular level, in conjunction with
physiological ones, creates the complex pathways of
bone healing that need to be more exhaustively ex-
amined (Giannoudis et al., 2007; Bail
on-Plaza and
van der Meulen, 2003; Comiskey et al., 2010).
Although a variety of clinical procedures and
studies have been developed to try to accelerate the
fracture healing process, gaps remain in the search
of a practical cost-effective strategy that enhances
bone healing with well-defined specifications and
regimes in each particular patient at a given point in
c and Antoli
c, 2012).
In this research study, by recognizing the risks
of overloading the healed tissue and inspired by
the potential benefits of the omnipresent very low-
magnitude, high-frequency stimulus in the human
bone functional regime, we decided to complement
the commonly used external fixator healing technique
with a short period local stimulation, using a small
sized piezoelectric actuator in contact with the bone
The idea is to use an external fixation which con-
fers considerable rigidity to the bone except in the
fracture gap regions where it will be mechanically
stimulated with a small size piezoelectric actuator
thus permitting controlled interfragmentary strain of
the fracture.
Based on the strong anabolic effect of low-
magnitude, high-frequency mechanical stimulus on
bone healing process (see section 4), and consider-
ing that during quiet standing, very small (5), high
frequency strains persistently bombard the skeleton
(Huang et al., 1999), we decided to start by testing
extremely low magnitude - 5 µε - and high frequency
20 to 60 Hz - cyclic interfragmentary motion induced
by the piezoelectric actuator for 5 days per week for
the same short period of 17 minutes - which was used
as in prior mechanical stimulation of fracture repair
studies performed on animals and humans (Goodship
et al., 2009) - on in vivo sheep bone models. The low
levels of displacement also avoids any type of risk of
mechanical failure of the fixation device.
According to the literature (Gardnera et al., 2000),
inter-fragmentary stimulus presents a higher influence
when applied soon after injury. Therefore, we in-
tent to start applying the piezoelectric stimulus 5 to
7 days after the surgical intervention. The imposed
strains will not be detrimental to the tissue differenti-
ation within the callus, since besides the fact that the
initial strain magnitude is already very small, stiff-
ness during fracture healing is predicted to increase
gradually over time as healing occurs. In the begin-
ning there is only granulation tissue in the fracture
gap ending up with a callus ossification which is when
the healing is defined as successful. When that hap-
pens, the external fixator is removed. Based in (Gard-
nera et al., 2000) study, at 4 weeks, the central cal-
lus barely changed, the adjacent and peripheral callus
calcified rapidly and are able to support compressive
loads by 8 weeks. Between 8 and 12 weeks minimal
changes in the material properties and shape should
be expected and from 12 to 16 weeks, the adjacent
and peripheral callus could increasly bear compres-
sive load. The typical healing period of human tibia
is 16 weeks.
The ultimate strain which can be withstood also
decreases from very high strains in hematoma and
granulation tissue, decreasing to mature bone which
can be damaged by as little as 2% strain. It is believed
that fracture healing will not occur when the strain
at the fracture gap exceeds 10 %. There is no harm
expected as the healing phases progresses (Goodship
et al., 2009; Perren, 1979; Hak et al., 2010; Wu et al.,
2013; Lacroix and Prendergast, 2002).
The use of a piezoelectric actuator in this particu-
lar situation presents several advantages when com-
pared to other superior motive power actuators in
terms of size, driving speed, and control of micro-
scopic displacement. For example, hydraulic actua-
tors have excellent force and displacement capacities
but only at very low frequencies. Shape memory alloy
actuators are similar in that they can generate a large
displacement and force, but their actuation frequency
is extremely poor. On the other hand, electromagnetic
actuators have good frequency range. Linear induc-
tion actuators have excellent force and stroke output;
however, they are generally heavy and require sig-
nificant electrical current. Piezoelectrics are known
for their excellent operating bandwidth and can gen-
erate large forces in a compact size (Tanaka, 1999;
Niezrecki et al., 2001).
The piezoelectric actuator reduced size allows its
implementation with minimal additional alteration of
surrounding tissue, causing no discomfort to the pa-
tients and may be applicable to a range of fixation de-
By analyzing the principal parameters that char-
acterize any linear actuator - like displacement, force,
frequency, size, weight, electrical input power and
price - and bearing in mind that a compromise needs
to be done in the piezoelectric selection, since actu-
ators which usually perform well in some of these
categories are typically poor in others, a few candi-
dates will be selected and tested in the scope of this
Before in vivo testing is performed on sheep mid-
shaft tibia, the piezoelectric actuators selected will be
tested in vitro through their montage on human and
sheep wet bone fragments fixed as a cantilever beam.
We choose to use wet bone samples since dry bone
cannot bear acceptable results as considering a living
tissue. A good possible evaluation technique would
be scanning laser doppler vibrometry which is able to
perform accurate of displacement and strain fields.
At the same time, a proper coating polymer must
be selected, to ensure biocompatibility of the actuator
and integrity during service. The polymeric coating
should be more flexible than piezoelectric actuators
to not affect adversely the piezoaction. The piezo-
electric actuator with and without a polymeric bio-
compatible coating will be tested in vitro according to
International Standard (ISO 10993-5, 2009) for cell
adhesion, cell proliferation and viability. Based on
the literature review, the in vitro tests should be per-
formed by using an osteoblastic cell culture. These
in vitro tests will allow evaluating the level of mate-
rial cytotoxicity, but area limited to acute studies of
the effects of toxicity due to the relatively short lifes-
pan of cultured cells and it does not guarantee that the
actuator will behave in a biocompatible manner.
Later, the actuator will be studied in vivo in exper-
imental animals. So far, the sheep is the prime choice
for animal model since the general mechanisms of
bone repair seem to be similar to human. They are
docile, easy to handle and house, relatively inexpen-
sive, available at a large numbers and they also spon-
taneously ovulate. The assessment of fracture heal-
ing could be performed by histological, imaging (for
example, computed tomography images) and biome-
chanical testing (for example determination of frac-
ture stiffness) (Claes et al., 2012; Saffar et al., 2009;
Gao et al., 2013).
Enhancement of fracture healing has been one of the
major goals in modern fracture management because
it’s economic and clinical importance for the health
care system and patient recovery and regain of func-
tions after fracture (Leung et al., 2009; Bail
and van der Meulen, 2003).
We do believe that if the natural healing process is
not compromised by the presence of the piezoelectric
actuator for example due to a toxicity reaction - and
if ideal biological (i.e. in terms of traumatized tissue
revascularization and the inflammatory process) and
mechanical conditions for repair are created acceler-
ated fracture healing may be achieved. The low am-
plitudes of the signals created by the actuator appear
to be well below those which may cause risk to the
regenerate tissue.
While the health-care system is under increasing
financial burden, addressing bone healing in a timely
manner, may not only free up scarce health-care re-
sources and save money, but also improve patient out-
This type of stimulation seems to ensure a low risk
to the fracture gap which oppositely may arise during
functional loading with low rigidity external fixator.
We expect to develop a piezoelectric actuator ca-
pable of accelerating bone healing on tibia mid-shaft
fractures and during this process gain a better under-
standing of the mechanical stimulus parameter values
needed to accelerate bone healing and hopefully con-
tribute in some way to explain the still not totally un-
derstood complex bone healing process.
We acknowledge support from the Foundation for
Science and Technology (FCT), Lisbon, Portugal,
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