Learning Analytics as a Metacognitive Tool
Eva Durall
and Begoña Gros
Department of Media, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University, Miestentie 3, Espoo, Finland
Department of Theory and History of Education, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Learning Analytics, Educational Data Mining, Self-directed Learning, Self-Regulated Learning.
Abstract: The use of learning analytics is entering in the field of research in education as a promising way to support
learning. However, in many cases data are not transparent for the learner. In this regard, Educational
institutions shouldn’t escape the need of making transparent for the learners how their personal data is being
tracked and used in order to build inferences, as well as how its use is going to affect in their learning. In
this contribution, we sustain that learning analytics offers opportunities to the students to reflect about
learning and develop metacognitive skills. Student-centered analytics are highlighted as a useful approach
for reframing learning analytics as a tool for supporting self-directed and self-regulated learning. The article
also provides insights about the design of learning analytics and examples of experiences that challenge
traditional implementations of learning analytics.
The use of “big data” tools and methods is a
growing phenomenon in various fields ranging from
computer science, political science, medicine and
economics to physics and social sciences. “Big data”
analytics refers to the process of examining these
large amounts of data to uncover hidden patterns,
unknown correlations and other useful information.
Its rise coincides with new management and
measurement processes in corporations that aim to
develop “Business Intelligence” (BI) by
transforming raw data into meaningful information
that supports more efficient decision-making
In the education sector, analytics are also
perceived as reliable tools for decision-making, as
well as for achieving greater levels of adaptation and
personalization that are evidence-based (Harmelen
and Workman, 2012). Beyond BI, analytics in
education borrow techniques from different fields,
such as Educational Data Mining (EDM), Social
Network Analysis, web analytics and Information
Visualization in order to come up with tools and
methods that facilitate the exploration of data
coming from educational contexts. According to
Harmelen and Workman, the main potential uses of
analytics in education are (p.5):
“Identify students at risk so as to provide
positive interventions designed to improve retention.
Provide recommendations to students in
relation to reading material and learning activities.
Detect the need for, and measure the results of,
pedagogic improvements.
Tailor course offerings.
Identify teachers who are performing well, and
teachers who need assistance with teaching methods.
Assist in the student recruitment process”.
EDM and Learning Analytics (LA) are two
research areas with strong similarities. Both of them
seek to improve education by focusing on
assessment, the identification of problems and
interventions. The main differences can be found in
EDM’s emphasis on automated discovering and
automated adaptation, whereas LA seeks to inform
and empower instructors and learners in order to
better leverage human judgement (Siemens and
Baker, 2012).
LA research has been applied in two close and
related areas: learning and academia. Although both
of them use educational data, it is important to make
a distinction since the underlying motivation of each
one varies to great extent. According to the Society
for Learning Analytics Research, Learning Analytics
can be defined as “the measurement, collection,
analysis and reporting of data about learners and
their contexts, for purposes of understanding and
optimizing learning and the environments in which it
occurs. Learning analytics are largely concerned
Durall E. and Gros B..
Learning Analytics as a Metacognitive Tool.
DOI: 10.5220/0004933203800384
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 380-384
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
with improving learner success” (SoLAR, 2013,
About). On the other hand, academic analytics could
be described as more business-oriented, since the
main purpose is to improve organizational
effectiveness through the use of learner, academic
and institutional data.
Lately, the high proportion of computer-
mediated interactions in learning has created an
interest about how data collected from the
interactions can be used to improve teaching and
learning. In this regard, the increasing offer of
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) can be
presented as a case in which institutions take
advantage of data generated online in order to
achieve a better understanding of how people learn.
Despite its positive aims, LA still poses questions
about how learners can benefit from the data they
are generating in such learning platforms.
In the knowledge society, self-directed learning
(SDL) and self-regulated learning (SRL) have
become particularly important for professional
development and lifelong learning.
SDL is an approach in which learners take
control of their own learning processes and
experiences. Tan et al. (2011) describe the processes
of SDL based on a series of requisites or qualities: a)
ownership of learning; b) self-management and self-
monitoring and c) extension of own learning. The
authors argue that providing opportunities to
establish and control one’s own learning objectives,
as well as to direct and monitor the associated
educational tasks, helps increase the subject’s
motivation and commitment to learning.
SRL is a process controlled by learners that may
be supported by social and environmental stimuli
related to setting objectives, self-monitoring
progress, searching for help, feedback, self-directed
reflection, time management and planning, etc.
According to Zimmerman’s (1989) definition, self-
regulation is conditioned by students’ active
involvement in metacognitive, motivational and
cognitive areas, in their own learning processes.
Self-regulation is very much a metacognitive
activity and a useful model to help understand
metacognition. According to Pilling-Cormick and
Garrison. (2007), metacognition goes to the core of
both SDL and SRL and is a link or bridge between
reflective inquiry and strategic task control.
The concepts of SDL and SRL are so similar that
on many occasions they have been used as
synonyms. Furthermore, the models proposed in
both approaches have many elements in common.
Loyens, Magda and Rickens (2008) conducted a
complete analysis of the similarities and differences
between the SDL and SRL models. Both imply
learners’ active involvement and goal-focused
behaviour. In addition, a series of activities can also
be identified as implicit in both models: setting
goals, analysing tasks, implementing the plan and
self-evaluating the learning process. According to
Loyens, Magda and Rickens (2008), the difference
between SDL and SRL basically relates to the
perspective adopted when studying learning
processes, depending on whether attention is focused
on the personal attributes and actions of the learners
and/or on the characteristics of the learning
environment. While SDL encompasses both
perspectives, SRL focuses more on the personal
characteristics and behaviours of the person or
people learning, including the cognitive, behavioural
and also emotional dimensions. One possible
explanation for this difference is the fact that while
SRL has been studied above all in an academic
context, the origins of the SDL concept lie in
studying adult learning in non-formal environments.
In recent years, particular attention has been paid
to the use of technology to support processes of SRL
and SDL. The design of digital environments to
support SDL and SRL processes aims to offer
specific help to learners for planning, organizing and
directing their research and exploration, as well as
for evaluating their own progress. Bartolomé and
Steffens (2011) propose a series of criteria that
technology-enhanced learning environments should
meet in order to support SRL processes: a)
encourage learners to plan their own learning
activity, including aspects linked to time
management (e.g. when to carry out an activity and
how long to spend on it), selecting communication
channels and ways of representing information and
using of the most suitable resources, b) provide
feedback on performance in learning activities to aid
monitoring and the correct direction of the learning
process and, c) provide learners with criteria for
evaluating the results of their learning in terms of the
objectives that were initially set and the type of
competences developed.
In order to successfully self-regulate and self-
direct learning it is necessary that students achieve
an understanding of their own cognitive process.
Metacognition, understood as the knowledge of
one’s own thinking, is a central concept in self-
regulation and in self-directed learning since it
brings together central constructs of motivation,
management and monitoring (Pilling-Cormick and
Garrison, 2007). In this regard, Learning Analytics
can be a tool that offers opportunities to reflect about
learning and develop metacognitive skills.
Feedback has been considered as a key tool for
helping students improve performance. Traditional
feedback usually relates to learners’ mechanisms of
communication with their teachers and colleagues.
The use of technology adds new possibilities for
tracking learners’ activity and offers them more
immediate feedback about their learning
performance. However, most efforts to use learning
analytics focus on providing information for the
instructors in order to refine their pedagogical
strategies (Knight et al., 2013). Very rarely are
students considered the main receivers of the
learning analytics data or given the opportunity to
use the information to reflect on their learning
activity and self-regulate their learning more
Despite LA’s potential for improving teaching
and learning, scholars have expressed concerns
regarding the use of analytics in education. The main
criticisms deal with the commercialization of the
education sector, the use of outdated performance
indicators, simplistic uses of artificial intelligence,
as well as the ethics of the datasets and how they are
used (Slade and Prinsloo, 2013). Furthermore, some
authors warn that learning analytics could actually
disempower learners by making them reliant on
institutional feedback (Buckingham and Ferguson,
2011). Quoting Kruse and Pongsajapan, learning
analytics “perpetuates a culture of students as
passive subjects – the targets of a flow of
information – rather than as self-reflective learners
given the cognitive tools to evaluate their own
learning processes” (2012, p.2).
In response to the use of LA as a tool at the
service of teachers and the institution, an increasing
group of scholars have started to advocate for
student-centred analytics (Duval 2012; Clow, 2012,
Kruse and Pongsajapan 2012). In line with these
authors, we consider that learning analytics can and
should be used as a tool for reflection and
metacognition to support SDL and SRL. In this
regard, identifying the main challenges in the design
of learning environments that make use of learning
analytics to foster reflection is a key aspect. From
our perspective, the most urgent challenges to be
faced fall in two directions: data and visualization.
What sort of data is most meaningful for learners?
What types of visualization can foster reflection
most successfully?
The demand for analytics that truly recognize users'
ownership is connected to a broader need for control
of the data that, as online users, we are constantly
generating. Considering this, student-centred
analytics share many aspects with Human-Data-
Interaction since, according to Haddadi et al. (2013)
“The term Human-Data-Interaction (HDI) arises
from the need, both ethical and practical, to engage
users to a much greater degree with the collection,
analysis, and trade of their personal data, in addition
to providing them with an intuitive feedback
mechanism” (p.3). In this regard, and in order to
support SDL and SRL, learning analytics should
provide mechanisms for learners to interact with
these systems explicitly. This requires learners to
adopt a questioning attitude and take part in the
interpretation of the data generated about them, but
they must also be offered the means to access,
understand and interact with the datasets.
The need for transparency and understandability
has also been faced by other areas that are closely
related to LA, such as Learner Models (LM). The
main difference between LA and LM lies in the type
of data monitored and its future use. So, while LA
often shows activity data (interaction time in
discussion; links in social networks or collaboration
tasks; performance data), LM use inferences drawn
from interaction in order to create a learner
information model that allows the system to be
highly personalized and adaptive. The appearance of
Open Learner Models (OLM) constitutes an
important effort towards making a student’s learner
model explicit with the aim of fostering self-
awareness and enhancing learning and learner
autonomy (Bull and Kay, 2008). An interesting case
of OLM is MyExperiences (Kump et al., 2012).
Here, the model has been designed to show users the
inferences about them, as well as the underlying
data, through a tree map visualization.
Another area that can provide interesting insights
for reframing LA is Personal Informatics (PI).
According to Li, Dey and Forlizzi (2010) PI can be
defined as a class of systems that allow people to
collect and reflect on personal information. In
contrast to LA, PI, also known as Quantified Self
(QS), requires the user to take an active role
throughout the five stages identified by Li et al.
(2010): preparation, collection, integration,
reflection and action. PI and QS have supported
informal learning in fields linked to sports and
health since they offer users opportunities to learn
about their progression and undertake new
challenges concerning healthy habits. Recently,
some scholars have noted that QS approaches can
support reflective learning and help people become
more aware of their own behaviour, make better
decisions, and change behaviour (Rivera-Pelayo et
al., 2012; Li et al., 2011; Durall and Toikkanen
2013). One important aspect to note when looking at
QS approaches is their voluntary nature. Even if QS
is used for monitoring chronic conditions, users who
self-track are motivated because they understand the
potential benefits that this practice will bring them.
In contrast, we cannot say that LA practices rely on
the learners’ voluntary participation. In this regard,
one way of encouraging learners to take an active
role in LA would consist of allowing them to choose
which data they are going to monitor from a flexible
and extendable set of indicators.
Transforming data into knowledge is a cognitive
process that can be supported by the way in which
data is made available. Information visualization has
been recognized as a tool for sense-making (Heer &
Agrawala, 2008) since it helps synthesize complex
information and facilitates comparisons and
inferences (Shneiderman, 1996; Tufte, 1990 and
1997). In the learning field, infovis has already been
recognized as a powerful tool for teachers and
students, especially through goal-oriented
visualizations such as dashboards (Duval, 2011). In
this regard, Govaerts (2010) notes that visualizations
of the learners’ activity has been used to improve
collaboration, increase awareness, support self-
reflection and find peer learners through social
network analysis. Some projects working along
these lines are CAMera, a tool for personal
monitoring and reporting (Schmitz, 2009) and
Moodog , a Moodle plug-in that visualizes data from
the activity logs to allow students to compare their
progress with others and teachers to visualize the
students’ activity in the online course (Zhang et al.,
A case study by Santos et al. (2012) using goal-
oriented visualizations of activity tracking is an
interesting experience of student-centred learning
analytics through visualizations. In this case, the
overall goal was to enable students to reflect on their
activity and compare it with their peers. With this
aim, data collected using different tools was
displayed in a goal-oriented visualization that
allowed students to filter the data by different
criteria and to compare it with their learning goals.
As the authors state, “linking the visualizations with
the learning goals can help students and teachers to
assess whether the goal has been achieved” (pp.
143). By enabling learners to filter what they want to
visualize, LA can generate metrics that relate to
what learners value in their learning process. This
way, they will be able to generate their own
questions and hypotheses that, later on, can be
contrasted through data. Learning analytics can be a
great tool for reflection since it offers students the
opportunity to revisit past experiences from a
different point of view. In order to explain the “new
situation”, it is necessary that learners recognize
their assumptions and change their perspective by
building new understandings. However, for
reflection to occur, it is important to keep in mind
that the situations “observed” must be relevant for
In this article, LA is recognized as a powerful tool
for helping students reflect on their learning activity
and, therefore, gain knowledge about their learning
processes. This is especially important since self-
knowledge can be considered as a key metacognitive
skill for SDL and SRL. Therefore, in order to truly
use analytics to help students become autonomous
learners, it is necessary to adopt a student-centred
Nowadays, the value of data requires careful and
critical reflection on issues relating to privacy, data
analysis, context of use and data ownership. In line
with other scholars, we support more transparency
and openness in LA (Clow 2012; Kruse and
Pongsajapan, 2012) since we are dealing with
sensitive information that ultimately belongs to the
learners. Therefore, educational institutions cannot
ignore the need for transparency and should ensure
that learners can see how their personal data is being
tracked and used in order to build inferences, and
how its use will affect their learning.
LA raises the issue about what is valued in the
learning process. Can learning be measured
according to, for instance, who logs into the system
most often, who engages most in group discussions
or uploads the tasks on time? There is a need to
rethink how learning indicators are selected and to
what extent they contribute to conceiving learning as
a process instead of in terms of outcomes (Clow,
2012). In this regard, allowing students to decide
what aspects they are going to monitor and analyse
could help make LA a tool for reflection on learning
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