An Open-source Framework for Integrating
Heterogeneous Resources in Private Clouds
Julio Proa
no, Carmen Carri
on and Blanca Caminero
Albacete Research Institute of Informatics (I3A), University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain
Cloud Computing, FPGA, Hardware Acceleration, Energy Efficiency.
Heterogeneous hardware acceleration architectures are becoming an important tool for achieving high perfor-
mance in cloud computing environments. Both FPGAs and GPUs provide huge computing capabilities over
large amounts of data. At the same time, energy efficiency is a big concern in nowadays computing systems. In
this paper we propose a novel architecture aimed at integrating hardware accelerators into a Cloud Computing
infrastructure, and making them available as a service. The proposal harnesses advances in FPGA dynamic
reconfiguration and efficient virtualization technology to accelerate the execution of certain types of tasks. In
particular, applications that can be described as Big Data would greatly benefit from the proposed architecture.
The popularity of Cloud computing architectures is
growing over the Information Technology (IT) ser-
vices. Cloud computing is based on an on-demand
approach to provide to the user different computing
capabilities “as-a-service”. Three Cloud usage mod-
els can be categorized in this computational paradigm,
namely Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as
a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS), de-
pending on the type of capability offered to the Cloud
user which in turn is related to the degree of con-
trol over the virtual resource that support the applica-
tion.These cloud models may be offered in a public,
private or hybrid networks.
Nowadays, the main problem to infrastructure
providers are concerned about the relationship be-
tween performance and cost. One of the solutions
adopted has been adding specialized processors that
can be used to speed up specific processing tasks.
The most well-known accelerators are Field Pro-
grammable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Graphics Pro-
cessors (GPUs) but paradoxically this use also di-
rectly related to the energy consumption of the sys-
tem (Buyya et al., 2013), and cost.
Focusing on FPGAs, which have large resources
of logic gates and RAM blocks to implement com-
plex digital computations. This hardware devices are
This work was supported by the Spanish Government
under Grant TIN2012-38341-C04-04 and by Ecuadorian
Government under the SENESCYT Scholarships Project.
an order of magnitude faster for non-floating point
operations than state of the art CPUs. Furthermore,
FPGAs provides very good performance and power
efficiency in processing integer, character, binary or
fixed point data. And also deliver competitive perfor-
mance for complex floating-point operations such as
exponentials or logarithms. Additionally, the FPGA
component can be reconfigured any number of times
for new applications, making it possible to utilize the
heterogeneous computer system for a wide range of
tasks (Intel, 2013). In particular, many life science
(LS) applications, such as genomics, generate im-
mense data sets that require a vast amount of com-
puting resources to be processed. FPGAs provide an
intrinsic degree of parallelism amenable of being ex-
ploited by these applications. Moreover, LS appli-
cations change very quickly, thus making impracti-
cal the use of application specific integrated circuits
(ASICs). To this end, the use of FPGAs seems a
promising option. Finally, FPGAs exhibit a high com-
putation/power consumption ratio, which turns them
into an interesting option to lower operational ex-
penses as well as minimize the carbon footprint of the
data center.
Thus, the main objective of this work is to achieve
an efficient low power architecture able to provide
on-demand access to a heterogeneous cloud infras-
tructure, which can be especially exploited by big-
data applications. FPGA-based accelerators are key
computational resources in this cloud infrastructure.
The proposal is aimed at enabling the use of FPGA-
Proaño J., Carrión C. and Caminero B..
An Open-Source Framework for Integrating Heterogeneous Resources in Private Clouds.
DOI: 10.5220/0004936601290134
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2014), pages 129-134
ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
based accelerators without dealing with the complex-
ity of hardware design. Furthermore, the vision is to
provide users with a repository of bitstream
files of
common applications, which can be used as a service
but also as building blocks to develop more complex
applications. It must be noted that Amazon AWS al-
ready offers GPU instances (AWS, 2013), and FPGA-
based accelerators are offered by Nimbix within its
JARVICE service. But, to the best of our knowledge,
this is the first open-source proposal of an IaaS ar-
chitecture in which the FPGA accelerators (among
others) are considered as computational virtual re-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2 some related works are reviewed. Then, the
architecture of our proposal is described in Section 3,
while some implementation details are given in Sec-
tion 4. Finally, Section 5 concludes this work, and
outlines some guidelines for future work.
Hardware FPGA devices used as co-processors
can offer significant improvement to many applica-
tions (Guneysu et al., 2008) (Dondo et al., 2013).
So, there are several attempts to integrate FPGAs
into traditional software environments. Many solu-
tions are provided by the industry, such as PicoCom-
puting, Convey and Xillybus. These products con-
nect software to FPGAs via a proprietary interface
with their own languages and development environ-
ments. The Mitrion-C Open Bio Project (Mitrion-C:
The Open Bio Project, 2013) tries to accelerate key
bioinformatics applications by porting critical parts to
be run on FPGAs. Open source proposals such as (Ja-
cobsen and Kastner, 2013) provide a framework that
uses FPGAs as an acceleration platform. It must be
highlighted that in this work FPGAs are connected to
PCs through PCIe. However, these examples lack the
framework for developing parallel and distributed ap-
plications on clusters with multiple nodes.
There are systems where FPGA devices are used
as the only computing elements forming the clus-
ter (Guneysu et al., 2008). However, not all appli-
cations can be accelerated effectively using FPGAs.
For example, the high clock rate and large numbers
of floating point units in GPUs make them good can-
didates for hardware accelerators.
The use of GPUs as computational resources
on cloud infrastructures has emerged in the last
years (Suneja et al., 2011). Hence, nowadays sev-
A bitstream is the data file to be loaded into a FPGA.
eral commercial companies offer GPU service to
their clients (Nvidia, 2013). For example, Amazon
EC2 (AWS, 2013) supports general purpose GPU
workflows via CUDA and OpenCL with NVIDIA
Tesla Fermi GPUs. The use of FPGAs in cloud sys-
tems has not been so successful until now. At this
point it must be highlighted that Nimbix (Nimbix,
2013) offers a commercial cloud processing system
with a variety of accelerated platforms. Recently,
the company has launched JARVICE, a PaaS plat-
form that includes the availability of GPUs, DSP
and FPGAs for an application catalog and an API or
command-line access to submit jobs.
Moreover, there are some efforts that combine
accelerators (FPGAs and GPUs) and CPUs in clus-
ter nodes such as Axel (Tsoi and Luk, 2010). Axel
combines heterogeneous nodes with the MapReduce
programming model resulting in a low-cost high-
performance computing platform. The authors in this
work highlight that the largest drawback of FPGA
design is the difficulty of implementation compared
with CUDA programming time.
Also, recent researches focus on dynamically re-
configurable FPGAs. Reconfigurable FPGAs are de-
vices where software logic can be reprogrammed to
implement specific functionalities on tunable hard-
ware. Hence, in (Dondo et al., 2013) a reconfiguration
service is presented. This service is based on an effi-
cient mechanism for managing the partial reconfigu-
ration of FPGAs, so that a large reduction in partial
reconfiguration time is obtained. Providing this kind
of service is a must in order to attach FPGA resources
in cloud infrastructures. Nevertheless, more in-depth
research is required to provide a virtual machine mon-
itor able to manage the reconfigurable capabilities on
FPGA devices.
The closest research to our vision is the HAR-
NESS (Hardware- and Network-Enhanced Soft-
ware Systems for Cloud Computing) European FP7
project (HARNESS FP7 project, 2013). The objec-
tive of this project is to develop an enhanced PaaS
with access to a variety of computational, communi-
cation, and storage resources. The application con-
sists of a set of components that can have multiple im-
plementations. Then, an application can be deployed
in many different ways over the resources obtaining
different cost, performance and usage characteristics.
However, for the time being no framework proposal
nor proof-of concept has been published yet.
In this section we describe an heterogeneous architec-
ture for building on-demand infrastructure services on
Clouds systems. The architecture attempts to address
the challenges of deploying an infrastructure as a ser-
vice (IaaS) on a private datacenter in which FPGA
devices are considered as computational virtual re-
sources. The virtual FPGAs are computing resources
managed by the system together with the virtual ma-
chines running on CPUs. To be more precise, FPGA
devices are used as accelerators for some codes to be
run. In the remainder of this section, we describe the
main characteristics of the proposal.
First of all, some arrangements must be fixed to
orchestrate the physical computational components
(CPUs, FPGAs and GPUs) of the proposed infrastruc-
ture. This proposal is based on uniform nodes com-
posed of heterogeneous resources, as shown in Fig-
ure 1. Each node is composed of at least one CPU,
and some extra COTS components can be included,
which means that a FPGA on its own cannot be a
compute node and every node must be provided with
a CPU resource. The CPU of a node accesses and
controls the task assigned to the accelerators. There-
fore, a physical connection is required between the
VM running on the CPU and the COTS.
Secondly, in order to support the heterogeneous cloud
IaaS, some extra functionalities must be provided by
the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM). The VMM is
in charge of the deployment of VMs, and monitor-
ing and controlling their state. Hence, since a mech-
anism is required to manage the heterogeneous archi-
tecture, our proposal makes use of a Hardware Ac-
celerator Manager (HAM). HAM is an independent
open-source component that makes use of the func-
tionality of the VMM and extends it by providing
the management of accelerators, namely, FPGAs and
GPUs. When a user requests the use of the cloud in-
frastructure, HAM is in charge of deploying the clus-
ter infrastructure, for example, for a Hadoop appli-
cation (Apache, 2013), to run on it. This also in-
cludes the proper configuration of the accelerators so
that they can be effectively exploited by the VMs. So,
the system has different states which include the set-
up state and the running one. To be more precise, in
the mentioned case, during the set-up state, HAM de-
ploys the master VM together with the worker VMs
required to attend the request of the user on time.
As the integration of GPUs into a virtual infraes-
tucture has already been addressed and even ofered
by some Cloud providers (i.e.,Amazon), we will fo-
cus on the description on the integration of FPGAs.
3.1 Overall Description
In our system, we propose that the users use FPGAs
to execute certain tasks as hardware acceleration mod-
ules integrating FPGAs as part of a private cloud. In
general, the Hardware Acceleration Manager controls
the communication and full processing of preparing
and deploying hardware / software elements.
A general view of the proposed architecture is
shown in Figure 1. Our system is composed of two el-
ements, namely a Hardware Accelerator Manager
(HAM) and a Catalog. On one hand, HAM is respon-
sible of receiving requests from clients and deploying
virtual hardware/software acceleration elements.
Figure 1: Arquitecture Overview.
HAM is supported by the Catalog, which consists
of a set of files where all the meta-data and informa-
tion about software, hardware, bitstream files, hosts,
IP address, FPGA resources are stored, that is, the in-
formation stored in the Catalog consists of the state
of the resources and the code of all the tasks loaded
in the system up to now. Note that the repository of
bitstreams is not fixed and can be increased over time.
HAM will access this information when needed.
HAM is implemented as a software component
which uses the functionalities of a Virtual Machine
Manager (VMM) to monitor and deploy virtual in-
frastructures. It also harnesses the Intel VT-d tech-
nology support within the hypervisor to communicate
hardware and software through the PCIe host port.
By using HAM, users will be able to execute jobs
that can be partitioned into simple tasks, which can
be implemented as hardware modules into an FPGA
device, and other tasks which will be deployed in vir-
tual CPUs. To illustrate the use of our architecture,
let us assume that a user wants to run an application
based on matrix-vector multiplication. Firstly, HAM
processes the request from the user and tries to sup-
ply the virtual infrastructure required to run the matrix
multiplication. To be more precise, HAM searches for
efficient resources, including virtual machines with
FPGA accelerators. Then, the system provides the
user with the list of available resources, including the
corresponding FPGA IDs. HAM is responsible for
preparing and deploying the virtual environment to
process the request. Focusing on the FPGA acceler-
ator, deploying the virtual infrastructure consists on
providing access to the resource by using the Intel
VT-d technology and loading the multiplication bit-
stream file in the FPGA. The multiplication bitstream
file can be provided by the user or loaded from the
Catalog. When the virtual infrastructure is success-
fully created, the system sends the data (matrix to be
multiplied) and waits for the results. Finally, the re-
sults are sent back to the user. Also, the multiplication
bitstream file can be stored in the Catalog so that it is
available for future use.
HAM uses four modules (referred to as Con-
trollers) to provide full deployment of virtual acceler-
ation elements in the cloud environment. HAM Con-
trollers will be described next.
In this section, we discuss the details of each part of
the HAM architecture focusing on the integration of
FPGAs as accelerators. The key software controllers
in HAM are depicted in Figure 2, and are the follow-
Figure 2: Hardware Accelerator Manager (HAM) Con-
The Catalog Controller (CC) keeps the dataset
of the Catalog Module updated.
The Bitstream Controller (BC) is in charge of
programming the FPGA, so that a given task can
be executed on it.
The Virtual Infrastructure Controller (VIC)
deploys the virtual infrastructure required by an
The Job Mapper Controller (JMC) interacts
with the user and controls the execution of the
tasks in the resource of the system.
When a request arrives, the Job Mapper Controller
analyzes the state of the system by consulting the Cat-
alog and supplies different options to the user. Then,
the user will select the best computational resources
C.C. Catalog VMM
Host with FPGA Request
Send back hosts with FPGA
Bitstream files Info
Bitstream files available
Update Catalog
Figure 3: Catalog Controller.
suitable for running his/her application and the Vir-
tual Infrastructure Controller will go ahead with the
set-up of the infrastructure. This controller will be
in charge of the deployment of the virtual resources
and will interact with the Bitstream Controller each
time an FPGA is required as computational resource.
After the set-up, the tasks of the application will be
executed on the provided resources. At the end of the
execution, the Job Mapper Controller will collect the
results and will send them to the user.
A more detailed description of the functionality
and the interaction of the controllers with the envi-
ronment (the Catalog, the VMM, FPGAs,...) is given
next. Note that to get a clear explanation only one
VM and one FPGA accelerator are considered in the
following description, in spite of the fact that HAM is
able to manage all the datacenter resources.
The Catalog Controller (CC) charge of monitor-
ing available hardware/software resources and updat-
ing the Catalog. Figure 3 shows a sequence diagram
illustrating the functionality of this controller. Re-
quests to the Virtual Machine Manager (step 1) are
used to collect all the information about FPGAs, bit-
stream files and Virtual Machines. This information
is then collected and transferred to the Catalog (step
3). Also, the Catalog Controller is used to register
new bitstream files corresponding to new computa-
tional resources being accelerated (step 5).
The Bitstream Controller (BC) is responsible
for programming FPGAs with bitstream files, as
shown Figure in 4. The mechanism used to pro-
gram FPGAs consists of transferring the bitstream file
to a host with an associated FPGA (which is known
through a query to the Catalog, steps 1 and 2) via ssh
(step 3). Each host with an associate FPGA contains
a FPGA driver, which is used to program the FPGA
device (step 4).
The Virtual Infrastructure Controller (VIC) is
responsible for preparing and deploying the virtual
environment which will be used to communicate the
software (i.e., the application running in the virtual
bitstream request
Searching Info
FPGA, bitstream,host
SSH host and send bitstream file
Load bitstream file
Configure Successful
Configure Successful
Figure 4: Bitstream Controller.
CPU) with the hardware accelerator. For example, for
a Hadoop application, a cluster composed of several
VMs will be deployed. Figure 5 depicts how this con-
troller works. First of all, the Virtual Infrastructure
Controller uses the Catalog Controller to collect all
the necessary information to deploy a virtual environ-
ment (step 1). For example, a template which con-
tains a definition of a Virtual Machine, the host name
which contains the FPGA device associated, FPGA Id
device and finally the PCIe port information.
The Virtual Machine Manager is used then to cre-
ate a virtual machine (step 3) and then, when the vir-
tual machine has been successfully created (step 5),
the controller uses an “attach” functionality (steps 6
and 7) to create the access between the virtual ma-
chine (software) and the FPGA (hardware). Finally,
the full system (composed of both the software and
the hardware) is started up and ready to use (step 9).
It is important to clarify that the Intel VT-d tech-
nology (Intel, 2013) is used to communicate virtual
machines and FPGA hardware because, it allows an
important improvement on the performance achieved
by accessing I/O devices in virtualized environment.
Finally, The Job Mapper Controller (JMC is re-
sponsible for the management of data sharing, moni-
toring the execution of jobs and sending files and re-
ports to the clients. Additionally, it also makes use
of an efficient scheduling algorithm to assign task to
resources. This algorithm must have into account the
requirements of the client applications, the available
hardware accelerator resources and the state of the
CPUs. The main characteristic that enable job accel-
eration is that data should be allowed to be partitioned
among the available computing resources (i.e., CPU
and FPGA) and be processed independently in order
to improve performance. When the Job Mapper Con-
troller (JMC) receives a job from a client, it adds the
job to the global scheduler queue. Then, the Catalog
Controller (CC) is consulted to discover the FPGA
Searching Info
Valid Data
Create VM
VM Successful
Attach PCI Device
Attach Successful
host, FPGA, VM Info
Create VM
Create VM
Attach device
VM Start
Start VM
Start VM
VM Ready
Update Catalog FPGA,VM
Update Successful
Figure 5: Virtual Infrastructure Controller.
Info Request VM,SW
Seraching Info
VM, SW Info
SSH, send SW
SSH, send Data In
Data In
Data Out
Data Out
Figure 6: Job Mapper Controller.
resources available on where the data related to the
job reside, to split the job into tasks, and to distribute
these tasks according to the resources and data avail-
ability at each FPGA. These process is depicted in
figure 6. The Catalog Controller (CC) is used by the
Job Mapper Controller to retrieve information relative
to previously deployed software application and vir-
tual machine identification, which users can use (step
1). The Catalog sends back the necessary information
identification for preparing software acceleration el-
ements. Then, the job is transferred to the allocated
Virtual Machine (step 3) through ssh. The applica-
tion (bitstream file) programmed into the FPGA is de-
signed to receive a stream of data as ”input” as shown
in (step 5) the (Data-In). Next, the FPGA processes
data and, when the results are ready, the FPGA sends
back a stream containing data results as ”output” (step
8). Finally, the JMC sends the results to the user.
We envision a heterogeneous cloud infrastructure ar-
chitecture in which accelerators such as FPGAs and
GPUs are used to reduce the power consumption of
the datacenter. This will be possible when they get
significantly easier to interact with. Hence, in this
work an open-source IaaS architecture has been de-
scribed focused on providing FPGA accelerators as
easy-to-use virtual resources.
The future work will mainly consist on imple-
menting the proposed architecture. As a matter of
fact, a preliminary prototype built on top of the
OpenNebula (Moreno-Vozmediano et al., 2012) Vir-
tual Machine Manager is near to completion. Next,
the focus will be placed on the problem of effective
resource scheduling, addressing the issue of FPGA
sharing among different virtual machines running in
the same node.
Also, the feasibility of exploiting standard Single
Root-I0 Virtualization (SR-IOV) (Intel LAN Access
Division, 2011), which allows a PCIe device to ap-
pear as multiple virtual devices that can be accessed
by a guest making use of VM passthrough will also
be explored.
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