Teaching Mathematics in Online Courses
An Interactive Feedback and Assessment Tool
Edgar Seemann
Furtwangen University, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany
Online Courses, Mathematics, Assessment, Grading, Teaching, Tutoring.
Online courses often require students to work self-dependently using books or video material. For abstract
subjects such as mathematics this is particularly challenging. To improve student motivation and learning
results, we propose an interactive feedback and assessment tool tailored to math exercises. Our system is
able to process and analyze mathematical expressions using an underlying computer algebra system. It allows
teachers to create exercises with a much wider range of question types as it is possible with today’s learning
management systems, which are mostly restricted to multiple choice questions. We can provide automatic
individual feedback to students for almost any kind of mathematical exercise. Thus, making it easier for
students to practice and study math in a self-dependent manner.
Mathematics is the foundation of every engineering
discipline. That is why teachers want students to
reach a certain level of mathematical understanding.
Meaning, that they should be able to apply learned
techniques to new problems or even real world prob-
There is a consensus among teachers, that in or-
der to master mathematical problem solving, students
need to practice.They need to practice calculation
methods e.g. how to compute the derivative for a cer-
tain type of function. And they need multiple exam-
ples to internalize the underlying ideas and to be able
to generalize a technique to other tasks or settings.
In on-campus university classes students try to
solve exercise problems and get feedback and assis-
tance from their teachers or teaching assistants. Pro-
viding adequate feedback is one of the most impor-
tant steps in the learning process. Without it, students
often internalize incorrect rules or develop incorrect
notions of mathematical problems and methods.
This feedback is ideally immediate or at least pro-
vided in a timely manner. Students need to be encour-
aged with positive feedback, if they solved a problem
correctly. And they need to be made aware of mis-
takes as soon as possible. Note that this does not nec-
essarily mean that step by step instructions are pro-
vided for each exercise. The teacher should be able to
control the complexity of the exercises and the granu-
larity of feedback to foster deep learning without frus-
trating the students.
For online courses this poses a particular chal-
lenge. On the one hand, communication between the
teacher and students is still and always will be more
difficult than in a face-to-face conversation (even
though virtual classroom software is improving). On
the other hand, the communication is, to greater ex-
tent, asynchronous.
Online courses are often taught through a series of
videos combined with a discussion forum. Feedback
to student questions is therefore typically delayed by
hours or days. Live virtual classroom sessions typi-
cally only take place at the beginning or the end of
larger learning units. Finally, with the advent of Mas-
sive Open Online Courses (MOOC) the teacher to stu-
dent ratio makes individual feedback a challenge.
Without appropriate communication and feedback
many students fail to achieve the required skills. In
fact, the success rate for online courses is in most
cases considerably below success rates of on-campus
courses with a comparable student body. In (Collins,
2013) and (Thrun, 2013) the difference in success rate
is as large 40% for an online course compared to the
respective on-campus class in spring 2013.
In order to improve teaching of mathematical
problem solving skills in online courses, we believe it
is necessary to provide meaningful, individual feed-
back to every student, no matter whether there are 30
or 30000 students in a class. Learning management
Seemann E..
Teaching Mathematics in Online Courses - An Interactive Feedback and Assessment Tool.
DOI: 10.5220/0004939204150420
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 415-420
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
software e.g. (Moodle, 2013; OLAT, 2013) provides
interactive (self-)tests, which allow students to prac-
tice and evaluate their skills. Thus, obtaining feed-
back on their learning progress. Unfortunately, giv-
ing automatic feedback for mathematical exercises is
difficult. Responses may not only involve numeric
values, but expressions may also include functions or
mathematical sets which have many equivalent repre-
sentations (e.g. x(x +1) is equivalent to x
+x). These
mathematic expressions cannot be handled properly
by state-of-the-art learning management systems.
For a meaningful feedback an interactive learning
tool needs to better “understand” these mathemati-
cal expressions. As a first step in this direction we
therefore propose an automatic feedback and evalua-
tion system tailored to mathematical exercises. Our
system leverages existing computer algebra software
in order to evaluate student responses and to provide
immediate individual feedback. It allows teachers to
easily create custom content with the granularity of
feedback of their choice.
With the automatic feedback functionality turned
off, the system can also be used for efficient assess-
ment and grading of large numbers of students.
In abstract subjects such as mathematics feedback
plays an important role in the learning process. While
self-studying from a book or video is important, stu-
dents require much more support compared to facts-
based subjects (e.g. history).
Traditionally, this support is to a large extent
provided through face-to-face communication with
teachers, teaching assistants or fellow students. When
teaching online, we need to replace this valuable form
of feedback using different means.
2.1 Virtual Classrooms
Virtual classroom software has gained widespread ac-
ceptance in recent years. Universities use commer-
cial services like Adobe Connect or Google Helpouts
for live sessions between students and teachers. Vir-
tual classroom software provides real-time audio and
video communication. With the included whiteboard
and screen sharing capabilities this setup can mimic
the lecture style of large on-campus lectures. That is,
a professor is explaining and students are listening.
Student questions in these virtual classrooms are
often tedious due to organizational issues (who is al-
lowed to talk at which point?) and technical problems
(microphone setup, network delays etc.). More over,
the software or network often only allows for a lim-
ited number of participants. When groups are small,
virtual classroom can, however, be a decent tool to
provide feedback. Particularly, since touchscreens of
today’s notebooks and tablets make it easy to write
mathematical equations and formulas.
2.2 Forums
Forums are another popular tool for online learning.
Communication is asynchronous and thus does not
provide immediate feedback. Students may ask a
question and a member of the teaching staff responds
later on. While in some cases this might result in stu-
dents working harder to solve a problem all by them-
selves, the delayed feedback often also disrupts and
postpones the learning process.
Forums require the teaching staff to spend a large
amount of time formulating written answers to stu-
dent questions, which is tedious and does not scale
well to large amount of students.
2.3 Learning Management and
Tutoring Systems
Existing learning management systems e.g. (Moo-
dle, 2013; OLAT, 2013) and tutoring systems e.g.
(Koedinger and Corbett, 2006; Melis and Siekmann,
2004) offer the functionality to create electronic ex-
ercise sheets. This allows students to practice and to
obtain immediate feedback to their solutions. These
systems may also display context-sensitive informa-
tion, hints and instruction to guide students towards
reasonable next steps.
LMS: Learning Management Systems. Gener-
ally, teachers are required to reformulate mathemat-
ical problems in a way, that is supported by the LMS.
That is, in order to allow automatic feedback, exer-
cises have been in the form of multiple choice or fixed
answer questions.
Since these systems do not understand mathemat-
ical expressions and their equivalent representations
it is impossible to use more complex expressions as a
solution. Exercise questions allowing free-text fields
are of course possible, but they require manual inter-
vention, which leads to a delayed feedback.
Overall, current LMS limit the selection of possi-
ble exercises considerably, which is why most math
teachers avoid using these systems.
ITS: Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In the context
of this paper, we divide intelligent tutoring systems
into two categories. One category of systems focuses
on building student profiles while observing student
performance in online tests and provides hints for
the learner on its personal weaknesses and strengths
(Schiaffino et al., 2008; Cheung et al., 2003),. These
systems often build upon simple multiple choice and
fixed answer questions and aggregate their results.
They can tell a student e.g., that she/he has made
many mistakes in the exercises on a certain topic.
However, these systems cannot deal with mathemati-
cal expressions.
The other category focuses on domain specific
problems. In the area of mathematics, there exist a
number of these tutoring systems (Beal et al., 1998;
Melis et al., 2009; Koedinger and Corbett, 2006). To
our knowledge none of these systems leverage capa-
bilities of symbolic mathematics software to support
students. In fact, most of these systems focus on early
high school level maths.
It is often hard for teachers to develop their own
content for existing intelligent tutor systems. In fact,
very few systems have detailed instructions on how
to do this and in many cases programming skills are
required. The Carnegie Cognitive Authoring Tools
(Aleven et al., 2006) e.g. require authors to know Java
or Adobe Flash. This is certainly one of the reasons,
why the adoption of intelligent tutoring systems has
been rather disappointing.
As pointed out in the sections above today’s learn-
ing management systems are not prepared to deal with
mathematical exercises.
The system proposed in this paper tries to combine
interactive exercises with the capabilities of compute
algebra systems. Our goal is to build a practice and
assessment tool which is capable of “understanding”
mathematical expressions and as a result give mean-
ingful feedback and assistance to the students. Our
system allows teachers to use a much wider range of
exercise and question types as it is currently possible.
Contrary to many tutoring systems, we aim for
math problems in general and do not want to restrict
ourselves to a certain subdomain (e.g. dealing with
fractions). That is, whether high school teachers want
to design exercises to train the expansion of simple
mathematical expressions or if university professors
design exercises to solve differential equations, the
capabilities of the underlying mathematical software
should allow to provide meaningful feedback. More
over, We want to make it simple for teachers to de-
velop their own content without programming skills
(see section 3.1).
3.1 Example Exercise
To get a better understanding of how the proposed
system works, we present a short example exercise.
We show how an exercise may be defined by the
teacher and how the system reacts to user input. The
technical details on how an appropriate user feedback
is accomplished will be explained in subsequent sec-
Questions are displayed in a modern web-based
user interface. Input fields allow students to enter
their solutions and an appropriate feedback is returned
once response has been submitted. In Figure 1 a stu-
dent has provided an incorrect answer. Obviously
he/she computed the derivative of numerator and de-
nominator independently and the system displays the
feedback directly below the input.
Figure 1: A hint is displayed if the provided solution is in-
If a correct solution is entered, the input field
turns green. Optionally, an exercise may yield points.
Points may be used as a motivation or for grading pur-
poses (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Correct solutions are marked green.
Finally, since the system recognizes mathematical
equivalences, the user may input a different represen-
tation of the solution. In the above example the rel-
atively complicated formula is, in fact, nothing else
than the constant function 1 for values of x 6= 1 (see
Figure 3).
Note that the system could also display additional
feedback for correct but overly complicated solutions.
Figure 3: Equivalent solutions are recognized by the under-
lying symbolic math software.
Thus, hinting the student to a quicker way of solving
the exercise.
Content Creation. Writing custom exercises is in-
spired by the syntax of markdown (Gruber, 2004),
which has become quite popular in recent years. We
use a relatively simple text format, with some con-
trol characters. The text format is later translated to
A new exercise is created by starting a line with
three question marks followed by the title. Question
text may contain LaTeX-style formulas (see below).
LaTeX is still the most common format for defining
math exercise sheets and teachers are familiar with it.
Since specifying a solution requires the definition
of multiple values and properties, we opted for XML-
syntax. A field-tag defines the expected solution
type. In the example below this is a symbolic math
value, i.e. a function, with the variable x. Embedded
—answer—-tags define the behaviour depending on
different user inputs. In the case below, the input of
the value 1 results in returning points for the correct
answer. The input 2x results in a customized feedback
for the incorrect answer.
??? Derivatives
a) Compute the derivative of the function
$f(x)=\frac{xˆ2-1}{x-1}$ for $x\neq 1$
<field:symbolic var="x">
<answer="1" points="2">
<answer="2x" feedback="Note that f(x)
is a quotient. Use quotient rule or
transform the function.">
3.2 Solution Types of Mathematical
In order to allow teachers to use a wide range of
different math exercises in an e-learning system, we
need to be able to represent their respective solutions.
In the following, we want to discuss the most common
types of solutions for mathematical exercises. We will
also point out the difficulties of representing and han-
dling these solutions in an e-learning system.
Numbers. Numbers are probably the most com-
mon solution type for a math exercise. Even simple
numbers have different ways of representation, which
need special treatment in an e-learning system. The
number 0.75 e.g. may be represented by the fraction
. If we want to allow students to enter either form,
the e-learning system has to be aware of these rep-
resentations. We also have to take care of irrational
numbers like square roots or logarithms (e.g.
One could argue that results could be restricted to
rounded decimal numbers. Many teachers, however,
prefer students to be able to solve exercises without
a calculator. Solving a quadratic equation e.g. may
easily lead to an irrational result, thus requiring a cal-
culator to obtain a decimal representation.
Vectors and Matrices. For vector computations,
we need to represent both matrices and vectors. In
fact, since each entry in a vector or a matrix is a num-
ber, we also have to be aware of number representa-
tions as described above.
Intervals. Inequations often lead to number inter-
vals as a solution. The inequation x
4 < 0 e.g. has
all numbers between 2 and 2 as a solution. Intervals
are essentially a pair of numbers with additional in-
formation of whether the interval is open or closed at
the respective boundary.
Sets. Sets are unordered lists of numbers, which be-
long to a solution. The simplest example is the solu-
tion of a quadratic equation. The equation x
1 = 0
e.g. has the solutions 1 and 1.
Both sets and intervals can be combined using
union, intersection or complement operators.
Functions. Exercises may also yield functions as a
solution, e.g. when a derivative needs to be computed.
There are many different possibilities to represent the
same function, e.g. x(x + 1) is equivalent to x
+ x.
An e-learning system needs symbolic calculation ca-
pabilities to deal with these.
Geometry and Proofs. Finally, some exercises re-
quire students to sketch a geometric object or graph.
Others require them to proof a mathematic property.
Both of these two types are out of scope of this paper.
In the following we will discuss how user input may
be verified leveraging the capabilities of existing math
software. From the results obtained by this software,
we generate a meaningful feedback for the students.
4.1 Computer Algebra Software
Mathematical software packages have become ex-
tremely capable. Tools like Maple or Matlab (Maple-
soft, 2013; MathWorks, 2013) are widespread in
academia. They are capable of manipulating mathe-
matical expressions (e.g. solving an equation). While
these are also great tools to be used independently of
an e-learning system, they essentially require users to
learn a programming language. In some cases this is
more difficult for students than learning the mathe-
matics itself.
We therefore hide this complexity from the user
and do the manipulation of the user input transpar-
ently in the backend of our system.
4.2 “Understanding” Mathematical
Verification of user input depends on the solution type
of an exercise. As we have seen in section 3.2 math
exercises may have various different types of answers.
In the following, we will show how to verify answers
for these different types.
Numbers. While numbers have different represen-
tations, we can compare them by their values. In our
implementation this is accomplished by subtracting
the number provided by the student from the actual
In Matlab this can be expressed with the following
code, which is executed when students submit their
1 i sCor re ct = 0;
2 di ff = abs ( input - s ol ut io n ) ;
3 if ( diff < e ps i l o n ) is Co rr ec t = 1;
Using the absolute value makes sure that we ob-
tain a positive number for the difference. Note that
number representations in a computer are never ex-
act due to the limited number of bits available. Con-
sequently, the difference of floating point numbers
should never be compared to 0, but rather we need
to make sure, that the difference is smaller than a cer-
tain epsilon. This also accommodates for rounding er-
rors. In our implementation, we use an epsilon value
of 0.001.
Vectors and Matrices. In order to compare matri-
ces, we essentially have to compare the numbers for
the corresponding rows and columns. Fortunately
mathematic software makes this comparison easy. In
fact, when using Matlab we can even avoid imple-
menting nested loops.
1 i sC or re ct = 0;
2 d if fm at ri x = ab s (i n put - s o l u t io n ) ;
3 m ax i mu m = max (m a x ( d i ff ma tr ix )) ;
4 if ( max imum < e ps il on ) i sC or re ct = 1;
Note that we compute the difference matrix and
then find the global maximum of rows and columns in
the matrix. If this maximum is smaller then epsilon,
the matrices are considered equal.
Intervals. Intervals are described by their endpoints
and information of whether these are included in the
interval or not. The interval (1, 3] e.g. includes all
numbers between 1 and 3 excluding the number 1,
but including 3.
To compare intervals, we need to parse the ex-
pression. First we look for the type of parentheses
or brackets. Then, we split the left and right and end-
points. Two intervals are considered equivalent, when
their brackets match and when their endpoint numbers
are identical with respect to the criteria described in
paragraph 4.2.
Sets. Sets are unsorted lists of numbers. For veri-
fication, we sort the numbers to obtained an ordered
list. This ordered list can now be handled in the same
manner as a vector.
An implementation using MATLAB could look
like this:
1 i sC or re ct = 0;
2 d if fv ec to r = ab s ( sort ( inp ut )- so rt ( sol ut io n ) ) ;
3 m ax i mu m = max (m a x ( d i ff ve ct or )) ;
4 if ( max imum < e ps il on ) i sC or re ct = 1;
Functions. Comparing function representations is
the most difficult among the presented solution types.
We need to manipulate the provided expressions to
make them match.
Given a user input of x(x+1) and a solution x
we need to expand the input expression in order to al-
low a proper comparison. A straight forward expan-
sion is not always sufficient to compare two symbolic
expressions. In many cases, we have to do further
simplifications, either for the user input and or the so-
It might e.g. be necessary to simplify logarithms,
exponentials or radicals. In such a manner, we can
simplify an expression like
to e
. The algorith-
mic implementation details to perform these manip-
ulations are described in (Fateman, 1972). They are
readily available in state-of-the-art computer algebra
In our implementation, we use the math software
Maxima (Schelter, 2013) to do symbolic calculations.
We compare function representations using the fol-
lowing code lines:
1 di ff ( x ) := in put (x ) - so lu ti on (x );
2 s im pl if ie d ( x ) := r ad c an ( diff (x )) ;
3 r e su lt (x ) := exp and ( s i m p l i f ie d ( x )) ;
Finally, we check whether the resulting function
result(x) equals to zero.
In this paper, we have shown how an interactive feed-
back and assessment system tailored to math exer-
cises can be implemented. The proposed system
provides meaningful immediate feedback to students
while practicing math. Thus, allowing them to bet-
ter learn on their own without requiring human assis-
tance in the form of a teacher. This helps to alleviate
some of the frustrations student encounter when deal-
ing with mathematic problem solving and is particu-
larly important for online courses.
We leverage the capabilities of existing math soft-
ware packages to analyze user input and to decide
which feedback to generate. Thus, making the system
a general math tool, where exercises may range form
simple high school math to university level calculus
and algebra.
For teachers, the system allows the use of a much
wider variety of question types compared to stan-
dard e-learning systems, which are mostly restricted
to simple multiple choice questions. It is easy for
teachers to create their own exercises. Contrary to
most tutoring systems no special programming skills
are required. Exercises may be defined in a simple
text format where formulas may be entered with the
familiar LaTeX syntax.
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