3.5 Data Storage
Data storage component implements long-term stor-
age of information related to all entities managed by
the platform. It is based on MongoDB (MongoDB,
2013), a document-oriented database system. Native
support for JSON data structures with dynamic
schemas proved to be useful during the platform
development. The data storage also relies on GridFS
feature of MongoDB for storing job data and other
The paper presented Everest, a cloud platform that
supports development and hosting of computational
web services. In comparison with existing work,
Everest has a number of novel features such as the
use of PaaS model, flexible binding of services with
externally provisioned computing resources and
remotely accessible API. While the platform doesn’t
provide its own infrastructure to run compute jobs as
classic PaaS examples, it can handle the problems of
resource allocation, job management, data transfer
and so on without the interference of users.
Everest is work in progress. The platform is cur-
rently undergoing experimental evaluation and pilot
deployment. The results of this work and application
case studies will be presented in future publications.
Future work will also address remaining gaps in
platform’s functionality and other challenges, such
as development of programming APIs, supporting
service composition, implementation of job schedul-
ing mechanism enabling binding of multiple re-
sources to a service, integration with grid infrastruc-
tures, and optimization of data transfer for services
handling large amounts of data.
The work is supported by the Russian Foundation
for Basic Research (grant No. 14-07-00309 А).
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