Acceptation of a Demand-response Enabling Technology for using
Electricity at Home upon a Simulated Marketing Campaign
Role of Sociodemographic Variables and Prior Energy Behaviors, in Tandem with
Expectations and Attitudes Formed to the Message Target
Maria São João Breda
and Marta Lopes
Institute of Cognitive Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Coimbra,
R. Colégio Novo, 3001-802 Coimbra, Portugal
Dept. of Environment, ESAC - Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, 3045-601 Coimbra, Portugal
INESC Coimbra, Rua Antero de Quental 199, 3000-033 Coimbra, Portugal
Keywords: Technology-acceptation, Attitudes to Technology, Socio-demographic Factors, Energy Behaviors.
Abstract: The present work addresses the usefulness of IT acceptance frameworks for studying consumers’
adoption intentions upon learning of a new technology described as affording demand-response and
energy conservation at home. A survey study was conceived which relied on the exposure of
respondents to a marketing campaign for this technology. In preceding steps Theory of Planned
Behavior and Technology Acceptance Unified Theory were applied to adequately model and test
predictive relations upon intention to adopt that technology and upon expectation of remaining with
known methods that compete with the technology, with a Partial Least Squares structural modeling
approach. Results suggest that the frameworks are useful for predicting intention to adopt this type of
technology. Especially important predictors were Effort Expectancy, Social Factors and Positive Attitudes.
Given validation of the nomological network, the goal is to comprehensively integrate differences in
adoption across socio-demographic strata and tied to consumers’ energy behaviors with the structural
network linking IT predictors to dependents.
The present work complements a study on the
applicability of Information Technology (IT)
acceptance models Theory of Planned Behavior
(TPB) (Fishbein and Ajzen, 2005) and Unified
Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
(UTAUT) (Venkatesh et al., 2003) to the
understanding of residential consumers’ response, in
terms of intention to adopt a technological proposal
for energy efficiency and for demand-response to
dynamic tariffs, in the context of a simulated
marketing campaign. Empirical support for the
applicability and usefulness of these frameworks for
predictive purposes was obtained from questionnaire
data, i.e., from self-reported perceptions of the
message conveyed in the campaign, through
building and testing measurement and structural
models which model adoption intention, and
expectation of continuing to use known methods
alternative to the technology, as a function of a set of
expectations, attitudes, affect and social factors.
Two alternative models were developed and
tested, differing in the operationalization of attitude.
The dependent variables were intention to adopt
and expectation of remaining with known methods
that compete with the technology. Predictors
contemplated positive and negative attitudes
(bidimensionality), performance and effort
expectancies, social factors, and perceived behavior
The present study draws on positive evidence on
the usefulness of the nomological network with its
associated blocks of indicator variables, and
inspects the role of consumer variables, e.g. socio-
demographic and prior energy behaviors, posited to
work in tandem with the cognitive-affective ones.
Gender and age have been found to draw associated
differences in adoption intention for technology in
workplace in the United States. Are they to be found
in regard to this particular technology, in a
Breda M. and Lopes M..
Acceptation of a Demand-response Enabling Technology for using Electricity at Home upon a Simulated Marketing Campaign - Role of Sociodemograp-
hic Variables and Prior Energy Behaviors, in Tandem with Expectations and Attitudes Formed to the Message Target .
DOI: 10.5220/0004941902960304
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2014), pages 296-304
ISBN: 978-989-758-025-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Portuguese sample? If so, is the structural model
proposed also useful to understand or represent
processes whereby such adoption differences build
across groups of respondents, or are these
independent effects (via other social, cognitive
and/or behavioral processes)? If they are not
independent, do the predictors and structural links in
the model convey groups’ differences (mediating
effect), or is it necessary to differentiate the
importance of specific predictors according to
groups of respondents (moderation effects)?
Energy behaviors are an important subject matter
in sustainability studies (Lopes et al., 2012). In light
of the concept of “Intelligent efficiency” (Elliott et
al., 2012) energy behaviors become challenged by
becoming more involved with technology systems.
This is increased with the ‘Smart grid’, and Demand
Response initiatives, (Santacana et al., 2010). These
behaviors belong to multiple types (Black et al.,
1985); (Stern, 2000) e.g., investment in efficient
equipment and whether and how they may impact
the willingness to acquire or use automating
technology is unknown. Prior energy behaviors of
respondents are likely to affect their acceptation
intention but they may do so through different
processes represented in alternative attitude-
behavior or behavior-attitude theories. Moreover
given the multiplicity of energy behaviors and their
potential similitude to one or the other conative
variables (adoption intention; expectation to remain
with known methods), various hypotheses are
Energy behaviors involving technology, similar
in that regard to adoption intention, may enhance
positive attitude towards adoption, according to
behavior-attitude theory, and thus promote intention
to adopt. Alternatively, behaviors similar to
adoption may strengthen certain heuristic processing
such that considerations on the cost or easiness of
behavior enactment rather than the considerations on
outcomes probabilities become more salient
(Kidwell & Jewell, 2008).
The Attitude-behavior concepts pertaining to TPB
(Fishbein and Ajzen, 2005) have been successfully
applied in multiple behavioral domains (Armitage
and Christian, 2003), including the energy realm
when expanded with personal norm (Abrahamse and
Steg, 2009); (Gadenne et al., 2011) pro-
environmental behavior (Oreg and Katz-Gerro,
2011), as well as IT acceptation in the workplace
(Taylor and Todd, 1995). IT acceptance studies have
highlighted the role of users’ attitudes and beliefs
about the technology as antecedents of acceptance
versus rejection, and the importance of
understanding the factors that motivate or hinder
those attitudes. Acceptance refers to the willingness
of a potential user, with some degree of choice, to
intentionally employ a technology for the purposes
or tasks it was conceived for (Dillon, 2001). A
change in measurement paradigm towards
expectations/ appraisals referring to spheres of
experience (utilitarian, experiential, and enjoyment)
underlies Technology Acceptance Model and
Decomposed TPB (Davies et al., 1989); (Bagozzi et
al., 2002). Framework for measurement of users’
perceptions and attitude by operationalization of
core constructs after revision of the literature has
been proposed by Venkatesh et al., (2003). The
UTAUT was based upon seven different models of
technology acceptance.
As a novel application of IT acceptance
literature, studying the intention or willingness to
adopt automation technology for energy efficiency,
in the context of transitioning to smart grids, and
ensuing dynamic tariff policies for demand-response
(Livengood and Larson, 2009), implied conducting a
survey, and, subsequently, modeling the adoption
response, by broadening the scope of the variables,
both the dependent variables and attitudinal ones.
Table 1 summarizes the constructs of TPB and
UTAUT in IT studies for the prediction of intention
under circumstances of little experience with the
technology, and illustrates how constructs were
operationalized in our study.
2.1 Respondents, Preceding Steps and
Respondents were 504 members from a marketing
panel from the center region of Portugal. They were
eligible to the survey if their educational level was
the 12
grade and if they paid their own electricity
bill. Sixty two percent (311) were women, age
ranged from 25 to 60 years old (mean of 33.5 and
standard deviation of 7.2); educational level was
balanced across the two levels (54% had higher
education). The sample was then randomly divided
into two halves, for exploratory factor and
confirmatory Partial Least Squares analyses (PLS).
The (future) smart grid context was presented to
respondents highlighting its purpose of efficiency,
peak reduction, and environmental protection. The
technology concept was introduced in terms of tasks
Table 1: Constructs and findings regarding TPB and UTAUT and the adapted operationalization in our survey. Adapted
from Venkatesh et al., (2003a).
to meet in demand-side initiatives and price policies.
The message and the survey followed the principles
of the Utilitarian Information and Persuasive
Communication. The survey was constituted by sets
of questions dealing with socio-demographic
information, residence and electricity consumption
and behaviors; adoption of the technology under the
current and future smart grid, anticipated feelings to
monitoring and to using automated decision aids.
Measurement and structural models’ tests were
performed with PLS path modeling, employing
SmartPLS version 2.0.3. (Ringle et al., 2006).
Adjusted models aimed at explaining dependent
variables of adoption intention (BehvIntenExpc), and
also resistance to adoption, e.g., expectations of
keeping using the methods already known to manage
electricity consumption at home
(Pessim_AltMethods). The models recognized the
bidimensionality of the attitudinal concept, making
place for positive and negative attitudes towards
adoption. Two models were developed and adjusted,
and simplified versions with only higher magnitude
path coefficients were retained. The first comprises
as predictors variables of Effort Expectancy, Social
Definition Operationalization
Operationalization adaptation for our study
“an individual’s positive or negative
feelings (evaluative affect) about
performing the target behavior”
(Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975)
Global evaluative
(cf. infra) plus Beliefs: “By adopting the
EnergyBox at home, when the Smart Grid
exists, I will contribute to the reduction of the
greenhouse effect emissions to the
environment”; “By adopting this device at
home, I will contribute to reduce the grid
consumption peaks”; “Using the EnergyBox at
home will allow me to increase the habit of
saving energy and money”
“The person’s perception that most
people who are important to him
think he should or should not
perform the behavior” (Ibid)
“People who influence
my behavior think I
should use the system”
People who are influent to me will think that I
ought to adopt this type of device”
“The perceived ease or difficulty of
performing the behavior (Ajzen,
1991); “Perception of internal or
external constraints on behavior”
(Taylor & Todd, 1995); Relates to
self-efficacy, and facilitating
conditions regarding resources, as
well as regarding the technology
“Given the resources,
the opportunities and
knowledge necessary, it
will be easy for me to
use the system”;
“Using this device will take too much time,
considering all I have to do”
“the degree to which an individual
believes that using the system will
help him or her to attain gains in
job performance”. It integrates
constructs of: perceived
usefulness (TAM), extrinsic
motivation (MM), job-fit (MPCU),
relative advantage (IDT), and
outcome expectations (SCT) .
“I would find the system
useful in my job” “Using
the system enables me
to accomplish my tasks
more quickly
At home, using a monitor to keep track of the
domestic electric consumption will allow me to
save energy and money”;At home, if I use
the Autonomous Decision aid I will probably
be able to displace the consumption to
whenever the energy is cheaper”: Even when
using the Smart Grid, I trust my own ability to
place the consumption times to whenever
electricity is cheaper or more available at
home, by myself, without the help of the
Autonomous Decision aid
“The degree of ease associated
with the use of the system
encompassing: perceived ease of
use (TAM), complexity (MPCU),
and ease of use (IDT)
“I would find the system
ease to use” “Learning
to operate the system is
easy for me”
“It will be easy to learn how to use the
EnergyBox monitor to check consumptions”;
“When adapting to the Smart Grid, it will be
easy to learn how to use the EnergyBox”
“the degree to which an ind.
perceives that important others
believe he or she should use the
new system” and relates to
constructs of: S.N. (TPB), social
factors (MPCU), and image (IDT)
“People who influence
my behavior think I
should use the system”
“People from my group of colleagues and
friends who use the EnergyBox will have a
higher social status than the ones who don’t”
towards using
Positive feelings about performing
the behavior; Reflects constructs
of: Attitude towards behavior
(TPB), Intrinsic Motivation; Affect
towards Use; and Affect.
Using the system is a
bad/ good idea” “The
system makes work
more interesting”
“Adopting the EnergyBox is a good idea”;
“Adopting the E. in a context of Smart Grid is a
wise idea”; “I will grow bored of using this type
of device”; “It will be hard for me to accept that
the Autonomous Decision aid is in charge of the
use of electricity at home”; “With the E.,
managing the expenses at home will be more
A self-generated instruction to
perform an action, “behavioral plan
making possible the achieving of a
behavioral goal” (Ajzen, 1986)
I intend to use the
system in the next ()
“I intend to be one of the first people to install
and use the device”; “I can foresee that I will
use this device as soon as it is available
“I think I will use more or less the methods I
already use, without any specific devices, in
electrical consumption
Image and Performance Expectancy, as well as two
attitudinal variables with different valences that
partially overlap conceptually with Performance
Expectancy, and are understood as a compound of
respectively, positive, and negative, affect and
expectancy, and, lastly, a variable of valuations of
outcomes of conserving electricity. The second
model (Fig 1) aimed at achieving a higher
discrimination between expectancy and attitudinal
blocks of items. It operationalized attitude as
anticipated emotions to performing behaviors
implied in the technology’s functionalities, namely,
checking on overall and detailed electricity
consumptions with a monitor; and relying on an
automated decision system to schedule and set in
functioning the equipment at home. Otherwise, it
was similar to the first model.
Estimation and evaluation of the measurement
component of the models afforded psychometrically
good measures. The two structural models displayed
adequate predictive capacity globally and upon
selected endogenous, by criteria of coefficient of
determination R
, R
change and cv-redundancy.
They converge in the pattern of results regarding
prediction of both variables. In the prediction of
Adoption Intention, three expectations factors about
spheres of experience with technology are
important: EE, S.I.; and also Positive affect
anticipated to the behaviors. In predicting
expectations of using already known methods that
are alternative to the technology, the major
explanatory factor is Negative Attitude/Negative
Affect; and Perceived Behavior Control.
3.1 Research Goals and Hypotheses
The effects of gender and age (Venkatesh et al.,
2003a; b); (Venkatesh and Morris, 2000);
(Venkatesh et al., 2000) and of prior experience with
technology, are addressed within IT acceptance
studies. They have been addressed in terms of
moderator effects, i.e., group differences in
variations in importance of the different factors or
predictors that contribute to adoption. Within the
framework of TAM (Venkatesh et al., 2003b);
(Venkatesh and Morris, 2000), it has been found that
men had their intention to adopt more closely
associated to Perceived Usefulness (a Performance
Expectancy factor); and women to Perceived Ease of
Use (Effort Expectancy variable). Under the
contingency that experience was low, Subjective
Norm was more salient for women (Venkatesh et al.,
2003b). In our study experience can only exist with
other technology, e.g. with employing other
programming devices, experience is assumed to be
low by default. Within TPB model, Venkatesh et al.,
(2000) suggested that Attitude was more important
to men, and SN and PBC more for women when
experience is low. Regarding age, it was found that
younger workers had Attitude contribute more to
adoption intention, and older workers, PBC. SN was
more important for older women (Venkatesh et al.,
3.2 Analysis and Results
Moderator analysis for gender and for age relies on
multi-group analysis (PLS_MGA), wherein our
choice was to employ the parametric approach (Keil
et al., 2000, cit in Hair et al., 2014). In the case of
age, the variable was discretized into 3 categories:
from 25 to 30 years old (212 respondents); higher
than 30 but below 41 years of age (215respondents),
and over 40 years up to 60 years of age (77
Gender (being of female as opposed to male
gender) did not have a significant impact in adoption
intention (structural path coefficient beta = -0,038;
bootstrapping asymptotic t=0,71), nor in expectation
to keep with old methods (beta= 0,067; t=1,097).
For moderation analysis, the procedure was to
perform separate estimations for each group,
followed by a modified version of a 2-independent
samples t-test, to compare path coefficients across
the 2 groups of data. T test provides the statistical
significance of the difference between the two
groups’ path estimates.
With a simplified model, retaining only one
dependent variable (Adoption Intention) we find
male respondents compared to female respondents
give higher importance to Performance Expectancy
of the technology in forming Intention to adopt
(betas for the two groups respectively of 0,205
[t=2.38] and 0.116 [t=2.01]) and in PBC (betas
respectively of 0.314 [t=3.35] and 0.134 [t=1.94]),
and female respondents’ group had higher salience
of Effort Expectancy both in forming anticipated
positive affective feelings (betas respectively of
0.47 [t=4.29] and 0.135 [t=1.47])and in Intention to
adopt (betas respectively of 0.23 [t=4.14] and 0.14
[t=1.87]). One-tail t tests of the differences were
significant at minimum at 0.05 alpha level,
exception made of EE to BehIntentAdopt at 0.1
alpha level.
Figure 1: The second structural equation model tested in explanation of the dependent variables Adoption Intention
(BehvIntenExpc), and Pessimistic expectations and expectation to employ other methods (PessimPE&AltMeth).
Age categories were compared in MG approach.
Younger than 30 compared to respondents in their
30s: a) Had higher association between PE_SG
(performance expectancy items referring to smart
grid) and Anticipated Positive Affect to behaviors
(beta_category1: 0.25 (sig); beta_ category2: 0,09
(n.s.); p value associated to t test for the difference
in path coefficients (2 tail): 0.05; but they had not
more important paths from PE_SG to Adoption
Intention; b) Maintained less association between
PBC and PE-SG (beta_category1: 0.02 (n.s.);
beta_category2: 0.27 (sig); p value of t test: 0.005; c)
Had less salient path from Pessism_AltMethod to
Intention to Adopt: (beta_category1: 0.11 (n.s.);
beta_category2: 0.25 (sig); p value of t test: 0.06.
Other differences were not quantitatively relevant. In
synthesis, significant and relevant differences
between younger respondents as compared to ones
in their 30s, were that the younger group responded
to Intention to adopting in a way that was less
consistent with their expressed intention to employ
alternative methods, and they gave less importance
to valuations of outcomes of conserving in their
expressed intention to adopt the technology.
Respondents over 40 years of age compared to
the ones in the 30s: a) Had a higher association of
PBC to Intention to Adopt (beta_category3: 0.27
(sig) against beta_category2: -0.12 (n.s.); p value of
test for the difference 2-tail: 0.003); b) Lower
importance of Anticipated Positive Affect upon
Intention to Adopt (beta_category3: 0.08 (n.s.)
against beta_category2: 0.26 (sig); p value of t test
(2 tail): 0.03); c) lower importance of Performance
Expectation (items referring to current grid) to
Anticipated Positive Affect (beta_category3: -0.01
(n.s.) against beta_category2: 0.23 (sig); p value
associated to t test: 0,002).Thus, respondents older
than 40, compared to those in their 30s, had higher
salience of PBC in Adopting Intentions, but lower
salience of Anticipated Positive Affect to the
Group differences due to educational level and
occupational field were analyzed. Educational level
assumed 2 levels: 12
grade (educ_level 1) and
higher education (educ_level2). Occupational field
was classified according to the degree of importance
of ICT technology. Importance of computers and
technology for the occupation was coded after
Portuguese occupational taxonomies (e.g., taxon of
Technology field Portuguese Inventory of
Occupational Preferences). This lead to organizing 2
categories: lower use of technological knowledge
and skill about computers, software and
programming, or higher. There was some overlap
between technology load and educational level
categories (Pearson's Phi of 0.303).
These variables were first checked regarding
their potential role as predictors of the dependent
variables, and either non-significant or extremely
low, effects were obtained. Relevant differences
among occupational level and field/technology
categories were found in path coefficients (thus
manifesting moderating roles of these variables)
statistically significant at alpha level of 0.05, in a
two tail adapted t-test. Respondents with higher
education, comparatively with those with 12
gave lower importance to Performance Expectation
in forming Adopting intentions (beta_educlevel_1:
0.21 (sig); beta_educlevel_2: 0.07 (n.s.); t test (16.66
d.f.) =2.48, p(2 tail)=0.025). Thus for educational
level, a significant and relevant effect was that the
more highly educated respondents seemed to be less
driven in their adopting considerations by
performance expectations. Respondents whose
occupation were classified as less infused with ICT
tasks and skills (category 1) displayed higher paths
between PE_SG and two other constructs. One of
these constructs was PBC, so that performance
perception depended upon the PCB significantly or
the reciprocal, whereas this is not the case with more
ICT loaded occupations (Path_Categ1: 0.22 (sig);
Path_Categ2: 0.05 (n.s.), t(21.28 d.f.)=3.86,
p(2t)=0.001). The other construct more highly linked
to PE_SG by Category-1 group was Anticipated
Positive Affect: They accorded higher importance to
PE_SG in their ratings of positive anticipated affect
to adoption. (Path_categ1: 0.18 (sig);
Path_Category2: 0.05 (n.s.), t(25.19)= 2.64;
The same former group also had more strong
negative association between Social Image and
Negative Affect (so that Social Image factors implied
the presence of more anticipated negative affect), a
link that was non-significant for the group with more
technologically loaded occupations. (Path_Categ1: -
0.30 (sig); Path_Categ2: -0.07 (n.s.); t(16.66)=3.44;
The concept of Intelligent Efficiency positions
technology and people’s energy behaviors as
integrated parts of efficient solutions, to which
accrues demand-response management as policy on
tariffs and prices, in the transition toward more
intensely digitalized grids. Energy behaviors (Black
et al., 1985) are a set of different kinds of
behaviors theorized to impact the way energy is
consumed at home and the energy consumption
outcome e.g., switching off lights in unoccupied
rooms; checking the invoice, buying efficient
equipment; performing small thermal improvements
in the house, but to those we added the use of
automation or programming for setting goals (e.g.
temperature). For 431 participants for whom a
subset of energy behaviors were jointly applicable,
self-reported frequency of these behaviors was not
highly correlated overall. Instead, a subset of
behaviors could be used to compose a consistent
formative construct, namely: buy efficient
equipment, checking invoice; switch off equipment
at button and perform small improvements in
thermal insulation of the house. Two other behaviors
(regulating ambient temperature according to
season; and employing programmer) were studied,
treated with a single indicator variable approach.
Frequency in the case of highly repetitive behaviors
controlled by specific cues may constitute habit.
Hypothesis on relations between energy
behaviors and adoption intention can be derived
from TPB in Conner and Armitage’s (Conner and
Armitage, 1998); (Armitage and Christian, 2003)
extended version with past behavior as a factor,
possibly mediated by self-identity as discussed by
Smith, Terry and Manstead (2008). If this kind of
influence predominates, different sets of energy
behaviors may be direct predictors of each of the
dependent variables. Hypotheses relating those
behaviors - when accessible to memory - to attitudes
originate from frameworks in Attitude literature
favoring the behavior–attitude link, namely self-
perception theory, under conditions where pre-
existing attitudes might not be clear nor supported
by knowledge structures (Eagly and Chaiken, 1993);
(Olson and Stone, 2005). Thus self-report of specific
sets of energy behaviors is expected to covary with
Valuation of Outcomes of Conserving, and also with
Attitudes, either in favor or counter the adoption of
the technology depending upon the behaviors’
overlap with technology use. This association may
have different causes, such as salient motives for the
behaviors, consistency effects of self-perception and
self-inference of attitude, and even possible social
desirability bias.
Distinct hypotheses on potential moderating role
of prior behaviors of a similar kind as the
dependent(s), within TPB framework, are
formulated by Kidwell and Jewell (Kidwell and
Jewell, 2008) by theorizing their role as sources of
activation of specific heuristics in the information
processing for decision. As prior experience with the
behaviors calls attention to information obtained
from experience, it is then expected to change the
importance of TPB variables upon behavior
Intention/ behavior considerations, by decreasing the
importance of Attitude (outcome probability), and
by increasing the importance of behavioral control
considerations. But, conversely, if the accessibility
to memory of sets prior behaviors is the starting
point for consumers’ inference of own attitudes to
the technology adoption, the salience of attitude
(e.g., positive attitude) in adoption considerations is
not expected to decrease for the respondents with a
high frequency of similar behaviors.
Self-ratings of frequency of a sample of energy
behaviors were part of the survey. In order for
energy behaviors to be analyzed together, they
needed to be applicable in the respondents’ home
with an identical rate (because energy behaviors
derive from activation of energy services, they are
applicable if the corresponding services are chosen
and activated by consumer at home). Groups of
respondents who indicated the behaviors as applying
were the basis for partitioning the sample of
behaviors and the sample of respondents into
subsets. For two behaviors - employing
programming devices in setting parameters for
ambient temperature for a longer time ahead and
adjust ambient temperature according to
different benchmarks in winter and in
summertime – applicability largely overlapped. A
set of other behaviors afforded a consistent
formative construct: buy efficient, checking
invoice, switch off at button and thermal
insulation. Employing a programmer is
considered the most similar behavior to Adoption,
whereas AltMethods may be more similar behaviors
such as keeping doors closed of the rooms being
heated, or switching off equipment using the
button, and checking the invoice.
4.1 Analysis and Results
In a first step, a model where each behavior is
entered as a predictor of the main dependent variable
is estimated and analyzed. In a second step, two sets
of moderating effects are checked for: the potential
moderation of Attitude upon Intention, in the present
case, Positive Affect upon Adoption Intention, and
also Negative Affect upon Pessismim_AltMethod;
and potential moderation of PBC upon Adoption
Intention, and by extension, the moderation of EE
upon Adoption Intention and Pessism_Alt Method.
Employing a programmer had a significant
relation to Effort Expectancy (0.21; t=2.26); but not
to Positive Affect, and, differently from other energy
behaviors, no association to valuation of outcomes of
conserving electricity.
Adjusting ambient temperature according to
season had a significant association with Valuations
of outcomes of conserving (0.21; t=2.72),
Performance Expectancy_CG (0.17; t=2.95).
A formative construct composed of 4 energy
behaviors - buy energetically efficient equipment;
checking invoice; switch off equipment at button;
thermal insulation of the home, displays
significant paths with Valuations of conserving and
with Performance Expectancy_CG (0.24; t=4.88);
with Effort Expectancy (0.15; t=3.20) ; with Social
Image (0.10; t=2.12), with Negative Affect to
behaviors (0.11; t=2.68);
Results of moderator analysis: Employing a
programmer: does not significantly (at alpha 0.05)
interact with Pos Affect upon Intention to Adopt
(0.10; t= 1.14); nor with Neg Affect in predicting
Pesssimis-AltMethod (-0,08; t= 1,22) although there
is a trend in that direction. The second interaction is
significant at 0.11, in a one-tail test. The latter
interaction is negative, as predicted in the
hypothesis that prior behaviors lower the importance
of attitudes to adoption considerations. But,
regarding its potential role in interaction with PBC,
there is no significant interaction, nor with Effort
Adjusting ambient temperature according to
season does not display significant interaction with
Positive affect
in prediction of Adoption Intention;
nor with Negative Affect in prediction of Alt Method.
No significant interaction exists with PBC. With EE,
however, the interaction reaches a statistically
significant coefficient of 0.196 in prediction of Alt
Method (t=2.89) which is high. Thus, with higher
behaviors of adjusting ambient temperature
seasonally there is a trend towards an increase in
importance of EE in choosing alternative methods.
Gender, age and occupational groups may differ
among each other in several aspects that potentially
impact adoption of technological solutions for
managing the use of electricity at home, and for
conserving in the current conditions, and in the
future scenario of the smart grid. Being of female, in
contrast to male, gender did not have a significant
impact in adoption intention, but it did change the
importance of considerations regarding outcomes
(performance) and behavior barriers (PBC),
lowering them, and the importance of perceptions of
ease of learning and of using the technology (EE),
increasing it.
The emphasis upon behavior control (behavioral
barriers) considerations of older respondents in
thinking about technology adoption appears as a
theme in several IT acceptance studies and also in
our study. Additionally, our results suggest that this
age group (above 40years of age) may also be less
concerned with outcome probabilities (performance)
and report less importance of hot, emotional,
thoughts around the issue of adopting.
Much younger groups (below 30s in comparison
with those in their 30s) may be less concerned with
consistency between performance expectancy i.e.,
outcome expectations and behavior control, and
more concerned with coherence between outcome
(performance) and affect to behaviors. Younger
respondents may be also less concerned with the
consistency between alternative (or competitive)
methods of managing the use of electricity.
Regarding education level, the more highly
educated respondents seemed to be less driven in
their adopting considerations by performance
expectations, compared to those with high school
education. A possible explanation is that more
highly instructed respondents may have lower
pressure to perform in reducing and controlling
energy use in their homes, and this is not the primary
motivational source of adoption; but a different
explanation is that they may require more precise
information to elaborate a perception that they can
feel as a bases for decision.
Educational and occupational groups differing in
IT knowledge do not differ in regard to the most
structural paths with higher coefficients in the
overall model: From Social Image to Anticipated
Positive Affect, and to Adoption Intention; from
Effort Expectancy to Positive Affect and to Adoption
Intentions; and from PBC to Negative Affect and to
Pessimism_Alternative Methods. The structural
model seems to hold for both groups analyzed.
However, less technologically informed respondents
had a more consistent or uniform pattern of
responses in relating Performance expectations
(outcome probabilities they express), PBC, and
positive affect to adoption behaviors, while more
instructed and technology informed respondents
have more differentiated patterns.
Energy technology acceptation takes part with
energy behaviors, e.g., conservation, monitoring,
investments, as well as the use of automation or
programming for setting goals (e.g. temperature) or
automating decision. An integrated view of energy
efficiency, under the conceptual umbrella of
Intelligent Efficiency, positions technology and
people’s energy behaviors as integrated parts of
efficient solutions, and furthermore, electrical grid
changes towards the digital grid are integral with
new market and economic policies on tariffs,
including demand-response. Hypotheses on the role
of prior energy behaviors of a similar kind as the
dependent(s), stem from their postulated role as
sources of inferences on own attitudes towards
adoption, or alternatively, as sources of activation of
specific heuristics in the information processing for
decision, by changing the importance of TPB
variables Attitude and PBC upon Intention/ behavior
considerations. But in the larger context, acceptation
of new technology is also designed to help
consumers change their energy behaviors.
Energy behaviors appear to constitute a
multifaceted construct. Prior energy behaviors are
correlated to some predictors of adoption intention,
or to alternative methods. A behavior that
presupposes automation technology (employing a
programmer) enhances EE, leading to higher
perception of ease of learning to use the new
technology, but they were not found to have a role in
attitudes, i.e. affect, nor to alter the importance of
(positive or negative) attitudes/affect and behavior
control, upon considerations of adoption. But
another behavior - Adjusting ambient temperature
according to season incremented Performance
Expectation, and led to a higher dependence of
Expectation to employ alternative methods from
Effort expectancy. Other behaviors studied enhance
almost all predictors of adoption, including absence
of negative anticipated affect. In this regard, the
results in our study are mixed, not leading to closure
in the competing hypotheses of processes whereby
energy behaviors and adoption considerations meet.
Goals and hypotheses are rooted in well-
established attitude, persuasion, and IT acceptance
literatures, and jointly contribute to advancing the
understanding of issues and processes in the attitude
formation for developing technologies for smart grid
adaptation, and identifying consumer segments in
regard to the adoption of this type of technologies.
This work has been framed under the Energy for
Sustainability Initiative of the University of Coimbra
and partially supported by the Energy and Mobility
for Sustainable Regions Project (CENTRO-07-0224-
FEDER-002004) and by Fundação para a Ciência e
a Tecnologia (FCT) under grant
SFRH/BD/51104/2010 and project grants
MIT/SET/0018/2009 and PEst-C/EEI/UI0308/2011.
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