A Social Platform for Web 2.0 Search
Claudio Biancalana, Fabio Gasparetti, Alessandro Micarelli and Giuseppe Sansonetti
Department of Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Roma Tre University,
Via della Vasca Navale, 79, 00146 Rome, Italy
Query Expansion, Social Bookmarking Services, Personalization.
In the last decade, social bookmarking services have gained popularity as a way of annotating and categoriz-
ing a variety of different web resources. The idea behind this work is to exploit such services for enhancing
traditional query expansion techniques. Specifically, the system we propose relies on three-dimensional co-
occurrence matrices, where the further dimension is introduced to represent categories of terms sharing the
same semantic property. Such categories, named semantic classes, are related to the folksonomy mined from
social bookmarking services such as Delicious, Digg, and StumbleUpon. The paper illustrates a comparative
experimental evaluation on real datasets, such as the one collected by the Open Directory Project and the
TREC 2004. We also include the results of a specific disambiguation analysis aimed to evaluate the effective-
ness of our approach in comparison with state-of-the-art techniques when satisfying queries characterized by
polysemic and ambiguous terms.
The Social Semantic Web combines together the core
principles of the Semantic and Social Web: it in-
cludes, on the one hand, the idea of associating a se-
mantic description with web resources for enabling
machines to access and process them, on the other
hand, the idea of exploiting social content information
for that purpose. This development, however, leads to
the need to revise the classical techniques for the tra-
ditional Web (Micarelli et al., 2006; Lops et al., 2007;
Gentili et al., 2001; Gasparetti and Micarelli, 2003),
as they could not be more efficient in the new Web
Automatic query expansion (QE) is a well-known
technique for enabling users to better characterize
their search domain by supplementing the original
query with additional terms that are somehow linked
to the frequency of the term the user specified in his
query (Bai et al., 2005). This method can significantly
improve the performance of information retrieval sys-
tems. However, traditional QE techniques, even those
providing users with personalized results, may suffer
from some drawbacks if extended to the Social Se-
mantic Web. In particular, additional terms can (i)
be simple synonyms, (ii) not consider the existence
of different lexicons, given that each user has his own
custom dictionary. As a result, QE process may fail to
contextualize the research domain of interest if multi-
ple users annotate the web content.
Our research objectives include (i) to find a solu-
tion to the lack of expression of the candidate terms
for query expansion, (ii) to customize the search re-
sults taking into account the semantic domain of the
user interests, (iii) more generally, to explore novel
approaches combining semantic, social, and adaptive
The proposed system - named SocialSearch - is
an extension of the traditional QE techniques, which
are based on the computation of two-dimensional co-
occurrence matrices (Biancalana and Micarelli, 2009;
Biancalana et al., 2012). Our approach makes use of
three-dimensional co-occurrence matrices, where the
added dimension is represented by semantic classes
(i.e., categories comprising all the terms that share
a semantic property) related to the folksonomy ex-
tracted from social bookmarking services (Musto
et al., 2009) such as Delicious
, Digg
and Stum-
. These web sites allow users to store, or-
ganize, share, and search bookmarks associated with
web resources, through the input of additional data
Biancalana C., Gasparetti F., Micarelli A. and Sansonetti G..
SocialSearch - A Social Platform for Web 2.0 Search.
DOI: 10.5220/0004943000700081
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 70-81
ISBN: 978-989-758-023-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(e.g., tags or short summaries), freely available to the
entire community of users. In our approach, the ex-
pansion process takes place by analyzing multiple oc-
currences divided into categories related to semantic
classes, which are analyzed in the folksonomy. The
full process is entirely transparent to the user, implic-
itly occurring based on his past choices related to the
terms of the submitted queries and the corresponding
visited pages. The input queries are analyzed accord-
ing to collected data, and if they reflect the interests
already shown by the user in previous searches, the
system returns different QEs, before performing the
search phase. All of these QEs are related to the terms
of the user query, but each of them involves a different
semantic field. The final results are displayed in dif-
ferent blocks - each one classified through keywords
- thereby supporting the user in determining what is
most relevant to him (Acampora et al., 2010). This
way, our system provides the contextualization and
categorization of the information by analyzing and
extracting the semantic domain of the user interests.
A comparative analysis of our findings with those
obtained through some state-of-the-art techniques,
such as relevance feedback, shows that our approach
is able to achieve better results. This reveals that our
system can offer a stronger correlation with the actual
user interests, which confirms the validity and useful-
ness of their categorization in semantic classes.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 reviews some related works, Section 3 illus-
trates the system architecture. The main algorithms
are detailed in Section 4, while Section 5 is devoted
to the presentation and discussion of the experiments
we performed. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper
and highlights some future directions.
Automatic query expansion (QE) has been widely
used in Information Retrieval (Carpineto and Ro-
mano, 2012; Biancalana et al., 2013b). Among
the various QE approaches proposed in literature,
some of them take advantage of the implicit rele-
vance feedback through pseudo-relevance feedback
(PRF) (Manning et al., 2008). All these methods
follow the basic assumption: documents classified
higher by an initial search contain many useful terms
that can help discriminate relevant documents from
irrelevant ones. Despite the large number of studies,
a crucial issue is that the expansion terms identified
through traditional methodologies from the pseudo-
relevant documents may not be all useful (Cao et al.,
Bilotti et al. (Bilotti et al., 2004) analyze the effect
of some QE approaches on document retrieval in the
context of question answering, mainly targeted to the
so-called “factoid” questions, namely, fact-based, nat-
ural language questions that usually can be answered
by a short noun phrase. More specifically, the authors
describe a quantitative comparative analysis between
two different strategies for tackling term variation: i)
employing a stemming algorithm at indexing time, or
ii) carrying out a morphological query expansion at
retrieval time. The findings show that, when com-
pared to the baseline (no stemming nor expansion),
stemming yields a lower recall, while morphological
expansion results in higher recall. However, higher
recall is paid at the cost of retrieving more irrelevant
documents and ranking relevant documents at lower
One of the failure reasons of the query expan-
sion has been identified in the lack of relevant doc-
uments in the local collection. Consequently, some
works advance the use of an external resource for
query expansion in order to improve the effective-
ness of query expansion, such as thesaurus (Nanba,
2007), Wikipedia (Xu et al., 2009), key-phrases from
corpus of documents (Biancalana et al., 2013a; Bian-
calana et al., 2011), browsed web pages (Gasparetti
et al., 2014) and search engine query logs (Cui et al.,
2003). Abouenour et al. (Abouenour et al., 2010)
point out that the adoption of a thesaurus, typically
constructed through statistical techniques, poses sev-
eral drawbacks. First of all, the construction of a the-
saurus is time-consuming because of the great deal of
data to process. Effective semantic QE techniques can
also rely on ontologies instead of thesauri. Indeed,
ontologies describe both semantic and concept rela-
tions, and enable semantic reasoning as well as cross-
language information retrieval. The authors specifi-
cally deal with the enhancement of question answer-
ing in Arabic, a complex language for its peculiarities.
They propose an approach that implements a seman-
tic QE based on the WordNet
ontology in Arabic. As
a result, the described QE method bears the follow-
ing semantic relations: synonymy, hypernymy (su-
pertypes), hyponymy (subtypes), and the Super Up-
per Merged Ontology (SUMO)
concept definition.
SUMO is a top-level ontology that defines general
terms and can be used as a foundation for middle-
level and more specific domain ontologies. The docu-
ments retrieved through the previous process are then
re-ranked using a structure-based approach based on
the Distance Density n-gram model.
Recently, several authors have focused on social
annotations as external resource, largely motivated by
their increasing availability through many Web-based
applications. Among these, Carman et al. (Carman
et al., 2009) explore how useful tag data may be to
improve search results, but they focus primarily on
data analysis rather than retrieval experiments. Zhou
et al. (Zhou et al., 2012) propose a query expansion
framework relied on user profiles extracted from the
annotations and resources bookmarked by users. The
main difference with our approach is that the selec-
tion of expansion terms for a given query is not based
on semantic classes, but on the assumption that they
are likely to have similar weightings influenced by the
documents best ranked for the original query.
In this section we present the architecture of the sys-
tem we propose (see Fig. 1), describing the function-
alities of each module and the modalities which they
actively collaborate through.
Interface: the mail role of the this module is read-
dressing external requests to the specialized mod-
ules and processing the achieved results so as to
show them in a more understandable form;
Expansion: after the user has submitted his
search query, this module is responsible of the
query expansion process. To perform multiple ex-
pansions, this module has to access the user inter-
ests stored in the user model;
Search: this module is in charge of the real search
process, receiving (possibly expanded) queries in
input and returning the corresponding results;
Persistence: all the necessary information is re-
tained in this module: login data, encountered
terms (both before and after stemming), tags, co-
occurrence values between terms, tag relevance,
and URLs of documents visited by the user; it in-
teracts mainly with the interface (for user login
and saving URLs) and the user model (for data
needed for the construction and analysis of the
user model);
UserModel: this is the largest module in that it
has to constantly update the user profile realized
as a three-dimensional co-occurrence matrix. The
interaction with the persistence module is the first
step for achieving data (visited URLs and corre-
sponding queries) from which to infer informa-
tion for the model update. Before the necessary
processing, this module makes use of two other
sub-modules: Parser and TagFinder;
Parser: its main role is to filter out the unnec-
essary information related to the user interests
collected by the system, and to provide the user
model with a sorted set of terms for the three-
dimensional matrix computation. It includes
parsing functionalities (i.e., filtering the HTML
pages visited by the user), stemming, and stop-
word removal;
TagFinder: it is devoted to the search of tags
to be associated with the pages visited by the
user. It interacts with external resources (social
bookmarking services) to extract complete tags
of a relevance index, in order to supply them to
the user model.
Results obtained in each search session are then pre-
sented to the user so as to underline the different se-
mantic categories of each group of them. The search
of the tags associated with the pages visited by the
user is performed by analyzing the information pro-
vided by main sites that offer social bookmarking ser-
vices. In this case, data collection occurs directly by
parsing the HTML pages containing the necessary in-
formation. In order to model the user visits, the sys-
tem employes matrices based on co-occurrence at the
page level: terms highly co-occurring with the is-
sued keywords have been proven to increase preci-
sion when appended to the query (Biancalana et al.,
2009). The generic term t
is in relation with all other
n terms t
(with i = 1, . . . , n) according to a coeffi-
cient c
representing the co-occurrence measure be-
tween the two terms. In a classical way, we can con-
struct the co-occurrence matrix through the Hyper-
space Analogue to Language approach (Burgess and
Lund, 1995): once a term is given, its co-occurrence is
computed with n terms to its right (or its left); in par-
ticular, given a term t and considered the window f
n terms w
to its right f
= {w
, . . . , w
}, we have co-
oc(t, w
) =
, i = 1. .. , n. A pair (a, b) is equal to pair
(b, a), that is, the co-occurrence matrix is symmetri-
cal. For each training document a co-occurrence ma-
trix is generated, whose lines are then normalized to
the maximum value. The matrices of the single docu-
ment are then summed up, thus generating one single
co-occurrence matrix representing the entire corpus.
The limit of this structure lies in the latent am-
biguity of collected information: in presence of poly-
semy of the terms adopted by the user, the result of the
query expansion risks to misunderstand the interests,
so leading to erroneous results. In order to overcome
this problem, in our system the classical model of co-
occurrence matrix has been extended. The user model
consists of a three-dimensional co-occurrence matrix.
Each term of the matrix is linked to an intermediate
level containing the relative belonging classes, each
Figure 1: The system architecture.
accompanied by a relevance index. This way, each
term is contextualized before being linked to all the
other terms present in the matrix, and led to well
determined semantic categories that are identified by
In this section we describe in detail the two main al-
gorithms of our approach. The former is designed
for the user model creation and update (discussed in
Section 4.1), the latter for the query expansion pro-
cess (discussed in Section 4.2). With reference to
the pseudocode shown below, we notice that the co-
occurrence matrix is represented through a map of
maps for encoding knowledge and connecting such
knowledge to relevant information resources. Maps
of maps are organized around topics, which repre-
sent subjects of interest; associations, which express
relationships between the subjects; and occurrences,
which connect the subjects to pertinent information
4.1 User Model Creation and Update
The creation and update of the user model are based
on the pages chosen by the user while searching.
Starting with an empty model, every time the user
clicks on a result after typing a search query, the sys-
tem records the visited URL, together with the query
originally submitted for the search. Our system per-
forms the analysis of the visited URLs in incremental
way, according to the following algorithm (see Algo-
rithm 1, where capital deltas () denote comments):
a temporary map M is initialized, where it is pos-
sible to store the extracted data, before updat-
ing the pre-existent model (empty at first execu-
tion). The map keys are the encountered tags,
the values are the relative two-dimensional co-
occurrence matrices;
for each visited URL, the corresponding HTML
page is obtained, from which the textual informa-
tion is extracted through a parser, as a list of terms;
the list of terms is filtered in order to eliminate
stopwords (i.e., all those terms that are very fre-
quent in all documents, so irrelevant to the cre-
ation of the user model);
the list of terms undergoes a stemming process by
means of the Porter’s algorithm (Porter, 1980). At
the same time the system retains the relations be-
tween stemmed terms and original terms;
the co-occurrence matrix corresponding to the
most relevant k
keywords is evaluated. The
relevance is measured by counting the occur-
Algorithm 1: User Model Creation and Update.
Initialize the global co-occurrence matrix M (map of maps);
M Map([]);
Analyze training documents;
for (doc, query) in D do
Parse the document (stemming and stopword removal);
doc = parse(doc);
Initialize the co-occurrence matrix of different terms;
terms Map([]);
Compute the co-occurrence value of every term;
terms = f requency occurrences(doc);
Initialize the co-occurrence matrix of document;
co occ Map([]);
Compute the co-occurrence matrix of document;
co occ = co occurrences(terms);
Get the site list of social bookmarking for tag search;
sites = get social bookmarking sites();
Initialize URL list tags;
tags Set([]);
Retrieve tags by URL;
for i = 0; i < sites.size() & tags.size() = 0; i + + do
tags = retrieve tags(url, sites[i]);
Update the matrix M;
update(M, tags, terms);
Initialize all terms in documents;
all terms Set([]);
Get unique terms set;
all terms = get term set(M);
Get subset of user model;
user matrix get user matrix(all terms);
Update user model by the intermediate matrix;
update(user matrix, M, all terms);
Store updated user model;
save(user matrix);
rences within the document itself, with the excep-
tion of terms used in the query (retained by the
system together with the corresponding URL), to
which is assigned the maximum weight;
tags concerning the visited URLs are obtained by
accessing different sites of social bookmarking.
Each extracted tag has a weight which depends
on its relevance (i.e., the number of users which
agree to associate that tag to the visited URL);
the update of the temporary map M is performed
by exploiting all the information derived from the
co-occurrence matrix and the extracted tags in a
combined fashion. For each tag
the system up-
dates the co-occurrence values just calculated, ac-
cording to the tag relevance weight. After that, the
vectors M
related to each term t
are updated
by inserting the new (or summing to the previous)
the set terms is calculated, which contains all the
terms encountered during the update of the tem-
porary map M;
from the persistence module a subset UM
the user model is obtained as a three-dimensional
matrix of co-occurrences, corresponding only to
the terms contained in terms;
the matrix UM
is updated with the values of
M. For each t
belonging to terms, the set of keys
(tags) is extracted from M, which points to values
corresponding to t
. For each tag
belonging to
tags, the vector M
is added to the pre-existent
vector UM
, updating the values for the terms
already present and inserting new values for the
terms never encountered.
4.2 Query Expansion
The query expansion process is performed beginning
from the original terms entered into the search en-
gine by accessing the information collected in the user
model. The result is a set of expanded queries, each
of them associated with one or more tags. This way,
it is possible to present the user with different sub-
groups of results grouped in categories. Using low
level boolean logic, every expansion assumes the fol-
lowing form:
OR . . . OR
) AND (
OR . . . OR
) . . .
OR . . . OR
where t
represents the generic term x corresponding
to the stemmed root y. The different terms coming
from the same root undergo OR operation amongst
them, since the result has to contain at least one of
them. (see examples in Table 1).
Table 1: Example of multiple expansions.
Original query Categorization tags Expansions
amazon e-commerce, shopping: buy
(books OR book)
amazon nature: (rivers OR river)
The algorithm of multiple expansion is the following
(see Algorithm 2):
let us suppose that the query Q is given, which
consists of n terms q
(with i = 1, . . . , n). For each
of them the system evaluates the corresponding
stemmed term q
, so obtaining the new query Q
as a new result;
for each term belonging to Q
, the correspond-
ing two-dimensional vector q
is extracted from
the three-dimensional co-occurrence matrix. Each
of those vectors may be viewed as a map, whose
keys are the tags associated with the terms q
(which have a relevance factor), and the values are
co-occurrence vectors
between q
all the other encountered terms;
for each encountered tag the relevance factor is
recalculated, adding up the single values of each
occurrence of the same tag in all two-dimensional
vectors. This way, the result is a vector T in which
tags are sorted according to the new relevance fac-
amongst all tags contained in T , only the higher
are selected and considered for the multiple
for each selected tag t
the vector sum
is com-
puted, which represents the sum of the co-
occurrence values of the three-dimensional ma-
trix, corresponding to all terms q
of the query Q
for each vector sum
, the most relevant terms
(corresponding to higher values) are selected.
Combining the extracted terms with those of the
query Q, a new query EQ
(made up of stemmed
terms) is initialized;
for each expanded query EQ
, the correspond-
ing query EQ is calculated through the substitu-
tion of stemmed terms with all the possible orig-
inal terms stored into the system, exploiting the
boolean logic according to the scheme previously
the query EQ and the original tag t
are entered
into the map M
, whose keys are expanded
queries and values are sets of tags. If M
contains an expanded query identical to the input
one, the tag t
is added to the corresponding set of
We now present the experimental results of the pro-
posed approach. Specifically, we describe a compar-
ative evaluation analysis between SocialSearch, our
social-based search engine, and some state-of-the-art
A number of different aspects must be evaluated
in order to assess the real effectiveness of search en-
gines, such as index coverage, search capabilities,
presentation, and user effort in seeking tasks. In this
Algorithm 2: Multiple Query Expansion.
Initialize the query to be expanded (a list of n terms);
query [q
, q
, ..., q
Stemming of query terms;
query stemming(query);
Get the subset of the user model related to the query;
user matrix = get user matrix(query);
Initialize the tag map for multiple query expansion;
expansion tags Map([]);
Compute tags for multiple expansion;
expansion tags = f ind expansion tags(query, user matrix);
Initialize the expanded query map related to tags;
exp queries Map([]);
Compute expanded queries for every tag;
for (tag,ranking) in expansion tags do
Compute the expanded query by choosing most
relevant terms;
exp query = select relevant terms(query, user matrix);
Enter the result in the expanded query map;
insert expanded query(exp query, tag,ranking, exp queries);
return exp queries;
evaluation, we are particularly interested in the stan-
dard relevance measures to evaluate the efficacy of the
retrieval of web documents and the quality of the re-
sults. Several relevant factors make this comparative
analysis somewhat difficult. Personalized search aims
at enhancing user interaction by understanding the
user needs, the context, and the applications and infor-
mation being used, typically across a wide set of user
goals. Usage data that might be of potential interest
for recognizing and assessing information consump-
tion patterns of each user and the various informa-
tion foraging strategies must be accurately collected.
Moreover, personalization is influenced by the selec-
tion of particular topics on which the evaluation is to
be performed. It can create an authoring bias where
the topics selected by a group of peers influence the
relative results of one approach when compared with
others. For example, one approach might exploit a
topic characterized by a wealth of documents and ref-
erences, while a different one is critically affected
by the presence of several polysemous words in the
query set. In spite of these issues, implementing an
experimental evaluation of personalized approaches
in a real setting is still the most significant method
to measure the scalability and the overall quality of
search effectiveness, in terms of both coverage and
accuracy of the produced search results. While cov-
erage measures the ability of engines to produce all
the references that are likely to be visited by the user,
accuracy is essential in evaluating the quality of such
Five different search engines have been included
in the comparative analysis: Google (denoted sim-
ply as Google in figures), the personalized version of
Google (PersGoogle), a query expansion search en-
gine based on co-occurrence data (CoOcc), a tradi-
tional search engine with Relevance Feedback (RF),
and our system (SocialSearch). In the first person-
alized version of Google back in 2004, the search
engine showed a directory like category drop-down
menu, where users could select the categories that
matched their interests. During the search process,
the search engine adapts the results according to each
user needs, assigning a higher score to the resources
related to what the user has seen in the past. A slider
in the graphic user interface allows the user to control
the level of personalization in the results. For exam-
ple, if the user earlier chose the category of Comput-
ers as one of his interests, results such as Apple, Acer
or HP would rank among the first positions. Unfor-
tunately, no details or evaluations are presently avail-
able for the algorithms exploited for the re-ranking
process, except the ones contained in the patent ap-
plication filed in 2004 (Zamir et al., 2004). Our com-
parative evaluation takes into account the current ver-
sion of personalized Google. It basically reorders the
search results based on gathered usage data, such as
previous queries, web navigation behavior and, pos-
sibly, visited sites that serve Google ads, computers
with Google Applications installed, such as Desktop
Search and personal information, which may be im-
plicitly or explicitly provided by the user.
Relevance feedback aims at modifying the ini-
tial query using words extracted from top-ranked
or identified relevant documents. If both docu-
ments and queries are represented in a vector space
model (Salton and Buckley, 1997), the Rocchio feed-
back approach alters the initial query by combining
the vectors of the relevant documents increasing the
recall of the search engine, and possibly its precision
as well (Manning et al., 2008).
Query expansion based on co-occurrences is a
well-known approach that collects the correlations be-
tween pairs of terms in a given corpus. It is a straight-
forward approach that limits the computational com-
plexity through the idea of associating contexts to the
current user needs. The two fundamental problems
of information retrieval, namely, synonymy and pol-
ysemy, are addressed during the construction of the
query vector. Ambiguous words have only one lemma
for all their meanings. If one meaning is mentioned in
a query, the documents in which the term appears with
the other meanings are also retrieved and estimated as
closer to the query. In case of polysemy there will be
terms associated to more than one meaning, but if the
query is composed by a number of keywords, the in-
tended meaning is more likely to be referenced. These
terms and their associated terms will form a cluster,
which is associated to the intended meaning and out-
weighs the unintended meanings. Several studies in
the literature have proven the effectiveness of this ap-
proach, but have also raised some doubts on its real
improvements in the performance of document re-
trieval systems, because of the following potential is-
Weighting terms that occur more frequently in the
whole dataset, so favoring the more popular (see,
for example, (Peat and Willett, 1991));
Expanding each single term in the query in iso-
lation, ignoring the potential meaning of the all
terms as a whole;
Co-occurrences data extracted from small collec-
tions of documents;
Collection of documents not including relevant
concepts and information during the query expan-
In order to play down those issues mainly related
to the documents selected for the initial dataset, the
co-occurrence matrix used for expansion is built on
the corpus of documents retrieved during the learning
process. In this way, it is certain that enough relevant
documents for the expansion are included and there
are less chances to see several common terms that
cover several different topics of interests. The com-
parative analysis consists in the following two evalu-
TREC corpus-based evaluation;
ODP corpus-based evaluation;
Corpus-based evaluations have the advantage of
showing a zero test-retest variability if the same
closed corpus is employed in future experiments that
include different approaches. We also include a spe-
cific disambiguation analysis in order to measure the
efficacy of the search engines to tackle queries char-
acterized by polysemic and ambiguous terms.
5.1 TREC Corpus-based Evaluation
In the first evaluation, we consider the TREC
Robust Track on TREC disks 4 and 5. It contains
over 500K documents, a subset of them marked rel-
evant or irrelevant according to a given topic. On av-
erage, each document consists of 467 terms. All the
249 queries are included in the evaluations. The ap-
proaches considered in this evaluation are RF, CoOcc,
Figure 2: P@20 average values after a certain number of feedbacks.
Google, and SocialSearch. The closed nature of this
corpus has not allowed us to include PersGoogle in
this comparative analysis as well. The precision at 20
(P@20) measures the performance of the retrieval. It
evaluates the fraction of the retrieved documents that
are relevant to the user information needs. The aver-
age number of result pages viewed by a typical user
for a query is 2.35 (Jansen et al., 2000), and a more
recent study (Jansen et al., 2005) reports that about
85.92% of users view no more than two result pages.
For these reasons, the precision is evaluated at a given
cut-off rank, considering only the top 20 results re-
turned by the system. Figure 2 shows the P@20 after
collecting a certain number of feedbacks (Biancalana
et al., 2013b).
Google approach shows the worst outcomes with
a low average precision. This is an expected result
because Google does not exploit the suggestions that
feedbacks might provide. Better average outcomes
are obtained by employing the relevance feedback,
even though the slope of the linear model of data is
negative. That is to say that the amount of infor-
mation collected by means of the relevance feedback
negatively affects the precision by including irrele-
vant keywords during the expansion of the queries.
Better outcomes are obtained through both CoOcc
and SocialSearch approaches. It must be noted how
several web references included in the corpus do not
find a correspondence in the sites of social bookmark-
ing services such as Delicious. For this reason, So-
cialSearch is put in a unfavorable position in com-
parison with CoOcc trained on the collection of doc-
uments related to the relevant topics. The same is-
sue also affects the ODP corpus-based evaluation (see
Sect. 5.2).
5.2 ODP Corpus-based Evaluation
Our goal is to build profiles of users that show inter-
ests in some specific topics. Each topic must be asso-
ciated with more than one document, whose content
is extracted by personalized search engines and used
to build a user profile representation.
Open Directory Project
(ODP) is a multi-
language directory of links belonging to the Web.
ODP has a hierarchic structure: the links are grouped
into categories and subcategories, also known as top-
ics. It is therefore possible to identify a level-
based organization within the hierarchy. An exam-
ple of topic is Top/Business/Forestry and Agricul-
ture/Fencing; excluding the Top level common to all
the topics, we have:
Level I: Business;
Level II: Forestry and Agriculture;
Level III: Fencing.
Given the large quantity of links contained in
ODP, we have decided to limit to the third level the
links taken into consideration for the evaluation. The
pages corresponding to such links are retrieved from
the Web and indexed. The obtained index consists of
131,394 links belonging to 5,888 topics. Thereafter,
ten topics are randomly chosen, five of which corre-
sponding to potential user information needs, and five
whose function is exclusively that of representing the
pages visited by the user whose content is not rele-
vant, that is, transient needs. The links of each topic
were then subdivided into a training set, correspond-
ing to 25% of the links, and the remaining links for
test sets. The ten topics are summarized in Table 2.
It is clear now that this methodology allows us
to build several different profiles of potential users.
Once these profiles are built, it is possible to com-
pare the precision of the search engines. In this eval-
uation, Google, RF and SocialSearch approaches are
compared in terms of F1 score (or F-measure), a stan-
dard statistical measure that combines both the preci-
sion and the recall of the test to compute the resulting
score. A query is built for each topic belonging to the
user needs. The query is composed by the terms that
form the topic name in ODP (e.g., query: “shopping
craft papers”). The evaluation aims at measuring the
fraction of document retrieved by the search engine
from the whole collection of indexed documents that
are also included in the test set for each need. Table 3
shows the variation of F1 score for the three engines.
In this evaluation, RF engine does not take any sensi-
ble advantage of the content extracted from the train-
ing documents. SocialSearch outperforms the other
approaches, even though several links in the train-
ing set do not have any reference in the sites of so-
cial bookmarking services. Part of the training docu-
ments are indeed very old or not very popular, there-
fore users are not likely to attach metadata to these
5.3 WordNet-based Disambiguation
Personalization has an important role when users sub-
mit ambiguous queries, that is, consisting of terms
with multiple different meanings. Past and cur-
rent contexts might help disambiguate polysemous
words and improve result accuracy. For this reason,
this evaluation aims at gathering ambiguous queries
and performs a comparison of how the different ap-
proaches behave in correctly disambiguating their
A straightforward methodology that involves the
analysis of the WordNet
lexical database has been
defined. Briefly, WordNet is a collection of synsets,
namely, groups of nouns, adjectives and adverbs all
expressing a common concept (e.g., house, home,
dwelling, habitation, etc.) (Fellbaum, 1998). Synsets
are interlinked by means of semantic and lexical re-
lations. In this way, it is very easy to find terms that
have potentially several different meanings (Hirst and
Budanitsky, 2005).
A random choice of these ambiguous terms enables
us to focus on the 12 keywords shown in Table 4.
For each term, two synsets (or semantic contexts) are
identified by the ones included in the database. For-
mally, it is possible to define a triple as follows:
< T, X
where T is a polysemic term with different meanings
depending on its context, for example, T = dra f t; X
and Y
are two sets of tags, each of which consists of
five tags that briefly describe a semantic context, for
= {beer, k egerator, homebrew, k eg,brewing}
= {nba dra f t, basketball, nbadra f t, nba, basket};
of course, T gets a different meaning in each of the
two semantic contexts X and Y.
Table 4 summarizes the set of triples used in this
For every triple, we collected 400 documents from the
Web, subdivided into:
100 documents for each of the two contexts X and
Y . These two collections are divided into two
parts of 50 documents each one, which we used
for training and test;
200 “noisy” documents, namely, that belong to
both of the two semantic classes;
Table 2: Benchmark statistics: ODP topic, number of links for test and training, and if topic is part of user needs.
Topic Test links Training links Need
Sports/Cycling/Human Powered Vehicles 15 5 +
Computers/Home Automation/Products and Manufacturers 27 7 +
Business/Mining and Drilling/Consulting 74 18 +
Games/Roleplaying/Developers and Publishers 52 14 +
Business/Agriculture and Forestry/Fencing 100 27 +
Shopping/Crafts/Paper 35 7
Arts/Performing Arts/Magic 25 6
Science/Publications/Magazines and E-zines 26 7
Science/Social Sciences/Linguistics 13 5
Recreation/Guns/Reloading 15 5
382 101
Table 3: Comparison in terms of F1 score.
Topic PersGoogle RF SocialSearch
Computers/Home Automation/Products and Manufacturers 0.05 0.08 0.16
Sports/Cycling/Human Powered Vehicles 0.09 0.13 0.09
Games/Roleplaying/Developers and Publishers 0.10 0.18 0.18
Business/Mining and Drilling/Consulting 0.19 0.14 0.19
Business/Agriculture and Forestry/Fencing 0.05 0.14 0.57
Average F1 0.10 0.13 0.24
Table 4: Terms and semantic contexts.
Term Tags A context Tags B context
amazon [geography, south america, rivers, cruise,
[shop, books, bargains, shopping, deals]
cancer [horoscopes, tarot, zodiac, horoscope, as-
[medical, medicine, health, disease, re-
capital [dc, washington, washingtondc, washing-
ton dc, capitolhill]
[marxism, communism, economics, social-
ism marx]
depression [neuroscience, mentalhealth, psychology,
health, science]
[recession, financialcrisis, economy, imf,
draft [beer, kegerator, homebrew, keg, brewing] [nba draft, basketball, nbadraft, nba, bas-
hamilton [lewishamilton, formula1, racing, mclaren,
[urban canada, canadian, ontario, city]
harrison [film, harrisonford, indianajones, movies,
[george, beatles, guitar, rock, the beatles]
lee [kungfu, brucelee, martial, martialarts,
[wii, wiimote, interaction, interface, multi-
mercury [msn, java, chat, im, linux] [planets, nasa, solarsystem, space, astron-
oxford [elearning, university, courses, education,
[words, language, dictionary, english refer-
porter [5forces, marketing, strategy, management,
[stemmer, programming, stemming, algo-
rithms, language]
victoria [guide, melbourne, australia, tourism,
[waterfall, safari, zambia, falls, africa]
so obtaining a collection of 4800 documents. The
documents of the three collections related to the two
and the noisy collection are retrieved
by submitting to Delicious the following queries, re-
q: T (tag:x1 OR tag:x2 ... tag:x5)
-tag:y1 -tag:y2 ... -tag:y5
q: T -tag:x1 -tag:x2 ... -tag:x5
(tag:y1 OR tag:y2 ... tag:y5)
q: T -tag:x1 ... -tag:x5 -tag:y1 ...
Each document retrieved by Delicious is annotated
with a set of tags. As might be expected, two pro-
files U
and U
are built by analyzing the documents
and tags of the context X and Y , respectively. Also
the noisy collection is included in both the profiles.
At the end of the training phase, the initial terms T
are submitted to the search engines. For each term,
the following measures are evaluated for both the pro-
files U
and U
: P precision , R recall and F1 F-
measure. Table 5 summarizes the results. While
the order of the topics that obtain better results are
similar among the considered approaches, the aver-
age precision and recall measures differ significantly.
Topics such as draft, mercury, lee and amazon are
clearly easier to disambiguate while cancer, capital
and depression need more sophisticated approaches.
The average precision favors SocialSearch and the
approach based on co-occurrences. In terms of av-
erage recall and F1 score SocialSearch outperforms
both RF and CoOcc. In particular, the average of the
two standard deviation measures of F1 score over the
contexts a and b shows that SocialSearch is able to
disambiguate the same term over both the considered
contexts, while CoOcc obtains more dispersion from
the average precision.
Table 5: Average measures over all topics: Precision, Re-
call, F1, and its Standard Deviation.
RF CoOcc SocialSearch
Avg P 0.5 0.58 0.60
Avg R 0.41 0.45 0.50
Avg F1 0.39 0.44 0.51
0.26 0.29 0.23
User generated content represents a unique source of
information that can be exploited for different pur-
poses. In this paper we have described a novel ap-
proach that takes advantage of social bookmarking
services for enhancing classic query expansion tech-
niques. Specifically, we rely on web sites such as De-
licious, Digg and StumbleUpon in order to define se-
mantic classes, namely, categories of terms sharing
the same semantic property, based on which to cat-
egorize multiple occurrences of the query expansion
process. The results of a comparative experimental
evaluation confirm that the proposed approach makes
for a stronger correlation among expansion terms and
real user interests, thereby providing an effective so-
lution to deal with term ambiguity.
This study shows the benefits of categorizing user
interests in semantic classes related to the folksonomy
extracted from social bookmarking services. As fu-
ture work we plan to devise ways of integrating more
social knowledge, such as social structures, in our ap-
proach. A further research effort will also concern the
use of natural language processing techniques to bet-
ter classify the user interests in semantic classes.
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