new database servers in short time.
In this paper, we investigated database sharding
of relational database systems (RDBS) in the cloud
from the perspective of cost and performance. We
obtained some surprising results.
At first, splitting shards into two equally sized
shards is not always advantageous from a cost
perspective. Other split factors such as 80/20%,
combined with a merge operation, yield better
results in our scenarios. Anyway, we demonstrated
that achieving optimal costs is difficult in general.
Furthermore, performance measurements show
that parallelizing queries to several shards is not
always better than querying a single database of the
same total size.
In the future, we intend to further elaborate on
strategies to split optimally according to incoming
load. In particular, cost/performance considerations
require further investigations. And finally, we want
to apply our ideas to multi-tenancy.
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