Few-exemplar Information Extraction for Business Documents
Daniel Esser, Daniel Schuster, Klemens Muthmann and Alexander Schill
Computer Networks Group, TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany
Information Extraction, Few-exemplar Learning, One-shot Learning, Business Documents.
The automatic extraction of relevant information from business documents (sender, recipient, date, etc.) is a
valuable task in the application domain of document management and archiving. Although current scientific
and commercial self-learning solutions for document classification and extraction work pretty well, they still
require a high effort of on-site configuration done by domain experts and administrators. Small office/home
office (SOHO) users and private individuals do often not benefit from such systems. A low extraction effec-
tivity especially in the starting period due to a small number of initially available example documents and a
high effort to annotate new documents, drastically lowers their acceptance to use a self-learning information
extraction system. Therefore we present a solution for information extraction that fits the requirements of
these users. It adopts the idea of one-shot learning from computer vision to the domain of business document
processing and requires only a minimal number of training to reach competitive extraction effectivity. Our
evaluation on a document set of 12,500 documents consisting of 399 different layouts/templates achieves ex-
traction results of 88% F
score on 10 commonly used fields like document type, sender, recipient, and date.
We already reach an F
score of 78% with only one document of each template in the training set.
Today a huge amount of communication between
business partners is still done using physical corre-
spondence. The movement towards paperless offices
and the need for archiving documents due to legal reg-
ulations require the digitization and storage of these
letters. Commercial solutions like smartFix (Den-
gel and Klein, 2002) and Open Text Capture Center
(Opentext, 2012) already provide solutions to auto-
matically process digital and digitized documents like
invoices, medical documents, or insurances. These
systems identify relevant information (Figure 1) that
later on can be stored as structural information to
ERP systems or databases for improved search and
retrieval or automated processing.
While current solutions work for large and
medium-sized companies, they still require a high ef-
fort of on-site configuration or a high amount of ex-
ample documents to reach acceptable extraction ef-
fectivity. Both requirements do not fit the needs of
small office/home office (SOHO) users and private
individuals. Rule-based systems reach very good ex-
traction rates but need experts that initialize and up-
date the rule base according to the needs of the in-
stitution. Especially very small companies and pri-
Figure 1: Excerpt of a scanned real-world business docu-
ment. Some relevant information (sender, recipient, date,
subject, etc.) are highlighted with frames.
vate persons do not have the funds and expertise to
run a customized solution. Purely trainable systems
can overcome the disadvantages of rule-based sys-
tems, but most of them need large sets of example
documents and long periods of training to generate a
knowledge base capable of high accuracy extractions.
To raise acceptance for information extraction
systems within this group of users, we require a mech-
anism to speed up information extraction in the start-
ing period. While most related work centers on the
overall performance, the ability of these solutions to
extract information with only a minimal set of docu-
Esser D., Schuster D., Muthmann K. and Schill A..
Few-exemplar Information Extraction for Business Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0004946702930298
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 293-298
ISBN: 978-989-758-027-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ments as a training set is nearly unknown. Therefore
this paper makes the following contributions: (1) Turn
the attention of the community to the problem of few-
exemplar extraction. (2) Provide metrics to evaluate
common systems according to their starting behavior.
(3) Present a solution for fast-learning information ex-
traction out of scanned business documents as a start-
ing point for this research area that reaches a nearly
constant extraction effectivity independent from the
size of the training set.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2 we present related works from doc-
ument classification and information extraction that
already discuss the issue of few-exemplar extraction.
Section 3 defines the problem. Section 4 deals with
our approach to reach nearly constant extraction ef-
fectivity not depending on the size of the training set.
In Section 5 a new measure to evaluate this behavior
will be defined. Our system will be assessed using
this measure to show its ability to few-exemplar ex-
traction. Section 6 closes this paper with a conclusion
and gives an overview of future work.
The research problem of few-exemplar learning in the
area of document processing was first mentioned by
Eric Saund (Saund, 2011). He observes that users
do not appreciate that classification methods need ex-
plicit examples of allowable variations in what to a
person are clearly the same document type. In his
point of view the research attention has to focus on
machine-learning techniques that are able to distin-
guish between document types from a minimal set of
available example documents.
In the area of computer vision the problem of in-
sufficient available annotated data is already known
and described. Fei-Fei et al. coin the phrase of one-
shot learning that describes the behavior of a learn-
ing system to generate enough information to classify
new objects to a category out of only one single ex-
ample object (Fei-Fei et al., 2006). Salperwyck and
Lemaire deal with this issue by evaluating leading
classifiers according to their ability to perform well
on a small set of training documents (Salperwyck and
Lemaire, 2011). While the authors only focus on the
classification of different kinds of objects, the same
rules match for self-learning methods in the context
of information extraction out of business documents,
which leads to the field of few-exemplar extraction.
The community of information extraction has only
produced a small number of systems explicitly opti-
mized and evaluated according to the ability to learn
from few examples. Bart and Sarkar try to iden-
tify relevant information organized as tables and lists
(Bart and Sarkar, 2010). The user has to provide one
entry of a table or list in a document as feedback.
From this information the authors generate knowl-
edge about table and list structure and recognize other
entries within this document. Using this kind of one-
shot learning on the entry level, the work reaches an
extraction effectivity of 92% Recall. Nevertheless the
user has to manually annotate one entry per docu-
ment, which is a high requirement the majority of
SOHO users would not agree with. Medvet et al. are
much closer to the problem of few-exemplar extrac-
tion. The authors evaluate their solution according to
the number of documents with the same class in the
training set (Medvet et al., 2011). Following a prob-
abilistic approach they reach extractions rates of 62%
with only one, 65% with two and 80% with three doc-
uments of the same class in training. In relation to the
solutions overall effectivity of above 90%, the starting
behavior offers a large gap to this value.
To summarize, the documentation of the learn-
ing behavior of common solutions for information
extraction out of business documents is disappoint-
ing. Among hundreds of solutions only a small num-
ber focusses on the ability to immediately learn from
scratch. The extraction effectivity of these matching
solutions is far away from a level that is acceptable
for SOHO users and private individuals.
Few-exemplar extraction is the ability of a self-
learning information extraction system to reach con-
stant and high extraction effectivity independent from
the available set of training documents. This section
focusses on formalizing the problem and defining a
measure to evaluate information extraction systems
according to few-exemplar learning. For each doc-
ument d from a set of test documents D , the struc-
ture of the currently available training set T has to
be analyzed. Equation 1 defines a function sim that
returns a set T
T of similar training documents
that directly influences extraction results from docu-
ment d. In our case, function sim identifies documents
in T that share the template/layout of document d.
The evaluation results are categorized according to
the size k of this set.
d D k N : |sim(d, T )| = |T
| = k (1)
Using an evaluation metric p
for measuring and
averaging the results of all test documents with k sim-
ilar documents in the training set, the performance of
the system has to be (1) constant for all documents in-
dependent from the number k of similar documents in
the training and (2) near to the extraction effectivity
the fully trained system reaches.
As presented in Section 5, we define our similar-
ity function sim based on training documents with the
same template and our evaluation metric p on top of
common metrics Precision, Recall and F
score. To
compare the learning behavior of different systems,
we implemented a measure, called Few-Exemplar Ex-
traction Performance (FEEP), whose calculation is
presented in Equation 2. By calculating the average
over the relative performances according to the sys-
tem’s maximum performance p
for a number of
bins with k t, we get an indicator how good a sys-
tem works with few examples in its starting period
according to its maximum performance. Due to an
often very uneven number of instances for each k, we
use the average performance p
of the system in-
stead of the maximum performance p
To find an approach that fits the users’ requirements
and performs a few-exemplar extraction, we analyzed
content and layout of business documents in detail.
Most documents are based on document templates.
While many related works define a template as a
schema explicitly describing the document and its rel-
evant information, from our point of view a template
consists of a theoretical function, which transforms
index data, fixed textual elements, and layout compo-
nents to a graphical representation of the document, a
so-called template instance.
The key idea of our information extraction system
is to reverse this transformation to identify the index
data used to create the representation. While we do
not have any information about the function itself, we
try to identify documents with the same template and
benefit from commonalities between them. By group-
ing documents according to their layout and generat-
ing extraction rules out of at least a minimal num-
ber of similar training examples on-the-fly, we want
to reach the proposed enhancement of the extraction
effectivity and speed-up in the starting period. Ideally,
template instances are similar enough to contain suffi-
cient extraction knowledge out of only one single in-
stance in the training set. Details on our approach are
shown in Figure 2. It is a part of the Intellix process
(Schuster et al., 2013), which focusses on the extrac-
tion of information out of business documents with a
high overall effectivity. Due to the focus of this work
to the ability of few-exemplar extraction, we reduce
the description of our algorithms to a minimum. Fur-
ther details can be found in the referred paper.
The input of our extraction system are XML files
describing the content and layout of business docu-
ments. Starting with a document image taken by one
of various source devices, i.e. scanner, printer, smart-
phone, or computer, the document is preprocessed
and transformed by a commercial OCR to a hierarchi-
cal representation. This XML file describes the struc-
ture of the document starting from page level down
to character level. For each element additional infor-
mation like position, bounding box, font details, and
formatting styles are detected. While this information
is delivered by an external OCR, we do not focus on
any optimizations.
4.1 Template Document Detection
Similar to common solutions, the first step of our ap-
proach is a classification. The template document de-
tection searches the model of available training ex-
amples for similar documents called template docu-
ments. We try to identify training documents based on
the same template as the extraction document. We do
not have any formal definition what a template looks
like. Hence we analyze textual and structural charac-
teristics to find similarities which lead to the decision
that two documents are based on the same template.
Due to a high dependency of following algorithms on
the results of the template document detection, we fo-
cus on reaching a very high Precision with values of
99% and higher. Technically, we use a two-step ap-
proach to find template documents.
In a first step, we use the search engine Lucene
with a tf-idf-based ranking as a fast heuristic. Due to
its independence from the size of training and its abil-
ity to immediately learn new documents, it is most
suitable to the SOHO use case. As features we com-
bine the document’s words with its positions. For this
purpose we overlay each document with a grid of the
same size and add the coordinates of the cell the upper
left corner of the bounding box of the word matches.
Validation runs have shown a perfect grid size of 6
by 3. A word “Invoice” in grid cell with coordinates
x=2 and y=4 will result in the feature “Invoice 0204”.
Querying Lucene returns a ranked list of k training
documents that match the input document.
To identify relevant documents within the ranked
list, we rely on a common distance metric. In this sec-
ond step we calculate a normalized and comparative
Template Document
Result Combiner
Figure 2: Intellix indexing process specialized to the area of few-exemplar extraction.
score for each similar document. Therefore we de-
fine features the same way we do it for our heuristic.
By giving each document a weighting according to
the occurrence of this feature, we get a vector space
model. The distance between documents is calcu-
lated using the Cosine similarity. At last, we select a
subset of documents by separating the results using a
experiment-driven threshold, indicating these are the
ones we assume are generated by the same template.
4.2 Generation of Extraction Rules
Our extraction algorithms analyze the template doc-
uments identified by our template document detec-
tion and generate different kinds of extraction rules
on-the-fly. These rules are applied to the document
that should be extracted to get relevant information.
Each extraction algorithm produces a list of possible
candidates including a score between 0 and 1 indi-
cating how sure it is according to the correctness of
each result. To focus on as much characteristics of
documents as possible, we implemented different al-
gorithms using different strategies to learn extraction
patterns out of the template documents. Due to the in-
dependent processing, more algorithms can be easily
added by integrating them in parallel to our proposed
In Intellix, there already exist extraction algo-
rithms that perform good for most index fields. The
Template-based Indexer analyzes fixed fields (i.e.
document type or sender) in the template documents
and adopts the values. The Position-based Indexer
combines the positions of values in template docu-
ments and searches for relevant information on com-
parable positions in the document to be extracted.
Both algorithms improve when more template doc-
uments become available. They are not specialized
to small sets of similar documents and do not signifi-
cantly influence the starting period.
Therefore we developed two novel algorithms that
require only one template document to find relevant
information. Our Context-based Indexer focusses on
fields, whose values do not change their position ac-
cording to anchor words. While the total amount of
an invoice will change its absolute position according
to the number of records, its relative position accord-
ing to some context word as “Total amount:” will stay
the same. The indexer identifies such context words
by overlapping the document to be extracted with all
template documents and determining the best word
in the intersection set regarding the shortest distance
to the value. Afterwards it searches these words in
the target document and extracts relevant information
due to their relative positioning. Our Structure-based
Indexer uses the hierarchical structure of the docu-
ments XML files and tries to map the position of in-
dex values in the DOM tree of a template document
to the DOM tree of the document to be extracted. The
consistent generation of XML files by OCRs guaran-
tees similarities between both trees that allow a fuzzy
mapping to identify relevant information.
From the perspective of few-exemplar extraction,
the presented algorithms can already produce results
with at least one similar document identified by the
template document detection. Nevertheless precision
of extraction patterns increases with more training
documents becoming available.
4.3 Result Combination and Feedback
The results of each single extraction algorithm are
merged to a set of final results. Based on the candi-
dates and scores each algorithm produces, the result
combiner aggregates them and calculates new scores.
Hereby, the combiner considers the ability of each
algorithm to extract fields by using weights to influ-
ence the share each algorithm has in the final results.
Weights are dynamically calculated by analyzing the
results of each algorithm in relation to feedback.
As already mentioned, a user can hand in feed-
back for documents. Feedback is processed by a feed-
back processor, that adds each annotated document
as a new training example to the model. The next
extraction may already use this feedback to improve
template detection and thus extraction effectivity.
We implemented the process described above in a
prototype implementation at TU Dresden. Large parts
of this implementation are already used in the com-
mercial document management system developed by
our project partner DocuWare.
As document corpus we used a set of 12,500
multilingual real-world business documents from the
archive of DocuWare. We captured each document
with a stationary scanner and classified it manually
by its layout. It seems that nearly all documents were
generated using templates thus we categorized them
according to this basis. Altogether we identified 399
different kinds of layouts within the document set.
To evaluate the information extraction we annotated
each document according to commonly used fields in
document archiving. Beside a minimal set of fields
to enable structured archiving (document type, recipi-
ent, sender, date), we added further popular fields like
amount, contact, customer identifier, document num-
ber, subject, and date to be paid based on an inedited
survey carried out by DocuWare. All in all we identi-
fied 105.184 extractable values.
The extraction effectivity is evaluated using the
common measures Precision, Recall, and F
as adopted by Chinchor and Sundheim for MUC-5
(Chinchor and Sundheim, 1993). The authors catego-
rize each extraction result as correct (COR), incorrect
(INC), partial correct (PAR), missing (MIS), or spu-
rious (SPU) and calculate Precision, Recall, and F
score on top of these values. As the user only expects
correct results, we ignored the class of partial correct
results and tackled this kind of extraction as incorrect.
Overall values are calculated using a micro-averaging
approach by averaging single results over all recog-
nized labels.
To measure the ability to few-exemplar extraction,
we used an incremental learning approach combined
with an adapted measure based on Precision, Recall,
and F
score. Incremental learning perfectly simu-
lates the way SOHO and private individuals fill their
system with training documents. We start with an
empty model without any training and continuously
enhance the training set by user feedback. Each doc-
ument not recognized correctly by our system was
added as a new training document to the model thus
improving future indexing. The extraction effectiv-
ity in the starting period was measured by calculating
Precision, Recall, and F
score in relation to the size
and structure of the training set. For each test docu-
ment, the number k of documents with the same tem-
plate in the current training set was determined by our
similarity function sim and the extraction results were
grouped according to this number into classes correct
), incorrect (INC
), missing (MIS
), and spuri-
ous (SPU
). Equations 3 and 4 describe the way our
evaluation metrics p
(Precision@k and Recall@k)
were calculated. F
@k is defined as the harmonic
mean between Precision@k and Recall@k. Due to
the fact that our metrics’ effectivity depends very
much on the quality of the first training documents,
we did multiple evaluation runs and averaged all sin-
gle results to get a significant final evaluation.
Precision@k =
Recall@k =
Figure 3 visualizes the results of our system using
the iterative approach and the already defined metrics
Precision@k, Recall@k, and F
@k. For documents
that do not have a similar document in the training
set at extraction time, we reach an extraction effec-
tivity of 22%. We expected this value to be zero. In-
stead, our template document detection sometimes se-
lects wrong examples for documents that have no pen-
dants with the same template in the training set. Using
wrong but similar documents surprisingly leads to a
low extraction effectivity unequal to zero. Much more
relevant are the results the system produces with only
one, two or three similar documents in the current
training set. Our system reaches constant rates over
all k starting with an already very high one-shot learn-
ing extraction effectivity of 78% F
score. Therefore
a user has to manually annotate the relevant informa-
tion in only one document of each template to nearly
get an extraction effectivity of 80% that is compara-
ble to the performance that can be reached with man-
ual indexing (Klein et al., 2004). The averaged ex-
traction effectivity (88% F
score) using the iterative
evaluation approach bares the range of possible im-
provements for our fast learning system. Using our
metric Few-Exemplar Extraction Performance based
on the F
score with a threshold of t = 5, we reach
= 0, 93.
pk / pmax
F1 score
Current number of training documents with same template
0 1 2 3 4 5 or more
Current number of training documents with same template
0 1 2 3 4 5 AVG
Figure 3: Extraction effectivity of the proposed approach in
relation to the number of documents with the same template
within the current training set using an iterative evaluation.
We discussed the problem of few-exemplar extraction
in the area of document processing and presented a
metric to measure information extraction systems ac-
cording to their performance with a limited number of
training documents. Based on this research, we devel-
oped an approach for few-exemplar information ex-
traction for SOHO users and private individuals. It is
based on a template document detection that identifies
similar training documents using textual and layout-
based features in combination with the search archi-
tecture Lucene. We use these similar documents as
an input for our extraction algorithms to create single
results from each component and combine them to a
final result. We reach a one-shot extraction effectivity
of 78% F
score on 10 commonly used fields in docu-
ment archiving. SOHO users and private individuals,
who do not have any training documents, just have to
annotate one document per template to reach an ac-
ceptable extraction effectivity.
The results in Figure 3 reveal a very low perfor-
mance for documents that do not have any similar
document in the training set. While this case is not
very surprising, our process is focussed on the exis-
tence of similar documents, we want to improve this
performance by adding a cooperative information ex-
traction. Trustworthy users can combine their sys-
tems in a secure way and provide extraction knowl-
edge they already gained to increase the extraction ef-
fectivity of the whole group. Especially where there
are no similar documents in the system, it can profit
from the knowledge in another one.
This research was funded by the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within
the research program “KMU Innovativ” (fund num-
ber 01/S12017). We thank our project partners from
DocuWare for insightful discussions and providing us
with the document corpus used for evaluation.
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