Towards a Composition-based APIaaS Layer
Claudio Guidi, Saverio Giallorenzo and Maurizio Gabbrielli
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - DISI, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Service-oriented Computing, Cloud Computing, API, Composition, SaaS, PaaS, APIaaS.
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are a standard feature of any application that exposes its func-
tionalities to external invokers. APIs can be composed thus obtaining new programs with new functionalities.
However API composition easily becomes a frustrating and time-costly task that hinders API reuse. The issue
derives from technology-dependent features of API composition such as the need of extensive documentation,
protocol integration, security issues, etc.. In this paper we introduce the perspective of the API-as-a-Service
(APIaaS) layer as tool to ease the development and deployment of applications based on API composition,
abstracting communication protocols and message formats. We elicit the desirable features of such a layer and
provide a proof-of-concept prototype implemented using a service-oriented language.
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are a
standard feature of any application that exposes its
functionalities to external invokers. APIs can be com-
posed to create new applications at client or server
side. In the former case composition takes the form of
a mashup (Liu et al., 2007), whereas in the latter case
it is usually realized within a specific application. De-
pending on the desired result, developers choose for
a server- or client-side composition, although there
are some cases in which only a server-side application
can comply with the requirements of the project, e.g.,
: (i) the developer needs to publish the composition
as a new API; (ii) the composition has some strate-
gic value, therefore the developer does not want to
publish it as a readable script at client-side; (iii) APIs
could use API keys and other identification data that
must remain private and/or pass only through certi-
fied channels like VPNs or SSH; (iv) privacy policies
and national agreements might enforce a known, cer-
tified, and geographically restricted route for data; (v)
API contracts require the user to be part of a specific
federated network. For these reasons and since our
interest regards API composition and publication, in
this work we focus on server-side API composition.
Composition of APIs implies the choice of a set of
different technologies that span from the implementa-
tion language to the communication and serialisation
protocols used by the application. The choice on these
technologies it is very important since it strongly af-
fects development, deployment, and maintenance of
the project. In addition, it is not clear what long-
term implications could derive from the choice of a
specific set of technologies at design-time. In order
to clarify how technology could affect a server-side
API composition project, let us consider the exam-
ple of Fig. 1 which reports the architectural view of
a realistic application, dubbed PhotoBlog. PhotoBlog
manages the publication of photos and their captions,
translated in several languages, on various blogging
platforms. PhotoBlog derives from the composition
of three APIs: (i) image, for image handling (resize,
cut, etc.) and storage; (ii) translation, for the auto-
matic translation of captions; (iii) blogging, for pub-
lishing images and captions as posts. Moreover, Pho-
toBlog itself exposes its own APIs to client interfaces.
Figure 1: An example of composition of APIs.
Assuming T the technology chosen for the devel-
opment of the project, the typical implementation of
such a composition passes by the following phases:
documentation analysis: the developer must un-
derstand the parameters of interaction of each API
with T . Documentation analysis usually consists
of reading the companion documentation issued
Guidi C., Giallorenzo S. and Gabbrielli M..
Towards a Composition-based APIaaS Layer.
DOI: 10.5220/0004948004250432
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2014), pages 425-432
ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
by the API provider;
API connection: the developer must include, or
develop by her own, specific libraries for T to
handle communication and serialisation protocols
with the composed APIs. Notably, each API could
require the support of a different protocol;
development: the developer implements the com-
position in T , employing the specific patterns of
composition provided by T ;
deployment: the administrator of PhotoBlog de-
ploys the application on a platform of a provider
which supports T . Convenience, diffusion, and
support for T is another strong concern which in-
fluences its choice;
maintenance and evolution: the developer has to
maintain the project up-to-date wrt new releases
of APIs. API updates could require upgrades of T
by either the administrator or the provider of the
platform, depending on the service-level agree-
Even in such a simple example as PhotoBlog,
composing APIs requires a lot of “boilerplate” work
to enable communication with the composed applica-
tions. This diverts the focus of the developer from
the core composition functionality to the creation of
a suitable environment for composition. In addition
such an environment requires an exhausting work of
What emerges from our brief analysis is that APIs
are a commodity of any application, especially when
deployed on the cloud, but the heterogeneity of pro-
tocols makes interacting with several applications an
unaffordable task, if compared to its yield. The costs
of setting a suitable environment easily overcome the
potential value of the composition and represent an
important drawback of programming web and cloud
applications. This fact highlights the strong need for
tools that enable efficient development of heteroge-
neous APIs, either in the cloud or on the Internet in
general. However, to the best of our knowledge, cur-
rently there is no structured programming patterns nor
formal theories which deal with API server-side com-
position in a cloud environment.
In this paper we try to attack this problem by
introducing the notion of an API-as-a-Service (API-
aaS) layer as a tool which eases the development and
deployment of applications based on API composi-
tions. By doing this, we also elicit the desirable gen-
eral features of such a layer. Moreover, we also pro-
vide a proof-of-concept APIaaS prototype based on a
service-oriented approach. In our vision, the APIaaS
layer is a PaaS layer which provides all the tools for
facilitating API composition, in particular by abstract-
ing communication protocols and message formats.
Service-oriented orchestration programming could be
adopted as a programming reference for abstracting
technological details and focusing on composition.
In § 2 we enhance the PhotoBlog example in or-
der to list all the problems related on API compo-
sition. In § 3 we list all the features of an APIaaS
layer should provide, whereas in § 4 we present our
proof-of-concept APIaaS prototype which exploits a
service-oriented approach both for the programming
and the architectural level. Finally, in § 5 we discuss
some related work, drawing our conclusions in § 6.
In this section we list and discuss the main difficulties
related to the development of applications that use and
publish APIs. We extend the example of PhotoBlog,
assuming T the technology selected for its implemen-
Documentation. Documentation regards the retrieval
and integration of documents that describe APIs for
the given technology T . In our example such a step
must be performed for the three composed APIs,
namely image, translation and blogging. Usually the
documentation is described for RESTful JSON mes-
sages so, for each service, the developer has first to
check the documentation in order to extract infor-
mation on the identifier, the type, and the semantics
of the values of request-response operations (if any).
Then the documentation of specific libraries for T
must be analysed, when supplied.
This process alone can take an important amount
of time (Erl, 2004) when compared to that one of the
development. Moreover, when the documentation is
partial or missing the developer could end in a time-
costly trial-and-error phase to acquire the information
on how to interact with an API.
Interoperability. Interoperability concerns the mech-
anisms and technologies needed for requesting ser-
vices and exchanging data between different APIs.
In our example let us suppose that T natively sup-
ports interoperability with the translation and blog-
ging APIs, but needs specific libraries for interacting
with the image one. In this situation the developer
faces two scenarios:
1. Including Libraries. The developer integrates li-
braries of T which offer ready-to-use functional-
ities and reduce the workload of the developer.
However library inclusion causes the following
strong dependencies in the project. Once in-
cluded, dependencies need to be kept up-to-
date and changes between versions may lead to
major changes in the implementation of the ap-
conflicts among libraries, source of bugs and
unwanted side-effects;
limited knowledge of the internal mechanisms
of libraries. This constitutes a “grey area” of
the project on which the developer has little to
no knowledge, adding complexity to the debug-
ging process.
2. Ad-hoc Solutions. The developer could spend a
significant amount of time in implementing ad-
hoc solutions to support interoperability with the
image API in T . In this case, she would need a
comprehensive knowledge on the communication
and serialisation protocols employed by the image
Publication. Published APIs allow interaction with
client interfaces and other server-side applications.
Publication concerns both APIs deployment and doc-
umentation, which represent two concerns:
the problems addressed for interoperability hold
also for API deployment. High levels of interop-
erability bring strong dependencies on several li-
braries, whilst supporting only a few protocols re-
duces the cost of implementation to the detriment
of interoperability;
publishing an API requires also the publication
of its companion documentation. Such documen-
tation is produced ad-hoc and requires a steady
commitment as it must be up-to-date wrt the im-
plementation it describes.
Security. Security regards secure transition, storage,
and retrieval of data and it is a major issue of any
application available on any open network. Imple-
menting and administrating security requires specific
knowledge, experience, and skills. Indeed the devel-
oper can easily include in T cryptographic libraries
for secure communication like TSL and SSL and
encryption/decryption libraries for data storage/re-
trieval. However security still requires a tremendous
effort to ensure a specific level of reliability: a devel-
oper that chooses to implement and deploy the secu-
rity of data on its own must be aware of the latest best
practices (McGraw, 2004) in security. Moreover, she
must invest a lot of effort to check the chain of com-
ponents that handle sensible data to prevent security
exploits (Barber, 2001).
In our example, PhotoBlog must provide APIs that
enable users to set persistent configurations on the ser-
vice. Users have to register to the service, link one or
more blogs to their account, and identify themselves
before publishing a post. This implies two APIs con-
cerning security: registration/access of users and reg-
istration/access to blogs, depicted in Fig. 2.
to service
Figure 2: Users and blogs registration.
Monitoring. After PhotoBlog has been deployed,
its administrator wants to check the performances of
her application. An important step in project develop-
ment is therefore monitoring. Monitorability (Skene
et al., 2007) is a major concern when Service-Level
Agreements (SLAs) define performances and avail-
ability of services with legal consequences such as
penalties and compensations. As for security, T prob-
ably benefits from libraries to administer monitoring.
In PhotoBlog the monitoring function, provided as an
API, can serve both clients and its administrator. The
administrator can monitor the activities on its applica-
tion, checking for availability, performances, and re-
source requirements. Clients can also take advantage
of the monitoring feature to assess the availability of
the service. In addition, third parties can offer impar-
tial monitoring of services to assess compliance with
Portability. Portability is the degree of freedom of an
application wrt its dependencies. Internal dependen-
cies enforce the usage of libraries whose changes po-
tentially lead to major rewrites of the application. Ex-
ternal dependencies imply the presence of a specific
elements in the running environment of the applica-
tion. It could be the running environment itself, e.g.,
a specific interpreter, or other applications that must
coexist in the same platform to enable a particular be-
haviour. In the previous paragraphs we extensively
addressed the problems linked to internal dependency,
however also external dependencies are a major is-
sue which may lead to a locked-in situation. To illus-
trate this point let us say that the technology T cho-
sen for PhotoBlog is Java, relying on Spring (Johnson
et al., 2005) as supporting framework. Once released
and deployed by the developer, the administrator of
PhotoBlog is forced to choose a running environment
that offers Java with Spring. In case the adminis-
trator wants to switch to another provider, she must
choose one that offers a similar running environment.
Otherwise she could spend a significant amount of
time in setting the necessary running environment on
a generic platform i.e., installing the JVM, the Spring
framework, setting it properly, etc..
In this section we discuss the basic features which
should characterize a composition-based APIaaS
layer in a cloud framework. Notably, APIs can be
divided into two groups, based on their implemen-
tation: core and composed APIs. Core APIs belong
to applications that directly implement their function-
alities without relying on external APIs (e.g., image,
translation, and blogging APIs of PhotoBlog). Com-
posed APIs derive from a behavioural composition of
other APIs like the PhotBlog API. In our perspective
an APIaaS layer should make no distinction in sup-
porting core or composed APIs.
In this work we propose an APIaaS layer as a
Platform-as-a-Service layer tailored to cope with the
issues of API composition (3b). Developers can ac-
cess such layer by means of private and secure cre-
dentials which give access to a private area that sup-
ports design of new API compositions starting from
other existing core APIs. Developers can search ex-
isting APIs in the API registry of the APIaaS layer.
APIs come with a formal interface which defines the
message types and the behaviour of the interaction.
They are also enriched with formal SLA documen-
tation which provides all the necessary information
for using/buying them. Each developer can decide to
publish her APIs as private, inner or public. Private
APIs are visible only by the author, inner APIs are
visible only within the same APIaaS platform, whilst
public APIs are visible from outside. Notably, inner
and public visibility does not imply also accessibility
and inner and public APIs can be released for free or
under payment. Deployment costs and revenues de-
pend on the business model of the APIaaS provider.
Finally each deployed API should be monitorable and
its performances visible by the administrator of the
API and its clients, guaranteeing impartial SLA con-
Coherently with this scenario we propose to di-
vide the APIaaS layer into two main sub-layers: the
Figure 3: APIaaS layer in the common cloud stack.
Abstract APIAaaS layer and the Deployment APIaaS
one, as shown in Fig.3c. The former sub-layer sup-
ports the abstract composition of APIs. The latter
provides all the necessary tools for their management.
Such a division allows to separate programming is-
sues, considered in the abstract layer, from the archi-
tectural ones, addressed by the deployment layer.
In the following, we list and discuss the main de-
sirable features for these two sub-layers.
Abstract APIaaS
Composability: is the availability of the linguis-
tic tools that provide a suitable abstraction for
achieving composition;
Formal documentability: is the possibility of doc-
umenting and describing each API by means of
formal and abstract interface specifications. Such
specifications can be used to achieve composi-
tion abstracting the details of real communication
protocols and message formats. Formal specifi-
cations enables the automatic extraction of stubs
of descriptive documentation, thus helping devel-
opers in API documentation. In addition, semi-
automatic production of documentation uniforms
the overall documentation easing the interpreta-
tion of API documentation by clients. This feature
is currently missing in RESTful APIs where there
exist no formal nor standard language for defining
API interfaces.
Portability: deals with the possibility of moving
an API composition from an APIaaS platform to
another one without affecting its code. Porta-
bility is important to avoid lock-ins on APIaaS
providers. Lock-in avoidance is one of the key to
guarantee a competitive API market. Moreover, it
also allows to separate functionality issues from
the one related to deployment and performances.
Deployment APIaaS
Protection: deals with the possibility of compos-
ing APIs within the APIaaS layer for inner us-
age, without publishing them thought a public
Software-as-a-Service layer. This feature allows
the creation of inner utility APIs used by more
complex APIs.
Interoperability: allows the APIaaS layer to con-
nect with different applications and APIs by
supporting several communication protocols and
message formats (e.g., Http/JSON, Http/SOAP,
Java RMI, XML RPC, etc.). This feature allows to
connect the formal interfaces of the abstract layer
to concrete communication protocols and interop-
erate with external APIs.
Publishability: deals with the possibility to select
and publish a subset of the developed APIs on the
public SaaS layer. Such feature allows mashups
and applications commonly developed with other
technologies to employ the developed APIs.
Measurability: concerns the possibility to mea-
sure the performances of APIs in terms of re-
sponse time, memory usage, served sessions per
time unit, etc.. All these information serve for the
definition of SLA contracts both between APIaaS
providers and API developers and between API
developers and their clients. Since APIs can be in-
ternally composed, it should be possible to derive
minimal SLAs starting from the composition of
the SLAs of the composed APIs. As an example
consider the case described in § 2. Let us suppose
that the image blurring process takes at maximum
500msec whilst the process of image posting takes
at maximum 200msec. Provided these data, a de-
veloper can guarantee in PhotoBlog’s SLA that
the response time of its image posting API has a
upper bound of 700msec.
Sandboxing: relates to the protection feature and
extends it. In particular sandboxing of code en-
ables each developer to access a different environ-
ment which runs and contains all her code. In the
sandboxing environment the developer defines the
visibility of its compositions i.e., which should be
visible internally or which have public visibility
for external usage.
Security: deals with different aspects of security
of the APIaaS framework, i.e., : i) access secu-
rity; ii) private data consistency; iii) malware pre-
vention. Access security deals with well-known
security issues like authentication and access to-
ken release to allow clients access APIs; private
data consistency deals with issues related to cor-
ruption of private data performed by malicious ac-
tivities from the outside (e.g., hacking attacks that
alter private data); malware prevention deals with
issues related to malicious behaviour of the de-
ployed composed APIs.
Scalability: deals with the possibility to scale the
APIaaS architecture depending on the number of
subscribed developers and the number of devel-
oped APIs.
Federability: deals with the possibility of federat-
ing different APIaaS layers in order to share the
inner developed APIs among different providers.
Such a feature allows for the creation of a hori-
zontal layer among different cloud infrastructures
and provides the abstraction of a unique and com-
mon development framework for APIs. Such fed-
eration could be useful for the creation of groups
of specialised APIaaS providers which maximise
variety, efficiency, and security of offered APIs.
As an example, let us consider the case of a Smart
City that providers the federation of three differ-
ent APIaaS to citizens and companies: the mu-
nicipality APIaaS, the main hospital APIaaS, and
the public transportation company APIaaS. In this
case, developers can easily access one of the three
APIaaS and immediately exploit also all the APIs
offered by the other two with the ease, efficiency,
and security of the inner composition.
In this section we describe our composition-based
APIaaS prototype, called JSOA, which is built follow-
ing a service-oriented paradigm. The prototype rep-
resents an important enhancement wrt the PaaSSOA
project (Guidi et al., 2012). In particular, JSOA intro-
duces formal documentability, a web GUI designer,
monitoring enhancements, publishability, and a pro-
totype of the SaaS layer.
4.1 Abstract APIaaS
In the Abstract APIaaS layer we follow service or-
chestration principles to supply a composition lan-
guage for APIs. In particular we use Jolie (Jolie,
2013) as orchestration language because it combines
all the basic mechanisms of the well-known web
services standards WSDL (W3C, 2001) and WS-
BPEL (OASIS, 2007) in the same linguistic domain.
In the following we discuss how composability, for-
mal documentability, and portability are achieved by
the JSOA Abstract APIaaS layer.
1 main {
2 s e t I n t o B l o g ( r ) ( p ) {
3 g e t I m g W i t h F a c e B l u r@
4 ImageAPI ( r . i mag e ) ( s . image )
5 |
6 g e t E n g T r a n s l a t i o n@
7 T r a n s l a t i o n A P I ( r . t e x t ) ( s . t e x t ) ;
8 s . us er n ame = r . u s er n am e ;
9 s . pa s s w or d = r . p a s swo r d ;
10 s e t P o s t@BlogAPI ( s ) ( p )
11 }
12 }
Listing 1: Composition behaviour of PhotoBlog 2 in Jolie.
Composability. JSOA addresses composability in a
natural way using the linguistic primitives supplied
by an orchestration language (e.g., Jolie) which easily
permit to coordinate concurrent service calls, thus fo-
cusing the value on composition and not on other as-
pects of programming. In particular these primitives
cover the following aspects: i) workflow behaviour:
the behaviour is expressed in terms of a workflow
that provides both sequence and parallel operators,
therefore no thread programming is required; ii) syn-
chronous invocation primitive: APIs can be invoked
by exploiting blocking request-response primitives
which can be easily composed within the behaviour;
iii) statefulness primitives: orchestration languages
provide specific language primitives for addressing
statefulness, e.g., such as correlation sets (Mauro
et al., 2011) which ease session and state handling
at application level; iv) process spawn: process
spawn is automatically managed by the orchestra-
tion engines, no linguistic primitives are required;
v) endpoint abstraction: endpoints allows to invoke
APIs abstracting away from communication proto-
cols and message formats. List. 1 reports a snip-
pet of code corresponding to the behavioural com-
position of PhotoBlog in § 2. Notably, List. 1 does
not report the declaration part which we excluded
for reasons of presentation. In List. 1 we sup-
pose that getImgWithFaceBlur@ImageAPI (Lines 3-
4), getEngTranslation@TranslationAPI (Lines 6-
7), and setPost (Line 10) are the names of the API
for the image application, the translation application,
and PhotoBlog respectively. Moreover, we define
the name of the new composed API as setIntoBlog
(Line 2). When the API is invoked (Line 2), the layer
spawns an instance of its behaviour, executing it. In
particular List. 1 composes the image and translation
APIs in parallel (Line 5) and when they both return a
response it commands the sequential execution of the
subsequent instructions (Lines 8-9).
Figure 4: The JSOA Architecture.
Formal Documentability. In Jolie, each input and
output endpoints of a service is joined with an inter-
face which defines all the available APIs for the given
port and the message types
. Each Jolie interface can
be enriched with comments and automatically trans-
formed into an human-readable HTML document.
Portability. Portability differs if considered within
the same technology or across different technologies.
In the former case, JSOA Abstract APIaaS layer com-
pletely cope with portability issues. Since the Jolie in-
terpreter is the same, compositions developed into the
APIaaS can seamlessly execute without any signifi-
cant modification of the code (except for endpoint re-
binding which consists in a mere url location renam-
ing) on any environment that provides said interpreter.
On the contrary, in the latter case, portability is not
directly achieved but since Jolie has been developed
upon a formal semantics (Guidi et al., 2006) ad-hoc
encoding translators can be developed.
4.2 Deployment APIaaS
Fig. 4 reports a sketch of the architecture of JSOA
which implements the Deployment APIaaS layer. The
main components are:
SOABoot: the basic component which enables ser-
vice execution in the cloud. It must be available
in each computational resource provided by the
IaaS and it takes the form of a service itself. SOA-
Boot provides three main functionalities: (i) local
Here we do not report the syntax of Jolie interfaces.
The interested reader may refer to (Jolie, 2013)
service registration; (ii) local service monitor logs
storage; (iii) local service execution.
PaaSSOA: the component in charge of providing
the PaaS abstraction to the developer. It equips
a central registry that lists all running orchestra-
tors in any SOABoot available. Registered or-
chestrators can be exploited for creating new ser-
vice APIs. Moreover PaaSSOA manages a cen-
tral monitoring service which collects all the logs
from the running services.
WSOA: the component that provides the SaaS ab-
straction and that is in charge of publishing ser-
vice APIs outside JSOA.
At the present, JSOA does not respect all the fea-
tures discussed in § 3. In the following, we briefly
discuss the implemented ones whilst we address the
missing ones in § 6 as future work.
Protection. is inherently provided by JSOA since
all deployed orchestrators and core APIs can be easily
invoked by new API compositions within the Abstract
APIaaS layer.
Interoperability. is addressed by managing the de-
ployment of the Jolie endpoints depending on the re-
quired protocols. Jolie provides both input and out-
put endpoints used by an orchestrator to receive and
send messages. As a test, we developed two core
API wrappers that invoke WordReference (WordRef-
erence, 2013) and CKAN APIs (CKAN, 2013).
Publishability. is implemented by the WSOA com-
ponent which allows to select a set of already de-
ployed APIs and to export them under different proto-
cols (e.g., Http/JSON, Http/SOAP, Http/POST/XML,
etc.). As a test, we developed a plugin that enables
the composition of already published APIs within the
editor of the SATIN project (Satin, 2013).
Measurability. is provided by the monitoring archi-
tecture. A built-in monitor is attached to each de-
ployed orchestrator. The monitor sends all the logged
events to the SOABoot local monitor. In turn SOA-
Boot local monitors send collected local data to the
central monitor which stores them. The monitor-
ing architecture also provides analysis of data via the
Drools engine (Drools, 2013). The current implemen-
tation monitors start and end of sessions and start and
end of operations. Although simple these data allows
for the calculation of important statistics like API re-
sponse time, memory usage, etc..
Scalability. is addressed by SOABoot and the reg-
istry architecture. Depending on the load of the avail-
able computational resources new SOABoots can be
added. In the same way, computational resources can
be released when the corresponding SOABoots do not
execute any orchestrator.
Recently the communities behind the main languages
used for web development like JavaScript, Ruby, Java,
and PHP produced several RESTful (Richardson and
Ruby, 2007) libraries to ease the task of designing,
writing, and composing RESTful APIs (some exam-
ples are, respectively, (Backbone.js, 2013), (Ruby on
Rails, 2013), (Java Community Process, 2013), and
(Lavarel, 2013)). RESTful frameworks ease the de-
velopment of server-side API composition and de-
ployment yet the implementation is part of the basic
core of an application which translates into high costs
of creation and maintenance.
An inspiring work in the direction of a PaaS
middleware for application deployment is (Wettinger
et al., 2013) where the authors address the problem of
composition (and dependencies) with a middleware-
oriented approach. In particular, we notice the focus
on decoupling the application logic from the neces-
sary middleware and infrastructure resources. On the
same topic, other two interesting works are (Caporus-
cio et al., 2010; Caporuscio et al., 2014) where the au-
thors introduce the concept of a middleware to lever-
age integration of heterogeneous services for ubiqui-
tous networking. Such middleware is designed and
implemented following a service-oriented approach
supporting, respectively, SOAP and RESTful Ser-
vices. This flexible and dynamic vision is also pro-
posed in (Caporuscio et al., 2011) in which third-
party applications discovered at run time should be
integrated in applications to offer more sophisticated
In this paper we discussed a new proposal for an
composition-based APIaaS layer which facilitates
API programming and deployment on the cloud by
enabling API composition. In our perspective the
APIaaS providers should supply large repositories of
core APIs which developers could compose. Com-
posed APIs could be available on the same reposi-
tory of core APIs, enabling the publication of new
and more sophisticated services, thus fostering a liq-
uid market for APIs and the reuse of services.
We also discuss a list of basic features which
should be supported by an APIaaS layer and present a
proof-of-concept prototype, dubbed JSOA, which im-
plements a subset of such features. We based JSOA
on a service-oriented paradigm and exploited primi-
tives offered by its implementation language (Jolie) to
orchestrate APIs and, more in general, to implement
said features.
The aim of this work is to start a critical discussion
towards a shared definition of the concepts and the
foundational architecture of an open APIaaS layer.
Future Work. We intend to continue the develop-
ment of our prototype. Our experience with JSOA
proved that prototyping constitutes a relevant resource
for testing and analysing benefits and drawbacks of
our approach. Namely, the next steps of JSOA de-
velopment count the implementation of features like
sandboxing, security, and federability.
In addition, we also plan to analyse how different
economic models affect a federated market of APIaaS
providers (as represented in the example regarding the
federability feature in § 3). What we expect is that
the features of our composition-based APIaaS layer
would avoid technology lock-in, lower dependencies
on specific technologies, and enact a beneficial com-
petition among different providers.
Backbone.js (2013). Backbone.js javascript framework.
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