gies and provides a Web API for the rule manage-
ment, which allows user agents to create and remove
rules, but also to modify the content of existing rules
in the rule engine. These with an XML based descrip-
tion format are compatible with Semantic Web tech-
niques and allow us to add a new semantic layer on
top of the system in the future, and integrate MASs
with the smart home systems to further build intelli-
gence with semantic reasoning.
We presented a logic layer interoperability solution
for distributed smart home systems. The system was
based on requirements that ensure the support for
features that contribute to the interoperability on the
logic layer and enable it on the semantic layer. The
implementation considered a rule engine able to ob-
serve and control devices through standard Web ser-
vices interface. Similarly, the rule engine offered a
Web services interface for the rule management fol-
lowing the same building automation guideline. The
implemented system was functional, fulfilled the re-
quirements, and proved the applicability of the ap-
proach. However, the system does not offer all the
needed functionalities at the moment. Proper meth-
ods are needed for security, authentication, authoriza-
tion as well as managing conflicts in the logic. As the
system is using RESTful Web services, it can partly
exploit same well-known techniques that are used in
the traditional Web applications to overcome some of
the challenges.
We believe that Web services based control sys-
tems can offer solutions to gain better interoperability
in smart home environments. The interoperability in
the system is not achieved by offering a single man-
ner to control the system. It is a joint effort of multi-
ple control systems offering their services openly for
managing the logic. Individual control systems can
concentrate on their main functions and exploit ser-
vices from each other, shaping the smart home to a
fully functional ecosystem where every service does
its own part and interacts with the others.
Part of the work was done as part of TIVIT De-
vices and Interoperability Ecosystem (DIEM) project
Building Automation work package and supported by
The Doctoral Programme in the Built Environment
(RYM-TO) funded through the Academy of Finland
and the Ministry of Education and Culture.
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