that its motivation and goals can be realized by the
taxonomy. However, while business views are
identified in many EA proposals, business strategy
modelling from the perspective of motivation and
business drivers are often overlooked (Lankhorst,
2013). Thus IT solutions cannot be traced back to
business strategy in a clear and unambiguous
manner. Our intended approach to formalize the
Validation of Extension Metamodel (VEM) for EA
Framework (EAF) aims to establish such process.
Formalization of VEM for EAF is the rationalization
of known validation strategy with precise semantics
enabling its model-level usage to provide strategic
awareness of EA and propose a conceptual
relationship towards EA.
Inferred from preliminary studies for this work,
formalization has not been attainable due to
ambiguity and divergence that exist within modelling
techniques. The extent of formalization differ
depending on the purpose of the design from
motivation to direct EA model, maintenance of
metamodel or even the abstract meta-metamodel. As
such instantiations do not establish meaningful
traceability as expressed by their metamodels and
frameworks. Consequently, EAF formalization is
critical in order to enable transformation of semantics
and principles from domain specific constructs to
unambiguous descriptions of concepts. The use of
ontology is a new dimension introduced to address
this phenomenon.
Following this introduction, this paper is
organised as follows. Section two presents pungent
and concise expositions of the concepts of
formalization, focusing on two main categories. The
first specifies models, metamodels, framework from
the perspective of EA and the second delves into
ontology, resource definition framework schema, and
correlations as applied to validation. Section three
focuses on description of the extended validation
elements. Section four rationalizes the methodology
adopted using a metamodel construct of ArchiMate
(TOG, 2014). Section five presents principles of
transformation to ontology. Section six delves into the
mapping methodology. Section seven presents the
resultant ontology with validation constraints and
metrics drawing inferences to query methods, graphs
and traceability. Section eight concludes the paper by
evaluating the outcomes, the principles of
formalization and areas of further research.
EA provides the principles, methods and models
used to design and realise an enterprise’s
organizational structure, process, information
systems and infrastructure. (Braun and Winter
2005). EA proposals such as TOGAF, Zachman,
TEAF and many others, though provide principles
for architectural principles for EA and guidance for
interoperability is deficient of unified business
strategy for formalization of metamodels for
validation (Martin et al., 2004) though this
requirement is widely acknowledged (Quartel et al,
2009). The formalization concepts presented in this
paper serves as focal point through which precision
can be appropriated towards EA metamodel
validation by use of ontology and Resource
Description Framework Schema (RDFS). It
incorporates thoroughness into validation criteria
formulation allowing EA to effectively be aligned to
business strategy and motivation. Formalization of
VEM allows promotion of structured and iterative
semantics that can substantially query EA ontology
thereby producing a more dependable EA
EAF, widely described as an “approach which
includes models and definitions for documenting
architectural descriptions” (FEAF, Gartner, TEAF,
SEAM) makes it difficult to formerly relate its
frameworks least of all the implementation
components and artefacts that support their design.
As this paper discusses metamodels in general,
several frameworks have been examined in terms of
their structures rather than content. Inspired by
TOGAF and ArchiMate (TOG, 2014), EAF in this
context is considered as a collection of metamodels
and models which present a means for correlation
and presentation of artefacts that conceptualise and
describe an EA.
2.1 Model, Metamodel and Framework
A model, referred to as a collection of related
components within a domain aims at providing
functionality wholly or in part to achieve specific
goals is explicitly an abstraction of a metamodel. It
highlights the properties of the metamodel and
conforms to its boundaries and constraints.
Therefore, models describe the logical business
functions or capabilities, business processes, human
roles and actors, the physical organization structure,
data flows and data stores, business applications and
platform applications, hardware and
communications infrastructure of a case domain.
A metamodel consists of explicit description of
constructs and constraints of a specific domain.
Though metamodels have also been described as