Internet Science for Strategic Planning
Žiga Turk
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Jamova 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Keywords: Information Technology, Internet Science, Strategic Planning, Future Studies, Policy Creation.
Abstract: The rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT) is perhaps the most influential
driver that is fundamentally changing the world and the societies we live in. ICT is (a) changing the
communication fabric that is linking the elements of societies together and is (b) automating human routine
work. The latter is enabling automation and creating an abundance of food, industrial products and
information. This abundance is pushing the value creation towards the creation of new knowledge and
meaningful (rather than only functional) products and services. Information, knowledge and meaning are the
three key commodities of the modern economy. Innovation and creativity are key processes creating these
commodities. The two activities are very significantly supported by information and communication
ICTs are politically acknowledged on several levels of future planning: in R&D programs, development
strategies, future studies and visions. However, a scientific base for all this is lacking. The interaction
among ICT, innovation and society at large is a subject of research projects such as EINS and spawning the
birth of a new interdisciplinary science, Internet Science - that is studying the interaction between
information technology and society.
The history of humanity shows a very clear trend
that an increasing number of people is involved in
the information professions - that is, the result of
their work is an information; not an agricultural or
an industrial product. They are sometimes referred
as “knowledge workers”.
The growing number of the knowledge workers
vis-a-vis industrial and agricultural workers is a
quantifiable indicator of society’s transition from
agricultural or industrial society into what is called
“the information society”. The growing contribution
of the information/knowledge/meaning to the value
of a product is another indicator of the transition of
the society from the material towards the
There are some who are charting the trajectory
forward; from information society towards
knowledge society and society of meaning (Pink,
2006) or emphatic society (Rifkin, 2009). However,
from the perspective of analysing processes and
technologies these are very similar to information
The key commodity in the information society is
information. Information is created, communicated
and consumed. All these processes are supported by
media, tools and technologies. For example, an old
technology for communicating information is
sending around paper. A modern way is using what
we call ICTs by which we usually mean the
electronic and digital tools and services.
Communication technology has, too date,
undergone two major and two minor revolutions
(Turk, 2009):
The first minor revolution was the invention of
paper, clay and other writing media thousands
of years BC.
The first major revolution was the
democratization of this invention by the
introduction of cheap paper and printing press
in Europe some 500 years ago.
The second minor revolution was the invention
of electronic communication like telegraph,
telephone, radio and TV in the late 19
early 20
The second major communication revolution
was the democratization of electronic
communication of texts, sounds and videos
using the internet.
While the impact of the minor revolutions was
significant, it was limited. The impact of the major
revolutions brought paradigm shifts to society as a
Turk Ž..
Internet Science for Strategic Planning.
DOI: 10.5220/0004950803940399
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 394-399
ISBN: 978-989-758-023-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The ICTs are a key enabling technologies of the
so-called knowledge triangle, which includes
research, education and innovation, the three key
activities of the “information (or knowledge or
meaning) society”.
Better linking of the three apexes of the triangle
has been one of the goals of original as well as of the
Lisbon Strategy
(European Commission, 2009). The
goal of that strategy was “to make Europe the most
competitive and dynamic knowledge based economy
in the world”. It was based on the Schumpeterian
assumption that innovation is the key driver of
economic growth, and placed a big emphasis on
innovation, research and the knowledge economy.
The Bologna reform of the European Universities
that was taking place at the roughly same time
addressed the education apex of the triangle. A
strong impetus towards the innovation union was
also the Aho Report (Aho, 2006).
2.1 Programs and Strategies
The ICT is broadly understood as a political
development priority, in the EU at least since the
Bangeman Report
(European Union, 1994). ICT was
prominently represented in the Lisbon Strategy. In
the Europe 2020 strategy, Digital Agenda for Europe
(European Commission, 2010) is one of the seven
flagship projects. “The overall aim of the Digital
Agenda is to deliver sustainable economic and social
benefits from a digital single market based on fast
and ultra-fast internet and interoperable
In Project Europe 2030 (Reflection Group, 2010)
the economic importance of ICT is well understood:
“The EU must strengthen the Single Market against
temptations of economic nationalism and complete it
to include services, the digital society and other
sectors, which are likely to become the main drivers
of growth and job creation in a market of 500
million users and consumers” … “Digitalisation is
increasing the scope for outsourcing, and the ICT-
revolution may give ample scope for growth in
productivity for decades to come.” Also, the broader
impacts of the ICT are mentioned: “The availability
of multiple entry points through which citizens can
engage with the legislative process should provide
the EU with the legitimacy and flexibility it needs to
address the challenges arising from globalization in
a digital, interdependent, network-oriented and open
society” … “… more systematic use of digital
resources for e-governance”. Role of ICT in research
was also acknowledged by the European Council
2.2 ICT in Foresight Studies
ICT is one of the most vibrant sectors of the
economy. It is therefore a subject of interest of the
financial sector. Also, since the sector is advancing
so rapidly it is opening up new issues with respect to
The European Internet Foundation made some
predictions of the Industry by 2025 (European
Internet Foundation, 2009). For 2025 they predict
the “world driven by mass collaboration”. But warn:
“By 2025, the ”digital arms race” between those
intent on harm and those collaborating to prevent it
will have become a central feature of our justice and
law-enforcement systems”.
A high level group prepared Future Internet 2020
(European Commission, 2009a) vision: “By 2020
the Internet will be both laid out as public
infrastructures and dynamically created by the
objects connecting to one another. We need to see
the Internet of the Future as this seamless fabric of
classic networks and networked objects. The content
and services they facilitate will be all around us,
always on, everywhere, all the time. It will lead the
way to opportunities we never knew existed: new
ways of working; new ways of interacting; new
ways to be entertained; new ways of living. Next to
these future applications today’s Internet will look
clunky and primitive. For instance, multimedia
applications will move towards the bandwidth of
human perception and beyond.”
The bandwidth of human perception is estimated
at 500 Mbits/seconds which is easily met today by
the fiber to the home technology. Due to the
limitations of the human body there will be no need
for faster individual connections.
Several projects on the future of the internet take
place in the EU, the US and beyond. Towards the
Future Internet Project (Forge, 2009) identified
four possible future scenarios: “1. Smooth Trip - the
rise of the internet economy as a whole life and
work style - a middle road in contrast to more
disruptive scenarios. 2. Going Green – internet
technologies are used to combat growing
environmental challenges. 3. Commercial Big
Brother – a heavily commercialized consumer
platform. 4. Power to the People – a forum for
democracy and freedom.”
The Paradiso Project (2011) had an objective “to
explore how might or should our societies evolve in
the next decades (a probable paradigm shift) and to
derive from this analysis how can Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT), and the Future
Internet in particular, contribute to making this
future better.”
Internet technologies are perhaps most
speculated about. Gartner invented and keep
publishing the so called Gartner Hype Cycle that is
showing technology maturity levels. They are also
making shorter and medium term predictions
(Gartner, 2010) of the industry.
There is no mention of the ICT in the “The
World in 2025 Report” (European Commission,
2009b). The “Transformed World” (National
Intelligence Council, 2008) report mentions possible
technological leapfrogging of the developing world,
internet as means of spreading propaganda and
organizing NGOs, ubiquitous computing, role of
ICT in warfare.
2.3 Visions of ICT
The various visions of ICT development are largely
influenced by the fact that the industry keeps
progressing according to Moore’s law. Roughly
doubling capacity and speeds every 18
This means an order of magnitude, tenfold, increase
in less than 5 years. No other industry follows this
cure, but an increasing number of industries are
hooked on this curve by getting digitized:
photography, music, movies, books, media …
anything that is information.
Zittrain (2008) paints a worried picture that the
future of the Internet may be as a number of closed
networks dominated by commercial players like
Apple and Facebook instead of an open
collaboration platform. He writes: “In the arc from
the Apple II to the iPhone, we learn something
important about where the Internet has been, and
something more important about where it is going.
The PC revolution was launched with PCs that
invited innovation by others. So too with the
Internet. Both were generative: they were designed
to accept any contribution that followed a basic set
of rules (either coded for a particular operating
system, or respecting the protocols of the Internet).
Both overwhelmed their respective proprietary, non-
generative competitors, such as the makers of stand-
alone word processors and proprietary online
services like CompuServe and AOL. But the future
unfolding right now is very different from this past.
The future is not one of generative PCs attached to a
generative network. It is instead one of sterile
appliances tethered to a network of control.” but
concludes “Our fortuitous starting point is a
generative device in tens of millions of hands on a
neutral Net. To maintain it, the users of those
devices must experience the Net as something with
which they identify and belong. We must use the
generativity of the Net to engage a constituency that
will protect and nurture it. That constituency may be
drawn from the ranks of a new generation able to see
that technology is not simply a video game designed
by someone else, and that content is not simply what
is provided through a TiVo or iPhone.”
Among the works on the impact of the internet
on politics and democracy, Morozov (2010) stands
out with a cyber-realistic view that Internet does not
necessarily bring democracy and freedom as some
cyber-utopians would claim.
Kurzweil (1998) predicted in 1998 for 2009:
“Personal computers with high-resolution visual
displays come in a range of sizes, from those small
enough to be embedded in clothing and jewellery up
to the size of a thin book. Cables are disappearing.
Communication between components uses short-
distance wireless technology. High-speed wireless
communication provides access to the Web.”
Kurzweil (ibid.) for 2019: »A $1,000 computing
device (in 1999 dollars) is now approximately equal
to the computational ability of the human brain;
Automated driving systems are now installed in
most roads. There are widespread reports of
computers passing the Turing Test, although these
tests do not meet the criteria established by
knowledgeable observers.«
Kurzweil (ibid.) for 2029: »A $1,000 (in 1999
dollars) unit of computation has the computing
capacity of approximately 1,000 human brains;
There is almost no human employment in
production, agriculture, or transportation. Basic life
needs are available for the vast majority of the
human race. There is a growing discussion about the
legal rights of computers and what constitutes being
"human. Machines claim to be conscious. These
claims are largely accepted."
And, finally, for 2099: »There is no longer any
clear distinction between humans and computers;
Life expectancy is no longer a viable term in relation
to intelligent beings.«
The interactions are too numerous to analyse in this
context as the ICT penetrates all aspects of society.
One report that stands out defines the impact of the
ICT on freedom and security in the society as
follows (Schermer and Wagemans, 2011): “Our
modern-day Internet is an environment that allows
for great freedom, but with freedom comes
responsibility. If we want to keep the Internet an
open, safe, and vibrant online environment, we must
ensure that we take into account and protect the
rights and interests of all members of society. The
greatest challenge for Europe is to ensure the highest
degree of (online) freedom for all.”
The overall views on how important the ICT will
be for the future society differs.
On one hand, Peter Drucker (2001) wrote: “All
this suggests that the greatest changes are almost
certainly still ahead of us. We can also be sure that
the society of 2030 will be very different from that
of today, and that it will bear little resemblance to
that predicted by today's best-selling futurists. It will
not be dominated or even shaped by information
technology. IT will, of course, be important, but it
will be only one of several important new
technologies. The central feature of the next society,
as of its predecessors, will be new institutions and
new theories, ideologies and problems.”
Similar is the conclusion by the National
Intelligence Council in the “Global Trends 2025:
“Many stress the role of technology in bringing
about radical change and there is no question it has
been a major driver. We—as others—have
oftentimes underestimated its impact. However,
over the past century, geopolitical rivalries and their
consequences have been more significant causes of
the multiple wars, collapse of empires, and rise of
new powers than technology alone.”
On the other hand Yochai Benkler (2006) writes:
“Information, knowledge, and culture are central to
human freedom and human development. How they
are produced and exchanged in our society critically
affects the way we see the state of the world as it is
and might be; who decides these questions; and how
we, as societies and polities, come to understand
what can and ought to be done. For more than 150
years, modern complex democracies have depended
in large measure on an industrial information
economy for these basic functions. In the past
decade and a half, we have begun to see a radical
change in the organization of information
production. Enabled by technological change, we are
beginning to see a series of economic, social, and
cultural adaptations that make possible a radical
transformation of how we make the information
environment we occupy as autonomous individuals,
citizens, and members of cultural and social groups.
It seems passe´ today to speak of “the Internet
revolution.” In some academic circles, it is
positively naıve. But it should not be. The change
brought about by the networked information
environment is deep. It is structural. It goes to the
very foundations of how liberal markets and liberal
democracies have coevolved for almost two
Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2011) claim that we
are yet to witness the most important impacts that
the ICT will have on humanity. In the Moore’s law
they see its essential message – exponential growth
– and compare the growth of the impact to the
famous reward the inventor of chess was supposed
to be given by the emperor of India. One grain of
rice on the first square of the chessboard, two on the
second four for the third … and so on.
Brynjolfsson and McAfee claim that we are still
in the first half of the board where the reward, 2
grains of rice, was quite manageable. But “as the
technology moves into the second half of the
chessboard, each successive doubling in power will
increase the number of applications where it can
affect work and employment.” They pinpoint the
source of this impact: “When businesses are based
on bits instead of atoms, then each new product adds
to the set of building blocks available to the next
entrepreneur instead of depleting the stock of ideas
the way minerals or farmlands are depleted in the
physical world.”
The expectations of impact of ICT revolution on
society are two-fold. The thesis is that it empowers
the individual, the antithesis, that it empowers the
state. We will propose the answer that both may be
The thesis that technology empowers and brings
freedom to individuals is called by Morozov and
others “the techno romantic view”. It is based on
the assumption that ICT lowers the lowers
transaction costs for people and that democratic
availability of once exclusive technology puts
relatively larger power into the hands of the people
vis-à-vis the state. Democratic movements in
Modova, Iran, Ukraine, Tunisia, Egypt, the tea party
movement (USA), the OWS and the green
movement (DE) are given as an example.
The alternative view is “the techno-realistic
view”. The thinking is that ICT also lowers
transaction costs for governments. As the lives of the
citizens and the work of the NGOs are increasingly
digitized, it is easier to gather information, censor,
and them crack-down. The internet architecture has
a few spots that can be controlled if needed. As
evidence, Cuba, China, Belarus, Iran and, recently,
the NSA, are cited as an example.
The “techno pragmatic” view states that it
depends. In democratic societies it empowers the
citizens and NGOs while in totalitarian societies it
empowers the state.
Regardless of the view, according to Scott’s
institutional theory institutions are social structures
(wider term than organizations). They have the
following basic aspects:
regulative (setting and enforcement of rules),
normative (values and social norms),
cultural (interpretation of reality).
Because they are based on culture and values,
institutions are very stable but they do change.
Change of institutions (according to Tolbert and
Zucker, 1983) is shown schematically in Figure
Figure 1: Cascade of change.
Historically it took centuries that the innovation of
cheap paper lead to its wide adoption (as for books
and newspapers). Businesses and individuals
adapted accordingly. It took a few violent
revolutions, however, some 300 years after the
innovation of paper that the normative context
(democracy, market economy) prevailed.
With the digital ICT much of the habitualization
and objectification happened already. However, we
are currently struggling even with the simple
normative changes (e.g. copyright). Major changes
to how society is organized are still to come. The
study of this should be a major topic of the emerging
internet science.
With respect to the impact of ICT on society, the
author is convinced that Peter Drucker, the National
Intelligence Council and others are wrong and that
the cyber-utopians are right. The changes in the ICT
will be one of the most important drivers of change
of the future world.
To put an argument very shortly: for any cell of
human society to work, its members must
communicate. This holds true for families,
businesses, local communities, states and countries
as well as the globe as a whole. A change in
communication possibilities influences these cells of
society. The deeper the change, the larger the impact
on societies.
The world has evolved into what it is –
politically, economically, militarily, and culturally –
around a material economy and analogue
communication. Location mattered, borders existed.
There is no such thing as distance and border in the
digital communication world. Today, the digital
economy is a small, but increasing part of the whole.
What can be digitized – knowledge and meaning –
constitute a growing share of the added value of
products and services.
There are problems as to where and how to tax
digital content, where and how should the digital
nomads – people who work at a distance digitally –
contribute to their social security, what “national”
law applies for things that are somewhere in the
internet, somewhere in the cloud; how to manage
intellectual property rights for the kind of property
where giving a copy to someone does not mean the
giver is deprived of her own copy etc. Societal
structures of the analogue world are not fit for the
digital world any more.
The material economy of the 19
century largely
took place inside a country. That county was a
natural unit for rules, regulations and laws. The
digital space is global. It will call for global rules
and regulation. In the absence of which the actors
that can play globally will rise in influence. This
includes corporations as well as individuals. Which
leaves us with the question of fair competition
among and between those.
The author believes this change will be profound
and will result in reinvention of all institutions of
society. The process already started (as per Tolbert
and Zucker) where citizens are free and where
businesses must adapt in order to be competitive.
The process is stalled where powerful institutions
and legal frameworks are blocking change and
leading to rigidities in society. In the next years and
decades, much will depend on how change will
happen in these areas – in highly governed and
regulated areas of society that include public
services, rule of law, education etc.
5.1 Towards Internet Science
Knowledge about this is needed on all levels of
future thinking – from planning and strategies to
forecasting and visions. A science that would
provide an ontological, epistemological and
methodological base is badly missing. It is a science
that combines technologists with a clear
understanding of where technology push and
technology opportunity will be coming form, social
scientists with an understanding of societal
mechanisms, and humanities with a deeper
understanding of the human being.
Internet science could fill-in this gap – if it
becomes to computer science what urban planning
and logistics are to civil engineering. Not developing
the underlying technology on how to build the
infrastructure but taking technological infrastructure
for granted and studying how it can be used to
improve the lives of people, create new businesses
and interesting new work opportunities. The EINS
network of excellence is making an important step in
this direction.
The work presented is supported, in part, by the The
Network of Excellence in Internet Science funded by
the European Commission.
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