strategy which expresses the execution of the
rewriting rule associated to incoming segment
followed by the concurrent execution (in Parallel) of
rewriting rules associated to the outgoing segments.
4.3 Validation by Simulation
Since Maude and its Strategy language are supported
by powerful rewrite engine (Clavel et al., 2011), the
formal specification produced in the previous step
benefits the access to the arsenal of generic tools for
rewriting logic engine, such as simulation, LTL
model checking, inductive theorem proving, etc.
The rewriting logic offers a great flexibility in
terms of simulation of a specification, in particular,
while choosing the initial configuration. Using all
the system’s description, we can validate a part of
the system without involving the rest. Maude
provides two commands for doing simulation:
rewrite and search. The first command
explores a possible
execution path from an initial
state to another one. However, the second one
allows us to explore reachable state space in
different ways.
4.4 Conformance Testing Process
Starting from a validated Maude-Strategy formal
description of the Business process, the proposed
method allows, in the first step, analyzing this
description and extracting from it the possible
testing sequences representing the different possible
scenarios (i.e., the different strategies). These latter
are analyzed in order to extract the possible test
cases. Each test case contains input data and
expected results. For testing the conformity between
the implementation of the Business process and its
formal specification, we proceed to: (1) execute the
program under testing using the input data, (2)
compare the obtained results to the expected ones
using a test oracle. This latter represents a
mechanism that is used during testing to determine
whether software behaves correctly or not.
(3) Finally, a testing report is generated for helping
users to correct the potential errors (see figure 1).
In this paper, we have proposed a novel approach for
formalizing, validating and testing the data-centric
business process described in UML with the Maude-
Strategy language. This work in progress represents, in
fact, the first step towards developing an entire
methodology supported by sound tools to various
stages of the business processes lifecycle.
As future directions, we are working on the
development of an environment supporting the
proposed approach by using MDE (Model Driven
Engineering) techniques for implementing the
formalization process.
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