Knowledge-based System for Urinalysis
Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues, José Antônio Tesser Poloni, Cecília Dias Flores and Liane Nanci Rotta
Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Keywords: Ontology, Knowledge-based System, Knowledge System, Expert System, Bayesian Networks, Health
Informatics, Urinalysis.
Abstract: Urinalysis is a very important test of laboratory medicine, providing valuable information about
metabolism, kidney, and urinary tract. For several reasons, including lacking of professional qualification, it
does not receive the proper attention, what prevents it to achieve its whole power. Considering that, a
knowledge-based system for decision support in urinalysis could help to change this situation, being useful
to professional training, decision support during the process or even the automation of the test. This paper
proposes the development of such a system, employing ontologies, Bayesian networks, and templates of
cognitive tasks to treat domain knowledge. Then, urinalysis is briefly discussed and system architecture is
presented, as well as the current state of the work and future steps.
Urinalysis is probably the earliest test of laboratory
medicine (King, Strasinger, 2008). It can be defined
as the testing of urine with procedures commonly
performed in an expeditious, reliable, accurate, safe,
and cost-effective manner (CLSI, 2001). Nowadays,
it is an integral part of the patient examination and is
composed by the following main steps:
Urine collection and storage: obtains the sample
and stores it until the analysis itself;
Direct Observation: examines colour, turbidity,
and odour of urine. It is falling out of favour in
light of technological advance;
Physicochemical analysis: carried out by means of
dipstick – a plastic strip with reactive areas that
gives an approximate estimation of some physical
and chemical parameters of urine (e.g. density, pH,
albumin). This estimation is detected through
colour change of the respective reactive areas;
Microscopy: it is done over a spot of urine in a
microscope slide and identifies the particles in it
(e.g. cells, crystals, microorganisms), sometimes
using some auxiliary tools (e.g. polarized light,
sediment stains). The same slide is analysed tens
of times, in different microscopic fields (i.e.
regions of the slide). After each field analysis, the
observed findings are registered.
Even though inexpensive and dealing with an easily
collected body fluid, urinalysis is a very important
test. It can provide valuable information about many
of the body’s major metabolic functions, as well as
the condition of the kidney and urinary tract (King,
Strasinger, 2008).
However, in spite of its importance, this
laboratory exam has not received the proper
attention, what prevents it to achieve its whole
power. One of the main expressions of this is that,
generally, the urinalysis is too focused on the
physicochemical analysis, leaving microscopy to a
secondary role, being performed without correct
methods, equipment, and professional qualification.
This way, the reported results relies too much on an
approximated examination of physicochemical
parameters, with significant particles being missed
or misinterpreted in microscopy – which means
missing valuable information about the patient
(Fogazzi, Verdesca, Garigali, 2008).
In order to change this scenario, (Fogazzi,
Verdesca, Garigali, 2008) point out the following
i. Use of correct method for patient preparation
and urine collection and handling;
ii. Capability to identify the most important
particles in urine;
iii. Knowledge of clinical meaning of the urine
iv. Capability to arrange urinary findings in a
clinical context.
Except for (i), all the given requirements are about
Rodrigues F., Poloni J., Flores C. and Rotta L..
Knowledge-based System for Urinalysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0004952305140519
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 514-519
ISBN: 978-989-758-027-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
pure cognitive and informational tasks, which may
be suitable to computational modelling. Such
requirements reveal three different facets that are
necessary to take into consideration in order to
rightly portrait the domain – with specific
representational tools suitable for each of them.
The first facet is the representation of the
complexity of the concepts involved in the task. This
aspect is present in the information needed both to
recognize particles in urine and define their clinical
meaning as well as to describe all the findings and
their clinical contexts. For that it may be useful to
employ ontologies. An ontology can be defined as
an explicit specification of a conceptualization
(Gruber, 1993). Generally, it is represented as a set
of concepts, a set of relations among these concepts,
a set of attributes to describe them, and other axioms
about the conceptualization.
The second facet is the uncertainty inherent to
medical domain (Schwartz and Elstein, 2008).
Regarding urinalysis, it is mainly due to the non-
deterministic nature of the relations between
findings and clinical contexts (i.e. single particles or
sets of findings are not always related to the same
clinical condition and may be arranged in different
clinical contexts) and the usual incompleteness of
information (i.e. not all findings that characterize a
clinical context are always present at the same time
at the same sample). Such uncertain aspect of the
domain can be dealt with using Bayesian networks
(BN). BNs are directed acyclic graphs in which the
nodes represent domain variables and the arcs
represent influences among these variables (Pearl,
1985), quantified by conditional probabilities tables.
The last facet is the reasoning processes and
heuristics needed to relate findings and decide what
to do to next during the sample analysis. Even
though the characteristics of particles are known as
well as their clinical meanings and associations, it is
still needed further cognitive skills to take advantage
of that knowledge (e.g. selecting a tool to identify a
particle, indentify inconsistencies in the findings).
With the aim of modelling so, we can use task
templates (i.e. reusable combinations of model
elements, that supply inferences and tasks typically
used to solve problem of a particular type)
(Schreiber et al, 1999). Examples of these tasks are
diagnosis, prediction and monitoring.
Thus, considering:
The importance of urinalysis;
The requirements to be met in order to allow
urinalysis to reach its whole power;
The cognitive and informational nature of such
requirements and;
The existence of computational techniques and
artefacts suitable to modelling them;
it seems to be possible and useful to develop a
computational system with a representation of the
domain of urinalysis able to fulfil the requirements
earlier mentioned. Encompassing such capabilities,
this system could be adapted and used for a variety
of purposes – such as professional training, decision
support and urinalysis automation.
Following this hypothesis, this paper proposes
the development of a knowledge-based system – i.e.
that uses artificial intelligence techniques in
problem-solving processes to support human
decision-making, learning, and action (Akerkar,
Sajja, 2009) – for the domain of urinalysis. Due to
the exposed, the core of the system is planned to be
built using ontologies, BNs and template tasks, each
being used for modelling the respective facet of the
domain. In spite of the different possible uses for it,
as a first version, the system is being conceived as a
decision support tool that will be used to:
Answer questions about the domain;
Evaluate user’s hypotheses;
Guide the user during the exam (i.e. user provides
new findings to system evaluation, which returns
expert advice to the user).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: section
2 presents urinalysis knowledge needs, section 3
presents the proposed system architecture, section 4
presents the current state of the work and next steps,
and section 5 brings conclusions.
In order to develop a system aiming to help in
urinalysis, it is imperative to review its context and
knowledge needs. As discussed before, executing a
good urinalysis is in great extent a matter of doing a
good microscopy. In this way, knowledge about the
fine distinctions between types of particles in urine
is unquestionably mandatory for a good urinalysis.
Yet, since urinalysis is an indirect way of
assessment of patient condition, achieving this
objective also depends on the knowledge of the
clinical conditions that can affect the urine
composition – what is important not to miss relevant
particles and to correctly interpret them.
These conditions may represent rather intricate
processes, albeit their influence over urine is much
more limited. Then, with the purpose of avoid
unnecessary complexity and still improve analysis, it
is possible to use urinary profiles – i.e. combinations
of urinary findings associated to clinical conditions
(Fogazzi et al., 2008) – to summarize such influence.
There are profiles for a variety of conditions,
including nephritic/nephrotic syndromes, urinary
tract infection, and hepatic disorders.
Yet, in order to perform a good urinalysis, it is
not sufficient to know only the clinical and visual
aspects of particles. It is also necessary to better
know the whole urinalysis process. This is due to
the fact that there are a number of conditions and
events (some of them prior to urinalysis itself) that
can influence urine contents, leading it to
misrepresent the real patient condition or hindering
such information. These conditions and events were
extracted from literature and interviews with an
expert. Some of them are listed below:
Sample contamination (e.g. patient’s lack of
hygiene during collection, remains of cleaning
substances in collection bottle, women’s period,
intentional urine diluting );
Exposure to heat or light during storage, that may
degrade some substances and particles;
Influence of conservation methods (i.e. chemical
preservatives and refrigeration)
Sample of urine that is too much pigmented (e.g.
due to some medicine patient is having) painting
dipstick, masking the real color change due to
chemical reaction
Confusing particles (i.e. different particles with
similar morphology and visual aspects)
Besides urinary profiles and misleading urinalysis
events, it is still important to urinalysis professional
some additional punctual knowledge about clinical
conditions, mainly related to their expression in
other laboratory exams (e.g. blood). This allows
verifying the result of such exams that the patient
may also have been subject of (when such
possibility is available) or even directly enquiring
patient’s physician. Such information may be useful
to evaluate some hypothesis about a clinical
condition that some unusual urinary finding has
pointed out – and thus be able to verify if the finding
is genuine or caused by an error.
Finally, there are a lot of actions that may be
taken during urinalysis (e.g. use of a specific kind of
microscopy, add some substance to microscope
slide, ask new sample collection, inspect patient’s
urinalysis history available in laboratory). Mastering
the context in which each action should be taken is
another requirement for a good urinalysis.
Considering the urinalysis context presented
here, it was identified the following main reasoning
tasks performed during urinalysis:
Assess quality of a sample and decide whether or
not ask for new collecting;
Classify sample in an urinary profile;
Use acquired information to guide search and
interpret new findings;
Formulate hypotheses and use additional
information to confirm or refute them;
Identify incoherencies among findings;
Identify problems/errors during the test;
Decide which action to carry out next;
Briefly, these are the knowledge requirements for a
good urinalysis. Consequently, it should be observed
in order to develop a system with a meaningful
knowledge model and that provides effective
guidance to the user during urinalysis. The next
section presents the system architecture proposed to
fulfill those requirements.
As it was presented, urinalysis domain involves a
great number of concepts (e.g. particles, substances,
profiles, tools), with a strong descriptive aspect (e.g.
visual aspects) and many kinds of associations
between them. Taking it into account, we decided to
have an ontology as the main knowledge source for
the system. It is intended to cover the domain
approaching three main aspects:
Urine representation: include all particles and
substances that can appear in urine, with their
relations and visual attributes, as well as all of
physicochemical parameters of urine;
Clinical information: include the urinary profiles,
additional information about selected clinical
conditions and other laboratory tests, and a model
of patient, with its key characteristics (e.g. gender,
Urinalysis process: include the representation of
the dipstick and all its physicochemical tests and
their relation with the respective substance or
parameter, all the tools and actions the analyst can
take, the events and situations that can change
urine composition, and associations between
Bearing in mind the existence and relevance of
uncertainty in health domain, the system will also be
composed of BNs. But, in view of its complexity in
building and maintenance (Koller, Pfeffer, 1997),
instead of a large BN, the system will have specific
small BNs for those portions of the domain that are
more sensible to uncertainty. As much as possible,
the nodes of BNs will have correspondence to
concepts of the ontology, so as to guarantee further
interpretation of the conclusions taken from BNs in
terms of ontology axioms.
Over these knowledge models, it will be
developed a system with three layers, as shown in
figure 1. The first is the interaction layer. It is
designed to enclose the modes of interaction
between user and system (e.g. patterns for questions,
evidence and hypothesis providing, system answer
and guidance). The interaction will be all based on
ontology concepts. Auxiliary, it will also be used a
lexicon for the concepts that can be referred to by
different terms and a disambiguation mechanism for
terms that can be mapped to more than one concept.
Figure 1: System architecture.
The next is the oracle layer. This layer is designed to
receive questions from interaction layer in one of the
predefined patterns and formulate the appropriate
queries (either for ontology or some BN) to get the
answer, returning it to interaction layer.
Analogously, it is also designed to receive
hypotheses about a sample (e.g. combinations of
findings and a urinary profile user thinks that is
compatible to each other), also in a predefined
pattern, evaluate whether it is true or false (using
ontology) or the likelihood of its truth (using some
BN) and return the result to interaction layer.
Finally, there will be the expert layer. This layer
is designed to simulate the expert behaviour during
the exam. Thus, it is intended to be used to evaluate
any new information provided by the user (which
will be received through some pattern of interaction
layer) and to perform the reasoning tasks enumerate
in the previous section, always considering all the
information already gathered during sample
analysis. Aiming to ease the development of this
layer, as well as to make it more understandable and
maintainable, it was conceived as a chain of five
task templates extracted from (Schreiber et al.,
1999): monitoring, diagnosis, classification,
prediction and assessment. The interactions among
them are presented in figure 2.
Figure 2: Task Template Chain.
Monitoring is the task of analyzing an ongoing
process to verify if it behaves according to the
expectations. It gets as input historical data about a
monitored system and gives as output any found
discrepancies from the expected values, with no
further investigation of its causes. The task starts
receiving new findings and evaluating its parameters
against some norms. The difference is, then,
classified as a type of discrepancy or as normal case.
In our system, monitoring will be used to look
for inconsistencies among the findings (e.g. acid
crystals found in alkaline urine), signs of false-
positives and/or false-negatives (e.g. high levels of
blood found on dipstick but no blood cells in
microscopy) or other problems in the sample (e.g.
too much epithelial cells). It will be based on
ontological knowledge as well as some trigger rules
learned from expert. All already gathered data will
be considered. Moreover, a time index will be used
to judge possible discrepancies (i.e. some
discrepancies will be only considered so if
discrepant values persist after the analysis of a given
number of microscopic fields). As output, it will be
returned any found inconsistency or sign of false-
positive/false-negative or other sample problem.
Diagnosis means finding the fault that causes
some malfunction in a system. The inputs of this
process are symptoms and the outputs are the fault
and evidences found of it. It generally uses a model
of the behavior of the system being diagnosed.
Diagnosis starts by taking the complaints and
making hypotheses about the problem by going
backwards in a causal network. Then, the actual
findings are compared with the signs that should be
observed for each hypothesis, excluding those in
conflict with the findings. The remaining hypothesis
and the observations that led to it are the output.
In the proposed system, diagnosis will be done
over the output of monitoring, inferring the roots of
any identified false-positive/false-negative result,
problem or inconsistency. Hypothesis generation
will be based on ontological knowledge and there
will be a BN to evaluate the likelihood of concurrent
hypotheses, when more than one remains at the end.
The causes of the discrepancies (or the possible
ones, ordered by likelihood) will be given as output.
Classification task represents the establishment
of the correct category of an object available for
inspection, based on its characteristics. As input, it
takes an unclassified object and gives one or more
classes as output. It is done by taking candidate
classes and matching their attributes with those of
the object. As some attributes of the object conflicts
with one of the candidate class, this is discarded.
According to the matches, none, one or more than
one classes can remain as the output.
The system proposed will use classification to
identify the urinary profile(s) of the sample in
accordance with all the data already gathered –
including the output of diagnosis task. Profile
definition will be ontology-based. In addition, given
that it is not usual to find all the findings needed to
unambiguously point to a single profile, a BN will
be devised to indicate the likelihood of the
alternative hypotheses. Analogously, classification
task will be used to classify particles whose visual
attributes are identified, but the type is not
recognized by the user. In the same way, particles
will be described with ontology concepts and a BN
will be used to evaluate alternative hypotheses.
Prediction is the task of analyzing current system
behavior to infer a description of system state in
some point of the future. For that purpose, it uses a
model of system behavior.
This task is planned to be used to tell what
findings are likely to be seen when analyzing the
next microscopic field of the microscope slide. It
will use all data already gathered and the outputs of
diagnosis and classification tasks. The main tool for
this task will be a BN calibrated to indicate the
probability of the presence of each particle in the
sample. Even though it is not exactly the canonical
use of the prediction, since predicting particles to be
found does not represent a future state of the sample,
we believe that the analogy is valid and that the
general idea will be useful to our case as well.
The goal of assessment task is to find a decision
category for a case, based on domain specific norms
(i.e. heuristic rules). The input is data about the case
and, sometimes, case-specific rules. The output is a
decision category. It starts receiving a case and
selecting a norm to evaluate it. The evaluation
involves both case features and the available classes
of decision. Depending on the result of norm
evaluation, a decision class may be chosen. If it is
not possible to select a decision class, another norm
is evaluated. Sometimes more than one norm match
is needed to assess a decision class.
We will use assessment to define what to do next
in the analysis, chosen from a possible list of
actions, including (but not limited to) the use of
some tool (e.g. a special kind of microscope),
searching for additional information (e.g. patient
history) and/or a specific particle in the slide. The
case representation will include all the information
already gathered and the output of all other tasks.
This task will be largely based in heuristics to be
learned from expert. The possible actions will be
described in terms of ontology concepts. As
sometimes a sequence of actions may be needed,
some planning routine may be run during this task.
Several interviews with a urinalysis expert and a
literature review about the domain are already made.
With this material it was possible to devise the
project of the system (which was briefly presented in
this paper) and a plan of execution. In addition, it
was already registered about 90 competency
questions to guide ontology development, over 250
ontological concepts, up to 30 types of ontological
relations and attributes, plus dozens of heuristics
used by expert during the analysis.
Presently, we are working to formalize the
concepts and to structure the ontology using the
Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) (Guizzardi,
Wagner, 2005), which was chosen due to its strong
logical framework and its cases of success. The
ontology is going to be implemented using the Web
Ontology Language version 2 (OWL2) (Grau et al,
2008). OWL2 was chosen in view of its status of
W3C recommendation, which favors its stability,
and the set of tools built based on it, including a
powerful ontology editor – the Protégé OWL (Rubin
et al, 2005). The limitations in expressiveness of
OWL2 in comparison to UFO are already being
considered in order to be mitigated.
Following, we are going to develop the BNs,
with its structure based on the ontology model and
the probabilities calibrated by the expert. The
resulting BNs will be implemented using UnBBayes
framework (Matsumoto et al, 2011). Next, we are
going to adapt the mentioned cognitive task
templates to urinalysis domain. After that, we will
work on the interface layer. All software artifacts
will be developed in Java.
Finally, we plan to validate our work in two
ways: (i) confronting ontology and BNs
individually, as well as the whole system, against
real urinalysis cases, in order to verify if they are
able to reach correct conclusions in comparison with
expert performance and (ii) providing the system to
urinalysis professionals and students and evaluate its
effectiveness as training and decision support tool
(i.e. whether or not it improves their capabilities).
Urinalysis is a relatively inexpensive but powerful
and very important laboratory test, commonly
employed in patient examination. In spite of that, for
numerous reasons, it has not received the needed
attention to achieve its whole power, which has its
roots mainly on the lack of professional qualification
and insufficient knowledge about the test.
Given that most of the problem relies on
cognitive tasks, suitable to computational modelling,
it was formulated the hypothesis that it is possible to
develop a knowledge-based system representing
urinalysis domain and that this system can be useful
to enhance this laboratory exam. We also believe
that this usefulness can be materialized in many
ways – contributing to professional qualification,
decision support and even to urinalysis automation.
With the aim of testing such hypothesis, this
paper proposes the development of such a system.
To achieve this objective, we decided to use
ontologies to model the domain, BNs to treat its
uncertain aspect and task templates to formalize the
reasoning tasks needed to well perform the analysis.
After literature immersion and interviews with an
expert in the domain, the system was designed and
the ontology construction has started.
Even though being an apparently simple
analysis, dealing with a single and so trivial body
fluid, urinalysis revealed itself as a rather complex
area. This challenging nature can be exemplified by
the great amount of concepts involved (over 250,
selected from an initial list of about a thousand of
them), by the intense flow of information during the
analysis, and the resultant intricate heuristics needed
to treat it – which demanded a handful of task
templates to represent. It is indeed a domain that
would certainly take several years to be mastered by
a novice professional.
Nevertheless, precisely due to that challenging
nature of the domain, the importance of this work
grows stronger. Besides an intelligent system to
support urinalysis, accepting different interface
layers according to the intended use, it is also being
developed an ontology model that has valuable in
itself. This model may serve as base for a series of
useful applications for the domain, not even
imagined yet. Still, considering that the
methodological knowledge to be developed during
this work may extrapolate its domain, our work may
serve as guidance to similar initiatives in correlate
domains, such as other laboratory exams.
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