Firstly, we must build dynamics into the heart of
the model: we suggest an adaptive systems
perspective. Secondly we must adopt a more
granular view, seeking to analyse the organisation at
a fine enough grain to reveal circumstances and
mechanisms that contribute to or inhibit agility.
Thirdly, we must understand the technology-in-
practice as against the technology-as-designed.
Lastly, any attempt at theorising in this domain must
be aware of the plurality of philosophical positions
that exist and carefully design their ontology
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elements would provide a new insight into the
mechanisms at play within the organisation that
determine the contingent conditions for
organisational agility, especially as they relate to the
role of IT alignment.
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2007) allows the need for agility (evolutionary
fitness) to be related to the need for IT enablement
(technical fitness). Thus the idea of “IT alignment”
must serve both aspects if a capability is to remain
relevant and produce value for the organisation.
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design science paradigm. We are seeking to define a
research-based theoretical framework and then
evaluate it using empirical data drawn from a variety
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