An Open Market of Cloud Data Services
Verena Kantere
Institute of Services Science, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Keywords: Cloud Computing Services, Cloud Data Services.
Abstract: Cloud data services are a very attractive solution for the management of business and large-scale data. The
incapability of creating fully functional data services and, moreover, providing them with clear guarantees
on technical and business aspects, creates a problematic cloud service-provisioning situation. We propose
the development of a framework that will enable the systematic and efficient creation and management of
cloud data services. Such a framework is necessary in order to achieve the exchange of cloud data services
in any open market, where cloud providers and their customers can advertise the offered and requested data
services in a free manner and make contracts for service provisioning. We discuss the skeleton of such a
framework, which comprises three parts: first, profiling data services, second, designing service offers and
demands, and, search and match of data services.
Cloud computing has given rise to a new perspective
of data management that adds more optimization
dimensions, beyond traditional performance, such as
cost, availability, elasticity, scalability etc. In a
cloud environment this is realized with the
provisioning of data services, which includes the
transparent management of infrastructure, data and
workload. Cloud data services are a very attractive
solution for the management of business and large-
scale data. Even though the cloud industry offers
today data services, these mainly concern key-value
stores and lack substantial functionality of a
traditional DBMS (e.g., support for transactions,
optimization techniques, fully fledged declarative
query language).
The incapability of creating thorough data
services and, moreover, providing them with clear
guarantees on technical and business aspects, creates
a problematic cloud service-provisioning situation.
On one hand, cloud providers cannot design efficient
and appropriate data services and, on the other,
consumers are not aware of their data management
needs. Moreover, providers cannot describe
accurately their offered data services and, thus,
consumers do not have enough information on their
received data services. This results in misuse of data
services for long periods and expensive migration to
new data services. Therefore, even though cloud
data services are a critical component of cloud-
hosted applications, their deficiencies prohibit their
wide applicability.
We argue that we need to fill the gap between
providers and consumers of data services that exists
in today’s cloud business, by not only solving the
above two issues, but also offering an all-inclusive
solution for the provision of efficient and
appropriate data services. We propose the
development of a framework that will enable the
systematic and efficient creation and management of
cloud data services. Such a framework is necessary
in order to achieve the exchange of cloud data
services in any open market, where cloud providers
and their customers can advertise the offered and
requested data services in a free manner and make
contracts for service provisioning. The openness of
such a market eliminates the imbalance of the two
parties, by allowing everybody to contribute and
request services and enabling the near-real time
negotiation of data service provision. The proposed
framework comprises three parts: first, a novel
technique for profiling data services; second, a
methodology and methods for designing service
offers and demands; and, finally, methods and
algorithms for search and match of data services.
Such a framework will directly benefit cloud
business and industry by enabling them to: first,
design fully functional data services tailored to the
needs of the customer, and, second, give visibility
Kantere V..
An Open Market of Cloud Data Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0004955004390444
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2014), pages 439-444
ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and clarity to offer and demand, which will lead to
optimal service provisioning. Potentially, the
research results on data service search and match
will give tools for new practices around service
engineering and trading.
In the following we discuss how the proposed
framework relates to and advances the domain of
cloud data service provisioning.
The new trend for service infrastructures in the IT
domain, cloud computing, is also a new area of
research (Armbrust, M., et al. 2010). Recently, the
research community has shown an enormous interest
in the area of cloud data management. The reason is
that cloud computing seems to be the ideal paradigm
for the time- and cost- efficient management of big
amounts of data, such as scientific data of large-
scale. Beyond scientific data, cloud data
management can be applicable to other data, such as
personal data, commercial data, and any kind of
archives, public or private. Users (persons,
companies, organizations) may store their data in the
cloud, which provides data management services.
The cloud alleviates the burden of data management
from the users for remuneration.
Emerged cloud data service provisions such as
the Amazon SimpleDB
, Amazon Relational
Database Service
, Microsoft Azure
and Google
Cloud SQL
offer preliminary data management
services, but are a long way from offering full
capabilities of a traditional database management
system (DBMS). Moreover, cloud systems that
support massively distributed data management,
such as Amazon Dynamo (DeCandia, G., et al.
2007), Google Bigtable (Chang, F. et al. 2006),
MicroSoft SQL Server for cloud (Bernstein, P. A. et
al. 2011), Yahoo PNUTS
, Cassandra
and HBase
are concerned with data consistency and availability
issues for analytical data in key-value formats,
leaving transactional management on relational data
out of their scope.
Yet, the business and enterprise world is rapidly
turning towards the cloud data-serving systems to
cover their data management needs in a cheap and
easy, but also, efficient and reliable, fashion. Such
data management applications require high levels of
functionality, i.e. the functionality of a traditional
DBMS, seamlessly offered through a cloud provider.
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to evolve the
first generation of cloud data-serving systems to
complete data management systems. The proposed
framework is an output towards this direction, by
enabling the formulation and the provision of fully
functional data services through the cloud.
Current research projects in the general area of
cloud data management deal with issues of data
consistency and manipulation (Kraska, T. et al.
2009), and issues of data filtering and aggregation
Before even dealing with such issues, several
research groups, (e.g. (Abadi, D. J., 2009,
Aboulnaga, A. et al. 2009)), discuss the benefits,
drawbacks and challenges from moving data
management applications and tools into cloud
systems. One important problem is how to
adaptively modify the allocation of a workload
within a cloud (Paton, N. W. et al. 2009). Other
important problems are the configuration of virtual
machines (Soror, A. et al. 2008), the automatic
performance modeling of virtualized applications
(Shivam, P., 2007) and self-tuning data management
(Weikum, G. et al. 2002). The proposed framework
is complementary to current research projects by
working towards a holistic approach of moving data
into the cloud and tackling the above problems: our
goal is to profile the configuration of data services
that can be offered by cloud providers and that are
requested by consumers. It enables automation of
data management performance, by offering data
service composition and, finally, achieves pre-
configured self-tuning data management via the
realization of an open market of searching and
matching offered and requested data services.
Problem Setting. The cloud computing paradigm is
nowadays the answer for the ‘easy’ management of
data, meaning the efficient processing and querying,
especially of vast amounts of data, usually referred
to as ‘big data’, but also various other data of many
types, which are owned by small and medium
enterprises and persons. Beyond the variety of data
in terms of type and size, there is an enormous
variety in the type of query workloads that people
want to run on such data; in other words, the way
that people want to access the, same even, data may
vary tremendously in terms of duration and
complexity. A data service in the cloud is the
transparent management of data on a cloud
infrastructure, and this may include data storage,
maintenance and query execution.
There are three elements to combine in order to
offer and demand data services, i.e. (a) infrastructure
(b) data and (c) workload. These three elements need
to be combined in an optimal way, in order to
achieve the provision of optimal data services.
Infrastructure, data and workload may either belong
to the same person or organization or they may
belong to different ones. In any case, the creation
and the provision of a data service include instances
of all three elements: a workload that is executed on
some data using some part of the infrastructure. A
data service may be requested by a user that owns
the workload for execution or may be offered by the
cloud that owns the infrastructure and/or the data.
Data and workloads need services that comply with
their management and execution characteristics, and
cloud infrastructure can be employed to offer
services that comply with its operational
characteristics and availability.
We envision a virtual environment that
constitutes an open market of cloud data services. In
such an environment (Figure 1), cloud providers and
their potential customers can advertise the offered
and requested data services in a free manner and
make contracts for service provisioning. Customers
can be persons and organizations, and, even more,
other cloud providers, or brokers of meta-services.
The openness of the market aims at eliminating the
current imbalance between consumers and producers
of cloud data services, by allowing everybody to
contribute and request services and enabling the
near-real time negotiation of data service provision.
Motivation. Let us assume a computing situation
with cloud infrastructure (IaaS) providers, data
management (DBMS) providers and customers with
data and/or workloads. The DBMS providers are the
customers of the IaaS providers and data/workload
owners are the customers of the data management
providers. An open market of data services would
allow all three parties to communicate and advertise
their needs and availability, enabling efficient such
matches. The participants of the market need to
know what they are seeking and what they can offer:
On one hand, the DBMS providers need information
Figure 1: Efficient data service provisioning.
on the available choices for services from IaaS
providers in order to form and build their data
management services, and the data/workload owners
need information on the available choices for data
management services. On the other hand, the DBMS
providers need to understand how the available
infrastructure services can be used to build data
management services, therefore, what data services
can be built; moreover, data/workload owners need
to understand the management and execution needs
of their data and workload, respectively, therefore,
what data services they are seeking. Also, the
participating parties of the open market need to be
able to advertise their offer or request for services in
a coherent and comprehensive manner. Furthermore,
they need to be able to search and match service
needs and availability in a timely and efficient
manner. Figure 2 shows graphically the described
cloud environment.
Problem Definition. The provision of efficient
cloud data services necessitates a successful match
of offered and demanded services on infrastructure,
data and workload. This requires means to (a)
formulate, (b) express and (c) advertise offer and
demand so that interesting parties can have the
information needed for the selection of services.
a) Service Formulation: The basic requirement
for the success of an open service market is for all
involved parties to be aware of what are the services
they can offer or demand, given some conditions.
- Given some infrastructure and data, what are the
workloads that can be served.
- Given some data and workload, what is the needed
- Given some workload and infrastructure, what
should be the data to manage, i.e. the deployment of
data and data structures.
b) Service Expression: The service matching
requires the systematic and homogeneous expression
of services from both ends of service provisioning,
Figure 2: Open market of cloud data services.
i.e. the provider and the consumer, concerning all
three elements, infrastructure, data and workload.
Specifically, we need to know:
-The characteristics and metrics of possible services.
-The structural relations of services.
-A systematized construction of complex services.
c) Service Advertisement and Selection:
Accurately formed and homogeneously expressed
services can be advertised as the objects of search
and match for service provision in the open market.
The success of service match is based on an
informative selection of services based on their
provisioning characteristics. To achieve this, we
need to know:
- How to efficiently and accurately match data
service needs and availability.
- How to coordinate service advertisement in order
to achieve near-real time service search and match.
Proposed Solution. The solution that we propose in
order to achieve the creation and successful
operation of an open market for cloud data services
consists of an overall framework for the creation and
management of data services, which includes: a
technique for profiling data services; a methodology
and methods for designing service offers and
demands, and methods and algorithms for search
and match of data services.
a) A Technique to Profile Data Services:
Realistic data management needs and infrastructure
capabilities can lead to the creation of a data service
model. This should be based on the identification
and standardization of functional characteristics and
metrics for infrastructure, data and workload, as well
as their relationships.
b) A Methodology and Methods to Design Data
Services: The model enables the design of new
services structured on service units. We need to:
- Define the service units as basic meaningful
instances of the service model.
- Create a methodology for hierarchical service
composition on top of service atoms and define
composition directions and optimization objectives.
- Create specific methods for the hierarchical
composition of examples of data services types.
c) Methods and Algorithms to Search and Match
Data Services: The framework must be completed
with the design of a service advertisement broker, a
service matcher and a service scheduler.
- The service broker is the meeting point for
producers and consumers of services, who are able
to advertise their availability and need for services,
respectively. Broker instances are able to
communicate and form an overlay network for
searching data services.
- The service matcher enables the bottom-up
matching of offered and demanded services
according to the respective instances of the data
service model, employing a novel near-optimal
matching algorithm for service profiles.
- The service scheduler takes as input the search
offers and requests and schedule new, or renewals
of, service matches in time frames in which these are
valid. The scheduler must be based on novel
methods that can monitor inputs of service
advertisements. These methods will aim to change
the scheduling time frames dynamically, in order to
allow for optimal consumption of services through
more accurate search and match.
The discussed framework aims at exploring the
limits and capabilities of data service formulation
and expression, and tailoring these to data service
In order to formulate data services, the notion of a
data service needs to become tangible. The first step
is to study the data management needs and
capabilities of cloud service consumers and
providers, and to employ this study to propose a
novel model for the description of a wide range of
data services. Such a model can be employed to
profile the data management needs and capabilities
in order to form respective offered and demanded
data services in a cloud environment. The goal is to
produce a profiling technique that will allow for
homogeneous service descriptions across data
applications and platforms. Profiling the data
services enables the creation of techniques for search
and matching of services in an optimal manner.
Towards this direction we need to identify and
study the key characteristics of data services. Such a
study can give us a concrete idea of what is a
realistic data service, what applications it can serve
and in what way, what is the extent and the duration
of the service, etc. The key characteristics of data
services should be studied for the three elements of
infrastructure, data and workload. Examples of basic
characteristics that we expect to strongly determine
the ‘attitude’ of services are:
- Concerning Infrastructure: CPU utilization, I/O
operations, bandwidth, storage space, degree of
shareness, size of virtual machines, etc.
- Concerning Data: replication degree, update rate,
security constraints, data structures (views and
indexes), partitioning degree and type, data statistics
on selectivity estimation, etc.
- Concerning Workload: parallelization of execution,
query complexity - translated into execution cost of
query plans, data access skewness or similarity, etc.
The identification of the characteristics of data
services nees to be accompanied with the definition
of respective metrics. The service model should
incorporate standard metrics such as response time,
throughput and latency, as well as monetary cost.
We also need to define new metrics, such as
availability and privacy degree, and accompany each
metric with an appropriate cost model, depending on
the characteristic in hand.
The profiling technique is the input to a novel
methodology and methods for the design of cloud
data services. The goal is to enable the creation of
basic and generic data services, i.e. service units,
and, furthermore, the hierarchical creation of
complex data services on top of service units. We
envision service units that comprise basic parts,
qualitative or quantitative, of all three service
elements, i.e. infrastructure, data and workload,
profiled appropriately. For example, a service unit
can be the combination of: a SPJ (i.e. select-project-
join) query with one join, on an attribute with
selectivity ‘10%’ on a table of 10M tuples running
on 1 CPU with no data transfer via network.
Exploring realistic data services can lead to the
proposal of example service units.
Furthermore, we need a methodology that
facilitates users, meaning service providers and
consumers, to create their own complex services
along a range of optimization dimensions and
ultimate service goals. Such a methodology can
indicate paths of hierarchical service composition
along such dimensions. We need to consider
optimization dimensions respective to the metrics of
service characteristics, such as response time and
monetary cost. The methodology will take into
account the durability or volatility of services, i.e.
how persistent they are in time. Moreover, it will
take into account any relationship between services.
Such relationships can be either dependencies or
incompatibilities between services, and may
constrain their composition. Service relationships
may be found either between instances of the same
service element, or different ones. For example, it is
incompatible to compose services with different data
partitioning type, or a service that parallelizes
workload execution depends on a service that
updates data on all data replicas, respectively. Using
the methodology, we will develop methods for
hierarchical composition of services with specific
optimization objectives and characteristics.
Since the service design is going to be employed
in a dynamic cloud environment with frequent
changes of available and requested data services, the
goal of the composition methodology and methods
will be to enable fast, i.e. near-real-time,
composition based on data service patterns and re-
usage of composition objects.
To realize an open market of services we need to be
able to search and match services in an accurate and
efficient manner. Producers and consumers of
services will be able to meet on brokers that
implement the overall framework and advertise their
availability and need for services via the respective
instances of the data service model. They will be
able to know their availability and need for services
by using the profiling scheme and the service design
methods. The search and match will target to
produce valid combinations of the three service
elements: infrastructure, data and queries. Each
service to be searched or matched will have two
parts, namely the fixed part and the sought part. The
fixed part includes the conditions/constraints of
request or availability, and the sought part of the
service includes the actual request or availability to
be matched. Naturally, we expect that, usually, the
profiled infrastructure will be included in the sought
part and workload will be included in the fixed part,
for demanded services; we expect the opposite for
offered services. Data can belong to either the fixed
or the sought part, depending on the occasion. For
example, if a service consumer needs to execute a
workload on a specific database (e.g. workload and
data belong to the same owner), then these data are
included in the fixed part of the requested service. If
a consumer seeks to execute a workload on some
data that are out there, or she requests data services
to deploy the data in the cloud, then these data may
be included in the sought part of the service, since
their deployment (i.e. storage, caching, built of data
structures on top of it) in the cloud is flexible.
The overall framework can be implemented on
service brokers of the open market. The framework
instances can allow communication of the brokers
by creating an overlay network (e.g. with centralized
or Peer-to-Peer coordination), which can propagate
local and received remote advertisements of
services. We envision an open market that could
take a further step down the road of searching and
matching services, by enabling groups of users with
semantically related needs for services to advertise
their request or availability as a team and match
services in a systematic manner.
While we expect search of services to be
performed from top to bottom, meaning search
performed based on the overall summary of complex
hierarchically structured services, matching services
in the framework should be enabled by algorithms
that aims to match the services from bottom to top,
meaning starting from the matching of atoms and
moving to complex services built on top of them.
The goal is to enable dynamic and near-real-time
search and match of services. Therefore, it is
necessary to include methods that take as input
search requests and service advertisements and
schedule their matching in time frames in which the
sought or advertised services are valid. Moreover,
since the matched services may not have the same
durability in time, the methods need to adapt the
scheduling time frame in order to achieve optimal
consumption of services through more accurate
search and match. Such methods enable the
maintenance of multiple dynamic service queues, the
number and size of which depends on the variation
of the durability of the incoming services.
The provisioning of data services is a new paradigm
in data management that represents a very attractive
solution for the management of business and large-
scale data due to its low cost and high performance
capabilities. The industry of cloud computing tries to
catch up with fulfilling these data management
needs but lacks the appropriate technology for the
realization of cloud-hosted database systems, which
is a critical component in the software stack of many
cloud applications. The proposed framework aims to
fill the gap between providers and consumers of data
services that exists in today’s cloud business, by not
only solving the above two issues, but also by
offering an all-inclusive solution for the offer of
efficient and appropriate data services. Such a
solution will enable the successful search and match
of data services via the advertisement of service
need and availability.
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