Extending Hypervisor Architecture to Allow One Way Data Transfers
from VMs to Hypervisors
Mustafa Aydin and Jeremy Jacob
Department of Computer Science, University of York, York, U.K.
Cloud, Hypervisor, Forensics, Security, Energy.
We propose an alternative architecture to existing hypervisors, which allows for more data to be moved whilst
requiring less work for hardware and networks. Our suggestion is to develop an extension to hypervisors for
an interface which can allow data transfer one way from virtual machines to hypervisors. We argue that the
ability to transfer data directly in this way can provide a number of benefits to cloud users and providers,
namely in the areas of security (confidentiality, integrity, and through decreased overhead), reduced energy
consumption, and better use of hardware resources.
Cloud computing has started to enjoy widespread
use, with the convenience of on-demand IT resources
proving to be increasingly popular among its users.
Although cloud customers are able to employ their
machines in much the same way as they can local
physical machines, the fact that cloud services are de-
livered remotely has forced many users to rethink the
way in which certain tasks are performed. Among
these tasks for example, is the need to back up impor-
tant data.
The backing up of data is a common operation in
any system, and in cloud systems backing up has gen-
erally meant redirecting data to secure locations else-
where. Data backup and redirection may be done for
a variety of reasons. Some of the more common rea-
sons include the backing up of log data for security
purposes, and the need to backup valuable informa-
tion which is too precious to lose. The fact that cloud
providers immediately delete VM images upon VM
termination is one example of why cloud users may
wish to redirect data before they no longer have access
to it. For this reason redirection of important data is
used as an important component of research looking
into providing ways to aid cloud forensics investiga-
tions (Marty, 2011) (Zawoad et al., 2013).
The fact that cloud computing is becoming more
popular means that the need to redirect data will
also need to increase. Along with an increase in the
amount of data being produced by applications gener-
ally, this means the amount of information needing to
be backed up and/or redirected is getting larger all of
the time. Sending this data will have an effect on per-
formance and network overhead, and may even result
in associated costs from the cloud provider, depend-
ing on the service used. In a world in which more and
more data and metadata is being produced, we need
a way in which data can be sent around or redirected
in more efficient ways than we currently have at the
Our aim in this work is to provide more details of
our suggested design for an extended hypervisor ar-
chitecture, outlining the advantages of using our ap-
proach and responding to possible concerns. Our mo-
tivation is provided by the belief that the implemen-
tation of our approach would help to make better use
of available resources, and also make it more feasible
for larger amounts of information to be redirected for
use whenever required.
Our paper is structured in the following way: we
describe the area of virtualisation in Section 2, we
cover the design principles of our suggested architec-
ture in Section 3, and the advantages provided by our
approach in Section 4. We look at possible problems
in Section 5, discuss other related work in Section 6,
and provide a conclusion in Section 7.
Virtualisation is one of the key enablers of cloud
computing, allowing a way of operating multiple in-
Aydin M. and Jacob J..
Extending Hypervisor Architecture to Allow One Way Data Transfers from VMs to Hypervisors.
DOI: 10.5220/0004958006040609
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2014), pages 604-609
ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
stances of operating systems (known as virtual ma-
chines, or VMs) on a single physical machine. VMs
are run by a more privileged software layer known
as a hypervisor, which controls and allocates access
to the hardware resources between VMs. Virtualisa-
tion has many benefits, providing secure isolation be-
tween VMs, and allowing much more efficient use of
physical machines by utilising spare hardware capac-
ity. The need to make hypervisors use hardware ever
more efficiently has meant the development of tech-
niques which allow them to use available resources
One of the biggest developments in this area was
the introduction of paravirtualisation. This is a tech-
nique in which the hypervisor presents guest ma-
chines with an interface through which certain exe-
cutable commands are directly passed to the hyper-
visor, commands able to be performed much more
quickly than they would if passed through the lay-
ers included within the virtual machine. In order to
do this, both the hypervisor and the guest operat-
ing system must be configured to take advantage of
this ability to paravirtualise. By cutting out unneces-
sary movement of calls through different layers of the
virtualised environment, paravirtualisation allows for
better utilisation of the hardware.
The successive adoption of paravirtualisation sug-
gests that using effective cooperation between hyper-
visors and operating systems in order to speed up
useful operations can see widespread use. Although
paravirtualisation has so far been concerned with al-
lowing operating system executions to be accelerated,
there is no reason why the principle of providing
faster services cannot be adapted to be useful in other
contexts. If the production and subsequent transfer of
data is an operation using more resources than neces-
sary, it makes sense to be able to reduce the impact of
this where possible.
We believe that taking advantage of similar prin-
ciples to paravirtualisation may be one way to cre-
ate a more efficient environment for the cloud. The
ability to pass data directly from a VM to a hypervi-
sor could reduce the amount of overall work required
compared to sending the same data to a destination
over a network. This can be seen in Figure 1, which
shows data going through multiple virtual and hard-
ware layers, before reaching its final destination. The
forwarded data is first sent to the VM from the appli-
cation, before being sent off to the outside world for
storage. In contrast, in our proposed architecture, the
data is sent directly to the hypervisor and VM in par-
allel, and reaches its destination having gone through
as few layers as possible. This would help cloud users
and cloud providers to make better use of the available
To destination
Data redirection
through network
Data redirection from
VM to hypervisor
Application data log
Network data transfer
In-VM to hypervisor data transfer
Figure 1: The diagram on the left shows the current archi-
tecture, while that on the right shows our proposal.
resources, and reduce both performance and network
overhead in particular instances.
In this section we consider some of the important de-
sign principles, in order to provide a better under-
standing of the way in which the suggested architec-
ture would work.
3.1 Storage
Redirecting data over the internet requires the data to
go through many virtual and physical layers. In our
proposed hypervisor extension, the data can be redi-
rected directly to the hypervisor layer on the same
physical machine (see Figure 1). Instead of pass-
ing through all of those layers and causing the re-
lated performance and network overheads, the data
can be redirected with minimal effort to an environ-
ment which is already trusted by the user.
The location of storage of the transferred data is
intended to be on the hypervisor layer, in a partition
which is linked to the running VM (and associated
user). This will allow subsequent retention of the in-
formation even when the VM has been terminated,
and can be moved to a more convenient place after
the VM has been shutdown. The ability to access the
data will need to be offered to the user, but this may
be of more concern to the cloud provider than to the
design of the extended hypervisor.
3.2 Privacy
Privacy is an important concept to cloud users, who
want assurances that their running VMs and any as-
sociated data is accessible only to themselves. Users
want to have the option of privacy for all data they in-
tend to send to alternative locations in the cloud. The
use of techniques such as encryption is one way to
provide this assurance.
Encryption of data at the moment of creation (i.e.
before being passed to the hypervisor) would be a use-
ful way of doing this. Users would have a level of
assurance that even an administrator would be unable
to access the transferred data (unless they somehow
learned the encryption key). Techniques which allow
the hypervisor to monitor some of the high level activ-
ity within a VM do actually exist, such as virtual ma-
chine introspection (Garfinkel and Rosenblum, 2003).
However without the ability to monitor low level OS
calls to the processor, the only other way someone
would be able to break the encryption would be poor
security on the part of the user.
Using established encryption techniques within
the interface for data transfer should be enough to sat-
isfy users that they have strong privacy in place for
their data.
3.3 One Way
The interface for data transfer is intended to be only
one way, allowing for the transfer of data from the
virtual machine to the hypervisor. The reason for this
limitation is that there is no conceivable reason for the
hypervisor to send any data to the virtual machine,
other than passing the communications which are re-
quired to be managed between the OS and the hard-
Preventing the ability to send information from the
hypervisor to the VM would be a necessary safety
measure. Communication from hypervisors to VMs
would provide significant security worries for users,
and make hypervisors targets for hackers. Attackers
would try to use any such abilities to attack VMs from
the hypervisor level. Threats could even try to make
use of such opportunities from within VMs, by com-
municating with other VMs on the same hardware to
coordinate attacks. Maintaining the isolation of VMs
is an important security principle which could be vio-
lated by the ability to have two way messaging.
A problem created by the need to have one way
messaging would be the lack of acknowledgement
from the hypervisor for transferred data, which may
result in some incorrect data transfers.
3.4 Integrity
Integrity frequently comes into question after data
moves location. Redirecting data across the cloud is
an obvious case of when data integrity needs to be
verified. It may be less obvious that it would need
to be done when moving data from a VM to a hy-
pervisor, since it does not move off the physical ma-
chine. However the data could always move later on,
in which case its integrity would still need to be ver-
ified. In addition, in the cloud the hypervisor layer
does not belong to the cloud user, making integrity an
important feature of the data.
The interface used for sending data to the hyper-
visor needs to also have the ability to sign informa-
tion with keys, in order to satisfy this need. Quicker
signing methods using single keys would be useful to
keep the performance overhead down, but more com-
plicated ones using changing keys could also be con-
sidered depending on a user’s preferences. Doing this
at the hypervisor level could be problematic, since
there may need to be a requirement to manage dif-
ferent keys for VMs, since a single physical machine
in a cloud environment is likely to be providing ser-
vices to more than one customer. It would make more
sense for each operating system to be able to manage
its own keys, reflecting the need for both hypervisors
and operating systems to work well together in order
to make better use of their environment.
3.5 Trust
The design presented here is based on the assumption
that users trust the hardware owner of the hypervisor
they are using. There is no more trust for the pre-
sented hypervisor architecture than is needed in any
other proprietary hypervisor. The point here is only to
reinforce the idea that whenever hypervisors are being
used, there is a level of trust placed in the hardware
owner the moment that a user chooses to use a VM on
that platform.
Future possibilities for those who do not trust the
hardware owner may lie in the use of homomorphic
encryption technology, in which fully encrypted data
is still able to be processed without the need for de-
cryption (Gentry and Halevi, 2011). Use of such
methods could be useful in order to keep valuable
information safe on untrusted environments like the
cloud, although the problem of its slow running speed
will need to be solved.
In this section we consider possible advantages from
using the proposed architecture.
4.1 Speed
One of the most obvious benefits of the proposed ar-
chitecture is the fact that the delivery of data to the
intended destination would be performed as quickly
as the hardware would allow. Delivery of data to
any other location would be dependant on networks
and network layers, and hardware and hardware lay-
ers. Even though data may always succeed in getting
to the intended destination, services which would re-
quire fast delivery would still have to wait for data to
be sent. For security monitoring processes, the differ-
ence in the time taken to do this could be important.
4.2 Overhead
Overhead can be broken down into two main areas,
performance overhead and network overhead. The
redirection of data to alternative locations affects both
of these. Even copying a file onto another location on
a local hard disk can noticeably slow down a running
machine, so any opportunity with which this kind of
costly data transfer can be avoided would be prefer-
able to the average user.
An interface able to move data from one layer to
another could also be used to specify a duplicate lo-
cation in the hypervisor layer to place data at the mo-
ment it is created in the hardware. The simultaneous
writing of the data to both locations avoids the need to
copy any data later on, so the job does not need to be
performed a second time (unless required for another
The fact that data would no longer necessarily
need to be sent over a network would relieve the pres-
sure on networks too. This would allow for virtual
machines which have a need to preserve network ca-
pacity to use their network speed for purposes other
than the back up of data.
4.3 Security
Although sending information over networks is not
inherently insecure if done correctly, keeping data
within a trusted boundary does have its advantages.
The ability to send data directly to another level on
the same hardware prevents attacks such as a man in
the middle attack from taking place, a worry for those
with particularly sensitive information.
The most obvious point of attack for the VM
owner’s data is by a malicious administrator, who
would be able to access the VM owner’s data and
their VM image, but would not be able to access them
without also gaining the passwords with which they
were encrypted. However, this danger would exist
anywhere on the cloud on which a user stores data.
By keeping data within trusted confines, it would at
least reduce the need to look for additional services
which can offer third party storage.
4.4 Energy
Energy use has become a much more important con-
cern for organisations, as they have started to become
aware of the costs of its use. Energy costs will be
of most concern to cloud providers, due to the huge
amounts of energy required to power their data cen-
tres. There are ways in which this concern could be
passed to users as well. Firstly, if cloud providers ever
decide to start using energy units as part of the cost
calculations for their services. Secondly, due to wider
concern about energy use, it is not unlikely that cloud
providers could start to provide a breakdown of the
energy use of individual virtual machines.
Work looking at the energy use of different kind
of cloud services, and measuring the energy used to
send cloud data around the world, is now being pro-
duced (Schien et al., 2012). Our suggested architec-
ture could provide a way to decrease overall energy
use in the cloud, by reducing the need to send data
over the various hardware and network layers (which
for users who redirect huge amounts of data could
amount to a significant saving). Even for users who
redirect small amounts of data, this could add up to a
worthwhile reduction in energy use (especially over
time, or from a collection of machines). With en-
ergy consumption becoming an environmental con-
cern too, this is the kind of approach regular cloud
users may express an interest in too.
Although our discussed design is intended to reduce
issues, there is still the possibility that there will be
5.1 Malware
In theory, malware might be able to use the opportu-
nity to pass data directly to a hypervisor as an ideal
opportunity to launch an attack. Despite this worry,
hypervisors have so far proven to be well isolated
against attack from VMs.
Nevertheless with security threats constantly
evolving, there may develop new ways in which clev-
erly designed malware could use the access to the hy-
pervisor provided here to attack the host, and by ex-
tension, the running VMs on the host. As an addi-
tional precaution therefore, it would be prudent to add
additional security by writing the transferred data to a
space from which nothing should be able to execute.
5.2 Scalability
Although one of the main benefits of the intended sys-
tem design is to reduce the overall amount of work
performed for the delivery of data overall, it is un-
known exactly how the system would perform with
large amounts of data being sent from multiple in-
stances. These kinds of problems would only be able
to be analysed from a prototype, from which any is-
sues could then be properly addressed to make the ar-
chitecture better able to deal with them.
5.3 Vendor Lock-in
Vendor lock-in is the problem of use of a technol-
ogy or service by a customer from which they cannot
easily transition to a competitor’s alternative offering.
There are already problems around this issue for vari-
ous cloud services, such as the inability to move VMs
between different cloud providers.
In the architecture we have outlined here, it is
clear that users who would want to send data to the
hypervisor layer, and hope to store that data within
their user account, would have to do it with their VM
provider. The only alternative ways of redirecting
data would have to involve redirecting over the net-
Apart from the development of paravirtualisation,
work on extended or modified hypervisors making
use of alternative architectures have received some at-
tention in the research literature.
Garfinkel et al. developed Terra, an architecture
designed to help increase VM and application secu-
rity (Garfinkel et al., 2003). Terra provides users
with the ability to run applications within regular
”open-box” VMs or specially protected ”closed-box”
VMs (with tailored security requirements), and uses
Trusted Computing to authenticate communications
betweeen applications.
Sailer et al. developed a secure hypervisor ar-
chitecture called SHype, specifically to control data
flows between VMs (Sailer et al., 2005). This was
achieved by implementing Mandatory Access Control
to enforce security policies from the hypervisor level
in addition to relying only on OS security controls like
a regular hypervisor would.
Keller et al. propose the NoHype architecture in
order to reduce the risk of attack to the hypervisor
layer (Keller et al., 2010). Instead of a hypervisor the
system uses hardware features to split access to each
of the required resources (in a similar way to a VMM)
for each guest OS by utilising extensions to existing
We have suggested an interface to allow data trans-
fer to take place from VMs to hypervisors, as a way
of reducing the overall amount of work associated
with data transfer over the cloud. We have looked at
the problems associated with transferring data in this
way, and demonstrated why it may be preferable to be
able to send them directly to the hypervisor layer. By
reducing the amount of overhead needed to perform
particular jobs, and allowing users to transfer more
data in an easier manner, we believe that such an ar-
chitecture would be able to offer improved security,
better utilisation of hardware resources in the cloud,
and help to reduce energy consumption.
In order to do this, both operating systems and
hypervisors would need to be adapted to take advan-
tage of this property. The success of paravirtualisation
suggests that cooperation between OS designers and
hypervisors designers can make such interfaces work
The next step for this work will be to develop the
extended architecture and to test with a suitable oper-
ating system. Validation through experimental results
could encourage cloud stakeholders that the presented
design is worth using to provide cloud services.
The authors thank BT for their contribution to this
work, and the reviewers for their suggested correc-
tions. Mustafa Aydin is sponsored by BT and is an
EPSRC funded EngD student, and part of the LSC-
ITS project.
Garfinkel, T., Pfaff, B., Chow, J., Rosenblum, M., and
Boneh, D. (2003). Terra: A virtual machine-based
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