Making Classroom Response Systems More Social
Jonas Vetterick
, Bastian Schwennigcke
, Andreas Langfeld
Clemens H. Cap
and Wolfgang Sucharowski
Department of Computer Science, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
Department of Humanities, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
Classroom Response Systems, CRS, Live Feedback, Social Learning, Social Communication, Class-wide
Classroom Response Systems (CRS) have been used in the last years to support teachers getting feedback
from their students, especially in lessons with large audiences. Whereas CRS become more and more popular
it is less known how students really use CRS for providing feedback and if social communication on CRS -
and as a consequence in the classroom itself - can increase the benefit of CRS. Our research aims to open the
discussion for more social communication on courses and lessons on CRS-usage by providing grounding of
social communication with CRS. Moreover we outline conceptual and technical insights on an Social CRS
It is a commonplace that learning success highly de-
pends on the social embedding of learning processes.
Beside motivational or emotional aspects we want to
emphasize, that this embedment can be defined in
terms of communicative interventions into learning
processes. Social embedment of learning allows any
learner to evaluate his or her understanding of given
contents. It even allows to assess the appropriateness
of this understanding through communication with
other learners as well as with teachers and tutorial at-
tendants in different learning contexts. Additionally it
is another commonplace that academic teaching still
often shows a lack of socially embedded learning this
way. Even more, academic teaching misses signifi-
cant strategies to develop this aspect of learning (Lau-
rillard, 2002) (Laurillard, 2012). However, the issue
of how to overcome this state and enable a signifi-
cant social involvement of learning is far less trivial
and still a serious challenge on quality and success of
learning (Masschelein and Simons, 2013).
Classroom Response Systems (CRS) can be re-
garded as a technological reply to this issue. Whereas
the original idea of CRS mainly implements a clicker
functionality, where students answer multiple choice
questions of the teachers (Fies and Marshall, 2006),
they now become a wider platform to provide feed-
back and to elaborate it in direction to a higher social
embedment of learning. Although teachers are still
able to ask multiple choice questions, modern CRS
provide students with the possibility to give more
detailed feedback on demand (Feiten et al., 2012)
(Kundisch et al., 2012).
Whilst modern CRS have been extended with
many features, we think that CRS currently do not
draw on their full potential to support the social em-
bedment of learning. Until know, they are a helpful
tool to link more explicitly the presentation and trans-
mission of content on the teachers side with a specific
range of receptive reactions on the learners side. In
result CRS may support the addressing and solving of
understanding problems.
Moreover, experience with CRS with features be-
yond mere multiple choice tests resulted in partic-
ipants spontaneously inventing new forms of com-
munication. For example, a public chat-like feed-
back channel intended originally to pose questions to
the teacher was used for tutorial-style communication
and for organizing study groups by the students. This
demonstrates a demand for increased social interac-
tion in the classroom.
But at this stage of evolution especially social in-
teractions and communication are neither usefully in-
closed by CRS learning concepts nor documented for
students and teachers further usage on the CRS. In
Vetterick J., Schwennigcke B., Langfeld A., Cap C. and Sucharowski W..
Making Classroom Response Systems More Social.
DOI: 10.5220/0004959801530161
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 153-161
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
previous work, we recognized a strong need of stu-
dents to communicate with each other on CRS and to
get durable access to the CRS content generated in a
lesson (Vetterick et al., 2014).
Although the social evolution of CRS seems to
be a vital demand as well as an exciting direction of
development, the relation between social interaction
and learning is widely unexplained, especially in the
context of blended and e-learning interventions. This
conceptual paper shall explore this gap in order to bet-
ter estimate social phenomena in the evaluation of ex-
isting CRS and to provide significant constraints for
technological advancements.
This publication describes our position on a cur-
rent learning model, which covers latest and coming
generations of CRS that are aware of social commu-
nication and interaction between students and teach-
ers. Based on this discussion we will elaborate which
aspects of socially embedded learning CRS currently
enable and which aspects are still to be claimed. Fur-
thermore this work outlines how coming CRS should
look and act in order to contribute a serious interven-
tion into the social challenge on learning.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 covers the related work in the field of learning
and feedback and in the field of CRS. In section 3 we
show that there are two different types of communi-
cation on providing feedback. Section 4 presents our
approach for an Social CRS that is aware of and sup-
ports these types. At the end we conclude our work
and outlook future research in section 5.
2.1 Learning and
To ground our investigation on the social embedment
of learning, we want to adopt (this chapter) and par-
tially develop (chapter 3) the learning model, Diana
Laurillard introduced in the late 1990s and has refined
up to her present contributions to the debate on aca-
demic teaching. It promotes our position in a three-
fold way (Laurillard, 1999) (Laurillard, 2002) (Lau-
rillard, 2008) (Laurillard, 2012).
First, it comes from scientifically based efforts for
reforms in academic education.
Second, it uses an educational-driven approach to
the use of digital technologies (Laurillard, 2008,
p. 1).
And third, it implements important aspects of the
social nature of learning.
Her model essentially consists of three layers
composed to an conversational framework of learn-
ing (Figure 1). These layers postulate the main func-
tions teachers and learners have in educational set-
tings. The first layer, the layer of conceptual dis-
cussion combines the function of content distribution
on the basis of theoretical conceptions on the teach-
ers side and the function of content documentation
framed by an individual conception on the learners
side. Learners even have to reply on distributed con-
tent and to control their individual understanding of
content in the light of the teachers reactions on their
The second layer, the layer of interaction, is deter-
mined by a learning environment constituted by the
teacher. Within this environment learners are obli-
gated to solve concrete tasks, such as working out
exercises, solving questions or preparing talks or pa-
pers. Interaction even includes to observe how learn-
ers cope with those tasks on the teachers side. Addi-
tionally, learners will admit their processing of tasks
while teachers attend to and react on their attempts at
a solution.
The third layer establishes a connection between
the first and the second one. It has a meta-cognitive
function and its realization allows to adopt the op-
erations on the interactive layer with respect to the
interchange of content on the conceptual layer. Fur-
thermore it enables to assess the reaches and limits
of theoretical concepts in the light of task coping and
outcomes as practical experiences on the interactive
Figure 1: Conversational framework of learning (Laurillard,
1999) (Laurillard, 2002) (Laurillard, 2012).
Laurillard claims that learning processes based on
these three layers go beyond simple instruction. Be-
cause any successful understanding of content de-
pends on the ability of teachers and learners to apply a
common ontological (object reference) and epistemic
(direction of understanding) frame of reference. That
means they have to anticipate a common identification
of objects and their epistemic treatment in order to use
transmitted content the same way. However, a central
demand on teaching is not to presume this redundancy
of orientation between teachers and learners, but to
support its evolution. This evolutionary process has to
take into account an iterative progress of adjustment
between the differing prerequisites of the participants
in an educational process. The core instrument Lau-
rillard suggests to make the outlined adjustment run
is giving and handling feedback on each of the frame-
works layers.
First of all, feedback is a way to interrupt the
progress of content transmission and task instruction
in order to claim a sequence of adjustment between
transmission and reception of content. Normally this
is the case when intentions behind content transmis-
sion on the teachers side and abilities to cope with
content in the intended way on the learners side do not
interlock. Any reaction on feedback has to respond to
that imbalance between intended and performed un-
derstanding more or less extensively. The core is-
sue to compensate this imbalance will be to explore
the individual conditions learners apply to understand
given educational content. This is a common sense
affordance on modern teaching and it means to center
teaching around the learner and provide as much oc-
casions as possible to clear up and integrate the learn-
ers prerequisites within learning processes.
Enabling feedback belongs to a set of ideal solu-
tions to integrate modern, learner centered teaching
into academic education (Weimer, 2013). But there is
a common risk behind those avant-garde demands on
teaching. Admitting feedback contains the problem
to include topics and issues into the learning setting
that could endanger the viability of courses and lec-
tures. Not only genuine spam but also content driven
feedback is able to disturb a lesson significantly. It is
an important challenge to distinguish between feed-
back assimilable to a lesson and feedback that cannot
be integrated. Beside explicit rules or technical fil-
tering, we assume that those decisions are normally
processed by the use of communicative strategies.
2.2 Modern Classroom Response
As Kay et al stated in (Kay and LeSage, 2009) CRS
have been voting mechanism in the first place: Teach-
ers ask a multiple choice question and students could
answer by clicking the corresponding button on a spe-
cial voting device. As these voting devices are very
expensive and have to be maintained, modern CRS
use the mobile devices students already have. Since
mobile devices, as smartphones, pads or notebooks,
provide a display that can draw more than just buttons
for multiple choice questions, CRS evolve to compre-
hensive feedback systems that are able to implement
more complex forms of feedback (Draper et al., 2002)
(Feiten et al., 2012) (Jenkins, 2007) (Kundisch et al.,
2012) (Vetterick et al., 2013) such as:
Multiple Choice questions asked by the teachers
(TQ): Teachers can still use modern CRS as click-
ers, but without the limitations of a hardware de-
vice, so they may label their answers or use a flex-
ible number of answers for example.
Questions from students (SQ): Students ask spe-
cific questions. Other students may vote questions
up or down, which can be an indicator for the im-
portance of questions. Based on the number of
votes the instructor can address the issues in his
lecture. In a variant of this scheme, members of
the audience may reply in writing using the sys-
Rating specific presentation parameters (SP): Stu-
dents mark specific issues, for example when the
instructor is moving ahead too fast or the talking
volume is inadequate.
Moreover modern CRS are able to organize the
given feedback to get a deeper understanding. The
following methods present current methods for orga-
nizing live feedback.
Durable Access (DA): Students and teachers can
later access all the given feedback. Teachers are
then able to provide additional material or exam-
ples and can improve the presentation. Students
can use the feedback to identify important facts,
topic or issues for a better preparation for their
exams (Crouch and Mazur, 2001) (Vetterick et al.,
Identify students learning issues across lessons
and terms (LA): By the use of identities (or even
pseudonyms) teachers are able to track down how
students learn. Interested readers are referred to
the field of learning analytics (Ferguson, 2012).
Figure 2 demonstrates how the three forms of
feedback TQ, SQ and SP are organized by DA and
LA. Whilst the feedback generated in a lesson can be
accessed afterwards (DA), LA allows to identify cor-
relations between the students feedback over lessons
or terms.
Figure 2: Interaction of access modes and CRS-features.
Regarding the previously presented interdepen-
dent layers of learning process organization (dis-
cussion layer, interaction layer, layer of adoption
and reflection), modern CRS only fit these layers in
parts. The layer of discussion is covered by stu-
dents questions (SQ) and the possibility to rate teach-
ers speech parameters (SP). Students initiate the dis-
cussion about a certain issue or parameter, whereas
teachers have to respond. The layer of interaction is
covered by students questions (SQ), where students
again initiate the feedback by asking questions. Ad-
ditionally the layer of interaction is partly covered
by teachers questions (TQ), because teachers demand
feedback from their students, who then have to in-
teract with their teachers. The layer of adaption and
reflection is partly used by all modern CRS imple-
mentations of TQ, SQ and SP: Students may reflect
their knowledge and understanding on teachers (TQ)
or other students questions (SQ). Moreover teachers
may reflect their teaching to identify facts, topics or
illustrations that are hard to understand for students
(issue repeat offender).
Regarding the methods to organize feedback, LA
and DA cover the layer of adaption and reflection, too.
DA provides persistent access to the content created
by teachers and students during a lesson, so students
are able to reflect their knowledge and understanding
afterwards at any time. Furthermore teachers can do
the same to reflect their teaching. LA allows teachers
to get a deeper knowledge of how students proceed in
their lessons over time (for a whole term for example),
so teachers can reflect their teaching on a wider scope.
3.1 From Feedback to Communication
Chapter two showed that feedback is no add-on but a
core element of learning. Here we want to add that
feedback only works in connection with social, or
rather communicative forms of intervention into the
learning process. Therefore, any elaboration of feed-
back depends on the specific communicative strate-
gies the participants of learning processes are able and
allowed to realize in educational settings. What these
strategies might be, how they work and to what extent
they support learning processes are open questions
within the learning research discussion we presented
above. We consider answers to these questions to be a
significant prerequisite for the evolution of feedback
technologies like CRS.
Communication takes its special role within feed-
back processes, because its main function is not to
discover the full potential of an individuals condi-
tions applied to his or her engagement with trans-
mitted content. That means, communication is more
than just talking about individual states or sensitivi-
ties within learning processes. Communication has to
find a scope of selective topics and issues, which the
communicative partners are able to connect with from
their individual state while they are attending to and
coping with feedback. To treat feedback by commu-
nication means to find a selective way of marking and
negotiating feedback. Selective communicative treat-
ment gives feedback a specific sense and determines
its relevance. We now want to distinguish two major
strategies conveying two basic forms of coping with
feedback in the outlined way (for general introduction
(Baecker, 2009)).
3.2 Systemic Feedback/Communicative
Strategies within Lectures
Lectures normally work on the conceptual layer of
learning. Lectures are successful when learners are
able to anticipate an intended conceptual order of
knowledge out of the way they document presented
content (Figure 3). From a communication the-
ory point of view, this setting could be regarded as
systemic setting. Communicative Systems contain
an affordance-competence balance (Baecker, 2010).
And this is the case, when behavior on the one hand
could be regarded as an accomplishment of an af-
fordance setting on the other. The learners activi-
ties to document content and to anticipate underly-
ing conceptual orders then are accomplishments to
the intentions a teacher has in a specific learning pro-
cess. Feedback framed by a systemic communica-
tion strategy will focus the partners on their knowl-
edge about the structure of demands within that set-
ting. They have to specify and reformulate what they
determine to be the right understanding of underlying
Figure 3: Conceptual basis of learning based on (Laurillard,
2002) (Laurillard, 2012).
In result the partners are able to decide whether
their behavior is a deviation reclaimable by an accom-
plishment that fits to their understanding of given de-
mands. Reaction on feedback within this framework
will take feedback as a hint on deviation from ideal
and it will reclaim this ideal by re-defining the affor-
dance structure behavior should apply to. The prob-
lem is, such communicative framework only deals
with feedback allowing to connect deviating behavior
with redefinitions of given affordances. That means,
feedback already has to contain certain links to that
affordance structure. In other words, it has to be con-
sciously settled within a given affordance framework,
which is shared between the communicative partners
in the feedback process.
For example students ask for more explanation
within a given topic area because they understand this
topic area to be important for their exams and fear to
overlook important issues without more explanation.
However requesting more explanation could be a de-
viation from ideal learner performance within a lec-
ture. But it could be handled within the systemic strat-
egy, if the students request already contains knowl-
edge about an intended affordance on the teachers
side, e.g. exam preparation, and if this knowledge is
shared between teacher and student. Replies to this
feedback only have to redefine the affordance struc-
ture exam preparation in order to adjust performed
and ideal behavior, that means to decide whether re-
questing more explanation is useful or not within the
affordance set exam preparation.
We call feedback annotated in Figure 4 affordance
competent or systemic feedback. We want to sug-
gest that it only can be given by skilled students with
enough experience within specific educational set-
tings as university lectures or courses. It only works if
feedback is applied to students assumptions on possi-
ble affordance structures or more general if feedback
can be treated this way. Treating feedback within a
systemic strategy needs communicative partners, who
are able to find and assume comparable assumptions
on a set of affordances in a learning process.
Figure 4: Systemic feedback process (integrated application
of (Baecker, 2010) and (Laurillard, 2002)).
3.3 Concept Critical Interventions into
Feedback without a strong linkage to socially shared
affordances is difficult to handle within a systemic
framework. This is a significant problem for learn-
ing processes. Because this more open type of feed-
back contains the highest potential to enable and de-
velop learning advancements (Bateson, 2000). Be-
cause deviation from pre-defined sets of learning af-
fordances allows to go beyond affordance sets and to
understand their constitution and justification within
broader conceptual considerations (Baecker, 2008)
(Baecker, 2012) (White, 2012). If we go back to our
little example of exam preparation it makes a signif-
icant difference whether students understand how to
apply lecture contents to exam affordances or they
understand, that exam affordances are constituted in
the context of different and sometimes even com-
peting standards within scientific paradigms or even
other perhaps administrative and legal considerations.
Feedback that deviates from pre-defined affordance
sets contains the opportunity to investigate such con-
texts and to reclaim a deeper understanding of learn-
ing affordances and their range of variation .
The learning theory discussion above suggested
to realize such demands by switching between dif-
ferent learning layers and to transfer experiences on
one layer to the other. It has been emphasized that
such transfer allows to insert experiences on one layer
as a hint on the conceptual basis, that constitutes the
other layer. For example the quizzes function of CRS
can be used to go through a kind of exam like situ-
ation in order to help students anticipating the exam
affordance set behind lectures. However the main is-
sue here is, that this conclusion has to be worked out
in a broader communicative setting. Within this set-
ting communication has to ensure, that deviations are
not rejected too soon as interferences into pre-defined
systemic frameworks. Instead communication has to
be aligned to find contexts which handle systemically
deviating feedback as occasion to search for other
affordance-accomplishment balances or as occasion
to adapt pre-defined affordances.
On a communicative level it also means to find
different partners or groups, who are able to pick up
and investigate feedback in the outlined way. In ef-
fect, this type of communication leads to adaptive
processes within given systemic frameworks as well
as to distinction and differentiation between varieties
of systemic settings. This type of communication ad-
ditionally unfolds demands on the comparative com-
petences amongst communicative partners. And this
demand has to be implemented by parallel investiga-
tions into the conceptual basis different systemic set-
tings are based on (Figure 5).
This type of communicative intervention allows
to rebind deviations from single affordance settings
back into academic lessons and to apply the content
and the progress of lessons to different scopes of rele-
vance and function. In effect, the communicative de-
mands on such intervention are more complex. Be-
cause given feedback could not only be immediately
applied or rejected, but even preserved for later treat-
ment, transferred into other contexts of application
Figure 5: Concept critical intervention into feedback.
and integrated into social discourse about the range
of conceptual diversity feedback fits to.
Based on the critics and the suggestions for improve-
ment from chapter 3, we will outline a new generation
of CRS that is aware of and supports communicative
intervention into feedback. The notion of classroom,
however, has to be understood in the broader sense of
a community of learners; their interaction may occur
at the same time and same place (traditional CRS) or
at different places (for remote learners) or times (car-
ried over to different cohorts of learners).
This section describes our approach for a social
CRS that is aware of social communication. At first
we will present the conceptual design for this ap-
proach, then we address technical challenges and state
feasible implementations for them.
4.1 Conceptual Design
On feedback-events (communicative interventions),
when students struggle with an issue, discussions with
others can arise. CRS should be aware of these
events, because they are a part of students learning
process. Similar to bubbles that rise to the surface,
discussions can split off the lessons content. Whether
or not discussions may not directly related to the
lessons content, they are important for their mem-
bers and can become interesting later on. Moreover,
CRS should provide methods to initiate or create such
discussion-bubbles. Because students often use their
own medium, as social networks or online learning
platforms, to discuss an issue, CRS should be able to
export discussions. Thereby students are still able to
use their known medium for discussion even if they
deal with something that has not been created on this
medium (enabling concept critical feedback). Figure
6 illustrates this concept.
Figure 6: Discussion initiated during a lesson and their pos-
sibility for usage in external environments.
In addition to the ability to leave lessons to fol-
low a discussion, CRS have to provide a mechanism
to return to a lecture, so students on the one hand can
adapt their knowledge generated from the discussion
to the current teaching content and teachers on the
other hand can react on issues aftereffects. CRS that
support to leave to and return from a discussion to
a lesson are then able to keep track of learning pro-
cesses. This enables teachers and students to orga-
nize and analyze their own and others learning pro-
cesses. Furthermore a lecture does now not only con-
sist of teachers knowledge-materials, it also consists
of the process how students identify and solve issues
on lessons knowledge itself and on teachers learning-
materials (adopt systemic affordances and investigate
alternatives according to chapter 3.3, Figure 6).
Whereas traditional technical support in a class-
room started with a blackboard and evolved via pro-
jector to an electronic presentation of learning mate-
rial. The next logical step is interactive learning ma-
terial, where the interaction can take place with a pre-
programmed digital tutor (systemic intervention), or
with a human docent or co-learner (systemic and con-
cept critical intervention). This communication how-
ever must not have the usual digital form of interper-
sonal exchange (such as email, forum etc.) since in
this form it is not centered on the topic to be learned
or on the learner but rather on the usual human rit-
ual of communication. Rather, new forms of dynamic
lecture materials should be developed, where a Q&A
session with a docent of a co-learner is directly con-
nected with that place in the lecture material, where
the problem arose.
Filtering of content, when a participant is able to
select the information he will see, and targeting of
content, when a participant is able to designate recip-
ients for his questions, remarks and answers, might
be necessary to maintain a reasonable signal-to-noise
ratio on a social CRS. This is especially important,
when the collection and dissemination of contribu-
tions is not restricted to real time classroom activities
and may span even courses.
4.2 Technical Design
Regarding the concepts previously described there are
many technical challenges for implementations of So-
cial CRS. Because modern CRS clients mostly run
on mobile devices we assume that every potential
user has a web browser and an internet connection,
whether mobile or not. Based on this assumption we
identify three main technical challenges. First of all
there is the teaching content itself, which is the source
of most feedback and the main part of interactive
learning materials. Second the discussions, including
their participants, references and verbalisations have
to be implemented. Third the export of discussions is
a functionality that highly depends on other technical
frameworks, concepts and standards.
The teaching content mainly covers teachers pre-
sentation slides, scripts or any other digital docu-
ments. Current web technologies are able to present
and distribute all of these documents, so the previous
assumptions of an existing web browser enables So-
cial CRS to display nearly every digital content teach-
ers are currently using.
Providing a space for discussion or social commu-
nication is mainly covered by feedback type SQ (stu-
dents questions). Even so discussions can arise from
issues on other feedback types, so there has to be an
implementation to switch to SQ or at least to initiate
a discussion on a different medium. Furthermore dis-
cussions can include references to the teaching con-
tent, which can be implemented with references to
digital objects (pictures, paragraphs, words, videos,
etc.) of the digital teaching content. Moreover, so-
cial communication needs participants who can be ad-
dressable and identifiable. Modern CRS mostly have
possibilities for users to use an existing identity, either
from their university software system or their social
networks. At least all users should be able to address
new participants for a discussion and to resign the par-
ticipation in a discussion. Social CRS can implement
this requirement by using the existing identity man-
Exporting discussion or social communication
highly depends on targets for an export and needs a
specification for addressing. As stated above we rec-
ommend a strategy where digital fragments (or dig-
ital objects), as paragraphs, slides, pictures, etc, get
unique identifiers. Additionally we assign each dis-
cussion and each point of discussion an unique id.
Over the set of all digital objects and their identifiers
Social CRS can span an Application Programming
Interface (API), so identifiers are accessible with an
unique URL. Thus Social CRS create the ability for
an ecosystem around the given feedback. Applica-
tions of this ecosystem are able to access all the digital
objects even if they were not created on them.
Our conclusion is that there is a strong need for CRS
to allow and support social communication in learn-
ing environments. We showed that there are two basic
types of communication on providing feedback. On
the one hand the systemic intervention into feedback,
when students need to deviate their accomplishment
due to differences between their understanding and
teachers knowledge. On the other hand the concept
critical intervention onto feedback, which allows to
rebind deviations from an affordance settings and to
apply the teaching content and the progress of lessons
to different scopes of relevance and function.
Moreover we presented conceptual and technical
designs to create a Social CRS that is aware of these
types of social communication (of feedback). This
includes our approach to handle discussions (commu-
nicative interventions), which result from feedback,
as important and necessary. CRS should allow to ini-
tiate or create discussions as a new part of a lesson
that may be progressed in a different medium as well
as CRS have to provide a way back to the teaching
content. In addition we presented technical solutions
for this concept which mainly base on a web applica-
tion that provides discussion-objects.
In fact of the importance of discussions we are
sensible of the distractions Social CRS will create.
We see (Social) CRS as a tool for teachers and stu-
dents that can support the learning process. For this
reason one has to be aware that CRS are only able to
see a portion of reality. This means that the benefit of
feedback and its permanently availability highly de-
pends on students motivation to document their feed-
Beside this limitation Social CRS and CRS in gen-
eral are able to become more than just feedback sys-
tems. In practice we observed students using CRS
to criticize also the system around the lecturer: Some
students claimed nuisances on the composition of stu-
dents with different states of knowledge, which is
because the students come from different areas and
which is enforced by the university administration.
Even if the lecturer recognized this critics as spam at
first, he identified it as this critic later on. Keeping this
in mind makes it hard to decide if a discussion’s level
of distraction is worth it or not, even if this discussion
might look like spam.
Further research should take up the discussion
about social communication with CRS in general.
Moreover there are several interesting questions on
the discussion export. For example if it is possible to
remove an existing export or all related connections.
Furthermore it is possible that the ability to document
all the social communication can lead to more unre-
lated information, such as spam, and that such infor-
mation result in more expense of filtering them. In
addition to this question further research can focus on
the filtering itself. The filtering itself can be a part of
the learning process and may be underestimated.
At least studies on CRS usage are highly impor-
tant. On the one hand it has to be evaluated how
teachers and students use Social CRS and if they get
an benefit from them. On the other hand it should be
evaluated when students use Social CRS or their doc-
umented content respectively. The latter may show
that students use their documented social communica-
tion mostly for preparation for their exams. Of course
this hypothesis is speculative at this point, but such
an offline use, however, could require coining a new
term, since it no longer is a Classroom Response Sys-
This work was supported in part by the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and
the University of Rostock. We gratefully acknowl-
edge the professional and motivating atmosphere of-
fered by them in supporting our study. We thank M.
Garbe for discussions and comments on this topic.
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