An Optimization Model for the Aggregation of End-user Energy
Management Systems in a Residential Setting
Andreia M. Carreiro
, Carlos Henggeler Antunes
and Humberto M. Jorge
INESC Coimbra, Rua Antero de Quental nº 199, 3000-033, Coimbra, Portugal
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computers, Polo II, University of Coimbra, 3030-290 Coimbra, Portugal
Keywords: Energy Management Systems, Energy Box Aggregator, End-user Flexibility, Genetic Algorithms.
Abstract: This paper proposes a model for an aggregator of energy management systems (energy box aggregator -
EBAg) to operate as an intermediary between individual energy management systems (local energy boxes)
and the System Operator / Energy Market capable of facilitating a “load follows supply” strategy in a Smart
Grid context. The EBAg is aimed at using the flexibility provided by end-users of demand-side resources to
respond to system service requirements, via contracts, involving lowering or increasing the energy
consumption in each time slot. The aim is contributing to the balance between load and supply, avoiding
peaks in the aggregate load diagram, and coping with the intermittency of renewable sources. For this
purpose an optimization model for the EBAg has been developed, which is tackled using a genetic
algorithm based approach to deal with the combinatorial characteristics of the model.
The efforts to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG)
emissions related to electricity generation have been
leading to a fast increase in the deployment of
renewable generation (European Commission,
2010). However, renewable sources present
characteristics that differ from conventional energy
sources. The power output is driven by
environmental conditions, which are inherently
variable and outside the control of generators and
system operators. They cannot be reliably dispatched
or perfectly forecast, and exhibit significant
temporal variability. As a result, the proper
integration of renewables into the electric grid
presents a major challenge and new tools are
required to ensure the grid reliability.
At the same time, the energy consumption in
European Union (EU) households has been steadily
growing due to the widespread utilization of new
types of loads and the requirement of higher levels
of comfort and services. The electricity consumption
breakdown in EU households was recently
characterized (de Almeida et al., 2001), recognizing
that several end-use loads present some kind of
flexibility; therefore, if properly controlled these
loads can be used as a demand side resource capable
of offering a responsive behaviour (Kowli et al.,
As far as security of supply is concerned, the
most severe problems due to power intermittence
occur in peak load hours, since most system
resources are already in use and a sudden reduction
of power generation can have critical consequences
on the system reliability. Thus, instead of acting on
the supply side, Demand Response (DR) programs
and technologies have the potential to contribute to
optimize consumption and reduce peak loads, in
(near) real-time. In this way, DR is an enabling
strategy for the successful integration of renewable
energy sources in the electric system, in a
perspective of integrated energy resource
management, involving controlling flexible loads
according to (price and/or emergency) signals from
the grid and end-users’ preferences. In addition, DR
can become a new source of revenue for entities that
“aggregate” this load flexibility (Joo et al., 2007).
In a Smart Grid context, it is expected that the
traditional end-user will become a prosumer (i.e.,
simultaneously producer and consumer) and
dynamic (time-differentiated) electricity tariffs will
be offered (Livengood and Larson, 2009). Therefore,
an in-house demand responsive energy management
system (Local Energy Box - LEB) is required, based
on fully interactive Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT), to help the end-user optimizing
M. Carreiro A., Antunes C. and M. Jorge H..
An Optimization Model for the Aggregation of End-user Energy Management Systems in a Residential Setting.
DOI: 10.5220/0004960101910197
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2014), pages 191-197
ISBN: 978-989-758-025-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the energy use without compromising comfort,
achieving energy savings and satisfying constraints
on the quality of the energy services provided. The
LEB should also enable two-way communication,
between the house and the grid in order to improve
the global performance of the electric power system
(Livengood and Larson, 2009); (Verschueren et al.,
2010). Otherwise, in a scenario of a low price signal
from the grid, all LEB devices would attempt to
achieve benefits for the end-user engaging in similar
actions (e.g., by shedding the same type of loads),
eventually taking no notice of the instability that
could impair the operation of the system, since the
true impact of household consumption arises when it
is summed up over a large number of houses (EU
Comission Task Force for Smart Grid). In this
context, a few recent studies have addressed the
combination of demand and supply sides, to
implement DR programs for the provision of system
services, i.e. the balancing services that are provided
by system operators for ensuring reliable system
operations (EU Comission Task Force for Smart
Grid). These services have been traditionally
provided by generators, which are capable of
adjusting their output rapidly in response to
unanticipated imbalances between supply and
demand. In the Smart Grid context, the provision of
these services by aggregating electricity consumers
using DR programs is becoming an attractive
alternative (Agnetis et al., 2011).
In this context, an aggregator energy
management system (Energy Box Aggregator -
EBAg) is proposed, which is an intelligent mediator
between the end-users (via LEB) and the grid
(System Operator / Energy Market, SO/EM)
allowing the coordination of a large-scale
dissemination of in-house DR devices (Figure 1).
The main aim of the EBAg is to provide system
service requirements, increasing the grid efficiency,
ensuring the required levels of supply security,
reliability and quality of service, taking into account
inputs such as end-user flexibility of operation of
demand-side resources and both grid and load
technical constraints, thus contributing to the
balance between load and supply coping with the
intermittency of renewable sources and avoiding
peaks in the load diagram, while minimizing
overall electricity supply costs (Kowli et al., 2010).
The optimization problem faced by the EBAg
consists in receiving requests from the grid to lower
or increase electricity consumption and allocating
these requests among clusters of LEB while
satisfying technical and quality of service
constraints, in order to maximize its profits. This is a
combinatorial problem and an approach based on
genetic algorithms (GA) has been developed, which
combines features for handling discrete and
continuous variables.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2
introduces the problem formulation and the related
key concepts, also referring to model and business
strategy and the potential benefits for the end-user
and the grid (SO/EM). Section 3 presents the
optimization model and the algorithmic approach,
which has been used in an experimental case study
presented in section 4. The results of the simulations
are briefly presented in section 5. Concluding
remarks and future work are outlined in Section 6.
Figure 1: EBAg mediating the relation between LEB and
the grid.
This section presents a framework for analysing the
EBAg role in the electric power system and the
players involved. This comprises the information
that is transmitted to/from the LEB, which interfaces
the end-user directly with the EBAg, and the relation
of the EBAg with the grid (SO/EM).
Nowadays the only direct relation between the
grid and the end-user is with the retailer company,
being associated through a contract for power supply
with specific tariffs (power and energy prices). In
such framework end-users are not generally aware of
the existence of the energy market.
The energy consumption of domestic consumers
presents some flexibility and end-use loads may be
broadly characterized into four categories:
Shiftable: loads that can be used in another
period of time and therefore can have their
working cycle anticipated or postponed but not
interrupted (e.g, dishwashers or laundry
Re-parameterizable: loads that can have their
control parameters re-set (i.e., air conditioners);
Interruptible: loads whose operation can be
interrupted during a certain period of time (e.g.,
electric water heaters).
Non-controllable: loads that cannot be the target
of any type of demand response actions (e.g.,
computers, entertainment);
Based on this end-use load categorization, it is
possible to exploit the load flexibility within each
house. The large-scale deployment of LEB imposes
an essential challenge concerning the coordination
of grid and end-user objectives. I.e., requests from
the grid should be weighed against the flexibility of
end-use loads to be shifted, re-parameterized or
interrupted in a certain period of time. The EBAg
will gather this flexibility from the end-users by
means of each LEB, asking them to adjust their load
profile by offering a remuneration scheme specified
in a contract, which is typically variable along the
day with some relation with market prices.
Thereby, the EBAg is able to sell the flexibility
gathered by making offers to the grid according to
its requests in each time slot (i.e., increase or
decrease a certain amount of load), with the aim of
optimizing its own profits and offering benefits to all
entities involved (increasing retail profits,
decreasing consumption costs). Figure 1 and figure 2
depict the architecture adopted.
Figure 2: EBAg global architecture.
The EBAg sees its associated end-users grouped
into clusters, which contain end-users with similar
characteristics. The normal energy profile of the
cluster, i.e. in the absence of a flexibility request,
can be represented as a baseline load profile curve.
The EBAg knows the baseline load profile of
clusters as well as the possible load profile responses
associated with each request.
The time variable remuneration schemes are
known, i.e. the €/kW value paid by the grid to the
EBAg and by the EBAg to the clusters. The
incentive to remunerate the customer to participate
in DR programs is a significant issue for the success
of this type of programs (Quinn et al., 2010). An
adequate EBAg business model should be designed
to attract and maintain residential end-users under
demand management contracts, in which end-users
receive a reward to offer a certain amount of load
flexibility to the EBAg. Customers sign up for
programs depending on the benefits they derive in
the form of upfront payments, i.e. when demand
discounts and interruption payments exceed their
perceived cost of interruption or consumption
shifting (Fahrioglu and Alvarado, 2000).
The remuneration scheme presently implemented
is based on the electricity price at OMIP (MIBEL -
Iberian EM) (OMIP). The remuneration schemes are
in place when the EBAg requests for consumption
change are satisfied. The EBAg may be an Energy
Service Company (ESCO) that buys and manages
the end-user’s flexible load and sells it to provide
system services to the SO/EM.
Using the information gathered from the grid
(SO/EM) and the individual LEB aggregated in
clusters, a model to maximize the EBAg profits is
developed that is then tackled using a GA approach.
The model aims at determining the best matching of
the requests by the grid and the flexibility specified
by the LEB. Binary variables denote whether or not
the EBAg is able to gather load flexibility from the
clusters and offer it to the grid, in each time slot.
Continuous variables represent the corresponding
amount of energy managed.
c - 1,2, …C. Identifies the cluster, where C is the
number of clusters associated with the EBAg. Each
cluster gathers a set of end-users (LEB).
f - 0,1,… F. Identifies the request that the EBAg
sends to cluster c; f=0 means that no request is sent
by the EBAg. The EBAg congregates the flexibility
offered by each cluster. A response function is
associated with request f.
t = 1,2,…T. Identifies the time slot. A time
resolution of 15 minutes is considered, thus having
T=96 time slots in one day.
- Reward paid by the grid to the EBAg for the
load flexibility provided, in each time slot t.
- Reward paid by the EBAg to the clusters for the
load flexibility provided, in each time slot t.
- Load flexibility (kW) response function (i.e.,
consumption reduction) of cluster c in each time slot
t, associated with request f.
- Maximum value of flexible load (kW) in
each cluster c, in each time slot t.
– Minimum amount of load (kW) the EBAg
can offer to the grid, in time slot t.
– Consumption reduction request from the grid
(kW), in each time slot.
Decision variables:
{0,1}. Represent the decision offers of the
EBAg to the grid, in each time slot t. If a
= 1 then
the EBAg is able to present an offer to the grid in
time slot t, according to the grid request R
Otherwise, a
= 0.
– Continuous variable representing the quantity of
power (kW) that the EBAg is capable to offer to the
grid, in each time slot t: P
> 0 when a
= 1.
{0,1}. Represents the decision of sending an
action/signal to each cluster c in time slot t
responding to request f. If b
=1 then the EBAg
obtains the load flexibility response function L
Otherwise, b
=0, f = 0 and the cluster is in the
baseline load profile.
– Continuous variable expressing the overall
flexibility for all clusters c associated with the
EBAg. It assumes only positive values since it
represents a consumption reduction, in each time
The objective function consists in maximizing
overall EBAg profits.
The first term accounts for the gains from selling the
load flexibility to the grid, while the second term
accounts for the cost that the EBAg has to pay to the
clusters for their participation.
Subject to:
1. Only one action/signal request f for each
cluster c, in each time slot t:
2. In each time slot, it is assumed that the load
flexibility response function (L
) has an upper
bound of the maximum value of flexible load
) in each cluster c. The overall load
flexibility in each time period is obtained:
3. The amount of power offered to the grid is
bounded by a minimum offer and the overall load
flexibility response gathered from all clusters,
whenever the EBAg is able to present an offer to the
grid (a
4. Whenever the EBAg receive a request from the
grid, R
, the offer to the grid, P
, cannot exceed the
requested flexible load in each time slot:
A GA approach has been developed to tackle this
model, namely to cope with its combinatorial nature.
GAs efficiently exploit the search space using
genetic operators (selection, crossover and mutation)
to create new individuals (solutions) with expectedly
improved performance. The evolutionary search
process balances two main procedures: exploring the
whole search space and exploiting the
neighbourhoods of promising solutions. A GA for a
particular problem has generally the following
components: a representation (encoding) of potential
solutions to the problem; a procedure to create an
initial population of solutions, generally taking into
account model constraints; a fitness function to
evaluate the quality of solutions, possibly including
a penalty term associated with constraint violations;
genetic operators that make the solution population
evolve, trying to preserve its diversity; values for the
parameters (population size, probabilities of
applying genetic operators, etc.).
The model and the GA approach have been
implemented in Matlab. A problem-specific
repairing process of infeasible solutions obtained in
each generation has been designed. The size of the
population is 100 individuals. Binary tournament has
been used as the selection method. Elitism is
considered by retaining the 3 individuals with better
fitness, which go into the next generation population
without being subject to the operators in order to
guarantee that the best solutions are not lost. One-
point crossover operators have been designed taking
into account the binary/continuous nature of
decision variables. These operators ensure the
consistency relations to be satisfied between the
corresponding sets of binary and continuous
variables. Mutation is a genetic operator used to
maintain diversity in the population and promote the
exploration of the search space. The mutation
operator is also tailored to the binary and continuous
variables ensuring their mutual consistency after
mutation is carried out. For binary variables a bit flip
is done with a certain probability, and for continuous
variables a change is made within a given interval
centered in the present value using a uniform
distribution. After applying the mutation operator,
infeasible solutions are subject to a repairing
process. The evolutionary process ends after 100
generations, which has been set after
Experiments have been carried out, based on real
consumption data gathered through audits. These
data provided a realistic basis to the specification of
clusters, energy prices, baseline load profile, load
flexibility response functions, bounds for load
flexibility offered by each cluster, and bounds for
the offers the EBAg can make to the grid.
Figure 3: Maximum and minimum consumption of a
cluster, in each time slot.
The data for these experiments have been
obtained from a sample of 30 users of the Cloogy
technology (CLOOGY), which is an energy
management solution that allows monitoring and
controlling energy consumptions in households. The
energy consumption was monitored during one year,
January 2012 to January 2013, with a time resolution
of 15 minutes. An inquiry has then been made in
order to create the house energy profile of each end-
user (baseline load profile).
Clusters have been defined based on specific
features of each house, namely geographical
distribution, contracted power, number of
inhabitants in the house, number and type of
appliances and house typology (see table 1).
The experiments herein reported have been made
with a reduced data set in order to moderate the
computational effort. Each cluster is composed of
100 users (using the average of 30 end-users actually
audited taking into account their consumption
profile). Table 1 displays the daily consumption
(kWh), the average power, the maximum power and
the minimum power in each time slot for each
Table 1: Examples of clusters.
The electrical signature of shiftable loads has
been monitored for different machine (laundry and
dishwashing) models and programs. These electrical
signatures have been used to derive the load
flexibility response functions associated with each
The evolution of the GA can be seen in figure 4,
where the upper line displays the evolution of the
best solution in the population, and the lower line
displays the average performance of the population.
Figure 4: Representation of the GA performance, with 100
In general, after 60 generations the best solution
is achieved. The best solution obtained gives an
objective function value (EBAg profit) of
The load flexibility offered by each cluster to the
EBAg is illustrated in Figure 5, and Figure 6
represents the load diagram of the cluster before
(baseline load profile) and after (flexible load
diagram) the AG execution.
Figure 5: Representation of amount of load flexibility
response function, in each time slot, provided by each
cluster (example of Cluster 2).
Figure 6: Representation of the baseline load profile and
the flexible load diagram of the Cluster 2.
The global load flexibility provided by all
clusters to the EBAg (Dt) is displayed in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Representation of the amount of load flexibility
offered by all clusters.
This paper presents the conceptual and operational
framework of a model for a new entity - EBAg, that
uses the load flexibility provided by each end-user
(via LEBs), responding to the grid requests to
facilitate a load follows supply strategy in a Smart
Grid context, with potential benefits for all
participants involved. The role of the EBAg is
twofold: it makes the most of demand responsive
loads according to in-house load flexibility and it
provides system services that contribute to improve
the system operation.
The optimization model from the EBAg
perspective presents combinatorial characteristics
and an approach based on GAs is proposed to deal
with it. Work is underway to deal with the dynamic
nature of the problem, uncertainty associated with
several parameters, and multiple objectives
(economic, quality of service, fairness).
This work has been partially supported by
FCT under project grants PEst-
OE/EEI/UI0308/2014 and MIT/SET/0018/2009.
Also, it has been framed under the Energy for
Sustainability Initiative of the University of Coimbra
and supported by Energy and Mobility for
Sustainable Regions Project CENTRO-07-0224-
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