ity of the energy trade thanks to the local substations,
or of the currency exchange, as the NRGcoin protocol
is decentralized.
As this concept is still work-in-progress, extensive
simulations need to be carried out, backed up by mi-
croeconomic theories, to determine the parameters of
the price functions of the DSO and the rate at which
NRGcoins are generated in the network. Last but not
least, special attention needs to be paid to the privacy
and security aspects of the NRGcoin protocol and in
the design of the smart meter middleware.
We would like to thank Ildefons Magrans de Abril
for many fruitful discussions. In addition, we would
like to acknowledge the comments and suggestions of
the anonymous referees. The research presented in
this article is funded by the FP7 framework’s Marie
Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways
(IAPP) project SCANERGY, grant agreement num-
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