The Image of Images as an Aid to Improve Learning
An Eye-tracking Experiment Studying the Effect of Contrasts
in Computer-based Learning Material
Mona Holmqvist Olander
, Eva Wennås Brante
and Marcus Nyström
Department of Pedagogical, Curricular and Professional Studies, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
School of education and environment, Kristianstad University, Kristianstad, Sweden
The Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Keywords: Text-picture Integration, Eye-tracking, Dyslexia, Variation Theory, Contrasts in Text and Pictures.
Abstract: This study addresses differences in the design of computer-based learning materials—text with or without
pictures—and the aim is to show in what way these differences affect learning outcomes. In total, 46 young
adults participated: 19 with dyslexia and 27 controls. Approximately half of each group received the
condition text only, and half received the text and an integrated picture. The learning material was presented
on computer screens, and the participants’ viewing patterns were registered by eye-tracking. The
respondents answered text-based and picture-based questions, as well as oral questions, during the
experiment. The assumptions about learning are based on variation theory and on the importance of
contrasts in discerning important aspects of the learning material. The results show that whether material of
the same content (surrealism) is presented in text only (without explicit contrasts embedded in the text) or in
text and picture form (which offers a contrast) affects learning outcomes, particularly for the participants
with dyslexia, who showed a fourfold increase from pre-test to post-test (from .10 to .40).
There is an assumption that pictures in learning
material support learning, and pictures are frequently
used in computer-based learning material. But what
happens when learners meet both text and pictures at
the same time, as in information graphics?
Holsanova et al. (2009) have shown that how
pictures are integrated with a text is vital for an
average reader. When text and pictures are closely
integrated, it seems that more of the text is read.
Holsanova et al. (2009) measured the number of
integrative saccades—that is, “transitions between
semantically related pieces of verbal and pictorial
information” (Holsanova et al., 2009, p.8)—and
thereby found that the quantity of integrative
saccades was reduced when the text was separated
from the pictures. Furthermore, when pictures and
text are serially arranged (as in a classic comic strip)
instead of radially arranged (with a large picture in
the middle and small pictures and text like satellites
arranged around it), the reader tends to read more
and for a longer time, and integrative saccades were
almost twice as common. One possible explanation
for the longer reading time spent on the serially
arranged pictures and text was, according to
Holsanova et al. (2009), that the pictures and the text
were arranged in the direction in which people in
Western society read, from left to right. Another is
that the text was arranged in a helpful way: it started
with general knowledge and built on it with more
and more facts. It seems obvious that the way the
pictures are exposed, as well as what kind of
pictures they are and what they contain, is of
importance in terms of where viewers look and for
how long. But in what way this contributes to a
deeper understanding of the written text has not yet
been clarified.
The results presented in this paper originate from
a study investigating the way computer-based
learning materials with and without pictures affect
learning. This was tested in two different groups of
subjects, namely, young adults with and without
dyslexia. Based on the findings in the main study,
further analysis was conducted to describe in what
way contrasts in the learning material seem to
influence the learning outcome more than the
Holmqvist Olander M., Wennås Brante E. and Nyström M..
The Image of Images as an Aid to Improve Learning - An Eye-tracking Experiment Studying the Effect of Contrasts in Computer-based Learning
DOI: 10.5220/0004960303090316
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 309-316
ISBN: 978-989-758-021-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
presence or absence of pictures in the computer-
based learning material does. The aim of the paper is
to study how contrasts either within text only or
between text and picture affect young adults’
abilities to discern and learn from computer-based
learning material presented in an experiment about
art genres. The study is based on variation theory,
and a multi-method approach (Yin, 2006) has been
used to measure both the participants’ viewing by
using eye-tracking and their expressed knowledge
by using multiple-choice questions and oral
questions during the experiment.
In this paper we take the learning theory approach of
variation theory (Holmqvist, Gustavsson and
Wernberg, 2008; Holmqvist, 2011; Marton and
Booth, 1997; Pang and Ling, 2010; Runesson, 1999)
to study which factors are necessary for learning
under the two different conditions text only versus
text plus picture in two different groups of
participants, young adults with and without dyslexia.
Variation theory supports dual coding theory
(DCT; Clark and Paivio, 1991) by assuming that
processing printed words and images requires the
simultaneous discernment of a part-whole
relationship in the object of learning (Svensson,
1976; Gibson and Pick, 2000; Gärdenfors and
Johansson, 2005). It also assumes that variety should
be designed so as not to overload learners’ memory
systems (Holmqvist, 2004). Information via the two
senses of hearing and seeing does not overload the
system as it activates two different working
memories (sounds and images), while dual
information delivered to one sensory memory can
cause an overload (Mayer 2005; 2009). Informed by
these studies, our main study (Holmqvist Olander,
Nyström, Wennås Brante, manuscript) used only
printed words and images—that is, only visual
memory—to examine the effect of the part-whole
relationship on learning through printed words and
2.1 Variation Theory
Variation theory holds that learning takes place
through contrast (to make it possible for the learner
to separate an aspect from the object),
generalization, and fusion. For example, in art
genres, which we used in this study, one feature of
surrealism is that the paintings are not depictions of
reality. Contrasting a surrealistic painting with a pop
art painting achieves a contrast regarding the
specific aspect of whether the work is reality-based.
Through the contrast, it becomes possible to separate
this feature from the painting as such. This aspect
can be generalized to other art genres, such as
impressionism, and it becomes possible for the
learner to decide that Sunrise by Claude Monet does
not belong to the genre of surrealism because the
painting does depict reality, even if the expression of
it is a bit hazy. Such contrasts can be offered to the
learner in various ways; in our case, we chose to
present the contrasts either in text or in a
combination of pictures and text so as to study
whether and how the different types of material
facilitate or complicate learning.
2.2 Variation Theory and Reading
To read is to combine signs with sounds, putting
sounds together into meaningful words and
interpreting them in the context in which they are
found. Drawing on variation theory about how
knowledge is attained (Marton and Tsui, 2004), a
person who is reading needs to simultaneously
experience both the parts—that is, the phonemes
represented by one or more letters—and the
wholeness—that is, the words in that particular text
as well as the entire text itself. One example
(Wennås Brante, 2010) involves the difficulties
involved in differentiating b from d. If a child sees a
dog, it does not matter whether the dog turns around;
it remains the same dog. But the signs c and l are the
parts that make up wholes as they can be used both
independently and in any combination. The
combinations can be b, d, p and q. The critical
feature is to know the importance of the parts’
directions in the combination so as to understand
that the letters differ and not are the same when seen
from another perspective. To make the distinction,
learners must discern the parts simultaneously with
their directions. If they learn only about b, there is a
risk that a d or p will be interpreted as a b the first
times the learners see the new letters. If they learn
about b, d, p, and q at the same time, the variation
needed to discern the importance of the parts’
directions will be offered. Based on this example, it
is easy to understand the complexity of the critical
features that reading comprehension includes.
Through the use of interviews and eye-tracking it is
possible to ask participants what they have actually
been aware of and can express about the text, at the
same time as we study what they could have been
aware of by following their eye gazes. This differs
from what they have been presented, as we do not
know which parts of the text they seem to neglect
and which parts they seem to focus on.
2.3 Picture Viewing
Perceived objects are affected by visual factors as
contrasting or semantic factors (Henderson, 2003;
Nyström and Holmqvist, 2008). This means that
people use their knowledge about the world to gaze
intelligently through a real-world scene (Henderson,
2003). They seem to do the same thing when
looking at a picture. Yarbus (1967) showed in a
famous eye-tracking study that a task influences the
visual pattern. When the task was to find out
relationships between people in a picture, one kind
of a scan-path emerged which differed from the
scan-path emerging when the task was to find out
whether, for example, the people in the same picture
have eaten dinner. Viewers tend to know what they
are looking for and steer their fixations in that
direction, according to Yarbus (1967).
Brockmole and Boot (2009) have reported that
task-irrelevant aspects of visual stimuli also
influence the fixation durations. This complicates
the use of pictures as comprehension aids because it
is hard to ensure that every picture tied to a text has
only task-relevant aspects. If it does not and if the
reader encounters problems comprehendingthe parts
simultaneously with the whole in a single gaze, the
pictures become just one more part to be distracted
by. Furthermore, a study by Nummenmaa et al.
(2006) shows that people seem to allocate attention
to emotional pictures rather than to neutral ones.
Even when instructed to attend to neutral pictures,
fixations on the emotional ones form. This means,
according to Nummenmaa et al. (2006), that
orientation towards emotional stimuli is highly
exogenous. One cannot, in other words, completely
steer one’s attention to the pictures that are perhaps
most relevant or that contain the most information;
one is drawn to emotional pictures. Text and picture
integration can thereby be efficient or misleading,
depending on which pictures are presented.
A study (Hannus and Hyönä, 1999) of 10-year-
old children showed that high-ability children paid
more attention to pictures in a text and could make
better use of them than low-ability children did and
could. Comprehension scores were also higher for
high-ability children when they encountered a text
with illustrations, but comprehension scores for low-
ability children did not improve under the same
conditions (Hannus and Hyönä, 1999).
Holsanova et al. (2009) showed that how pictures
are integrated with a text in information graphics is
vital for an average reader. The way pictures are
designed and offered, as well as what they contain,
is important in terms of where a viewer looks and
for how long. However, this does not tell anything
about the viewer’s awareness. How the viewing
pattern contributes (or does not) to a deeper
understanding of the written text has not yet been
A person reading a text processes it visually,
phonologically, and semantically at the same time.
When reading a text integrated with pictures, the
person attends to the pictures, as well. What does
this mean for dyslexic readers’ reading
The results of the main study show that there are
significant differences between the two groups of
participants and interesting differences between the
two different conditions. The results show
significant differences in both comprehension scores
and visual behaviours between respondents with and
without dyslexia in the two different conditions (text
only or text plus picture). Respondents with dyslexia
did not use strategies to gain a global overview of
the information, something that the participants
without dyslexia did more quickly. This trend
supports the hypothesis that the participants with
highest learning outcomes used global-overview
strategies. Participants with dyslexia showed
haphazard viewing patterns, strengthening the
assumption that a global overview as a strategy
promotes learning (Holmqvist Olander, Nyström &
Wennås Brante, manuscript). The condition text and
picture decreased learning for respondents with
dyslexia, with one exception: the example of
surrealism, which this paper examines further.
3.1 Dyslexia and Phonological
One pre-requisite to reading is discerning a given
sound among the continuous flow of sounds people
produce when they speak (Shaywitz, Morris and
Shaywitz, 2008) and then mapping the sound to a
letter (Byrne, 2005). This phonological awareness is
one part of the phonological ability needed to read;
thus, a weak phonological ability is considered one
explanatory factor in dyslexia (Goswami and Bryant,
1990; Ramus et al., 2003; Vellutino et al., 2004;
Everatt and Reid, 2009). In the main study,
participants were tested for phonological ability
using a screening test called Duvan (Lundberg and
Wolff, 2003). The test is executed in groups and
tests for different sub-skills in phonological ability.
The results from the main study (Holmqvist
Olander, Nyström, Wennås Brante, manuscript)
show a significant difference between the groups,
supporting the assumption that participants with
dyslexia have a lower phonological ability than the
rest of the participants do.
3.2 Viewing Patterns
In the experiment, pictures were inspected for less
time than texts were, yet a difference between
groups was found. The control group performed an
earlier inspection of the picture, thus rendering a
global impression of the material (Holmqvist
Olander, Nyström, Wennås Brante, manuscript).
Viewing analysed only in the condition of text +
picture and the picture was viewed by 95.2% of the
controls and 78.3% of those from the participants
with dyslexia. The participants spent 45.9 seconds
(SD = 2.1) looking at the text and 2.2 seconds (SD =
2.3) viewing the picture. They were looking
elsewhere for 0.8 seconds (SD = 1.0). When
interviewed about viewing patterns, some
respondents with dyslexia had an understanding of
the way they processed material containing both text
and pictures that was found inconsistent with how
they really placed their gazes (Wennås Brante,
2013). They processed the material in a much more
random way then they thought they did, thus missing
opportunities to gain a global understanding of the
3.3 Contrasts
The texts from the experiment in the main study
contained a contrast formulated in words. The
contrast could be explicit (that is, the two values
were specified and mentioned) or implicit (that is,
one value not was specified). The parts of the texts
containing a contrast were the ones most discerned
(Wennås Brante, Holmqvist Olander and Nyström,
2013), even when the contrasts were of less
importance for learning about the content. If a
contrast was implicit—that is, if a counter-value was
not specified—it was hard for the dyslexic group to
discern it (Wennås Brante, Holmqvist Olander &
Nyström, 2013). The micro-analysis of the oral
answers revealed also that contrasts are exceedingly
effective for discernment (Wennås Brante,
Holmqvist Olander and Nyström, 2013).
The experiment also employed different kinds of
pictures that could influence the viewing behaviour.
Three pictures differing in motif and color were
chosen to test how the viewing behavior differed: a
cubistic picture that had a motif that was difficult to
see in brown nuances, a romantic picture with a
clear motif painted in natural colors, and finally a
surrealistic picture with an odd motif and clear
colors. No great difference was found in viewing
patterns of the cubistic and romantic picture, but
participants without dyslexia had significantly
higher dwell times on the three pictures (p = 0.034),
a result that originated from dwell time on the
surrealistic picture (Wennås Brante, manuscript).
However, most participants with dyslexia inspected
the surrealistic picture before they started reading
the text, and this had an impact on their reading
comprehension: the oral answers from the group
with dyslexia contained more inferences regarding
the surrealistic image than the same group’s answers
about the other art genres did (Wennås Brante,
The analysis is based on data collected during the
main project (Holmqvist Olander, Nyström and
Wennås Brante, manuscript; Wennås Brante,
Holmqvist Olander and Nyström, 2013, Wennås
Brante, 2013; Wennås Brante, manuscript). So far
no analysis or results have been presented on the
task level regarding the outcomes of the questions in
the experiment.
4.1 Participants and Design
In total, 46 respondents were recruited via an
advertisement on two universities’ websites and in a
residential college for adult education through a
teacher, requesting young adult native speakers of
Swedish with and without dyslexia and with normal
or corrected-to-normal vision. In total, 19 dyslexic
and 27 non-dyslexic (control) respondents were
recruited. Their ages ranged from 19 to 41, with a
mean age of 23.8 years (SD = 4.2).
The reading tasks consisted of six different short
expository texts which demand somewhat different
reading strategies than narrative texts do (Hyönä et
al., 2002), such as understanding the topic and the
hierarchically related sets of sub-topics and their
relationships with one another. Because expository
texts are frequently used in schools and education, it
is of interest to determine whether pictures
contribute to the comprehension of expository texts.
Respondents were presented first with the name of a
genre, then with information from either of the two
experimental conditions (text only or text plus
picture). The computer-based learning material in
the two conditions was identical, except from text
only in one condition and text with pictures in the
other condition. In total it consisted of six screens;
1.Title of art genre, 2. Text about the art genre
(including picture in one condition and without in
the other), 3. Blank screen (the researcher asks what
information the respondent met on the previous
screen – oral post-test), 4. Text question (verbal
post-test), 5. Confidence rating and 6. Multiple-
choice question illustrated by three paintings
(picture post-test). When the respondents had
studied the information at the second screen and
were ready to answer questions about it, they clicked
the mouse, and an empty screen appeared. While
instructed to keep looking towards the screen area,
respondents were by one researcher asked “What
information about [genre] appeared on the last
screen?” Their verbal answers were recorded
through a webcam. When they had no more
information to provide, they were asked to click the
mouse and proceed to answer three multiple-choice
questions with only one of the alternative answers.
The first question offered a choice of five text
responses to a question about the genre. In the
second question, respondents were asked to estimate
how confident they were about their previous answer
on a scale of one (very uncertain) to seven (very
certain). Finally, they answered the same questions
again as they had during the initial test, with the
positions of the three pictures randomly shuffled, in
order to assess whether learning had taken place
during the experiment (Holmqvist Olander, Nyström
and Wennås Brante, manuscript).
The eye-tracker used in the main study was an
SMI HiSpeed sampling data binocularly at 500 Hz.
This speed is sufficient to measure saccades
accurately. Stimuli were shown on a 19-inch screen
connected to a PC which also collected each
subject’s eye-tracking. To ensure that it would be
possible to detect which work a person was looking
at, text was presented with letters spanning
approximately half a degree of visual angle. Rows
had double line spacing.
The results of the main study show significant
differences among the two groups of participants
regarding both viewing patterns and learning
outcomes (Holmqvist Olander, Nyström, Wennås
Brante, manuscript; Wennås Brante, Holmqvist
Olander, Nyström, 2013; Wennås Brante, 2013,
Wennås Brante, manuscript). However, analysing
the computer based learning material at the task
level shows one exception regarding an item in
which both groups exhibited the same kind of
strategy—namely, the task regarding surrealism.
This finding was first measured by the eye-tracking
equipment (Wennås Brante, manuscript). The results
of the analysis indicate that all participants used the
same kind of viewing pattern when viewing the
painting of surrealism. The analysis of the
participants’ answers on the text and picture
questions supports this initial indication and
demonstrates a correlation between the pattern of
eye movements and learning outcome. The result
contradicts previous findings as it highlights the
impact of the design of the computer-based learning
material regarding illustrations. Pictures or not is not
a simple question that can be stated to improve or
worsen the learning outcome. However, the text
material about surrealism did not offer contrasts that
are significantly pointed out, resulting in fewer
discerned contrasts in the task on surrealism (20–
64%) than in, for instance, the task on
impressionism (65–77%). Further, this difference
between the groups is significant (dyslexic 20–33%,
controls 41–64%) for the surrealism task but not for
the impressionism task (dyslexic 65–72%, controls
65–77%) (Wennås Brante, Holmqvist Olander,
Nyström, 2013). This indicates that contrasts that are
not clearly expressed are harder to discern for those
with dyslexia than they are for the rest.
In the condition text plus picture, the surrealistic
picture itself comprises a contrast with reality as
experienced by the participants; moreover, the
picture is viewed to a higher degree than the other
pictures (Wennås Brante, manuscript). This is true
also for the group of dyslexics, and they do not show
any similarities with the controls’ viewing pattern
regarding the other stimuli. The result shows that the
same learning content presented by two different
representations, text only or text and picture
integrated, is perceived differently as a consequence
of the discerned contrasts offered by the computer-
based learning material. This is shown by the
increased learning outcome regarding the condition
text plus picture, as the participants’ discernment of
the surrealistic painting contrasted with their own
views of reality when they observed the aberrant
painting. It is more difficult to draw such a strong
contrast when present with the text-only stimulus
about surrealism. The results of the pre- and
post-tests from the picture question appear in table 1.
The text in the learning material about surrealism
describes objects in a way that differs from their
ordinary use in reality (e.g., ‘Instead, a connection
between, for example, a green hot dog and a gigantic
comb wer necessary’). But not until participants see
the paintings can they fully grasp how different the
image is from what is possible in reality. If the
results of the participants’ answers from the text-
based questions and the picture-based questions
about surrealism are broken out from the material
previously presented, a new and different pattern
emerges in the group of dyslexics regarding this
specific genre in relation to the mean of the
remaining five genres.
Table 1: Means of the results from picture-based question
about surrealism in comparison to the means of the other
five tasks in the two different groups of participants.
Text only
Text only
Text plus
Text plus
.44 .38
.78 .77
.24 .37 .26 .36
.60 .66 .68 .63
Only three participants in the entire group failed to
correctly answer the picture question related to
surrealism. Of these three, one came from the group
in which the participants did not see the picture (text
only). The other two were in the group with the
condition text and picture, but one of those had not
fixated at all on the picture (the only respondent to
demonstrate that behavior), and the other one had
fixated on the picture only once.
The results in table 1 show that there is a
learning outcome for the group of participants with
dyslexia in the condition text plus picture regarding
the task on surrealism that differs from the ordinary
pattern—a fourfold increase—more than for any
other genre or condition. In the condition text only,
there is no difference in outcomes between the
questions for surrealism and the questions on the
other art genres; the participants scored roughly
twice as high on the post-tests as on the pre-tests.
Regarding the text-based question about
surrealism, the group of participants with dyslexia
showed slightly higher scores (.80) for the task about
surrealism than the mean scores for the other genres
(.68), but this is far from the fourfold increase
apparent for the picture-based question (table 2).
This supports the assumption about contrast’s
impact on learning: there are implicit contrasts in the
text, resulting in lower scores for the text only
condition for both text- and picture-based questions.
On the other hand, there was a high increase for the
condition text plus picture regarding the picture-
based question about surrealism.
Table 2: Means of the results from the text-based question
about surrealism compared to the mean of the other five
tasks in the two different groups of participants.
Text only
Text only
Text plus
Text plus
.89 1.00 .80 1.00
.89 .91 .68 .86
The main finding in this study is the importance of
purposeful designing computer-based learning
materials in relation to content and learner; in
particular, it is expedient to offer contrasts
embedded in text or pictures in order to make it
possible for the viewer to grasp the meaning of the
information. The results show that participants with
dyslexia are particularly helped by explicit
contrasts—for instance, demonstrating what
something is by also showing what it is not—and
their learning outcomes are also affected to a higher
degree than those of individuals without dyslexia.
Illustrations in computer-based learning material
have to be meaningful and purposeful designed, and
not be used as decorations, to influence learning.
Findings about decreased learning, when using
learning material with illustrations for students with
dyslexia, point out the need of further research about
how illustrations carefully can be used to improve
instead of prevent learning. The results from the eye-
tracking data validate the differences in viewing-
pattern in between the groups of participants and
reveals the strategies used when examining
computer-based learning material.
This project is funded by the Swedish Research
Council (project number 2010-5379), for which we
are grateful. The project is also supported by
University of Gothenburg, Lund University, and
Kristianstad University. We thank all the
participants for their contribution to the study, as
well as professor emeritus Ference Marton,
University of Gothenburg, for valuable comments
through the entire project.
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