Educational Application Design Process Experiences
Case Perioperative Nursing
Minna Silvennoinen and Antti Pirhonen
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
Keywords: Perioperative Nursing, Game Development, Nursing Competencies, Learning Objectives, Educational
Application Success.
Abstract: From an educational point of view, the only relevant basis for the design of an educational application is the
learning objectives of the content area. In the development process of an educational application, there are
also other people involved besides educational experts. This paper describes a project which primarily aims
at developing an application for the needs of enhancing perioperative nursing skills’.
Besides application development, the project included research about the process. The research task was to
discover how the real – not only the formal – objectives could work as the starting point for the construction
of an educational game-like application. This paper presents the study process based on the panel
discussions of nursing teachers. In the panels, the teachers elaborated the objectives. The transcribed
discussions were analysed in terms of conceptions of learning and teaching of perioperative nursing.
The outcomes, the elaborated objectives, were aimed to be used as a basis for the implementation of an
educational game. In addition, the discussions were analysed from the perspective of the learning paradigm
they reflected. It is argued that views of learning are necessary to be understood in order to make
appropriate choices of educational strategy throughout the development process. Finally, this paper presents
initial observations of a user study of the game. They are discussed from the point of view of project success
and the potential of the chosen approach. It is concluded that the construction of this kind of game is a much
more effective means of learning than the playing of it, thus suggesting that students themselves should be
used as authors.
The purpose of constructing an educational
application is – or at least should be – to promote
learning. Therefore, learning objectives should be
the primary criteria in all stages of the development.
However, it is far from clear regarding what the
objectives are when educating perioperative nurses.
We know that perioperative nurses’ work in
operating department and their role at the hospital is
to provide care to the patients independently and
responsibly together with other healthcare
professionals. These nurses provide care and
support to patients before, during, and after surgery
(pre- intra- and post-operatively). Perioperative
nurses’ responsibilities prior and during surgery are,
for example, instrument and sterile environment
preparation and maintenance, and assisting surgeons
during the operation (Mitchell and Flin, 2008).
Perioperative nursing skills include cognitive, social
and technical components such as using various
operating theatre (OT) equipment. Sometimes highly
automatised technical skills are needed; sometimes
fast reasoning and reaction should be applied to
constantly changing treatment situations and a wide
variety of different patients. Therefore decision-
making skills, adaptability to new situations, as well
as competence in evaluating rapidly changing and
challenging situations are important. Also ethical
considerations and problem solving is needed.
Perioperative nurses are required to work in teams
with other healthcare professionals, including multi-
professional teams, thus group work skills are
essential. Perioperative work environment is also
stressful and often physically straining, which
should be taken into account in their education.
Patient safety and patient care are core elements
of perioperative nursing. Nurse education is a central
means to reduce or prevent noticeable risks and
errors in perioperative work (McConnell and
Silvennoinen M. and Pirhonen A..
Educational Application Design Process Experiences - Case Perioperative Nursing.
DOI: 10.5220/0004960505450550
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 545-550
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Hillbig, 2000; Pirhonen and Silvennoinen, 2011).
All these requirements should be acknowledged
when designing and implementing new ways to train
perioperative nurses. Suitable means for responding
to these requirements should be explored.
There are studies presenting the perioperative
nurse’s skills and requirements in the forms of
required competences which should be developed
through clinical learning activities such as
knowledge, skills and values. These are presented in
Table I (AORN, 2007).
Table 1: Perioperative Nurse's Competencies.
Applying knowledge on anatomy, physiology,
and pathophysiology to understand the
procedure, its effects on the patient and patient
Recognising ethical and legal responsibilities,
the nurse’s accountability to the patient, the
profession of nursing and team work
Applying research findings to planning and
implementing effective perioperative care
Learning and refining aseptic techniques
Improving patient assessment, communication,
organisation, coordination, critical-thinking,
and decision-making skills in an environment
where such activities must be performed
quickly and accurately
Providing opportunities to assess own interest
and talents
Developing the role of advocate for the patient
by identifying the patient’s expressed and
unexpressed needs
Responding to those needs through the action
of facilitating or mediating among all providers
involved in the care process
Recognising diverse career opportunities in
perioperative settings
Participating as a member of multi-
professional health care team that develops and
promotes the continuity of patient care in an
environment that reinforces an understanding
of a nurse’s independent and interdependent
Perioperative nurses’ core competencies are critical-
thinking and sound clinical judgment which should
be used effectively to meet patient needs (Cafira and
Janiszewski Goodin, 2011). Critical-thinking and
clinical decision-making skills are essential
components which are acquired in perioperative
work. These can be learned for example with
concept mapping which is a tool for efficiently
perceiving relationships between concepts (Noonan,
2011). Critical-thinking and decision-making skills
could also be learned with the help of educational
games which foster collaboration and critical-
thinking among peers and associates (Cafira and
Janiszewski Goodin, 2011).
Due to the extremely diversified contents of
perioperative nursing skills, it is relevant to consider
the application of computers in this education. This
paper discovers the potential of interactive
technology in the education of perioperative nursing.
The paper draws on an application development
project, in which the authors participated particularly
as experts of education.
In the current case study, the application of
interactive technology was inspired by previous,
successful application of computers in the teaching
of nursing skills (Huff, 2003; Cafira and Janiszewski
Goodin, 2011). In these studies, computer-based
educational games, such as web-based courses
including quizzes, examinations and reviews were
applied and some learning benefits discovered. In
the teaching of perioperative nursing, using games to
teach, learn, and reinforce perioperative material
through experiential techniques has potential in
promoting critical-thinking (Sewchuk, 2005; Cafira
and Janiszewski Goodin, 2011).
1.1 Related Project
The current study is based on an assignment, in
which a prototype of an educational game for the
educational needs of perioperative nursing was
supposed to be implemented. The development
project group consisted of specialists from three
large organisations. The teachers of nursing
education (University of Applied Sciences),
education and usability researchers (University) and
nurses working in the field (hospital), as well as
other IT and management professionals. In addition,
there was a project leader and responsible leaders of
each participating organisation. The main realiser of
the game construction was an independent IT
software company which was selected based on an
open bidding competition.
The organisation of teaching is a complicated
process in which learning is the primary objective.
Typically, the role of an individual teacher is central
– his or her conception about what learning is and
how it could be promoted. Also, the teacher’s view
of the curriculum is obviously pivotal in terms of
what content is important and what is not. The
conclusion is obvious: more important than what is
told in the formal curricula is the teacher’s
interpretation or conception of the curricula.
In the current study, we combined the handling
of curricula and learning conceptions in one single
empirical setting. We first prepared a tentative set of
learning objectives for perioperative nursing. By
learning objectives we mean both the formal
objectives which are written in curricula, as well as
the objectives that the teacher is implementing,
which arise from numerous sources, such as formal
documents. In the current study, we seek the so-
called ‘hidden curriculum’ as well. The tentative set
of objectives was based on the formal objectives of
the local school which educates nurses (JAMK
University of Applied Sciences, see These tentative objectives
were then elaborated by two expert panels, each of
which consisted of three experienced nursing
teachers from JAMK. The panels were moderated by
a researcher, who recorded the discussions. In the
panel sessions, the objectives were discussed in the
order of objective categories. Each panel session
took about 60 minutes. After the panel sessions, the
objective table was finalised by the researcher.
The recordings of the discussions were
transcribed. The transcriptions were analysed in
terms of conceptions of learning. The expressions
that the teachers used were classified according to
the perspective of learning that they reflected;
behaviourist, cognitivist, or constructivist. This set
was then presented to two independent teacher
panels, in order to discuss and elaborate the
proposed objectives.
The tentative table of objectives was elaborated by
two expert panels. The structure of the table follows
the widely used categorisation: Knowledge, skills
and attitudes, each of which is handled concerning
theoretical, professional, social and ethical aspects.
We now present the elaborated version of the
objectives in four separate tables: theoretical (Table
II), professional (Table III), social (Table IV), and
ethical (Table V). The objectives in the tables should
be read by starting each objective with “After
studying perioperative nursing, the student…” The
numbers in the parentheses at the end of each
category in Tables 2-5 indicate the number of
comments in the transcription.
Table 2: Theoretical Aspects.
Has acquired the core concepts of perioperative
nursing to the level required for the construction
of theoretical knowledge in the area. (13)
Utilises relevant literature in the area of
expertise in order to construct knowledge. Is
capable of critically assess references and is able
to apply the constructed knowledge in an
appropriate manner. (10)
Is interested in nursing practices and science
related issues in diverse contexts. Understands
the significance of continual construction of new
knowledge in the development of him/herself
and his/her expertise, as well as in the securing
and promoting of the function of his/her group
and the whole organisation. (1)
Table 3: Professional Aspects.
Is aware of his/her professional strengths and
recognises areas which require further
development. (31)
Is able to work by applying the approaches,
methods and principles of perioperative nursing,
in terms of his/her own role, in a patient-centric
manner, taking care of patient safety. Applies
his/her professional skills and knowledge, such
as clinical skills, medication, infection
prevention, pain treatment and decision-making
skills in an appropriate way. Detects problems
and uses creative problem-solving in decision-
making. High pressure tolerance. Monitors,
assesses and reflects his/her own work critically.
Promotes mental and physical well-being in
work and occupational health and safety through
his/her own activity. (27)
Is willing to learn new things in the domain of
nursing. Understands the importance of his/her
expertise from the point-of-view of the work
community and society as a whole, and is proud
of it. Understands his/her own personal
responsibility as an expert of nursing. (24)
Table 4: Social Aspects.
Conceptualises nursing as human-centred and,
in particular, patient-centred work, in which
social interaction plays a central role.
Understands the aspects of group forming and
functioning. (6)
Is able to work all-round and interact as a
member of diverse groups. Is able to work in
different kinds of patient related situations in an
interactive manner, taking the individuality of a
patient into account. Is capable of contributing
constructively to the forming of a group, as well
as to the achieving the of objectives of the
group. Is able to act according to his/her own
role in the group work context. Is able to utilise
and provide feedback. Recognises phenomena
relating to group dynamics, and reacts to them
appropriately (context sensitivity). (20)
Understands his/her personal role as a member
of a group and the significance of working
together in order to achieve the common
objectives. Understands his/her role from the
patient’s perspective. Accepts differing
viewpoints. (7)
Table 5: Ethical Aspects.
Is aware of the ethical issues and perspectives of
nursing. Knows the commonly agreed and
contradictory values related to nursing.
Understands the challenges and opportunities of
multicultural settings from the point-of-view of
own work community. (6)
Recognises and is able to analyse ethical issues
of nursing, and is able to solve and apply them
appropriately. Follows the widely accepted
ethical principles of nursing. Is able to assess
his/her own work against ethical criteria. Dares
to tackle detected flaws and solve them
constructively. (3)
Considers ethical issues pivotal for nursing. Is
willing to promote community discussion about
ethical issues through his/her part in his/her
work. Interprets the treatment of patients,
colleagues and other members of the work
community primarily as an ethical issue. (1)
As can be seen, professional knowledge, skills and
attitudes clearly evoked the most discussion. It
appears that attitudes other than purely professional
ones did not get much attention. On the basis of our
data it is difficult to say whether this indicates lower
prioritisation or whether it is simply an area that is
more difficult to verbalise, and in turn difficult to
discuss. Ethical issues induced surprisingly little
discussion – again, the reason is difficult to see on
the basis of the current data.
The central education research aim in this project
was to produce knowledge and test how the real –
not only the formal – objectives could work as the
starting point for the construction of an educational
game. Applying these discovered objectives into the
game development was the subsequent goal after
this study. The game development had already
begun before the research results were finished.
However, the purpose to form a basis for an
educational application based on these learning
objectives still seemed possible, because no actual
content of the game had been build. Some central
decisions, such as programming language and
platform of the game had already been decided
within the leading organisation, based on the
recommendations of the software company. The
university researchers in this game development
project operated as consultants making suggestions
and recommendations based on the study. These
recommendations for the game execution were
presented in the project group meetings. For
example, the learning objective tables were
suggested to be used while combining the content of
the game such as tasks for the students to solve
during playing. Also, content examples were offered
to the content providers (specialists in nursing
science). The most important recommendation was
that the objectives of perioperative nursing
education should be the basis of the whole
application. Or if the application would only cover a
portion of the educational objectives, the minimum
requirement would be that the application is not in
contradiction with the objectives. In other words, it
is overly ambitious to aim at covering the whole
content of education with one single application.
Yet, still it should follow the principles that the
over-all objectives indicate.
When we first prepared a tentative set of
objectives on the basis of the formal curriculum and
then elaborated it with the teachers, we found that
teachers’ conceptions were well in line with the
formal objectives. In other words, this study did not
reveal a dominant hidden curriculum, but the formal
curriculum has been developed in parallel with
practical needs, thus making a lot of sense for the
teachers. While the discussions concerned the
existing learning objectives, it can be concluded that
the teachers think that perioperative nurses need
several sorts of skills, ranging from highly
automatised routines to the ability to act creatively
when necessary.
When we reflected on the objectives in light of
the strengths of educational games, it became
evident that only certain kinds of objectives can be
covered with a game, no matter how sophisticated it
may be technically or pedagogically. The widely
acknowledged strength of an educational game is
that it is a motivating means to train skills which
require a large amount of repetition. As discussed
above, perioperative nursing includes these kinds of
skills which are typically highly automatised
routines. At least in the training of these routines,
games have potential. From the point-of-view of the
application to be designed, this would mean that all
the objectives of perioperative nursing education are
not appropriate for inclusion into the pedagogical
requirements of the forthcoming application.
During the game development, the nursing teachers
and student groups were acting as the main content
providers. This task however proved very
challenging, in spite of the previously defined
learning aims. The content providing was heavily
restricted by the technological limitations of the
software. As a result, only certain types of computer
assisted learning could be implemented, such as
multiple choice questions. In order to cover all the
aspects of the perioperative nursing skills addressed
earlier, this is obviously not adequate. Formulating
the questions which address, for example, ethical
attitudes and the learner’s inner state of mind could
be rather complicated to put into practice this way.
Even though the game technology also afforded
open questions, the analysis of the success or failure
of the learner’s answers became impossible.
Therefore, the questions applied in the game
prototype covered almost solely professional skills
and theoretical knowledge. This gave the game a
certain form of written examination with multiple
choice questions, even though videos and pictures
were added to provide variation.
There are several risks for the success of learning
with this kind of game. It is overly ambitious to
assume that the players would maintain a high level
of motivation after playing a few times. The
questions measuring only superficial learning or
memory are hardly challenging. The problem-
solving tasks which require applying own reasoning
and reflection and which do not necessarily have
only one right or wrong answer would be much
more practical within this learning context. Game-
type learning always requires some kind of
measurement of success or failure. It should also
include some form of competition in order to be
motivating and addictive for the player. It can be
stated that the objectives of perioperative nursing
skills learning are hardly always issues which can be
used in a competitive form or measure at all.
Sometimes this issue and the issue of game playing
could even be in contradiction to one another.
The success of the project can be measured by
varying criteria. A suitable one in this
developmental project context is the result and
product success. The different stakeholders, e.g.
contractors, sponsors, project managers, team
members, users, ICT developers etc. might see the
project goals as well as the product success in a
number of ways (Pirhonen, 2013). According to
Pirhonen (2013), product success is a longitudinal
measurement which can be assessed according to
several criteria: whether it meets the organisational
strategic objectives, how satisfying it is for users and
stakeholder needs, what the business success is and
what the financial rewards are. These can be
completely verified once the product, in this case an
educational game, has been utilised. The result from
the various viewpoints can be that the objectives of
the game development project are not solely the
same as the objectives of the education research
aiming at maximal skills and learning objective
attainment. Sometimes the game development
project is guided by a strict budget and objectives to
develop visibly measurable results for the financing
organisation as fast and efficiently as possible. The
consequences of the differing aims and viewpoints
should however be acknowledged and understood
while evaluating both the product and the entire
success of the project. In this project, the
development of a prototype of an educational game
was in many ways successful and the quantitative
requirements were fulfilled. Yet, the acknowledged
shortcomings relating to learning content were
clearly an issue to address when the follow-up
project was launched at the beginning of 2014.
One definite conclusion is that at the beginning
of the project, the technical implementation of the
application was seen as the major challenge. Having
recently conducted a concise user study with six
students, we argue, however, that the real challenge
is in the authoring of the content, not the technical
issues. The application itself mainly supports low
level learning. The construction of the content, on
the contrary, may be much more demanding. If the
students of nursing are contributing to the content of
the game, this authoring process may be a much
more rewarding learning process than the actual
playing of the game. In other words, the authoring of
the relatively primitive game works as a framework
or excuse for an activity, during which higher order
thinking skills are applied.
In the near future we will analyse the work of
student groups: How they generate game ideas and
how the application supports the implementation of
the ideas.
The work is funded by European Social Fund (ESF)
in Finland.
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