Sequential Model of User Browsing on Websites
Three Activities Defined: Scanning, Interaction and Reading
Aneta Bartuskova and Ondrej Krejcar
Dpt. of Information Technologies, University of Hradec Kralove, Rokitanskeho 62, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Keywords: Websites, Interaction, Browsing, Usability, Aesthetics, Information Quality.
Abstract: This paper presents a model of user browsing behaviour on websites. Main user activities on websites are
suggested, discussed and supported by previous research. Proposed activities are then associated with three
main aspects of the website - usability, aesthetics and information quality. Their role in each phase of user
browsing on the website is discussed. Basic browsing model is then constructed on the basis of previous
research´s conclusions, accompanied by new considerations. Model variations are taken into consideration
and discussed in relevance to the mode of use.
User browsing, interaction and generally behaviour
on website are widely researched topics in human-
computer interaction, which can be studied in
various contexts and from many different angles.
Many of research goals in this area eventually lead
to user preference, which is very important in
today´s competitive environment. User preference,
user experience and evaluation in the scope of
websites are often associated with constructs like
usability and aesthetics.
Main goal of this paper is to connect these
constructs or aspects with phases of interaction
between a user and a website. According to authors,
every phase has its prominent aspect, which has the
biggest influence on user. Proposition of these
activities is supported by review of relevant
literature. Browsing model of user activities on the
website is then constructed, on the basis of previous
research and new considerations about expected
course of actions.
The use of a webpage is determined by several
factors: the information provided, usability of the
website and the impression given to the user
(Schenkman and Jönsson, 2000). Web design
attributes were defined as: content organization,
visual organization, navigation system, colour and
typography (McCracken and Wolfe, 2004). Websites
can be evaluated by their usability, memorability,
aesthetics, information quality and engagement,
which result in overall preference (de Angeli,
Sutcliffe and Hartmann, 2006).
Generally, three main aspects of websites emerge
from previous research: usability, aesthetics and
content (or information quality).
2.1 Aesthetics
Aesthetics of user interfaces is undoubtedly one of
the most influential factors of their success with
users. General concept of aesthetics comprises
several similar constructs such as visual appeal,
beauty or goodness.
Beauty is an important predictor of the overall
impression and user judgment and therefore beauty
of a webpage is an important factor determining
how it will be experienced and judged
(Schenkman and Jönsson, 2000). Another research
showed an influence of aesthetics on credibility and
trust, dependent mainly on first aesthetics
impression of the website (Robins and Holmes,
2008). Other construct similar to aesthetics -
perceived visual attractiveness of the website - was
proven to influence usefulness and ease-of-use, i.e.
usability (van der Heijden, 2003).
Bartuskova A. and Krejcar O..
Sequential Model of User Browsing on Websites - Three Activities Defined: Scanning, Interaction and Reading.
DOI: 10.5220/0004963901430148
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 143-148
ISBN: 978-989-758-024-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.2 Usability
Usability can be taken as an objective construct
(precise measurements of user performance) or
subjective (perceived usability). This division is
similar to another two concepts: pre-use usability,
which is perceived usability of the interface before
use, and user performance as a result of user´s
activities on the site (Lee and Koubek, 2010). As
specified in ISO 9241-11, we can also divide
usability measures into these three groups: the
measures of effectiveness, efficiency and
satisfaction (Hornbæk, 2006).
There is not a conformity among various studies,
which aspects are included in usability. One study
presents as usability criteria: ease of use, readability,
productivity, content quality, completeness or
relevance (Spool et al., 1999). Other extensive
research includes consistency, navigability,
supportability, learnability, simplicity, interactivity,
telepresence, credibility, content relevance and
readability (Lee, Kozar, 2012).
According to authors´ opinion, content should
create a separate category, along with its attributes
such as content quality, content relevance or
completeness. Usability aspect of websites should be
limited to ease of use according to layout,
navigation, affordances, readability and similar
2.3 Content
Finally, content or information quality is one of the
key aspects in a website´s success (Lynch and
Horton, 2001). Characteristics of content can be
defined as quality and quantity of provided
information (de Angeli et al., 2006). Content can be
also taken as a subjective measure in form of
perceived quality of content (Bartuskova and
Krejcar, 2013).
Content is often presented as part of usability
aspect, nevertheless it creates a whole different
category. Content´s criteria relevant to textual form
can be divided into quantity measures (e.g.
completeness) and quality measures (e.g. relevance,
accuracy or understandability).
It is however apparent, that these aspects -
aesthetics, usability and content - can be taken
separately only to a certain degree. They are all
present together in the website, they have an
influence on each other and they are all incorporated
in overall user preference. Relation between
usability and aesthetics in human-computer
interactions generally is widely researched (Tuch,
Roth, Hornbæk, Opwis, Bargas-Avila, 2012).
Previous studies have shown that subjective
evaluations of usability and aesthetics are correlated
(Hassenzahl, 2004).
There is a large number of studies, which deal with
browsing and interaction on websites. To the
authors´ best knowledge, there is limited research on
sequential modelling of user activity in scope of one
website and one session, in association with
website´s aspects. The approach presented in this
paper aspires to bring a novel view on this matter.
Three essential user activities were identified in
relation to browsing a website. These activities were
labelled as: scanning, interaction and reading.
Scanning comprises visual scan of a website, along
with developing basic orientation on the website,
scanning text and pictures and building first
impression. Interaction includes searching for
interaction possibilities and using them in actual
interaction with the website. Reading activity
involves more thorough scanning and actual reading
of website content, as well as its understanding and
evaluation. Suggested activities are based on review
of related literature, which is further discussed in
separate sections.
3.1 Scanning
Scanning had been used in literature as e.g.
organizational scanning or browsing. Four scanning
modes had been defined: undirected viewing,
conditioned viewing, informal search and formal
search (Choo et al., 2000). These strategies are
divided according to mode in which user access
internet. Scanning can be of different nature
according to user´s mode of browsing. Users can
either look up a certain web page for a particular
piece of information or just surf the internet without
any particular goal of their surfing (Schenkman and
Jönsson, 2000). Scanning in this context indicates
user behaviour across more websites. Scanning in
the context of this article refers to brief survey of the
website (one website) visually, also including basic
text scanning and searching for affordances.
In a scenario of one website, user can either
search for particular information within the website,
or he can just browse through the website according
to what catches his attention. Moving to another
webpage is very easy if the current webpage does
not appeal to the user, which is why the first
impression of websites is so important (Schenkman
and Jönsson, 2000). It was proven that people form
an opinion about website based on its visual appeal
in a time interval as short as 50ms (Lindgaard et al.,
Scanning is, according to authors´ opinion, the
first activity performed by a user while entering a
website and includes several continuously
proceeding actions:
gathering impression about visual appeal
(usually mostly unaware)
scanning graphics and pictures - according to
their nature, pictures either contribute to visual
appeal or help the user with scanning text or
searching for affordances
scanning text - searching for desired text
fragments in headlines and paragraphs
searching for affordances (action
possibilities) - hyperlinks, menu items, and
other interactions
Studies of how users read on websites found that
they do not actually read, instead they scan the text,
or they first scan the text before actually reading it
(Morkes and Nielsen, 1997). Scanning text means
not reading word by word, but e.g. only the first
sentence of each paragraph to find the desired
information. If the user finds scanned section of text
satisfactory, reading activity takes place. If the user
does not find desired information, he tries to interact
with the website, usually in order to get to another
set of information. Usually it requires at least several
mouse clicks until the user finds what he is looking
for. Interaction is therefore the next activity in
proposed browsing model.
3.2 Interaction
Interaction in the context of this article means
finding and using an affordance (action possibility)
on the website, which is conditioned by quality of
the information architecture and navigation of the
Aordances are not just about functional
meanings and motor capabilities; they are also about
emotional and cognitive processes that emerge
through interaction (Overbeeke and Wensveen,
2003). Interaction aesthetics are one among other
factors that allow users to enhance the detection of
action possibilities and consequently, the detection
of aordances (Xenakis and Arnellos, 2013). That is
why searching for affordances is included also in
scanning activity and it is therefore connected with
aesthetics, even though interactions are mostly
associated with usability.
Affordances include control areas of the website
such as menu, hyperlinks in sections of text,
additional functionality in the form of buttons etc.
Interaction activity implies finding desired
functionality and appropriately using associated
This interaction activity comprises several
searching for functionality (this originate from
scanning activity)
identifying desired affordance
using the affordance correctly (e.g. hovering
or clicking)
Successful search for functionality is dependent
on purposeful navigation and logical information
architecture. It also depends on design and therefore
also aesthetics, or more specifically interaction
aesthetics. Also successful identification of the
affordance and using it correctly depends on
appropriate design. Correct usage implies
recognition of action - usually it is a mouse clicking,
but it can be also e.g. hovering, dragging or
3.3 Reading
Reading activity is proposed to follow after scanning
activity, as users usually scan the text before actually
reading it. Reading activity can be preceded by
series of scanning and interaction activities, until the
user reaches desired or just interesting section of
text. Reading is expected to include two sequentially
or interchangeably performed actions:
more thorough scanning of headlines and
actual reading and understanding of the text
retrieving desired information
evaluation of read text and retrieved
Successful reading depends on many factors
associated with information quality and quantity but
also usability, especially legibility. Content should
be relevant, understandable and its arrangement
should follow some basic design principles such as
chunking or proximity.
All presented activities are performed by user
sequentially, some of them are overlapping in
specific actions.
User browsing cannot be entirely generalized, as
every user has different background, abilities,
personality etc. which results in individual browsing
style. Nevertheless general order of actions can be
expected based on conclusions from previous
sections and related literature with performed
experiments on user testing.
The authors suppose, that in every sequential
phase or activity, the different aspect of the website
is primarily influencing user actions and also success
of his actions.
It was demonstrated that visual appeal or
aesthetics is likely to be detected first and it can
influence subsequent experience with the webpage
(Lindgaard, Fernandes, Dudek and Brown, 2006).
Therefore scanning as the first activity is supposed
to be mostly connected with aesthetics aspect.
Aesthetics is then the most pronounced during the
scanning activity.
Interaction activity includes searching for
interaction possibilities and their usage. This activity
is influenced especially by usability of user interface
such as information architecture, navigation etc.
Therefore, usability is expected to be the most
pronounced aspect of interaction activity.
Reading activity is supposed to be experienced at
the latest, as the user rarely finds what he is looking
for on the first page. Information quality (or quality
of content) is proposed as the most influential during
reading activity.
Table 1: Suggested user activities on the website
associated with most pronounced aspects.
User activity
The most pronounced
aspect during the activity
Scanning Aesthetics
Interaction Usability
Reading Content
4.1 Simulation of User Browsing
Development of activities in the presented
simulation is an example of real situation, when the
user starts actual reading or information retrieval
after two clicks and then again and again after
additional click. The magnitude of individual aspects
signifies their participation on current activity,
which is perceived by the user. Actual values are
estimated according to previous research
conclusions and also authors´ own presumptions,
which are listed in the next section.
4.2 Entering Conditions
Previous simulation depicts expected influence of
aesthetics, usability and content on user in different
Figure 1: Simulation of user browsing on the website.
phases of working with the website. The conditions
on which was constructed simulation of the
browsing model are discussed in this section. These
presumptions are:
aesthetics is the most influential aspect in the
scanning activity (see first aesthetics
impression), but it is gradually losing its
magnitude (only to a certain degree - feeling
on visual appearance usually persists) with
user´s increasing interest in content, which can
be expected with further browsing on the
aesthetics, especially in a form of interaction
aesthetics, is also significant during
interaction activity, but its magnitude is again
gradually decreasing (only to a certain degree)
aesthetics during actual reading or information
retrieval is quite insignificant on stable level
usability is the most prominent aspect during
the interaction activity and its share of
influence is expected to be stable during all
influence of usability in scanning activity is
low at first (aesthetics dominates), but is
gradually increasing, as the usability issues
such as visual organization and navigation are
becoming more apparent during scanning
participation of usability while actual reading
is low but higher than of aesthetics, as
organization and legibility are parts of
usability aspect
quality of content is of course most significant
during reading activity
quality of content in scanning and interaction
activities is low at first but gradually
increasing, as orientation on the website is
already clearer for the user and visual
impression is established, scanning is
expected to become more content-oriented
with more time spent on the website
Presented model and its development suggest,
that influence of individual aspects and their
participation on overall judgement is varying
according to the time spent browsing on the website
and distribution of performed activities in that time.
It is expected, that with more time spent browsing
the website, the overall judgement will be more
influenced by information quality.
The aesthetics and usability aspects however are
crucial for actual getting to the content. This usually
corresponds with the real situation. Another study
which was researching importance of quality
dimensions to overall judgement also discovered
that the most important component was content, then
usability and finally aesthetics (Hartmann et al.,
4.3 Mode of Use Variations
The overall judgement as well as perception of
usability and aesthetics are highly dependent on
context (de Angeli, Sutcliffe and Hartmann, 2006).
They are also influenced by the mode in which the
user approaches the interface (van Schaik and Ling,
2009). Information retrieval is different than surfing.
When looking for information, users are more
focused and content is the driving force. When users
surf, they are just browsing and clicking at what
looks most interesting (Spool et al., 1998).
Mode of use would certainly influence the
browsing model. It is expected that aesthetics would
be more influential during surfing. In the goal mode
could be more significant usability and information
quality even during scanning.
This paper presented the model of user browsing
behaviour on the website. Main user activities
during browsing on the website were proposed,
discussed and supported by related literature.
Suggested activities were associated with three main
aspects of the website, which were identified as
aesthetics, usability and information quality.
Associated in the sense that they are primarily
influencing user actions and also success of his
actions during the relevant activity.
Browsing model was designed on the basis of
previous research´s conclusions and new
considerations. Simulation of user browsing on the
website was presented. Variations of the model
according to mode of use were discussed.
More factors can alter course of the browsing
simulation. Proposed browsing model dealt only
with the first visit on the website in one browsing
session. The influence of individual aspects would
be different in case of repeated visits. The model
also did not take into consideration various types of
websites. This should be covered in future research
as well as supported with results from user testing.
This work and the contribution were supported by:
(1) project No. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0327 Innovation
and support of doctoral study program (INDOP),
financed from EU and Czech Republic funds; (2)
project “Smart Solutions in Ubiquitous Computing
Network Environments”, from the Grant Agency of
Excellence, University of Hradec Kralove, Faculty
of Informatics and Management, Czech Republic;
(3) project “SP/2014/ - Smart Solutions for
Ubiquitous Computing Environments” from FIM,
University of Hradec Kralove.
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