Migrating Relational Databases to the Cloud
Rethinking the Necessity of Rapid Elasticity
Kevin Williams
Center for Information Systems & Technology,
Claremont Graduate University, 150 E. 10
Street, Claremont, California, U.S.A.
Keywords: Transactional Processing Relational Databases, Cloud Computing, Scalability, Rapid Elasticity, Elasticity,
Horizontal Scalability, Vertical Scalability, Inelastic Systems, Incarnational Scalability, ACID Compliance,
System Efficiency.
Abstract: Rapid Elasticity is often described as an essential characteristic of cloud computing, but there are some good
reasons to rethink how it is described and implemented – especially as it relates to transaction processing
relational databases, which are broadly used in many organizations. These types of relational databases,
which support transaction processing, strictly adhere to what has been called the ACID compliance model,
where the Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability of transactions are guaranteed to ensure a
reliable transaction system. Databases in the cloud often sacrifice one or more of these essential ACID
properties to achieve the desired Rapid Elasticity. This conflict between Rapid Elasticity and ACID
compliance explains why relatively few existing transactional processing relational databases have been
deployed to the cloud without undergoing significant revision. This paper argues for an expanded definition
of the essential characteristic of cloud computing on which the underlying goal of Rapid Elasticity is based,
but where the ACID compliance remains intact and many of the advantages of cloud computing can be
Rapid Elasticity (nearly automatic unlimited scaling
of computer resources upon demand) is often
described as an essential characteristic of cloud
computing (Mell and Grance 2011), but there are
some good reasons to rethink how this quality is
described and implemented – especially as it relates
to transaction processing relational databases, as
broadly used in many organizations. Relational
databases which are ACID compliant (supporting
the qualities of Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation,
Durability) might not be able to support Rapid
Elasticity, but does this mean that they are ineligible
to be considered cloud computing? This paper will
seek to articulate the goal behind Rapid Elasticity
and evaluate whether Rapid Elasticity is the only
way to meet this underlying scalability goal. The
goals for cloud computing should be scalability and
efficiency, not Rapid Elasticity as an essential
characteristic. This paper will then suggest an
alternative method for cloud computing systems to
achieve the goal behind Rapid Elasticity that might
have value for transaction processing relational
databases and other systems, which are not natively
rapidly elastically compliant.
This paper will discuss scalability, elasticity, and
efficiency as they relate to rapid elasticity. A
comparison will be made between rapidly elastic and
inelastic systems. Two types of scalability methods
will be discussed: Horizontal Scalability (adding
additional systems) and Vertical Scalability (adding
more power to existing systems), highlighting some
of the advantages and limitations of each. A
scalability method for transactional processing
relational databases in the cloud will be proposed
called Incarnational Scalability. A brief discussion
will highlight how Incarnational Scalability could be
implemented and what its benefits might be. Finally,
the paper concludes with the need to broaden the
definition of rapid elasticity as an essential
characteristic of cloud computing.
Williams K..
Migrating Relational Databases to the Cloud - Rethinking the Necessity of Rapid Elasticity.
DOI: 10.5220/0004965202050210
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2014), pages 205-210
ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Scalability is the quality of a system to handle
increased workload (Weinstock and Goodenough
2006). Thus as more workload is deployed to a
system; the system is able to perform without failure
or within acceptable levels. Scalability is a very
desirable quality in a system, but overall service
quality is based on a number of factors including
reliability and responsiveness (Pitt, Watson et al.
1995, Buyya, Yeo et al. 2009).
One of the ways that cloud computing is
expected to help solve the challenge of scalability is
through the concept of elasticity which is defined by
(Herbst, Kounev et al. 2013) as:
Elasticity is the degree to which a system is able
to adapt to workload changes by provisioning
and de-provisioning resources in an autonomic
manger, such that at each point in time the
available resources match the current demand as
closely as possible.
The appearance of “infinite computing resources” in
cloud computing (Armbrust, Fox et al. 2010) seems
to hold the promise that all scalability concerns can
be resolved through the elasticity that is possible
with cloud computing. The distinction between
scalability (a goal) and elasticity (a method to reach
a goal) can obscure the definition of what a cloud
computing system is, since this then makes the claim
that all scalability problems can be solved by
elastically provisioning and de-provisioning
Alternatively, another goal for systems is that of
efficiency, defined as “the amount of resources
consumed for processing a given amount of work”
(Herbst, Kounev et al. 2013). More work being done
by fewer resources has a higher efficiency and also
has implications for the ability of the system to scale
better. Thus efficiency and scalability are closely
related. The greater the efficiency then the greater
the ability of the system to handle increased
2.1 Rapid Elasticity
One of the essential characteristics of cloud
computing according to (Mell and Grance 2011) is
Rapid Elasticity, defined by NIST as:
Capabilities can be elastically provisioned and
released, in some cases automatically, to scale
rapidly outward and inward commensurate with
demand. To the consumer, the capabilities
available for provisioning often appear to be
unlimited and can be appropriated in any
quantity at any time.
This definition suggests that the essential
characteristic or goal behind Rapid Elasticity is the
unlimited, rapid, and efficient scalability of system
capabilities. The problem that is being addressed by
the “Rapid Elasticity” seems to be that the demand
on the system is dynamic and random and therefore
the cloud computing system must be able to respond
quickly to the changes in demand, but without
wasting resources. In the NIST definition of Rapid
Elasticity there is the statement that “capabilities can
be provisioned and released,” but the word
“capability” may not be the best word for what is
happening as capability indicates a potential ability,
not the usage of that ability.
2.2 Inelastic Systems
The type of system, which performs well when
adding additional resources, can be called rapid
elastically compliant. There are however, many
systems, which are not elastically scalable including
transaction processing relational databases. The
relational data model when supporting transactional
processing creates some dependencies that often get
in the way of rapid scalability, including locking,
latching, and deadlocks. Locking is meant to protect
the integrity of the system; the integrity is
considered to be more important than the system’s
Jim Gray described the set of properties in a
transactional processing system necessary for a
reliable transactional processing database and these
became known as ACID compliance: Atomicity,
Consistency, Isolation, Durability (Gray 1981).
There are few instances of large transactional
processing relational databases as broadly used in
organizations being moved to cloud systems and
supporting the Rapid Elasticity model.
There is a mistaken idea that adding resources to
a slow system will improve its performance. Cary
Millsap indicates that more or faster resources will
only improve database performance if the initial
problem was slow or insufficient resources (Millsap
and Holt 2003). Millsap continues that on
transactional processing relational databases such as
Oracle, adding additional resources can in fact
exacerbate the performance and scalability problems
as the system gets to the root culprit faster.
While there are many successful and highly
elastic NoSQL database systems deployed on cloud
systems, they often have to relax one or more of the
ACID compliance guarantees. Cassandra, a popular
NoSQL database, describes ACID compliance as:
Unlike relational databases, Cassandra does not
offer fully ACID-compliant transactions. There
is no locking or transactional dependencies when
concurrently updating multiple rows or column
families. But if by “transactions” you mean real-
time data entry and retrieval, with durability and
tunable consistency, then yes.
When the consistency guarantee is relaxed, this
means that at some point in time the database can be
in an inconsistent state. For example, in an ATM
banking transaction, the money must be removed
from the account at the same time that the money is
released from the ATM. If either of the parts of the
transaction fails, then both parts should fail.
However, in a system that is eventually consistent,
one part might succeed and the other part could fail.
This would be disastrous for banking transactions –
either for the client or for the bank.
Some efforts to address this conflict between the
ACID compliance model (transactional support) and
rapid scalability have been attempted (Das 2011) by
developing a relational cloud:
Statements and transactions spanning multiple
nodes incur significant overhead, and are the
main limiting factor to linear scalability in
practice. (Curino, Jones et al. 2011)
Therefore, the awareness of the dependencies of the
data relationships was not present when the
applications were originally written. This may give
some explanation for the difficulty in migrating
existing transactional processing relational databases
to the cloud and achieving Rapid Elasticity.
There are three main approaches to scalability in
cloud computing: horizontal scalability, vertical
scalability, and efficiency improvement. Horizontal
and vertical scalability have been discussed, but
improving the efficiency of the system is an
important method to improve scalability – especially
for systems that are inelastically scalable, such as
transactional processing relational databases.
3.1 Horizontal Scalability
In the NIST definition of computing the idea of
“provisioned and released” resources indicates that
things are added or removed from the system, but
this presupposes that the inability for the system to
handle the additional load can be solved by
additional resources. Currently, additional resources
are added for horizontal scalability or vertical
scalability, but only horizontal scaling is able to
scale as to “appear to be unlimited.”
Horizontal scaling is described as:
Horizontal scaling is applicable for applications
that have a clustered architecture with a gateway
or a master node that distributes requests
between the worker nodes (or VMs). If the
workload increases, additional nodes are added
to the cluster. During decrease in workload
intensity, some nodes are removed from the
cluster freeing up resources. In typical clustered
architectures, the gateway maintains a list of
nodes that are part of the cluster. The
reconguration cost of horizontal scaling varies
between applications and depends on the ease
with which nodes can join or leave the cluster.
(Dutta, Gera et al. 2012)
Therefore, the concept of Rapid Elasticity seems to
be synonymous with the concept of horizontal
3.2 Vertical Scalability
Another method for increasing the ability of a
system to handle load is vertical scalability. Vertical
scaling is described (Dutta, Gera et al. 2012) as:
Virtualization enables another way to add or
remove resources to a virtual machine. Modern
hypervisors support online VM resizing allowing
one to add CPU or memory resources to a VM
without bringing it down. Vertical scaling is used
to denote the addition/deletion of resources to a
virtual machine.
One of the features of cloud computing is that
instead of buying a certain amount of hardware as
capital expense, the resources are leased as
operational expenses. This permits the rapid and
dynamic movement of the system from less
powerful hardware to more powerful hardware.
While the scalability is not unlimited, the system can
be moved to hardware that is able to handle
increased load. Additionally, with vertical
scalability, existing software doesn’t have to be re-
written to scale across multiple nodes (as in the case
of horizontal scalability). This is of great benefit to
systems that are not elastically scalable – such as
transactional processing relational databases.
The vertical scalability available with cloud
computing resolves three important problems in
organizations: buying too large a system initially,
experiencing a delay when adding capacity, and
encountering the problem of sunk costs. With
vertical scalability, only the resources that are
actually needed are allocated and then changed as
needed. Depending on the system, the system might
adjust resources throughout the day to handle
increases and decreases in load. This is not Rapid
Elasticity since the number of resources that can be
added to an individual virtual machine bound the
scale up.
The second benefit with vertical scalability as
available with cloud computing is the relatively
short delay in new system deployment and adding
capacity. When servers are purchased in a capital
expenditure scenario, the delays can be substantial,
as the capital expenditure must go through the
process of a cost benefit analysis, ordering, hardware
delivery, and systems configuration.
The third benefit may be the elimination of sunk
costs. Sunk costs will have no place in situations
where capital expenditures are replaced with
operational expenses, as in cloud computing.
Therefore, even for systems, which are not
rapidly elastic, there are some very good reasons to
move those systems to the cloud including the
ability to take advantage of vertical scalability.
3.3 Improving Efficiency
The operation of a system is a collaboration and/or
interaction between the system designers, the
programmers, the hardware, the system elasticity,
and the users, among others. Much of the efforts in
cloud computing have seemed to focus on
agnostically enabling Rapid Elasticity and ignoring
the changes that can be made in systems to improve
their performance, efficiency, and scalability.
Rather than concluding that transactional
processing relational databases cannot be migrated
to the cloud using current technology, this paper
argues for a slightly different scalability model. This
model uses the resources and benefits of cloud
computing to improve scalability and efficiency of
systems through improved testing initiatives.
In many organizations, besides the production
systems, there are generally one or more
development and test systems. In order to have valid
tests, in many cases the development and test
systems are equivalently sized to that of production.
If the systems are less powerful than the production
systems, there is the concern that the testing might
not behave identically to the way production
behaves in the same situation.
In order to have a reliable test environment, the
test systems and the production systems must be
made as similar as possible. However, the shrinking
or sub-setting of full sized environments is difficult
in practice. The cost of production-sized
environments for testing and/or development can
also be prohibitive.
The demand for the use of test systems is not
consistent. Often test systems are some of the most
highly scheduled systems in an organization. During
some periods, such as pre-release testing, the
demand for the test system might peak and multiple
identical test systems would be required. Then, after
testing has concluded, the demand may drop to zero.
The nature of test system demand seems to fit
well with the scalability model of cloud computing,
where multiple full-sized copies of the production
system can be deployed for testing, but are only
available during the actual testing. Once the testing
has been completed, the test systems can be de-
3.4 Incarnational Scalability
The use of cloud copies of production systems for
testing in order to improve system efficiency is both
economically efficient (as it only incurs necessary
expenditures) and scalable (as many or as few copies
can be created as needed). Therefore, this paper
proposes another method for reaching the goals of
scalability and efficiency, different from vertical or
horizontal scaling: Incarnational Scalability, where
separate incarnations of the full production system
are deployed for testing. To do effective testing one
must test one change at a time so as to isolate
whether that change improves the system or not.
Unfortunately, most test environments do not have
this luxury and multiple changes are tested at the
same time because of system availability limitations.
Testing in such an environment always leaves the
results in doubt as to what change (or changes)
actually have the most benefit. However, testing in
the cloud, using as many multiple identical systems
(incarnational scalability) as needed, allows one to
test each change separately and determine its effect.
In this model, the use of the cloud does not benefit
existing systems directly through the addition
resources, instead helps better use what resources
you already have through better testing.
Incarnational Scalability would be implemented
by instantiating multiple copies of the system in the
cloud and then using a technique called A/B Testing.
A/B Testing is used to evaluate iterative
optimization changes in websites:
Using A/B, new ideas can be essentially focus-
group tested in real time: Without being told, a
fraction of users are diverted to a slightly
different version of a given web page and their
behavior compared against the mass of users on
the standard site. If the new version proves
superior—gaining more clicks, longer visits,
more purchases—it will displace the original; if
the new version is inferior, it’s quietly phased
out without most users ever seeing it. A/B allows
seemingly subjective questions of design—color,
layout, image selection, text—to become
incontrovertible matters of data-driven social
science (Christian 2012).
Incarnational Scalability would function like A/B
Testing, but for whole systems. Multiple
incarnations of identical test systems with playback
of synthetic or recorded system load can be
iteratively evaluated to determine the better version
two versions of an element (A and B) and a
metric that defines success (Chopra 2010).
An element might be a new index, statistics change,
new release of code, or some other change. By
evaluating changes in individual elements instead of
as a massive set of changes, it should be possible to
find the optimal elements for the success metrics.
Therefore, Incarnational Scalability can be used to
solve several important testing challenges including:
1. Availability – test systems can be allocated and
de-allocated dynamically.
2. Cost – test systems are only paid for when in use.
3. Granularity – testing can now iteratively test
multiple potential configurations to find the
optimal ones instead of testing a cluster of
interrelated changes.
4. Increased thoroughness – since multiple tests for
different elements can be evaluated
simultaneously, the testing doesn’t need to be
prioritized for only the most critical changes.
5. Hardware rightsizing – ability to evaluate the
benefits of adding more CPUs, memory, etc.
The experimentation made possible by Incarnational
Scalability can support a more scientific approach to
system optimization and thereby improves
The goal for cloud providers is a multi-tenant model
that can provide services to a multitude of
consumers (Rimal, Eunmi et al. 2009). Analysis of
different cloud providers suggests that cloud
computing will not be held back by definitions, but
will continue to expand, as it has, in the past, as new
services are invented and deployed. Nevertheless,
where we are able to refine definitions, we can
improve the precision of our science.
Some benefits of deploying transactional
processing relational databases in a cloud model
include the ability to perform vertical scaling
(adding resources to a single node), which seems to
be different from the widely accepted characteristic
of Rapid Elasticity (Mell and Grance 2011). The use
of incarnational scalability to support improved
testing efforts (and thereby improved system
efficiency) also seems to be a powerful alterative
method to achieving what has been, until now, the
goal of Rapid Elasticity – that is, scalability.
Therefore, the essential quality of cloud computing
should be broadened from mere Rapid Elasticity to
any process that uses cloud-based resources and
methods to improve scalability and the efficiency of
the system.
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