Supporting Creative Design Processes for the Support of Creative
Mathematical Thinking
Capitalising on Cultivating Synergies between Math Education and Environmental
Chronis Kynigos
and Maria Daskolia
Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" (CTI), 26-28 Mitropoleos str, 10563 Athens, Greece
Educational Technology Lab, Department of Pedagogy, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Environmental Educational Lab, Department of Pedagogy, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Mathematical Creativity, Social Creativity, Design of Educational Digital Resources, c-Book Technology,
Communities of Interest, Environmental Education, Education for Sustainable Development, MC
Abstract: Mathematical creativity is acknowledged as a backbone lifelong competence necessary to be fostered in all
students. However, this is not an easy task to accomplish, due not only to a lack of appropriate technologies
enabling the creative design of digital educational resources for creative mathematical thinking (CMT), but
also to the absence of insightful methodologies to support creative design processes of this kind among
professionals. The Mathematical Creativity Squared (MC
) project aims to address this twofold problem in
the following ways: (a) by designing and developing a new genre of technological environment for the
design of CMT resources, 'the c-book' environment, and (b) by adopting and further developing a
methodology based on the generation of Communities of Interest (CoI) as a social milieu which will
facilitate the creative design of CMT resources in collectives of educational designers stemming from
diverse professional and educational domains. Especially with regards to the latter, the rationale is that CoIs
will support synergies among designers with a math education background with others carrying a more
socially-relevant educational orientation, such as environmental educators and educators for sustainable
development, both on epistemological and pedagogical level, with the aim that their 'boundary crossing'
interactions will positively effect social creativity in the design process for digital resources for CMT.
1.1 On Creativity and Mathematical
Creativity is perceived as the backbone of the skills
required for new jobs and as an essential ability to
be developed in the context of lifelong learning (EC,
2008; 2011). It is recognised as a transversal skill
needed to foster each of the eight key lifelong
competences identified by the European
Commission (EC, 2008) as particularly necessary for
personal fulfilment and development, social
inclusion, active citizenship and employment.
Mathematical competence is among these core life-
long competences identified by the European
Commission, comprising the ability to develop and
apply mathematical thinking to solve a range of
problems in everyday situations and the application
of this knowledge and methodology in response to
perceived human wants or needs (EC, 2006).
Developing students’ creative potential in
mathematical thinking has been also ranked among
the most needed skills to develop for the 21
in the States (National Academies of Science, 2007).
Nevertheless, although creativity is deemed as a
tool for succeeding personal development and social
empowerment and as an impetus for achieving
professional innovation and economic change
(Banaji et al., 2006), it still remains an elusive target
to attain and a largely under-researched topic,
especially in terms of whether and how it can be
enhanced. The wide array of theories and
perspectives on 'creativity' (e.g., Runco, 2007),
coupled with the inherent vagueness of the concept
(e.g., Kampylis and Valtanen, 2010), its context-
specificity (Amabile, 1983; Csikszentmihalyi, 1996),
and the inadequacy of most traditional educational
Kynigos C. and Daskolia M..
Supporting Creative Design Processes for the Support of Creative Mathematical Thinking - Capitalising on Cultivating Synergies between Math
Education and Environmental Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0004965603420347
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 342-347
ISBN: 978-989-758-021-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
systems and processes, set several burdens in the
fostering of creativity.
This is particularly true with mathematical
creativity. The lack of an accepted definition among
researchers and practitioners (Mann, 2006) on the
one hand, and educational reality which
systematically deemphasize creative math problem-
solving ability on the other cannot but hinder any
concerted activity in the field (Mann, 2009;
Sriraman, 2005). Even though almost any academic
perspective on math education has been promoting
mathematical creativity (Menghini et al., 2008),
well-meant intentions are not enough for developing
math learning through creativity and vice versa.
Endeavours of this kind are acknowledged to be
closely associated with putting forth changes in
educational systems, processes and outcomes; taking
full advantage of the potential of information and
communication technologies; and working towards
materialising creative ideas into concrete, new and
more effective, products and services (EC, 2008;
Ferrari et al., 2009).
1.2 Fostering Mathematical Creativity
through Digital Technologies
In terms of technologies, twenty or more years ago,
emergent approaches to how digital media could be
used to foster mathematical thinking were almost
exclusively visionary and about using technology as
an expressive medium for cutting edge pedagogy
involving engagement with mathematical thinking
and meaning making (Hoyles and Noss, 2003).
Despite the existence of some excellent digital tools
affording dynamic manipulation, interconnected
representations (including mathematical formalism),
simulations of phenomena and situations embedding
mathematical rules, visualisations of data
representations and handling of probability, their
uses in education were frequently instrumented to a
large extent towards contexts of traditional lecturing
and demonstration of exercise-type activities
(Hennessy et al., 2005; Ruthven, 2008). Some
technological advances of the past few years have
even further skewed attention back to uses of digital
media to support traditional routine learning of
mathematics through the assistance of learning
management systems, portals, video and intelligence
in tutoring systems to that effect (e.g., the Kahn
However, especially during the last decade there
is a growing interest in Europe in the role and use of
appropriate digital technologies as the necessary
broad-based strategies to bring forth the envisioned
shifts in terms of creativity and innovation in
education (Ferrari et al., 2009). This rests to be
explored with regards to the teaching and learning of
any knowledge domain, including mathematics.
Nevertheless, whether digital technologies can act as
real enablers of creative mathematical thinking has
to be combined with other processes, mechanisms
and tools of school education, among which the
design and use of appropriate educational resources.
1.3 Creativity in the Design of
Educational Resources for CMT
This last point brings forth an inter-related and
equally challenging issue, that of the design of
appropriate educational resources for creative
mathematical thinking (CMT), and its relation to
creativity. Taking into consideration that any kind of
design process is inseparably connected to creativity
(Taura and Nagai, 2010), the task of designing
educational resources for CMT becomes thus a
'squared' creativity issue.
Design creativity is recognised as a
multidimensional concept, that can be identified,
among others, in the processes or the outcomes of
the design activity, or in the context within which
such an activity is embedded (Gero, 2010). This is
also the case with the design of educational
resources (and instructional design in general),
which although not overly acknowledged and
studied as a design discipline compared to other
domains (i.e., software design or architecture),
creativity has recently also being acknowledged as a
‘built-in’ dimension of it (Clinton and Hokanson,
The 'social' component in various collectives of
design professionals and its role in enhancing both
the individuals' creativity and the creative capacity
of the group in addressing complex design problems
is also a relatively new focus of research. 'Social
creativity' actually explores the social and technical
environment within which participatory design
processes take place (Fischer, 2001; 2011), when
specialists from different domains coordinate their
efforts to achieve a common design goal. Social
creativity arises from the synthesis and synergy of
the different perspectives towards a complex design
task of shared interest.
Designing for digital educational resources for
CMT can be therefore viewed as a squared creativity
challenge, since it requires not only to define
mathematical creativity but also to situate the design
process itself within a socio-technical environment
that can boost educational designers' creative
potential. However, both challenges to be dealt with
appropriately need some paradigm shifts in terms of
thinking of, learning and designing pedagogical
materials for mathematics, already represented in
some debates in math education.
1.4 Boosting Math Creativity through
Synergy with Other Domains: the
Case of Environmental Education
For example, a key debate in the field is the one
questioning the traditional paradigm of focusing
exclusively on abstract mathematical concepts and
problems as isolated from broader phenomena and
social contexts in which they could become more
relevant, and without highlighting the relevance and
value of this knowledge to the students’ life and
society in general. Within this paradigm, math
education seems to reproduce the false myth of an
objective and value-free discipline, alienated from
current reality. Criticisms of this genre are supported
by evidence from many countries indicating that
school curricula give preponderant emphasis on
foundationalist approaches of learning about
mathematics and on pedagogies advancing the
transmission of dry knowledge, as if all students
were being prepared to become the big
mathematicians of tomorrow. However, there are
serious doubts about whether such curricula can
succeed to trigger in students any meaningfully
creative engagements with maths.
A suggestion so that math education explores
new creativity potentials and meaningfulness to a
wider range of students is to ‘bridge’ it with
educational domains which are more socially-
oriented and centred to real-life problems, such is
the case of Environmental Education (EE) and
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
(Kynigos et al., 2013). Although several scholars
have stressed the opportunities for developing a
beneficial relationship between science education
and EE/ESD (such as Gough 2002, 2007; Sjøberg
and Schreiner, 2005, etc), no relative bridging has
been proposed to motivate students to get more
actively involved with math concepts and processes
by identifying the 'mathematics' hidden inside some
of the most challenging current socio-scientific and
sustainability issues.
Especially mathematical problem-posing and
problem-solving which are indicated as appropriate
learning formats to allow math creativity to emerge,
are proposed to exemplify some characteristics with
respect to the 'problematic situation'. For example,
for a situation to be amenable to creative
(mathematical) problem-posing and -solving (Torp
and Sage, 2002) it:
• should be fairly ill-structured and messy
• may change with the addition of new
• is not solved easily or with a specific formula
• does not result in one right answer.
These characteristics are directly applicable to
most environmental and sustainability issues, which
are by nature ill-defined, complex, controversial,
value-laden and require the application of various
perspectives to grasp them more thoroughly
(Daskolia and Kynigos, 2012). However, it is this
messiness and complexity that make them 'good'
examples of creativity-triggering problems and
amenable to be treated in learning situations that
foster the students' creative thinking. It also turns
them into “boundary objects” (Star and Griesemer,
1989), that is entities that can interpreted and
employed by more that one groups or communities
in ways that make sense to them.
At the same time, dealing with issues of these
characteristics at a pedagogical level provides many
opportunities for teachers and learners to get
engaged in dialogical forms of meaning-construction
and perspective-sharing and to expand the
“boundaries” of their knowing of and being in the
world both inside and across the realms of their
discipline (Daskolia and Kynigos, ibid). This is what
some would also identify as a creative appropriation
of subject-matter and pedagogical knowledge.
For mathematical creativity to be fuelled new
designs are needed, new ways of thinking and
learning about mathematics through synergy with
other educational domains, such as those of EE and
ESD, and the support of learners' engagement with
creative mathematical thinking in collectives using
dynamic digital media. Designers of educational
digital resources (either professionals or teachers)
have therefore to look for and benefit from new
designs that would assist them to explore, identify
and creatively produce new educational resources
and tools with a potential to stimulate creative ways
of mathematical thinking.
This is not an easy task to accomplish, due not
only to a lack of appropriate technologies enabling
the creative design of digital educational resources
for creative mathematical thinking (CMT), but also
to the absence of insightful methodologies to support
creative design processes of this kind. The MC
project aims to address this twofold problem in the
following ways: (a) by designing and developing a
new genre of technological environment for the
design of CMT resources, that is an authorable e-
book we call 'the c-book' (c for creative), and (b) by
adopting and further developing a particular
methodology based on the generation of
Communities of Interest (CoI) (Fischer, 2001;
2011) as a social environment that would facilitate
the creative design of CMT resources in collectives
of professionals. The rationale is that by providing
educational designers with an appropriate socio-
technical environment, they will have more
opportunities for richer creative design processes.
The objective of the MC
project is thus to build
both a technology and a social milieu that will
jointly and interactively enhance creativity among
educational designers in the design of digital
educational resources fostering creative
mathematical thinking in learners. Our approach
addresses social creativity in design through
specially formed Communities of Interest (CoIs)
which will act as agents of potential cultures of
participation among professional designers and
teachers from different/ diverse educational domains
(not only from the math education sector but also
from environmental education) and will lead to the
development of innovative frames of addressing the
design of educational resources for creative
mathematical thinking.
The MC
project places at the centre of its
concerted action the design and development of the
c-book, an integrated and beyond the state-of-the-art
digital system which will facilitate all foreseen
creative design processes and practices and will
provide support for creative mathematical thinking.
The main characteristics of this system will be:
an authorable data-analytics engine and a
graphical interface providing professionals from
diverse creative industries involved in the design of
digital resources for CMT (publishers, developers,
researchers, school educators from diverse
educational domains) with the ability of customizing
the kinds of information they need for assessing end-
user creativity and the kinds of automated reactions
they wish the tool to provide to end-users' activity.
an authorable dynamic e-book infrastructure
to be used by pedagogical design professionals for
collaborative design of CMT resources and by
students to create their personalized versions of such
a set of dynamic, exploratory and
constructionist digital tools integrated in the e-book
infrastructure designed to foster creativity in
students' mathematical expression, investigation and
meaning generation.
The design of the c-book environment will
require advancements not only in terms of
technology but also in the design processes. MC
project will develop, operationalize and document
methods for the emergence of creativity in the
design process based on 'middle c' social creativity
in CoI embedding diverse actors and norms (Moran,
2010; Hämäläinen and Vähäsantanen, 2011;
Sonnenburg, 2004). In effect, it will address and
promote the creativity that emerges when
communities share common goals and well-designed
tools. The project partners have the capacity and
experience to act as catalysts for systemic change in
cultures characterizing current school and workplace
practices. By situating the CoI in large-scale
systemic national initiatives MC
will test how the
process and productions of collaborative creative
design for CMT can empower professionals (and
teachers) from diverse (disciplinary and/or
educational) domains to collaborate and create new
educational designs. At the scientific level, the
project will contribute to our knowledge of methods
and processes in using digital media to enhance
creativity in interdisciplinary CoIs. The emergence
of creativity is perceived as 'a system' involving
'collectives with tools' characterized as 'cultures of
participation' (Fischer, 2011). This project will
advance our knowledge by integrating two
constructs to generate and support such cultures for
professional design, 'documentational approach'
(Gueudet and Trouche, 2012) and the 'boundary
crossing with digital media as boundary objects'
approach (Akkerman and Bakker, 2011; Kynigos &
Kalogeria, 2012). The technology will play a
fundamental role by transforming an otherwise
costly endeavour to an efficient knowledge co-
construction process through both the collaborative
and authoring features of the c-book which will be
useable in the six languages of the partnership. This
will provide stakeholders with the means to both
advance and share creative intelligent mathematical
artifacts and by thus to enable a broader reach.
Accordingly, the impact of MC
will be long-lasting
as the malleability of the creative widgets and the
authorable intelligent feedback will create the
foundations for subsequent evidence-based creative
designs beyond the life of the project.
Our position is that digital media designed to
support practices and productions of added
pedagogical value fall short of target if they address
only the conceptual/ cognitive/ performance aspects
of the learning process. There is a need to consider
how to directly support future citizens in their social
and work capacity. Mathematical creativity is
viewed as a backbone ability and disposition for
students, which can be cultivated and taught as a
social phenomenon per se but also through teaching
and learning about more socially-related and focused
issues (i.e., current environmental and sustainability
issues) and be widened up to all students. Social
creativity amongst designers of educational
materials with an explicit aim to support such a
creative potential in learners is a core competence
which nevertheless needs some appropriate frames
to be identified, studied and boosted. Technologies
supporting the design and deployment of educational
materials and digital media for enhancing the
students' creative mathematical thinking have so far
been too much influenced by more traditional
paradigms of thinking where such media have the
role of unquestionably accredited tools to be
employed by the students. New genres of
technologies, such as the proposed c-book system,
will help the questioning and development of the
process of design and the kinds of media and
accompanying paradigms which may become
available to students in the future. Within this
rationale, a c-book unit can be a medium containing
questionable artifacts, statements, arguments for
students to change, improve, negotiate over, re-
construct; something for the students to re-draft, to
shape or make on their own. They are viewed as
objects for students to argue over and to collectively
're-write'. How does this will consequently change
the designers' perspectives, methodologies and ways
of thinking, collaborating and working? Our
proposed c-book technology and supporting
methodology aim to re-address how to design
educational resources for creative mathematical
thinking by turning into a creative learning asset the
crossing of various pre-established boundaries
across many inter-related or not until recently related
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Union Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under
grant agreement n° 610467 - project “M C Squared”.
This publication reflects only the authors’ views and
Union is not liable for any use that may be made of
the information contained therein.
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