A General Evaluation Framework for Adaptive Focused Crawlers
Fabio Gasparetti, Alessandro Micarelli and Giuseppe Sansonetti
Department of Engineering, Roma Tre University, Via della Vasca Navale 79, Rome, Italy
Adaptive Focused Crawling, Evaluation Framework.
Focused crawling is increasingly seen as a solution to increase the freshness and coverage of local repository
of documents related to specific topics by selectively traversing paths on the web. The adaptation is a peculiar
feature that makes it possible to modify the search strategies according to the particular environment, its
alterations and its relationships with the given input parameters during the search. This paper introduces a
general evaluation framework for adaptive focused crawlers.
Due to the limited bandwidth, storage and resources
of traditional computational systems and the rapid
growth of the web, focused crawlers aim at build-
ing small high-quality and up-to-date repositories of
topic-specific pages. Deep analyses of the retrieved
pages have also the chance to better address growing
dynamic contents, such as news or financial data and
promptly alerting about relevant alterations of the re-
trieved pages.
Pages related to the same topics tend to be neigh-
bours of each other is the fundamental assumption
that is often named topic locality (Davison, 2000).
Thus, the objective of the crawlers is to stay focused,
that is, remaining within the neighbourhood in which
topic-specific pages have been identified.
In this context, an evaluation methodology is a
logical description of the processes and connected el-
ements to be followed to help one better understand a
quality evaluation. By following this process, a com-
puter scientist or practitioner can learn what he or she
needs to know to determine the level of a performance
of a search strategy in a specific context. This paper
is geared toward a definition of a evaluation method-
ology for the adaptive focused crawlers.
At present, focused crawling evaluations that also
include adaptivity analysis are not available. One of
the reasons could be the difficulty to measure the re-
action of crawlers to user needs refinements or al-
terations of the environment. How long does it take
to adapt the crawl to a user relevance feedback and
provide new interesting documents? How many envi-
ronment alterations are tolerable before the crawling
performance falls below a given threshold? Standard
methodologies to assess those characteristics, thus al-
lowing comparing different search strategies are yet
to be developed.
The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we sum-
marise the different evaluation approaches that have
been proposed in the literature, critically discussing
the testbed settings and the evaluation metrics. After
having identified the most relevant factors to be in-
cluded in a general framework, we give an account
of the fundamental elements for the definition of an
evaluation methodology regarding adaptive focused
crawling systems.
The paper is organized as follows. We first present
the most relevant input data that distinguish a spe-
cific evaluation in Sections 3.1 and 3.2. Section 3.3
deals with the approaches proposed for the definition
of relevance measures of the retrieved pages. In Sec-
tion 3.4, we consider the resource constraints, while
Sect. 3.5 is focused on the measures that better char-
acterise the effectiveness of the search strategies dur-
ing the crawl. Section 3.6 introduces the evaluation
approaches based on comparative analysis, while 3.7
specifically dwells on the assessment of the adaptive
behaviour of the crawlers. The following section dis-
cusses the related work in the literature. The last sec-
tion is a conclusion.
The foremost exploratory research activity on the
evaluation of adaptive focused crawlers has been pro-
posed by Menczer et al. in (Menczer et al., 2004).
Gasparetti F., Micarelli A. and Sansonetti G..
A General Evaluation Framework for Adaptive Focused Crawlers.
DOI: 10.5220/0004965903500358
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 350-358
ISBN: 978-989-758-024-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In particular, they compare several crawlers based on
machine learning techniques in order to assess both
the obtained general performance and some charac-
teristics of adaptivity. The authors’ principal goal
was to evaluate the benefits of the machine learn-
ing versus other approaches. While machine learn-
ing has the chance to play a key role in the de-
velopment of focused crawlers able to automatically
adapt their search strategies to the peculiar charac-
teristics of the topics and environment, the proposed
framework misses to cover scenarios when the ap-
proaches are subjected to continuous updates in the
input data (i.e., topics and environment alterations).
In this case, adaptivity can be performed either incre-
mentally by continuous update or by retraining using
recent batches of data, either new or already visited
pages subjected to updates. In this scenario, the re-
lation between the input data and the target variable
changes over time.
Several other frameworks have been pro-
posed (Menczer et al., 2001; Chau and Chen,
2003; Srinivasan et al., 2005; Pant and Srinivasan,
2005), but none of them explicitly include adaptive
behaviour analysis.
Defining an evaluation methodology for a standard
crawler does not require a great effort. Once a sub-
set of the web is available, it is possible to run an in-
stance of the crawl on a workstation and monitor the
most important parameters to measure its effective-
ness (Cho et al., 1998). The proactivity and auton-
omy characteristics of the search strategies of focused
crawlers, which potentially allow them to explore re-
gions of the web far from the starting points, call for
different evaluation approaches.
In addition to that, if the focused crawlers have
some sort of adaptivity behaviour w.r.t changes in
the environment or the current topics, the evaluation
framework should keep track of changes of the per-
formances and behaviour when one of both of these
aspects are being altered. Good adaptivity is char-
acterised by changes of unconstructive or disruptive
behaviour, often caused by external stimuli, to some-
thing more constructive, which is able to fulfil the
goal of the search activity.
In the following sections we define the parameters
and the most relevant elements that form the evalua-
tion methodology, to be assessed and reported during
the experiments with adaptive focused crawlers.
3.1 Corpus
There are two broad classes of evaluations, system
evaluations and user-centred evaluations. The latter
measure the user’s satisfaction with the system, while
the former focuses on how well the system is able to
retrieve and rank documents. Several researchers ac-
cept that evaluators of adaptive systems should adopt
a user-centred evaluation approach because users are
both the main source of information and the main tar-
get of the application, but manually finding all the rel-
evant documents in a large collections of billion of
documents is not practical. User-based evaluation is
extremely expensive and difficult to do correctly. A
proper designed user-based evaluation must use a suf-
ficiently large, representative sample of potential top-
ics. Such considerations lead researchers to use the
less expensive system evaluations.
Of course, technical issues must be addressed in
order to construct a collection that is a good sample
of the web (Bailey et al., 2003). Nevertheless, “bold”
focused crawlers have the chance to take decisions
on many different paths and visit pages far from the
seed sets, with more chances to end up towards paths
of pages not being included in the initial collection.
For this reason, standard or predefined collections are
rarely employed.
All, or almost all, of the focused crawling evalu-
ations in the literature do not employ any corpus but
allowthe crawlers to access any document on the web.
Web pages continue to change even after they are ini-
tially published by their authors and, consequently, it
is almost impossible to make comparisons from re-
sults obtained by different search strategies, as dis-
cussed in Sect. 3.6.
The adaptivity behaviour allows crawlers to dy-
namically adjust the search strategies to several differ-
ent and unexpected external alterations. Its evaluation
is therefore a complex activitygoing through the iden-
tification and assessment of several variables, some-
times in mutual relationship one another. It is rea-
sonable that a sound evaluation has to consider com-
plex and long-lasting test evaluations to identify those
relationships as a function of controlled variations in
the input data. A static and large corpus of web doc-
uments is the only requirement that guarantees the
valid comparison of several outcomes obtained at dif-
ferent times.
3.2 Seeds
A good selection of seed pages guarantees that
enough pages from different communities related to
the current topic will be sampled and the crawler ex-
ploits the topical locality for finding additional pages
in comparison with crawl starting from random seeds.
For instance, Daneshpajouh et al. (Daneshpajouh
et al., 2008) compared various community-based al-
gorithms for discovering good seeds from previously
crawled web graphs and discovered that HITS-based
ranking is a good approach for this task. Of course,
the seed page identification should not be too ex-
pensive in terms of computational time. If web cor-
pora are not available, valid sources of seeds may be
human-generated directories such as Open Directory
Project (ODP)
, where each category contains links
to pages about similar topics.
Of course, seed pages related to the interesting
topics make the search for related pages much eas-
ier because of the topical locality phenomenon. Srini-
vasan et al. (Srinivasan et al., 2005) provide an in-
teresting mechanism to control the level of difficulty
of the crawl tasks by means of the hypertext structure
among pages. Once a subset of target pages, that is
pages relevant to a topic, is identified, it is possible to
collect pages linking to the specified targets by query-
ing one of the online services such as Mozscape
. By
iterating this backlink procedure, it is possible to col-
lect several paths, a subset of them bringing to the
target pages. The last pages to be collected are the
ones that will be included in the seed set.
The number of iterations I match the level of diffi-
culty of the crawling task. Particularly difficult tasks
have a few relevant pages far away form the seed sets.
If the crawler is able to find those targets, its edge
search strategy has boldness traits favouring the ex-
ploration on various different paths. The opposite be-
haviour of the greedy strategies encourages the ex-
ploitation of the current good pages sticking the ex-
ploration to their vicinity. An adaptive selection of
bold and greedy strategies may rely on the current ac-
quired evidence. For example, once a number of rele-
vant websites have been found, the exploration can be
focused on the near linked pages, while bold strate-
gies are valid when no evidence is fruitful and new
paths have to be verified. At present, focused crawlers
do not explicitly include this form of search strategy
The above-mentioned backlink procedure is the
only one that allows the framework to include the re-
call measure of performance discussed in Sect. 3.5.1.
As a matter of fact, the procedure builds up a small
corpus of pages, where the good ones are clearly iden-
3.3 Topic Affinity
Ideal focused crawlers retrieve the highest number
of relevant pages while simultaneously traversing the
minimal number of irrelevantpages. This leads to sig-
nificant savings in hardware and network resources,
and helps keep the crawl more up-to-date.
One of the first evaluation parameters to take into
consideration is the soundness of the retrieved docu-
ments’ content. The traditional crawlers’ goal is to
download as many resources as possible, whereas a
focused crawler should be able to filter out the doc-
uments that are not deemed related to the topics of
interest. Focused crawlers respond to the particular
information need expressed by topical queries or in-
terest profiles.
Besides monitoring the exploration results, the
evaluation of the relatedness of the retrieved docu-
ments is also fundamental for the selection of the best
routes to follow. For this reason, focused crawlers
routinely compute these measures for assigning the
priorities to the queued URLs during the exploration.
A formal description for the topic of interests is fun-
damental for effectively driving the crawling to a sub-
set of paths and, of course, it is strictly correlated to
the definition of the relatedness measure. Singular
domains may also define ad-hoc measures of effec-
tiveness, such as novelty and diversity of page con-
tents (Barbosa and Bangalore, ).
In the following sections, we give an account of
the most relevant approaches for evaluating the relat-
edness of the retrieved documents.
3.3.1 Topic Selection
Information searching is the intent that usually moti-
vates the queries driving the focused crawling. Users
are willing to locate documents and multimedia con-
cerning a particular topic in order to address an in-
formation need or perform a fact-finding or general
exploratory activity. These topics can be along a spec-
trum from very precise to very vague.
A long-lasting research activity aiming at defining
a comprehensive classification of user intents for web
searching (e.g., (Jansen et al., 2008)) and related IR
evaluations (e.g., (Sakai, 2012)) is largely available.
In contrast to search engines, topics submitted to
focused crawling are defined by expert users able to
accurately select a good representation of their in-
tents. At the same time, those intents can still assume
both a broad (e.g., “Find information about Windows
9”) or specific scopes (e.g., “Find stocks of DNA se-
quencing companies”).
While automatic approaches to select broad-topic
queries are available (see Sect. 3.3.3), specific scope
queries are usually human-generated or extracted
from real scenarios (Gasparetti et al., 2014). In spite
of that, general evaluation frameworks should take
into account both of the typologies in order to assess
the benefits of different strategies and adaptivity tech-
niques in the two scenarios.
3.3.2 “Plain” Matching
Several focused crawlers use text similarity measures
for comparing the content extracted from the crawled
pages and a representation of the topic that drives the
If both topics and contents are described by key-
words, the relevance between them can be calculated
by one of the well-known approaches proposed in the
IR, such as:
VSM. Vector Space Model (e.g., (Hersovicia et al.,
NB. Naive Bayes classifiers trained on a subset of
documents related to the topic (e.g, (Chakrabarti
et al., 1999; Chakrabarti et al., 2002))
SVM. Support Vector Machine (e.g., (Ehrig and
Maedche, 2003; Choi et al., 2005; Luong et al.,
NN. Neural networks (e.g., (Menczer and Monge,
1999; Chau and Chen, 2003))
LSI. Latent Semantic Indexing (e.g., (Hao et al.,
The output is usually any real number between 0 and
: DxT [0, 1]. (1)
where D and T are the representations of the docu-
ment and topic, respectively.
A comparative evaluation shows how NB classi-
fiers are weak choices for guiding a focused crawler
when compared with SVM or NN (Pant and Srini-
vasan, 2005).
3.3.3 Taxonomy-based Matching
In order to more accurately drive the crawl, some fo-
cused crawlers use hierarchical structures for classify-
ing pages (Chakrabarti et al., 1999; Chen et al., 2008).
There are several complex hierarchical taxonomies
and ontologies available, e.g., Medical Subject Head-
ings, U.S. Patents, ODP and CIDOC Conceptual Ref-
erence Model for cultural heritage. Instead of binary
classifiers, where each category or class is treated sep-
arately, hierarchical categorisation may drop a docu-
ment into none, one, or more than one category. Users
instantiate a crawl by selecting one or more topics in
the given taxonomy.
Imagine a hierarchy with two top-level cate-
gories, e.g.,
Computers and Recreation
, and sev-
eral subcategories, such as
In a non-hierarchical model, a word like computer is
not very discriminating since it is associated with sev-
eral categories related to computers. In a hierarchical
model, more specialized words could be used as fea-
tures within the top-level
category to better
choose the right one for a given a document.
Chakrabarti et al. (Chakrabarti et al., 1999) de-
termine the relevance of one page analysing its an-
cestor categories. If one of those ancestors is in the
subset of topics selected by the user, the page is fur-
ther analysed because it covers more detailed topics.
The same approach can be employed in an evaluation
framework so that relevant documents are not ignored
because they do not ideally match the user topic.
Text descriptions of the descendants in the taxon-
omy can be used to improve the representation of the
topic of interests (Chen et al., 2008). Cross-language
hierarchical taxonomies can also be employed to al-
low focused crawlers analyse pages in different lan-
Menczer et al. propose to use the ODP taxon-
omy to automatically generate topics for the evalua-
tions (Menczer et al., 2004). Leaves with five or more
links are extracted and used as potential topics. In par-
ticular, the text corresponding to the title of the cate-
gory and the anchors of the external links become a
text description of each topic.
Hierarchical categorisation with SVM has been
proven to be an efficient and effective technique for
the classification of web content (Dumais and Chen,
2000). Other relevant approaches are based on the se-
mantic analysis of the content, e.g., (Limongelli et al.,
2011; Gentili et al., 2003; Biancalana et al., 2013).
3.3.4 Predicate-based Matching
A focused crawler estimates the likelihood that each
candidate link will lead to further relevant content.
Evidence such as links’ anchor text, URL words and
source page relevance are typically exploited in esti-
mating link value comparing the text against the cur-
rent topic of interest.
Aggarawal et al. (Aggarwal et al., 2001) propose
the definition of arbitrary predicates in order to better
perform the resource discovery. Besides simple key-
words, predicates may extend to peculiar characteris-
tics of the retrieved pages or properties of the link-
age topology. By analysing the characteristics of the
collected pages and the values of their predicates, it
is possible to understand the statistical relationship
between the predicates and the best candidate pages.
For instance, Diligenti et al. (Diligenti et al., 2000)
use the context-graph idea to learn the characteristics
of the best routes examining features collected from
paths leading up to the relevant nodes.
Besides sets of keywords, predicates give users
the chance to represent the features that the retrieved
pages must own in order to be judged relevant. For
example, opinion and discourse analysis on contents
spread out on a sequence of connected pages might
unveil valuable information that strict keyword-based
relevance measures on single documents might miss.
While predicates are shown to be fundamen-
tal improvements in developing adaptive focused
crawlers (Micarelli and Gasparetti, 2007), there are
not attempts to use user-defined predicates to evalu-
ate the performance of the crawlers. Predicates are
usually very context-dependent, therefore they are
strongly affected by the specific goal, situation, do-
main, task or problem under examination. None of
the predicate-based approaches proposed in the liter-
ature propose a formal methodology for the definition
of those predicates. User-defined predicates are sub-
jective by nature, for this reason they are less suitable
for being included in general evaluation frameworks.
3.3.5 Authoritativeness
The overwhelming amount of information on the web
related to a potential topic of interest may hinder the
ability to make important decisions. One of the ad-
vantages of focused crawlers, that is the reduction of
the information overload, is only partially achieved
when the topics of interest is too general or vague.
Focused crawlers use topic distillation for finding
good hubs, i.e., pages containing large numbers of
links to relevant pages for updating the current queue
of URLs to visit (Kleinberg, 1998; Chakrabarti et al.,
1999). The purpose of topic distillation is to increase
the precision of the crawl, even if there is no trace of
the topic keywords in them. Pages and links form a
graph structure and connectivity analysis algorithms
based on a mutual reinforcement approach is able to
extract hubs and authority pages, that is relevantpages
pointed by hubs. Different topics may show different
topologies of interconnections between web pages.
Menczer et al. (Menczer et al., 2004) state how iter-
ative algorithms such as HITS and PageRank able to
extract meaning from link topology permit the search
to adapt to different kinds of topics.
While focused crawlers use hubs for finding new
seeds during the crawl, authority measures can be
used to evaluate the importance of the retrieved
pages. Despite similar performances, different fo-
cused crawlers may cover subspaces on the web with
low overlap. Due to dissimilar topologies, authority
measures better unveil different outputs and search
A clear limitation of these measures in an evalua-
tion framework is that they are computed on a partial
web graph built by extracting the links from the col-
lected documents obtaining a rough approximation of
their values. The use of a static large corpus (e.g.,
CommonCrawl) can overcome this obstacle.
3.4 Resource Contraints
Focused crawling identifies relevant documents re-
ducing the computational resources required by this
task. The principal computational resources are com-
putation time, network bandwidth and memory space.
While the processing speed and memory capacity cost
unit have been constantly reduced in recent years, net-
work bandwidth poses strong limits on the number of
documents that can be downloaded and evaluated.
Focused crawlers based on iterative algorithms
such as HITS, e.g., (Cho et al., 1998; Chakrabarti
et al., 1999; Rungsawang and Angkawattanawit,
2005) are expected to reduce the rate of page down-
loads when the set of hypertext documents is large.
Most of the current evaluations ignore experiments
that extend over 10 thousands of documents and
hence they just ignore this issue. Comparative anal-
ysis of focused crawlers that include iterative algo-
rithms should clearly state the asymptotic estimates
of the complexity, therefore ignoring the efficacy al-
teration due to potential different implementations of
the same algorithms.
In practice, a simple heuristic to determine the
CPU usage is monitoring the time elapsed before
reaching a given limit of retrieveddocuments. Results
should generally be averaged over several tests and
statistical significance values have to be computed in
order to reduce the effects of temporary Internet slow-
downs and prove the soundness of the evaluation.
3.5 Behaviour Analysis
An evaluation framework of focused crawling strate-
gies has to provide provable guarantees about their
performanceassessments. However,an algorithm that
works well in one practical domain might perform
poorly in another. Trend analysis on each topic based
on the information accumulated over a period of crawl
activity would permit to understand the variations of
the performances as a function of explicit or implicit
variables. The complexity of the topic, the amount
of links in the visited web graph or the unreachable
pages are only some of the variables that may strongly
alter the behaviour of the focused crawlers. While
an average on several tests may reduce the influence
of these variables on the final results, analysing some
measures during the crawl gives the chance to get dif-
ferent views on the performance and better charac-
terise the benefits and drawbacks of various strategies
in various contexts.
3.5.1 Precision, Recall and Harvest Rate
Precision and recall are two popular performance
measures defined in automated IR, well defined for
sets. The former P
corresponds to the fraction of top
r ranked documents that are relevant to the query over
the total number of retrieved documents, interesting
and not.
found + false alarm
while recall R
is the proportion of the total number
of relevant documents retrieved in the top r (cutoff)
over the total number of relevant documents available
in the environment:
found + miss
Precision and recall are virtually independent by
the relatedness measure definition, therefore it is pos-
sible to employ one of the above-mentioned measures
in order to identify relevant and irrelevant documents.
As pointed out in (Chakrabarti et al., 1999), the
recall indicator is hard to measure because it is im-
possible to clearly derive the total number of docu-
ments relevant to a topic due to the vastness of the
web, unless the backlink procedure for the seed se-
lection discussed in Sect. 3.2 is chosen.
If the precision of the fetched pages is computed
during the crawl, the curve of harvest rate h
(n) for
different time slices of the crawl is obtained, where n
is the current number of fetched pages (Chakrabarti
et al., 1999). This measure indicates if the crawler
gets lost during the search or if it is able to constantly
keep the search over the relevant documents. The har-
vest rate becomes a critical measures for analysing the
behaviour of the crawlers after alterations of the envi-
ronment or topics of interests (see Sect.3.7).
3.5.2 Deep Web Strategies
On a different note, most search engines cover what is
referred to as the publicly indexable Web but a large
portion of the Internet is dynamically generated and
such content typically requires users to have prior au-
thorisation, fill out forms, or register (Raghavan and
Garcia-Molina, 2001). Other information refers to
Twitter or Facebook posts, links buried many layers
down in a structured website, or results that sit so
far down the standard search results that typical users
will never find them. This covert side of the Internet
is commonly referred to as the hidden/deep/invisible
web. Hidden web content often corresponds to pre-
cious information stored in specialised databases. Fo-
cused crawlers have the chance to include novel deep
web crawling strategies in order to find out additional
relevant documents (Zheng et al., 2013). A feasible
measure to assess the effectiveness of these strategies
is based on the comparison of the retrieved pages with
the collection of pages retrieved by popular search en-
gines. A large subset of relevant documents that does
not overlap with the search engines’ collections is ex-
pected for good deep web strategies.
While these strategies are golden features useful
in several contexts and, therefore, required to be eval-
uated during the crawl, a very few attempts have been
proposed, and all of them limit the scope of their tech-
niques to strategies for specific portions of websites
(Bergholz and Chidlovskii, 2003; Liakos and Ntoulas,
3.6 Comparative Analyses
Section 3.1 discussed how focused crawling can be
seen as a particular instance of the IR task, which
goal is selecting a subset of documents from a large
collection relevant to a given topic. For this reason,
the long-lasting research activity in the IR evaluation
has the chance to support new frameworks for focused
Several IR experiments are designed followingthe
Cranfield paradigm, where same sets of documents,
topics and measures are used for various approaches
that are considered in isolation, freed as far as possi-
ble from the contamination of operational variables.
The experimental design calls for same corpus of hy-
pertext documents and same topics, with the com-
putation of the same effectiveness measures in order
to directly compare different approaches’ outcomes.
A performance comparison between adaptive, non-
adaptive and unfocused crawlers (e.g., breadth-first,
random strategy) can be easily obtained.
While hypertext test collections have been often
used in the IR domain (e.g., the ones provided by
the Text Retrieval Conference TREC), they show sev-
eral drawbacks in the focused crawling as discussed
in Par.3.1.
Current focused crawling evaluations (e.g., (Srini-
vasan et al., 2005; Menczer et al., 2004)) follow a hy-
brid approach, where each round of tests are based on
the same topic and measures but each single strategy
is evaluated allowing the crawler to directly access the
web. The authors make the assumption that the web
is not being altered between two evaluations. Except
if the evaluations take place very quickly one after an-
other, this assumption is clearly wrong.
A partial workaround consists in caching the ac-
cessed pages so that future requests and evaluations
for that data can be served ignoring potential occurred
alterations. Due to the locality reference of crawlers,
it is also possible to cache pages that are connected
by the ones that have been retrieved during the crawl
(i.e., prefetching). While caching can simulate sim-
ilar testbeds between evaluations of different search
strategies, it fails to maintain consistency between the
cache’s intermediate storage and the location where
the data resides. For example, home pages of news
websites such as CNN.com are usually altered sev-
eral times a day while other sections are not. Caching
techniques that store only part of these websites can-
not reproduce a valid image of their hypertext struc-
ture and reachable content. Once again, a large snap-
shot of the web is the only feasible way to guaran-
tee the same platform for experimentation for various
search strategies.
3.7 Adaptivity
Menczer et al. associate adaptivity to the approaches
that include any sort of machine learning techniques
for guiding search (Menczer et al., 2004). Adap-
tive techniques are basically seen as means to better
understand the environment and its peculiar relation-
ships with the topic. The environment and the topics
are perceived as static features.
On a different note, Micarelli and Gasparetti (Mi-
carelli and Gasparetti, 2007) extend the definition of
adaptive focused crawlers to the ones able to address
potential variations in the environment or in the topic
definition. As a matter of fact, two relevant adaptive
crawlers (Menczer and Monge, 1999; Gasparetti and
Micarelli, 2003) show both adaptive behaviour imple-
menting multi-agent evolutionary or optimisation al-
gorithms. For this reason, we should like to propose
a methodology and measures to effectively assess this
form of adaptation, whatever technology is chosen for
the implementation of the focused crawlers.
3.7.1 Domain Adaptivity
Empirical analysis of web page changes combined
with estimates of the size of the web states how an
mount close to 5% of the indexable web must be sub-
jected to re-index daily by search engines to keep
the collection up-to-date (Brewington and Cybenko,
2000). Several statistical approaches aim at predict-
ing whether a page will change based on the change
frequency for the same page observed over some
past historical window (Radinsky and Bennett, 2013).
Nevertheless to our knowledge, there is not any fo-
cused crawler that implements a scheduling policy for
revisiting web pages and adaptively alters its search
strategy accordingly. Tight restrictions on the net-
work bandwidth do not allow to allocate enough re-
sources for collecting evidence about change rates of
pages. Without these data, robust computationof tem-
poral change patterns and prediction activity are not
Singular exceptions are focused crawlers based on
genetic or ant paradigm approaches (Gasparetti and
Micarelli, 2003; Menczer et al., 2004). In both the ap-
proaches, a population of autonomous agents are able
to visit the environment collecting evidence about
potential alterations of content and hypertext struc-
ture. In spite of that, the authors have not included
the domain adaptivity characteristic in the evaluation
of their approaches, nor have not future comparative
studies done.
At the same time, estimating the importance of
each page during the discovery of the web graph
is one of the goals of the focused crawlers (Abite-
boul et al., 2003). In some circumstances, such as
stock market news, the importance is affected by the
freshness of the published content. Efficient focused
crawling strategies call for a better understanding of
this relationship and adaptively change the behaviour
of search for uncover the largest number of important
A feasible approach for evaluating these aspects
is by empirically measuring the time requested to re-
visit a carefully defined set of pages that have been
subjected of alterations in their content. In particular,
once a large set of cached pages have been collected
by previous evaluations, it is possible to identify the
subset W
of these pages that have been altered since
the beginning of the tests. By randomly choosing a
subset W
that satisfies a given percentage of
unique changes (e.g., 5%) and, at the same time, is
related to the current topics, new evaluations are per-
formed. Good adaptive strategies will access to these
pages W
sooner keeping the available computational
resources the same (see Par. 3.4).
3.7.2 Topic Adaptivity
A more subtle form of adaptivity regardsthe topic that
guides the crawl. Queries or interest profiles might be
altered during the crawl in various ways:
Generalisation: A similar or new topic seeking
more general information than the previous one;
Specialisation: A similar or new topic seeking
more specific information than the previous one;
Reformulation: A new topic that can be viewed as
neither a generalisation nor a specialisation, but a
reformulation of the topic.
While traditional IR approaches consider each query
independently one another, focused crawlers have the
chance to exploit collected evidence during previous
crawls to drive future exploratory activities on similar
topics saving computational resources.
Generalisation and specialisation are two forms
of topic alterations that can be easily automated by
employing a taxonomy-based representation of top-
ics, as discussed in Sect. 3.3.3. Lower levels of these
forms of topic organisations correspond to speciali-
sation while upper levels to generalisation. During
comparativeanalysis, several search strategies may be
affected by the same topic alteration. By monitoring
the impact of this alteration on the performance mea-
sures (e.g., average topic affinity of pages) it is pos-
sible to identify the approaches that better exploit the
collected evidence being able to promptly adapt the
The major contribution of the present position paper
is to propose an extended evaluation framework for
focused crawlers able to take into consideration adap-
tivity behaviours. A developed discussion on the lim-
itations of the current approaches allowed us to iden-
tify relevant features that have currently been ignored
in the literature. Moreover, using the lessons learned
from the previous crawler evaluation studies, the pro-
posed framework makes explicit reference to the mea-
sures proven to be fundamental so far.
We are currently planning to apply the described
methodology in a real scenario, where a compara-
tive analysis will analyse the performance of the most
popular adaptive focused crawlers.
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