Function-centered Engineering of Embedded Systems
Evaluating Industry Needs and Possible Solutions
Marian Daun
, Jens Höfflinger
and Thorsten Weyer
paluno- The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, 45127 Essen, Germany
Robert Bosch GmbH, 70442 Stuttgart, Germany
Keywords: Automotive Engineering, Early Design, Embedded Systems, Functional Design, Function-centered
Abstract: Research in engineering disciplines has to keep track of current developments and challenges in industry to
provide adequate solutions. As function-centered engineering of embedded systems is commonly used in
industry to cope with several challenges (e.g., to deal with the increasing number of functions realized in
software rather than in hardware, to reduce redundancy among functions implemented, to reduce the num-
ber of cost-intensive electronic control units and sensors, or to foster re-use of developed functions in multi-
ple systems and environments), it is of importance for research to identify challenges and needs arising from
function-centered engineering and to provide fitting solution concepts. To identify these industry needs, we
recently conducted a study among German embedded industry. We used a combination of different investi-
gation techniques (i.e. questionnaires, workshops and expert interviews, and case studies) to identify, con-
cretize, and verify industry needs. Furthermore, possible solution ideas were developed and evaluated to (i)
check appropriateness of identified needs and to gain more insights, as well as to (ii) provide first solution
concepts suitable for industry. This paper discusses the evaluation method, the major results and the current
state of the solution approach.
Embedded systems are highly integrated systems
consisting of hardware and software parts. The soft-
ware part of embedded systems is increasing and
more and more functionality is realized by software
(Broy. 2006). For example, the car’s engine temper-
ature is no longer measured using a specific sensor.
Nowadays, it is predicted using existing distant
sensors and algorithms. Within this evolution, func-
tionality is not only bound to single software func-
tions deployed on single control units. Functionality
is realized through the interplay of different func-
tions, even of different control units. For example,
passenger protection in crash situations is realized
by the interplay of: the door control unit (to unlock
the doors), the body control module (to use the turn
signals to indicate an accident), the engine control
unit (to stop the engine), and, of course, the airbags.
To design this functional interplay explicitly,
function-centered engineering (see e.g. (Pretschner
et al. 2007)) is commonly used. In function-centered
engineering, the system functions play a major role.
Therefore, a first functional design is created early in
the development process, right after the behavioral
requirements for the system have been specified (see
Figure 1). A functional design usually consists of
three types of artifacts: a function network which
defines the interactions and dependencies between
different functions, a function hierarchy which struc-
tures the system functions in terms of their sub-
functions, and diagrams defining the behavior of
each system function. The functional design then
serves as a basis for subsequent development activi-
ties like defining the electric and electronic architec-
ture or designing the deployment architecture.
To identify current industry needs and to meet
these needs by suitable solutions, we conducted a
study among German industry with regard to func-
tion-centered engineering of embedded systems. The
study was conducted in 2012/2013, participants stem
from large worldwide operating original equipment
manufacturers and suppliers. The study was qualita-
tive in nature with minor quantitative parts to gain
first insights. Therefore, we used questionnaires,
workshops and expert interviews, and case studies.
In addition, solution approaches were developed to
Daun M., Höfflinger J. and Weyer T..
Function-centered Engineering of Embedded Systems - Evaluating Industry Needs and Possible Solutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0004967202260234
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE-2014), pages 226-234
ISBN: 978-989-758-030-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Architectural Design
Function Network
Function Behavior
Function Hierarchy
Figure 1: Function-Centered Engineering Process and its Main Artifacts.
verify revealed needs, to gain further insights, and to
ensure suitability and appropriateness for industrial
usage. The study design is described in detail in
Section 2.
Section 3 discusses our main findings and the
current state of the solution approach: Automated
techniques for correctness checking and co-
evolution of engineering artifacts are desired to
support function-centered engineering. Albeit auto-
mated techniques are strongly desired, fully auto-
mated approaches are often not applicable to indus-
try (e.g. because in the development of safety-
critical systems decisions cannot be made in fully
automated manner). As solution the use of dedicated
review models for correctness checking and model
evolution seems appropriate. These models can be
created and processed in fully automated manner to
support manual decision-making by the responsible
engineer. In addition, if desired, further automated
techniques can be applied to aid the manual review.
In the end Section 4 concludes this paper and
discusses the generalizability of the results.
The study was designed to gain qualitative insights
into the current state of practice and industry needs.
Therefore, several techniques like questionnaires,
workshops and case studies were used to address the
following research questions:
RQ-1 Determine the current state of practice.
RQ-2 Identify problems and room for improvement
within the current state of practice.
RQ-3 Determine how the industry needs can be
solved by the use of current techniques, and
which enhancements are necessary.
Section 2.1 first introduces the participating compa-
nies. Section 2.2 details the investigative method and
Section 2.3 presents the techniques used.
2.1 Participants
The study was conducted among companies in-
volved in the German SPES 2020 XTCore project.
The participating companies have their main focus
of interest within the development of automotive or
avionic systems, are internationally operating, and
can be considered as large original equipment manu-
facturers or suppliers. The participants were chosen
by the companies and stem from research and pro-
ductive units. Most participants are working for at
least 5 years within the specific unit of the company.
They take part in the development process as re-
quirements engineer, function designer, architect, or
department/project leader.
2.2 Investigative Method
We performed our investigations in three steps (see
Figure 2). First, we developed an initial question-
naire to gain preliminary insights into the current
state of practice and into industry needs. Based on
the first results from the questionnaire, we conduct-
ed interviews with the participants as well as work-
shops to elaborate on the first results. Second, we
developed a solution approach to address the indus-
try needs that were revealed during the first step.
Third, we presented the solution approach to the
participants and conducted workshops and inter-
views again to gain more insights into their needs.
We used this newly gained knowledge to revise and
improve the solution approach. Besides, we also
applied our solution approach to industrial case
studies and presented them also to the participants.
Based on the feedback from the participants, we
once again concretized, revised, and enhanced our
knowledge about industry needs.
Figure 2: Used investigation techniques and results.
2.3 Used Elicitation Techniques
Questionnaire. The participants to the initial ques-
tionnaire were chosen and invited by their compa-
nies. The questionnaire itself was anonymous to
encourage real and unsugarcoated answers. This
prohibits drawing conclusions regarding a single
company. In total, 9 professionals participated in the
initial questionnaire.
The questionnaire was designed to get first in-
sights into current state of practice (RQ-1) and into
industry needs (RQ-2). Therefore, mostly half-open
questions were used to ensure all of participants’
answers could be sketched. Furthermore, 4-point or
6-point Likert scale items were used to elicit opin-
ions on industry needs and current state of practice.
This was chosen to force participants to make a
decision in terms of yes or no, good or bad, and not
allowing neutral answers. Also open questions were
used to give the participants the possibility to com-
ment on their answers and to discuss the understand-
ing of common used vocabulary. The questionnaire
itself was designed in iterative evolution by us, other
academic partners, and industry partners within the
SPES project. For final quality assurance, empirical
experts from the Fraunhofer Institute for Empirical
Software Engineering conducted a final review of
the questionnaire and provided suggestions.
Workshops and Expert Interviews. Experts partic-
ipating in interviews and workshops were also cho-
sen by the companies. Since questionnaires were
conducted anonymously, there is no knowledge
about the relationship between participants in the
questionnaire and participants in the interviews and
workshops. Most participants in the interviews or
discussion rounds were advanced engineers, with
knowledge gained by years of work within the com-
pany in different roles and projects. To reduce itera-
tion cycles between local workshops, regular tele-
phone conferences were held. This setting allowed
for fast feedback as well as fast rework of case stud-
ies and of the solution approach.
Workshops and expert interviews were conduct-
ed to validate and to detail the results taken from the
questionnaires. Furthermore, workshops were con-
ducted to evaluate possible solutions and the results
from the case studies. Thereby, the workshops ad-
dressed RQ-1, RQ-2, and also RQ-3.
Solution Approach. A solution approach was de-
veloped to support the identification of industry
needs (RQ-2) and to gain insights whether industry
needs may be solved by the current state of the art
(RQ-3). It revealed that the current state of the art
could not solve all industry needs. Therefore, we
developed our own initial solution approach based
on the state of the art. This initial solution approach
has been evaluated in workshops as appropriate and
will be enhanced in future work.
Case Studies. All case studies are typical represent-
atives of embedded systems of the automotive and
the avionic domain. The gained industry needs were
used to develop adequate case studies, for example,
of a lane keeping support, a parking assist system, or
a collision avoidance system. All case studies were
used to validate and concretize revealed industry
needs (RQ-2). Beside RQ-2, case studies also ad-
dressed RQ-3 by examining whether the developed
solution approach is appropriate.
Development of the case studies according to in-
dustry needs and the application of the solution
approach to the case studies were conducted in co-
operation between us, other academic partners, and
other industry partners.
During the study two major needs were identified:
(i) the need for continuous engineering (Section 3.1)
and (ii) the need to ensure correctness of the func-
tional design (Section 3.2). In addition, needs re-
garding the model usage in function-centered engi-
neering were unveiled (Section 3.3). These docu-
mentation formats result from the desire for continu-
ous engineering and correctness of the functional
design. They were also needed to develop a suitable
solution approach to meet industry needs. Section
3.4 presents the current state of the proposed solu-
tion approach.
3.1 Continuous Development
We investigated industry needs regarding the devel-
opment process of function-centered engineering. In
a first step, we evaluated the current situation of
development processes used within the participants’
companies. As Figure 3 (a) depicts, in general the
Use Questionnaires to
gain first Insights
Validate Results by
the use of Workshops
and ExpertInterviews
Document and
about Industry Needs
Develop and
Concretize possible
Develop realistic
industrial Case
Validate Solutionby
the use of Workshops
and ExpertInterviews
Validate Results by
the use of Workshops
and ExpertInterviews
Apply Solution
Approaches to the
(a) The current development process within our company is… (b) There is a need to develop an approach addressing the
continuous functional analysis of functional properties and
functional dependencies
(c) Consideration of function networks during development phases – current situation and needed situation
(d) Artifacts used and needed to document functional properties and functional dependencies
Figure 3: Results from the Questionnaires.
development process itself seems to be existent (i.e.
a systematic development process is applied and
pursued). It can also be recognized that model-based
development is used within the industry, as well as
explicit documentation seems to be rather common.
It becomes also clear, that most development pro-
cesses are rather uncontinuous. In addition, the re-
sults in Figure 3 (b) suggest that there is an intense
industry need to support continuous development
within function-centered engineering. This was
approved by the interviews and workshops.
To concretize the need regarding specific phases,
we asked the participants whether function networks
are considered during single development phases
within their companies and whether they think that
function networks should be considered in the single
phases. As the results depicted in Figure 3 (c) indi-
cate, function networks are currently mainly consid-
ered in basic design (i.e. the functional design is
built during basic design), and in configuration (i.e.
to derive single products from software product
lines). As shown, the most room for improvement is
seen regarding requirements engineering, detail
design (phase which develops the technical architec-
ture), safety engineering and testing.
In subsequent workshops and expert discussions
industry partners agreed on three major needs to
support the continuous development in function-
centered engineering:
Automated support for the evolution of the func-
tional design from behavioral requirements, and
for updating the functional design, due to chang-
es in the requirements specification.
Automated support for change propagation from
functional design back to the requirements. This
is due to the fact, that different responsible engi-
neers evolve the functional design and behavioral
requirements after their creation. These tasks are
often independent from each other and lead to
inconsistencies, which affect the correctness.
Automated support to develop artifacts in the
later phases. Since the functional design serves
as the major artifact of function-centered engi-
neering, all subsequent artifacts are based on the
functional design.
not clearly arranged
not existent
not model-based
clearly arranged
not agree tend to not
tend to
agree not
Basic Design Detail Design Implementation Test Safety Engineering Configuration
Functionnetworks are considered during these development phases within our company
There is a need for consideration of function networks within these development phases
Textual Design Textual
Scenario Models Logical/ Functional
Behavioral Models Contextual Models Informal Lines and
These artifacts support modelling of functional properties
These artifacts support modelling of functional dependencies
These artifacts are used within our company
These artifacts are used for documentation of functional properties and dependencies within our company
Solution Idea. To support the continuous develop-
ment in early phases, common model transformation
techniques (e.g. (Milicev. 2002)) may be used.
These approaches are adapted to fit the transfor-
mation from behavioral requirements to functional
design. Albeit, this seems to be an appropriate sup-
port to develop an initial consistent functional de-
sign, it does not support the continuous development
in later phases (when the behavioral requirements
and the functional design are already existent). Par-
ticipants claimed that a fully automated approach
(e.g. by use of model synchronization techniques
like (Giese and Wagner. 2006) or (Hermann et al.,
2013)) is desired, but not applicable. This is due to
parallel development: it is common in industry that
different specifications are reworked at the same
time. This means that changes may be applied to the
behavioral requirements, while at the same time
other changes are applied to the functional design.
Automated techniques cannot resolve inconsisten-
cies in this case, since it is not decidable, which
elements are correct. To address this issue the use of
dedicated review models seems appropriate. These
models are generated by automated model transfor-
mations and reviewed and revised by the responsible
engineer. Note that, these revisions may lead to
necessary changes to the source model as well.
These changes once again are propagated by the use
of another review model.
To support the development of artifacts of the
later phases, such as the electric and electronic archi-
tecture or the deployment architecture, existing au-
tomated techniques can be adopted. Therefore, graph
analysis techniques (e.g. (Cox et al., 2001)), or pat-
tern matching techniques (e.g. (Beyer et al., 2005),
or (Gross and Yu, 2001)) seem appropriate.
3.2 Correctness of the Functional
Discussions regarding the need for continuous de-
velopment and its possible solution pointed out that
the functional design is the central engineering arti-
fact and is connected to nearly all other artifacts
such as the behavioral requirements, the electric and
electronic design and the deployment architecture.
Therefore, industry professionals stressed the need
to ensure the correctness of the functional design.
In particular automated support for detection and
correction of deficiencies is needed. Following cir-
cumstances were described as major sources of an
incorrect functional design:
Changes to the behavioral requirements.
Changed stakeholder intentions, which have not
been documented within the behavioral require-
ments. These typically arise during the evolution
of the functional design and concretizations dis-
cussed with the stakeholders.
Unspecified behavior resulting from functional
interplay, which arises from the combination of
multiple functions. The single functions behav-
iors create new, unspecified behavior in their in-
terplay, much akin to feature interactions.
Solution Idea. Like supporting the continuous de-
velopment, the problem of decidability whether the
behavioral requirements or the functional design is
correct, prohibits the use of automated correctness-
checking techniques like (Clarke et al., 2009) or
(Holzmann, 1997). In addition, stakeholder inten-
tions may change due to realization decisions and
thereby both artifacts (the functional design and the
behavioral requirements) may become outdated.
Another reason, why current correctness-checking
techniques are not applicable is that they provide
only one single counterexample that is not related to
the original models. According to the participants,
this is also inadequate for industrial use. This finding
is consistent with shortcomings of model checking
described by (Borges et al., 2010).
In contrast manual review approaches seem to be
very effective in many studies (e.g. (Boehm and
Basili. 2001); (Gilb and Graham. 1993)). Especially
perspective-based reviews seem to be promising (cf.
e.g. (Shull et al. 2002)). In discussions, the partici-
pants also stated that they think perspective-based
reviews could be helpful to check the correctness of
the functional design. By application of this tech-
nique to the case studies, some deficiencies were
unveiled: e.g. manual reviews of both artifacts (be-
havioral requirements and functional design) did not
necessarily ensure consistency between them, and
architects reviewing the requirements and require-
ments engineers reviewing the functional design
were not familiar with the documentation languages
in which the respective artifacts were documented.
To this end it was agreed, that a dedicated review
model supports the correctness checking of the func-
tional design best. The review model can be derived
by automated model transformations from behavior-
al requirements and functional design. Thereafter,
manual and automated reviews can be performed to
ensure the correctness of the review model. By fully
automated back transformations of the review model
changes can be propagated and the correctness be
ensured. As the use of a review model is also sug-
gested to address continuous function-centered engi-
neering, this is convenient to increase acceptability,
since model evolution and correctness checking can
be conducted within one step.
3.3 Model Usage
As the functional design is the central development
artifact and the correctness of the functional design
is related to the documented behavioral require-
ments, requirements regarding both artifacts were
elicited. To determine which model types are neces-
sary to document requirements and the functional
design, we questioned the possible benefit of model
types to support the documentation of functional
properties and functional dependencies. We also
asked about the current overall usage of these arti-
fact types within the interviewees’ companies and
their current usage to support documentation of
functional properties and functional dependencies.
The results are depicted in Figure 3 (d). By further
interviews, these results have been concretized.
Behavioral Requirements. Currently, textual re-
quirements, scenario models, behavior models and
context models are mainly used for specifying em-
bedded software requirements in practice. All of
them seem to be appropriate to support the docu-
mentation of functional properties and functional
dependencies. But, neither of them is used to support
the documentation of functional properties and de-
pendencies in practice. By further discussions with
domain experts we gained the insight that this is
once due to the use of partial models in different
languages and once due to the fact that many func-
tional dependencies result from design decisions not
taken during requirements engineering.
Use of interviews and applications to the case
studies gave rise to the comprehension that the most
valued requirements for embedded systems are be-
havioral requirements. To be more precise, especial-
ly interaction-based behavioral requirements models
(e.g. sequence diagrams) have been proven useful in
the context of embedded systems. This is due to
their capabilities in discussing stakeholder intentions
(which are well known from scenario-based re-
quirements engineering) and due to their ability to
focus on the externally visible behavior by means of
interactions. The latter is of special interest to agree
on the interfaces of the embedded software and to
separate the software under development from its
As Figure 3 (d) shows, textual requirements are
used and seem to be able to support the documenta-
tion of functional properties and dependencies. By
further discussions it was revealed that textual re-
quirements are mostly used due to contractual needs
between supplier and integrator or supplier and sub-
supplier. From application of the case studies and
further investigations, it was agreed that textual
requirements as well as textual design documents do
not support function-centered engineering adequate-
ly: textual requirements and design artifacts lack
formalism, which is needed to support industry
needs regarding automated support for continuous
development and formal proof of correctness.
Solution Idea. As discussed, behavioral require-
ments are defined to distinguish between the system
and its context, to briefly sketch the system’s inter-
faces in terms of message exchanges and to describe
the intended system behavior in terms of inputs and
outputs. To document such behavioral requirements,
interaction-based models are appropriate. In the
engineering of embedded software, message se-
quence charts (ITU. 2011) are commonly used for
this purpose (Weber and Weisbrod, 2002). There-
fore, the participants of our study agreed on using
message sequence charts for documenting behavior-
al requirements. Their formal semantics (see (ITU,
2011), (Mauw and Reniers, 1999), and (Hélouёt and
Maigat, 2001)) adequately support the usage of
automated techniques.
Functional Design. As Figure 3 (d) depicts, behav-
ioral models, logical/structural models and context
aspects seem to be of specific importance to the
function-centered engineering process. Since the
functional design is the central artifact of function-
centered engineering, it is important to keep the
functional design self-contained. Workshops, inter-
views and applications to the case studies revealed
following requirements for the desired documenta-
tion format of the functional design.
Specify the behavior of system functions. Fur-
thermore, not only the behavior of single system
functions has to be defined, there is a specific
need to reckon the functional behavior resulting
from the interplay of different system functions.
Document the structure of functional dependen-
cies. For example, these dependencies are needed
to analyze the functional design, to detect defi-
ciencies or to support the partitioning of func-
tions for the electric and electronic design.
Separate between system functions and context
functions. Context functions are functions in the
context of the software under development. They
belong to other software parts of the system, can
be used, but not changed.
Solution Idea. To address all requirements, a model
for the functional design, consisting of three diagram
types, was developed. As it is common to use com-
plementary diagrams to describe function behavior
(e.g. (Klein et al., 2004)), we suggested the use of
interface automata (cf. (Alfaro and Henzinger,
2001)) to describe the functional behavior of single
functions. Interface automata can be composed to
describe the overall system behavior. To document
the functional hierarchy, we suggested the use of
feature trees (cf. (Kang et al., 1998)). On the one
hand, these diagrams are common in industry and,
on the other hand, they provide the opportunity to
describe variability which is of specific relevance to
the automotive industry. In addition, to document
functional dependencies, we suggested the use of
function network diagrams. Current notations lack
the necessary formalization to address industry
needs regarding automation (cf. (Brinkkemper and
Pachidi, 2010)). Therefore, a formalized diagram
type was defined, that is compatible to the informal
diagrams currently used in industry (e.g. (Jantsch
and Sander. 2000), (Grönniger et al., 2008), or
(Beeck, 2007)).
3.4 Solution Approach
As explained in Section 2, a solution approach was
developed (i) to address the revealed industry needs
and thereby improve current function-centered engi-
neering processes, and (ii) to validate and concretize
the revealed industry needs themselves. While sev-
eral solution ideas approved by industry profession-
als were discussed within Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3,
this section summarizes the current state of the over-
all approach and discusses necessary future en-
hancements. A more detailed view on several parts
of the solution can be found in (Daun et al., 2014).
The main idea is based on the use of dedicated
review models to support continuous model evolu-
tion between behavioral requirements and functional
design, and to support correctness checking of the
functional design. The solution approach mainly
uses adaptations and enhancements of existing tech-
niques to address the automated creation of the re-
view model and its back transformation. Therefore,
model synthesis and transformation were designed
to address behavioral requirements (described by use
of message sequence charts) and a functional design
(described by function network diagrams, function
behavior diagrams, and function hierarchy dia-
grams). The process steps for creation and pro-
cessing of the review models are sketched in Figure
4. To review and evolve the functional design, the
requirements engineer is provided with a behavioral
requirements like description of the functional de-
sign, the functional architect is provided with a func-
tional design like description of the behavioral re
Figure 4: Proposed solution concept.
As discussed, future work will have to deal with
the automated analysis of the functional design to
support the creation of subsequent artifacts like the
deployment architecture. Promising techniques to
foster this issue were identified, but were not applied
to the case studies, yet. Such automated techniques
are also desired to support the review itself, for ex-
ample to determine, which parts of the review model
are probably incorrect and what solutions could be
like. In addition, the current solution revealed the
desire for more concrete diagrams within the review
models. For example, to detect functional interplay
and to decide, whether this interplay is desired or not
specific diagrams, detailing only the interplay could
support the engineers. Therefore, current approaches
to detect implied scenarios (e.g. (Letier et al., 2005),
or (Alur et al. 2000)) and approaches dealing with
the feature interaction problem e.g. ((Felty and Nam-
joshi, 2003), or (Shiri et al., 2007)) seem promising.
We presented a study conducted to gain insights into
industry needs regarding the function-centered engi-
neering of embedded systems. The study design, the
major industry needs revealed and ideas for suitable
solutions to the industry needs were discussed in
more detail. It revealed that industry desires auto-
mated method support to foster continuous engineer-
ing and model evolution as well as correctness
checking of the functional design, which is the main
artifact in function-centered engineering. As fully
automated techniques were evaluated as not applica-
ble in every situation, the presented preliminary
solution approach is widely based on dedicated re-
view models. These models can be created in auto-
mated manner and the review results can be pro-
cessed fully automated as well, but the review itself
is mainly based on manual investigations.
As the study was conducted among German in-
dustry and the number of participants was small it
must be discussed, whether the results are general-
izable or not. The participating companies were
asked to send only professionals that are representa-
tive for the company. Furthermore, the questionnaire
was not used to determine industry needs presented
within this paper. The questionnaire was used to
gain first insights into potential industry needs.
Therefore, the results of the questionnaires were
qualified by interviews. Afterwards, they were con-
cretized and confirmed by the use of workshops and
by the use of industrial case studies. By the combi-
nation of these techniques, we assume that the re-
sults are representative for at least large European
companies in the automotive and avionics domain.
Participants stem from worldwide operating compa-
nies with branches in other countries, especially
throughout Europe, which indicates, that our find-
ings are not bound to national borders. Beside of
this, we assume that our findings are probably not
valid for all parts of the embedded systems domain:
Since the usage of model-based engineering and the
desire for consistency and correctness within speci-
fications is related to the development of safety-
critical systems.
The research serving as basis for this paper has has
been funded in part by the German Federal Ministry
of Education and Research (support code:
01IS12005C+M). We thank Carsten Albers (with
Inchron), Arnaud Boyer (with Airbus) and Matthias
Büker (with the offis institute) for their fruitful sup-
port in designing the questionnaire and conducting
the study. We thank Nelufar Ulfat-Bunyadi (with
paluno) for the inspiring discussions about the paper.
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