ing the implementation and communication with the
server component, hosting the process engine, have
been highlighted. Finally, we discussed the benefits
of using process-aware questionnaire application for
mobile data collection.
In future work, we plan to extend our approach
with additional features. First, we will provide a mo-
bile process engine running on the smart mobile de-
vice itself. This will enable a process-driven enact-
ment of questionnaire instances even if no permanent
internet connection is available. We consider this as a
fundamental feature for enabling flexible data collec-
tion applications on smart mobile devices. However,
this will be accompanied with other problems, such
as the proper synchronization among multiple devices
(e.g., if changes were made to the model of the ques-
tionnaire) in order to keep the devices at the same
level of information. In addition, we want to concep-
tualize a generic questionnaire system, which is able
to support the complete lifecycle of a questionnaire.
To disseminate this system among domain experts be-
ing unfamiliar and unaware of modeling process logic
with standard notations, in addition, an easy to under-
stand, but still precise notation for defining process-
aware questionnaires is needed. To further enhance
data analysis capabilities (e.g., further analysis of the
given answers), we have started to integrate sensors
measuring vital signs in order to gather other informa-
tion about subjects during interviews (Schobel et al.,
2013). As a major benefit of the framework, we ex-
pect higher data quality, shorter evaluation cycles and
a significant decrease in workload. In particular, it en-
ables a high level of abstraction in defining electronic
questionnaires that may run on smart mobile devices.
Supported by funds from the program Research initia-
tives, intrastructure, network and transfer plattforms
in the framework of the DFG Excellence Initiative -
Third Funding Line.
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