In this paper, we have proposed a new approach of
detecting social interests. This approach is based on
analyzing the tagging behaviour of each user. In fact,
the analyze aims to extract the most accurate tags ac-
cording to their relevance to the content of the tagged
resources. We have tested our approach in Delicious
database. The validation of the results is done by
comparing the tags of each user with the result of tags
issued from our approach using users’ neighbours (his
community). The proposed approach is able to de-
tect potential user’s interests by analyzing their social
behaviour. Moreover, it improves the quality of the
detected interests (tags) by decreasing implicitly their
ambiguity. Then, it could be used for a purpose of
adaptation since it provides a solution for detecting
users’ interests.
In future works, we will validate our approach ac-
cording to another type of neighbours such as the ego-
centric network. This test allows us to deduce the
neighbours which reflect the most the user’s interests.
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