Analyzing Tagged Resources for Social Interests Detection
Manel Mezghani
, Andr
e P
, Corinne Amel Zayani
, Ikram Amous
and Florence S
Department of Computer Science, Sfax University, MIRACL Laboratory, Sfax, Tunisia
Department of Computer Science, Paul Sabatier University, IRIT Laboratory, Toulouse, France
User Interests, Tagging Behaviour, Resources, Social Network, Adaptation.
The social user is characterized by his social activity like sharing information, making relationships, etc. With
the evolution of social content, the user needs more accurate information that reflects his interests. We focus on
analyzing user’s interests which are key elements for improving adaptation (recommendation, personalization,
etc.). In this article, we are interested to overcome issues that influence the quality of adaptation in social
networks, such as the accuracy of user’s interests. The originality of our approach is the proposal of a new
technique of user’s interests detection by analyzing the accuracy of the tagging behaviour of the users in
order to figure out the tags which really reflect the resources content. We focus on semi-structured data
(resources), since they provide more comprehensible information. Our approach has been tested and evaluated
in Delicious social database. A comparison between our approach and classical tag-based approach shows that
our approach performs better.
The social user is characterized by his social activity
like sharing information, making relationships, etc.
With the evolution of social content, the user needs
more accurate information that reflects his interests
in order to provide better adaptation. A profile which
reflects the appropriate characteristics (interests, pref-
erences, etc.) could avoid cognitive overload and dis-
orientation of the user when accessing the information
The adaptation is a process strongly related to the
user modelling. In fact, each user has specific needs
and then he needs specific adaptation. We are inter-
ested in adaptation of semi-structured data (resources)
like the work of (Zayani et al., 2007) which proposes
a priori adaptation of semi-structured data indepen-
dently of the domain of application. We also want to
address the work of (Rebai et al., 2013) which pro-
poses an adaptation of navigation method based on
semi-structured data by analyzing the navigation be-
haviour of the user. In our work, we analyze the
tagging behaviour of each user applied to a semi-
structured data (resources) in order to extract relevant
interests. These interests could be used for an adapta-
tion purpose in further works.
User’s interests are extracted in a popular way,
from his own profile (e.g. interests attribute) or from
his social behaviour (e.g. tagging behaviour) or his
social network (e.g. friends). However, detecting
user’s interests is a crucial problem (Milicevic et al.,
2010). In fact, the user profile building process suffers
from the lack of information provided by the user. In-
deed, the user generally doesn’t give all the informa-
tion related to his interests and then the user profile
can never be considered fully known by a system. So,
in order to overcome such a problem, the researchers
have analyzed the social environment of the user (As-
train et al., 2010) such as his neighbours (persons con-
nected to the user explicitly or implicitly), his tagging
behaviour (the action of tagging resources), or even
the objects (resources) he interacts with.
Through an architecture of adaptation proposed in
(Mezghani et al., 2012a), we will propose an interests
detection approach. The originality of our approach
is the proposal of a new technique of user’s interests
detection by analyzing the accuracy of the tagging
behaviour of the user in order to figure out the tags
which really reflect the resources content.
In this paper, we first show how researches have
integrated the tag information, the neighbours and
the resources content to detect user’s interests for an
adaptation purpose. In the second section, we propose
our method of detecting interests and the experiments
done to validate it. Finally, we conclude and propose
our future works.
Mezghani M., Péninou A., Zayani C., Amous I. and Sèdes F..
Analyzing Tagged Resources for Social Interests Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0004971303400345
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 340-345
ISBN: 978-989-758-027-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this section, we discuss researches done in order to
detect user’s interests in social context. Then we dis-
cuss the main differences between our approach and
the other researches.
2.1 Detecting User’s Interests
Detecting user’s interests exists before the creation of
social networks. It fact, researchers analyze the user
behaviour by observing his actions on a web page like
time spending reading the web page, number of the
movements of scrolling, etc., or by extracting key-
words from the document already read.
As these classic solutions aren’t always efficient
to reflect the real user’s interests (Ma et al., 2011) and
with the creation of social networks, new solutions
are envisaged. In fact, the user becomes an active
contributor for creating social content and then new
users manners are created which contribute to deduce
his interests. According to (Astrain et al., 2010), in-
terests could be deduced based on the user, the object
or even the tag. The tagging behaviour is described
as the connection of these three elements, since it is
described as the action of tagging a resource (object)
by a user. We discuss some researches done based on
each element.
For the user, social interests are detected based
on the user’s profile. The profile could be explicitly
provided by the user profile (Zayani et al., 2007), or
implicitly deduced from his behaviour of navigation
(Rebai et al., 2013) or behaviour of tagging. The user-
based interests detection is also related to the other
users in the network (neighbours). Even that neigh-
bours could disorient the user (e.g. as spammers),
they could be used for detecting pertinent interests
(Kim et al., 2011). Social interests could also be de-
duced from users’ relationships like (Tchuente et al.,
2013) who extract social interests from the egocentric
network of the user.
For the object, interests are deduced based on the
objects that the user access. (White et al., 2009)
combine interests of other users who have visited the
same web page in order to recommend web pages.
More recently, (Ma et al., 2011) combine the inter-
ests from different sources with a semantic reason-
ing, in order to extend the interests list. Objects could
be any type of resource (text, image, etc.). Even that
these works consider the resource, they do not analyze
their content. To analyze the resource content, differ-
ent techniques exist such as the indexation technique.
This latter, is used in order to extract the significant
terms from resources. After indexing resources, dif-
ferent scoring function could be applied in order to
detect the most relevant resource according to a spe-
cific query (Vallet et al., 2010).
For the tag, it has proved its utility to detect
user’s interests (Kim et al., 2011). The tag is a user-
generated keyword which reflects the users opinion in
a resource (Astrain et al., 2010). Tag-based interests
detection is based on the user’s tagging behaviour by:
i) integrating the history of the tagging behaviour in
order to recommend tags or content e.g. (Wang et al.,
2010), ii) analyzing used tags (Meo et al., 2010), iii)
combining user’s interests with information extracted
from his tagging activities in order to recommend tags
(Godoy and Amandi, 2008) or even iv) use the tag
information by analyzing the semantic of tags (Kim
et al., 2011).
2.2 Synthesis
After presenting some researches done to analyse
the tagging behaviour elements, we discuss the main
differences between our approach and the other re-
Unlike most of the researches which focus on the
tag content considered as an interest (by analyzing the
semantic of the tags for example), we focus on ana-
lyzing the accuracy of the tags with the resources con-
We focus on analyzing the object-based rather
than the user-based interests detection. In fact object-
based interests detection provides richer information
than the user-based method (Song et al., 2011).
For object-based interests detection, most of re-
searches do not consider the accuracy of the tags with
the object (resource) content. This problem has been
cited in (Milicevic et al., 2010). However, the pro-
posed approaches use techniques such as clustering,
semantic treatment, etc. and neither of them analyze
the resources content in their works.
Dealing with the accuracy of the tag could over-
come problems related to the nature of these social
annotations. The first problem is that these tags could
be considered as personal and reflect the ”feeling” of
the user and rather than the content of the resource.
Example: ”good”, ”awesome”, etc. The second prob-
lem is the ambiguity associated with the tags since
they are user generated keywords and do not follow
any rules. These problems have been treated explic-
itly in some researches (see (Mezghani et al., 2012b)
and (Milicevic et al., 2010) for more details). In our
approach, these drawbacks will be treated implicitly
while detecting the accurate tags.
To summarize, our approach uses tags and treats
them according to the content of their respective re-
sources. Accurate tags are those reflecting the re-
sources content. The result is validated by match-
ing accurate tags found by our approach (which uses
user’s neighbours) with the user’s real tags (those
used by the user). This validation method has been
proposed by (Tchuente et al., 2013).
In this section, we use the architecture of the so-
cial adaptation proposed in (Mezghani et al., 2012a).
We focus on the modules used from this architec-
ture for developing the user’s interests detection ap-
proach. Then, we propose our approach for detecting
the user’s interests.
3.1 Architecture
User’s interests detection is a part of the user mod-
elling module extracted from the proposed architec-
ture of adaptation of social navigation in (Mezghani
et al., 2012a) (see figure 1). The adaptation of so-
cial navigation is reached through a recommendation
technique, which needs pertinent information about
user’s interests.
Figure 1: Architecture of adaptation of social navigation
(Mezghani et al., 2012a).
In order to achieve our goal, we use the databases:
The DB Social Network: This database contains
data about the objects in the social network in-
cluding the data about the resources and users.
The data exploited in this approach are extracted
from a specific social network (Delicious, CiteU-
like,, movieLens, etc.). Social informa-
tion adapted is depending on the social network
(e.g. bookmarks in Delicious, scientific articles in
CiteUlike, music in and video in movie-
The DB User Model: This database uses infor-
mation from the DB social network. This module
specifies information about users and networks of
users (interests, preferences, friends, professional
relationships, etc.).
The DB Contents: This database uses also infor-
mation from the DB social network. This module
stores information about the resources of the so-
cial network (type of resource, tags associated by
each users, metadata, etc.).
We detail the essential modules for detecting
user’s interests such as the social networking module
and the tagging behaviour module as follows:
Social Networking Module: This module exploits
the user modelling module by analyzing the sim-
ilarity between users to build networks of similar
users using same tags and access the user’s pro-
files to build networks of friends. This module is
able to identify similar users with a similar tag-
ging behaviour. Based on social relation, it is able
to send information such as most popular users,
friends, etc. for the adaptation module. So, the
user’s neighbours are extracted from Social net-
working module.
Tagging Behaviour Module: This module con-
tains data about the users who tags the resources
of various types (e.g. photos, videos, scientific pa-
pers, etc.). Generally this activity is represented in
a tripartite model (see equation 1) which describes
the users U, the resources being tagged R and the
tags T.
Tagging relation :< U,T, R > (1)
3.2 The Development of the User
Modelling Module
This module aims to create and update the user pro-
file. We focus on the creation process (through the
creation sub-module) which includes the interests de-
tection approach. In our approach, we analyse the
tags assigned to the resources to detect user’s inter-
ests. This approach of detecting interests is applied to
each user’s neighbours. The neighbours could be de-
tected through different ways (an egocentric network,
users in the same community, users sharing common
behaviours, etc.).
Before explaining our approach, we focus on the
preparation of the data used to achieve an efficient in-
terests detection approach (figure 2).
Figure 2: Data preparation.
We extract in the first step the data used in
our approach: i) the tagging behaviour relations (<
U,T, R >), which are composed of the tags applied to
the resources by each user. This information is ex-
tracted from the tagging behaviour module. ii) The
resources content which is extracted from the DB con-
tent model and iii) the neighbours which is extracted
from the DB user model.
In the second step, we index the resources, us-
ing the Lucene API
. Lucene is a tool for indexing
and searching technology. We use it in order to fig-
ure out the tags which are the most accurate with re-
gards to the content of the tagged resource. Lucene
is a field-based indexation technique. This character-
istic allows indexing the documents according to one
or more fields. For example, fields could be the title,
the content, the URL, etc. In our approach, the index-
ation process has been made according to the content
of the resource. The indexing process is explained as
follows: when Lucene indexes documents, it divides
them into a number of terms. Then, it stores the terms
in an index file, where each term is associated with the
document content. Terms are generated using an ana-
lyzer that converts each word in its root form. When
a request is made it is treated by the same analyzer
used to build the index and then used to find the cor-
responding term(s) in the index. This provides a list
of documents matching the query.
After preparing the data, we explain the process of
detecting the user’s interests. The following steps are
iterated for all tags of each user’s neighbours.
In the first step, we generate the resources rele-
vant to a specific query. A query is considered as a
tag. This step is performed according to the index file
generated from the indexation process.
In the second step, we assign a score to each rele-
vant resource (issued from the previous step) accord-
ing to the assigned tags. This score is the result of
a function of similarity which takes into considera-
tion the resource (as a semi-structured resource) and
the query (as a tag). Many similarity functions exist
in the literature such as the similarity function sup-
ported by Lucene
. We choose a predefined function
See 6 2 /api/core/org/
of similarity which is a variant of the TF-IDF scoring
model. The choice of such a model is due to the fact
that the TF-IDF is an efficient and simple algorithm
for matching words in a query to resources that are
relevant to that query. However, the main limitation
of such a model is that it doesn’t take into consider-
ation the relations between words (e.g. synonyms).
The scoring function provides a result of the top-k re-
sources relevant to the query q (the tag). In the last
step, we test if the resource tagged by the query q
exists in the top-k resources provided by the scoring
function. If it is the case, we state the tag as relevant
to the resource.
In order to validate our finding, we compare the
founded relevant tags (our approach applied to user’s
neighbours) with the user’s tags (real tagging be-
haviour). The validation of the detected interests, is
done through a test of existence of the detected inter-
ests (from the neighbours) with the user’s interests.
This test is done through two methods:
By a simple matching technique (i.e. if user-
tag=”picture” and neighbour-tag=”picture”, then
the tag” picture” is considered relevant).
By taking into consideration the synonyms and
the related words (i.e.: if user-tag=”pictures” or
”photo” and neighbour-tag=”picture”, then the tag
”picture” is considered relevant). The synonyms
and related words are detected by interrogating
We experiment our approach through the Delicious
social database. First, we evaluate our approach ac-
cording to the community of the user (issued from a
specific community detection algorithm). The eval-
uation aims to compare the founded results with the
existing user’s tags. The comparison could be done
by a simple matching technique or by considering the
synonyms and related words. We test these two meth-
ods, and we retain the one which provides the best
results to do the rest of the evaluations. Finally, we
compare our approach (that analyzes the tagged re-
source) with the tag-based approach that uses the tag
information without any pre-treatment (tags provided
directly from the user).
4.1 Evaluation According to the
The definition of the term community varies from a
work to another. In our work, we use the defini-
tion proposed by (Cazabet et al., 2010) and used
in (Tchuente et al., 2013). The community is de-
tected through an algorithm called ”iLCD” which has
proven his utility. We use this algorithm in order to
generate communities associated to the database. The
Delicious database contains social networking, book-
marking, and tagging information. This database is
extracted from (Ivan et al., 2011). We present some
statistics of the data present in this database: 1867
users, 69226 URLs and 53388 tags.
We run our approach on all the users of the
database. These users have different number of neigh-
bours (which may vary from 1 to 50 neighbours). The
number of tags, resources and tagging relations is dif-
ferent for each user. This number may roughly vary
from 3 to 800 for the tags, from 10 to 450 for the re-
sources, and from 20 to 500 for the tagging relations.
We calculate the precision of the detected interests
according to the tags in the neighbours’ profiles. The
precision P(u) for each user u is calculated according
to the number of accurate tags (C
) and the total
number of tags provided as accurate (I
) (formula 2).
P(u) = |C
| (2)
Our approach has been tested with different value of
k such as k=20, k=50 and k=100. We calculate the
average precision for all users (formula 3) provided
from the precision formula P(u) for the user u. Where
n=number of the users (in our case n=1867).
Average Precision =
P(u)/n (3)
We calculate the precision for both methods of evalu-
ation (the matching technique and with the synonyms
and related words) (figure 3).
Figure 3: The average precision according to k=20, k=50
and k=100 according to the community.
We clearly see that the average precision that takes
into consideration synonyms and related words is bet-
ter that the matching technique. This is obvious be-
cause users may have the same interests but they may
describe them differently.
We choose k=100 for the rest of the evaluation
since it provides better results. We calculate the av-
erage precision of all users in the database according
to i) the matching technique and according to ii )syn-
onyms and related words. The average precision for
the matching technique is 42.15% and for synonyms
and related words is 61.85%. We notice that the con-
sideration of synonyms and related words provides
higher precision values. Moreover, we notice that the
precision (for the two methods of comparison) varies
according to different cases: i) the precision is higher
for active users (having a lot of neighbours and a lot
of tagging behaviour). ii) the precision is less higher
for less active users. iii) the precision is equal to zero
for some users due to the incoherence of the amount
of information provided by the user versus his neigh-
bours or vice versa.
We test if our approach treated the ambiguity of
the tags. We notice that, the accurate interests pro-
vided by our approach are comprehensible keywords
which reflect really the resource content like ”tech-
nology”, ”foursquare”, ”history”, etc. This is an ad-
vantage since tags are user-generated keywords. Our
approach has filtered ambiguous tags (e.g.:”gis”) that
are not comprehensible by other users. Tags ambi-
guity has decreased from 35% to 10% according to
WordNet, without developing an explicit method for
tag filtering.
4.2 Comparison Between Our
Approach and the Tag-based
Using the same set of users, we compare our approach
with the tag-based approach that uses only the tag in-
formation. We compare according to the k=100 of
our approach (since it provides better results). Also,
we compare by taking into consideration synonyms
and related words since it is better than the matching
technique. We calculate the average precision of all
users in the database and compare it with the average
precision provided by our approach. The precision of
our approach is equal to 61.85% and of the tag-based
approach is equal to 32.55%.
Our approach overcomes the tag-based approach
in term of precision. This is due to the considera-
tion of the content of the resources analyzed for the
selection of relevant tags. The selection process has
implicitly filter ambiguous tags that may not be com-
prehensible for other users. Consequently, we obtain
a higher precision that the tag-based approach.
In this paper, we have proposed a new approach of
detecting social interests. This approach is based on
analyzing the tagging behaviour of each user. In fact,
the analyze aims to extract the most accurate tags ac-
cording to their relevance to the content of the tagged
resources. We have tested our approach in Delicious
database. The validation of the results is done by
comparing the tags of each user with the result of tags
issued from our approach using users’ neighbours (his
community). The proposed approach is able to de-
tect potential user’s interests by analyzing their social
behaviour. Moreover, it improves the quality of the
detected interests (tags) by decreasing implicitly their
ambiguity. Then, it could be used for a purpose of
adaptation since it provides a solution for detecting
users’ interests.
In future works, we will validate our approach ac-
cording to another type of neighbours such as the ego-
centric network. This test allows us to deduce the
neighbours which reflect the most the user’s interests.
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