Slrtool: A Tool to Support Collaborative Systematic Literature Reviews
Balbir S. Barn, Franco Raimondi, Lalith Athappian and Tony Clark
Deptartment of Computer Science, Middlesex University, London, U.K.
Systematic Literature Review, Software Tool, Collaborative Research Process.
Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs) are used in a number of fields to produce unbiased accounts of spe-
cific research topics. SLRs and meta-analysis techniques are increasingly being used in other fields as well,
from Social Sciences to Software Engineering. This paper presents the SLRTool tool - an open source, web-
based, multi-user tool that supports the SLR process for a range of research areas. The tool is available at and is developed using a model-driven approach to enable its adaptation to dif-
ferent disciplines. The functionality of the tool is presented in the context of support for various phases of
the SLR process. The use of the tool is illustrated by means of a simulated SLR aiming to map out existing
research in the domain of Enterprise Architecture (EA). Commentary on the use of the tool and potential addi-
tional benefits are discussed, for example, the role of the tool in non-medical meta-studies.The SLRTool tool
supports all phases of the SLR process and lends itself to creating and supporting research communities geared
to SLR oriented activities. In particular, the tool could be suitable for the novice researcher community.
The systematic literature review (SLR) is an increas-
ingly important research strategy for extracting new
knowledge from existing research data. The SLR pro-
cess originated from the medical field but is now com-
mon across many disciplines, including Social Sci-
ences and Computer Science. The SLR process is a
well defined, methodical approach for identifying, as-
sessing and evaluating existing published studies to
support the exploration of one or more specific re-
search questions.
The leading effort to formalize the SLR process
has been carried out by Kitchenham et al for Soft-
ware Engineering (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007).
In their work they propose a set of guidelines which
are obtained by synthesising the guidelines provided
in other fields, including the Cochrane Handbook (
In Software Engineering (SE) and Information
Systems, SLRs have been published on a range of
topics including: open source software development
(Hauge et al., 2010), classifying requirements speci-
fication errors (Walia and Carver, 2009), motivations
of developers (Beecham et al., 2008) amongst others.
The general usage of SLRs to investigate evidence
base Software Engineering led to a meta study where
Kitchenham et al. assessed the impact of SLRs on
SE practice (Kitchenham et al., 2009). Findings from
this study suggest that the spread of topics covered
by SLRs up to 2009 were fairly limited and main-
stream Software Engineering topics were not well
represented. Such areas could benefit from mapping
studies of domains in the manner of Jorgensen and
Shepherd (Jorgensen and Shepperd, 2007).
SLRs are different from expert-led ad-hoc litera-
ture reviews by providing definitions and supporting
documentation for review protocols prior to conduct-
ing the review such as: research questions; descrip-
tions of the search strategy; descriptions of criteria
to be used to assess each published study and proce-
dures to be used to perform the review (Kitchenham
and Charters, 2007).
Experiences of SLRs reported in the SE domain
suggest that in general, the SLR process is very re-
source intensive with particular problems associated
with data extraction, management of large data and
collaborative activities associated with conducting
SLRs, with reviewers playing multiple roles during
the SLR process. Further, the relative newness of the
use of SLRs in the SE domain indicates that there also
issues in provision of appropriate support for novice
reviewers. As a consequence, it becomes essential
that the SLR process can be easily validated and re-
peated, if research outputs from the SLR process are
to carry an appropriate level of confidence. Valida-
S. Barn B., Raimondi F., Athappian L. and Clark T..
Slrtool: A Tool to Support Collaborative Systematic Literature Reviews.
DOI: 10.5220/0004972204400447
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 440-447
ISBN: 978-989-758-028-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tion and repeatability are guaranteed by the compli-
ance with a certain protocol, which is clearly stated in
medical SLR following the Cochrane method. A fur-
ther requirement supporting the need for validation is
the ability to demonstrate traceability between deci-
1.1 Contribution of this Paper
Currently, there is little evidence of using bespoke
specialist tools to support SLRs in Software Engineer-
ing with respect to protocol definition, data collection
and analysis, hence the opportunities for perform-
ing meta-level SLRs are consequently also limited.
This paper proposes requirements for tools to support
the SLR process based on existing SLRs performed
within the SE domain and provides an assessment of
existing options available. The main contribution is
the introduction of the SLRtool that is specifically
aimed at providing support for a collaborative SLR
whilst addressing many of the key challenges cur-
rently prevalent around the SLR process. We suggest
that provision of tool support is paramount for em-
bedding a particular practice such as SLR in the com-
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: In the next section we describe the key chal-
lenges associated with the SLR process. Section 3
presents related work on building tools for supporting
the SLR process and proposes a set of requirements
for SLR tools across a range of possibilities. Section
4 provides a description of the key functionality of
the SLRTool and illustrate its use for a small example
mapping out the literature for Enterprise Architecture.
In Section 5, the conclusion is presented along with
remarks about the directions of future work.
One of the consequences of a growing number of
SLRs conducted in Software Engineering and else-
where is the need for consistency. In 2007, Brere-
ton et al. reported on lessons learnt from applying
the SLR process within the Software Engineering do-
main (Brereton et al., 2007), which can be consol-
idated into a set of requirements such as: support
continuous revision of research questions and to keep
track of changes; support multiple reviewers for the
process and to track their usage; ability to tailor and
re-configure the methodology for a particular review;
support external validation of the review process; sup-
port multiple search strategies as different databases
such as ACM and IEEE use different approaches; and
keep detailed record of decisions. Elsewhere Riaz
et al. report on how formulation of research ques-
tions, quality assessment and the time consuming na-
ture (Babar and Zhang, 2009) of the SLR process cre-
ate challenges (Riaz et al., 2010). The same study also
commented on experiences of novice researchers who
also struggled with formulation of research questions,
with carrying out the reviews, and in particular with
the time factors involved in carrying out the reviews
and extracting data. Others have reported on the need
to manage how specific roles are allocated and the ac-
tivities associated with roles, for example the need to
cross-check and validate criteria such as that for in-
clusion / exclusion or quality (Hossain et al., 2009).
Staples and Niazi (Staples and Niazi, 2007) re-
ported on their experience of conducting an SLR us-
ing Kitchenham’s guidelines. Of particular interest
is their analysis in the potential for automation and
support for SLRs. They used and benefitted from
only a basic level of automation: simple tabular word
processing, simple spreadsheets and use of statisti-
cal analysis packages. Whist they viewed the po-
tential prospects for tool support as “very dim
support all phases of arbitrary systematic reviews”
they acknowledge that such mechanisms may provide
“a nexus for the improvement of systematic review
methodology” and contribute to a notion of a central
index of systematic reviews for software engineering.
This last point is particularly pertinent in the context
of being able to perform meta-level systematic re-
views across sub-domains within software engineer-
While not directly concerned with the SLR pro-
cess itself, the UBIRD study by Stelmaszewska et al
(Stelmaszewska et al., 2010) investigated the informa-
tion seeking skills of students in the business domain.
Findings from the study reported that students: used
personal / social networks to refine search strategies;
experienced significant difficulty in storing informa-
tion collated from the searching activities (time being
one such factor); and struggled with user interfaces
of different digital repositories. The latter is consis-
tent with Brereton et als’ comment on the differences
between the ACM and IEEE approaches.
Summarising, the current experience of using the
SLR process suggests strongly that there is need for
tool support in: configurable protocol definition while
executing the SLR process by multiple stakeholders;
reducing the time spent on managing the activities in
carrying out the reviews and extracting the data for
storage for subsequent review and analysis.
Despite the increasing importance of SLRs to the
Software Engineering and to other communities, there
has been remarkably scant effort made to develop
supporting tools for the SLR process. Several tools
have been built: for instance, the SM-VTM tool pro-
vides a text mining based approach to visualising the
SLR clustering activities but does not provide sup-
port for an end to end SLR process (Felizardo et al.,
2010). The SLR tool developed by Fernandez-Saez
et al. (Fernandez-Saez et al., 2010) focuses on the
SLR process but some of the technical hurdles as-
sociated with the tool (such as installation and pre-
configuration requirements, single user, and desktop-
only version) limit its use (Hernandes et al., 2012).
Further, there has been no other evidence of its sub-
sequent development. The StART tool reported by
Hernandes et al (Hernandes et al., 2012) presents less
of these technical limitations but remains limited to
the Windows platform and does not readily lend it-
self to multiple users participating in the SLR process.
Most closely related to the SLRTool is SLurP, (Bowes
et al., 2012) which has a functionality similar to our
SLRTool, provides multiple user access and is a web
based system implemented on top of the Linux dis-
tribution Debian and developed using Java (while we
build upon the standard chain Apache+PHP+Mysql).
The key difference is that our tool is fully open-source
and implements a model-driven approach, in order to
be adapted to a range of disciplines.
The medical domain, by virtue of the Cochrane or-
ganisation, has tool support available from RevMan
Even in the case of RevMan, the tool only provides
a stand-alone text editor enriched with functionalities
that guarantee that all the steps in the review protocol
are followed. Crucially, there is no support for collab-
orative work.
Related to tools supporting the SLR process are
those which are essentially bibliography manage-
ment systems. Some tools such as EndNote, Procite
and Reference Manager focus on managing biblio-
graphic databases and citation of references from such
databases in the context of document preparation us-
ing desktop based applications. Other such as Zotero
and Mendeley provide web based capability and in
addition provide some level of Web 2.0 collaborative
activities including, for example, the sharing of bibli-
ographic data between users. However, the key areas
of collaboration, traceability of decisions, repeatabil-
ity and ease of collection proposed by the functions of
Figure 1: The SLR process.
the tool described here are not collectively available in
these technologies. Thus, generally the key weakness
of these types of tools is the lack of support for the
actual SLR process and there is only the possibility of
manual record keeping of SLR data.
Both the lessons learnt from conducting SLRs as
detailed in the Challenges section and the review of
current tools formed the basis of the requirements for
the software tool introduced in this paper.
The SLRTool is designed to support SLRs conducted
using the guidelines described by Kitchenham et al.
(Kitchenham, 2004; Kitchenham and Charters, 2007),
but is open to extensions, as described in Section 4.5.
There are three key stages at the core of the guide-
lines: Plan Review; Conduct Review and Report Re-
view. These are shown in Figure 1, along with some
of the key activities within each stage.
In the following sections we introduce an illustra-
tive case study of a SLR for Enterprise Architecture.
The case study services to provide a demonstration of
how the SLRTool tool supports the SLR process and
some of the salient requirements.
4.1 Case Study
We first introduce our SLR case study on Enterprise
Architecture (EA). EA is the means by which the es-
sentials of a business, its IT and its evolution, and
analysis is performed. It is a coherent whole of princi-
ples, methods, and models that are used in the design
and realisation of an enterprise’s organisational struc-
ture, business processes, information systems and in-
Figure 2: Classification Framework for the Enterprise Ar-
chitecture SLR project.
frastructure. To date, there has been no SLR of this
topic. In particular, the type of mapping study in
the manner of Jorgensen and Shepherd (Jorgensen
and Shepperd, 2007) would be particularly beneficial.
Thus, the SLR study has the following research ques-
1. What are the main research topics being addressed
by EA research?
2. What are the main methodological approaches be-
ing used in EA research?
3. What are the main publication outlets for research
in EA?
As the study is intended to focus on prevalent
research activity in EA, resources such as literature
opinion papers, panel discussions, commercial white
papers are to be excluded. Categorisation of resources
is however, particularly important as the study aims to
address the main research areas and the approaches
taken, hence categories such as: Research Topic
(values are: Language design, Method, Framework,
Technology), Research Approach (values are: Simu-
lation, Conceptual, Survey, Experiential and others)
are needed. The full framework is shown in Figure
2. We can see how research outputs can be classified
using these categories to help contribute towards an-
swering research questions 1 and 2.
4.2 Plan Review Functionality
The Plan Review stage aims to identify research ques-
tions (examples of research questions are listed in the
previous section) and develop the review protocols
such as definition of quality criteria, inclusion / ex-
clusion of resources, reviewers and their roles and the
definition of a classification framework. The SLRTool
defines a review as a project and provides various di-
alogues for defining research questions, and the cat-
egories of resources that contribute to the classifica-
tion framework, see Figure 3. The details of the pro-
tocol may differ in different disciplines: Section 4.5
below describes how to accomodate this variability in
the SLRTool. Repeating a particular SLR is then a
matter of importing a particular protocol and reusing
it. Currently the following requirements are relevant:
1. Ability to define Research Questions, Inclu-
sion/Exclusion Criteria, Categories for refining
research questions and the values such properties
can take.
2. Ability to define dependencies and other relation-
ships between criteria and categories.
3. Use of ontologies to provide a structured language
for defining categories, criterias and their values.
4. Ability to define roles to multiple users.
Tool capability that can provide a structured language
for describing the various categories, criteria and val-
ues in the form of an ontology is an advanced capa-
bility that is curently planned for the SLR Tool but is
not yet available.
4.3 Conduct Review
This is the most time consuming section of the SLR
process. Activities include: defining the sources of
data (the digital resources, journals etc.); the search
strategies; data extraction; assessing the quality of re-
sources; performing classifications based on the read-
ing of the papers (resources) and of course storing and
managing the data. The SLRTool provides tool func-
tionality for these activities which are optimised for
reducing the time resource spent on this.
Some of the key functions (shown in figure 3.) in-
1. Ability to define search criteria independent of
target resource database with interfaces to bibli-
ographics support tools such as Google Scholar.
2. Automatic extraction of BiBTex data of all re-
sources located, along with automatic download
of full text PDFs subject to permissions for the
host institution. These are done as batch down-
loads on selected resources.
3. Ability to include / exclude resources and to
record reasons based on previous defined criteria.
4. Ability to categorise resources according to the re-
view protocols defined earlier.
5. Support for multiple reviewers on a SLR project.
6. Ability for reviewers to comment on decisions
made and to assess reviewer actions.
Figure 3: Classification of resources and Inclusion/Exclusion criteria.
Figure 4: Resources.
We have planned development activity to increase
support for this phase of the SLR process to include
requirements for delivering further collaborative ac-
tions such as: difference analysis and Reconciliation
services between users including traceability between
decisions and the ability to support summarisation
and keyword extraction for automated classification.
4.4 Report Review
This stage of the SLR process includes both descrip-
tive statistics and more detailed analysis linking back
to the themes and research questions intended to be
explored in the review. The SLRTool provides func-
tions to help in these activities as follows: Report
summaries of publisher details; Report summaries of
publication dates; Reporting on Inclusion and Quality
criteria; and Exporting of data to external systems.
As the tool is still being developed, other reports
planned include reporting on the classification frame-
work and the relationships linked to the research ques-
tions. Other scheduled activity includes the ability to
link classification decisions to specific sections in the
resource documents and provision of canned analysis
Reports from the case study used in this paper il-
lustrate the ease by which these can be produced: Fig-
ure 5 illustrates the distribution of publishers and the
distribution of quality criteria for the papers identified
in our study.
Figure 5: Reporting.
4.5 Technical aspects of the tool
In our analysis of existing technologies in this area, all
the existing tools had some specific technical limita-
tions around platform dependence and lack of multi-
user access. This was influential in the approach that
we took towards the selection of the technical archi-
tecture of the tool.
The SLRTool uses a standard open source web
development platform comprising the Apache web
server, MySQL and PHP. We have successfully in-
stalled it on a number of operating systems, includ-
ing Linux, Mac, Windows, and even on a Raspberry
Pi: the latter installation has the benefit of being mo-
bile so that the whole set of repositories can be moved
between institutions, if necessary.
Another key element in our approach was an early
realisation that the potential for substantial automated
analysis of reviews could be made possible if we took
a model based approach to tool development. Thus
we see the concepts underpinning the tool as an exam-
ple of a domain specific language. The overall SLR
process is defined in a similar way, and all the code
is generated from this model. As a result, we are able
to accommodate changes in the protocol and in other
parts of the SLR process just by modifying the model,
and then generating (and re-using, where available)
code to support different disciplines.
4.6 Current Limitations
We consider the tool as a prototype: the ver-
sion available on-line implements a connector with
Google Scholar, but we are planning to include other
databases (subject to institutional agreements etc.).
Google Scholar was given a dominant role as the
study on information seeking behaviours of students
provided empirical evidence of its widespread use in
Higher Education Institutions (Stelmaszewska et al.,
2010). The current operation of the use of the con-
nector to Google Scholar is available on the open-
ing project screen. Users are able to search for a
variety of search parameters and note results aris-
ing from the searches. By limiting searching to just
Google Scholar, we recognise that papers will be
missed because of issues such as how different dig-
ital libraries configure their search facilities. One side
effect though, is that it does provide a consistency in
the protocols across SLRs. Examples of searching are
shown in Figure 6.
We envisage SLR tool development activity to
continue to progress along the spectrum we outlined
earlier where there is increasing sophisticated support
for the activities that we consider to be key: Manage-
ment of resources (especially auto-upload); Record-
ing evidence (the classification of resources and link-
ing them to specific evidence within a resource) and
Collaboration (how better to support team and inter-
team working). These activities are essential if there
is to be standardisation across SLR cases.
Other areas of the tool that we intend to develop
further include more reporting options of the data
collected, in particular the classification frameworks
used. An embedded help guide can be particularly
useful to novice researchers; this help feature can di-
rect users towards the correct use of features of the
tool in the context of the SLR process. We are cur-
rently developing these on-line help facilities.
Staples and Niazi in their report on their experi-
ences of performing SLRs made specific reference to
the notion that software tools can provide a nexus for
the improvement of systematic review methodology.
We have interpreted this beyond their original inten-
tion and propose that model driven engineering prac-
tice may provide valuable inroads in developing func-
tionality that can specifically address functions that
allow configurability of SLR processes. By design-
ing the SLRtool using model driven principles we are
aiming to support specification of an SLR process for
a particular domain such that the specification can de-
rive an instance of the tool for use for that domain.
Finally, we recognise that the tool has only been
used in a small scale, non-independent manner. It is
our intention to carry out evaluation studies with the
tool both to refine the tool and to examine how the
SLR process is possibly modified as a result of using
The current literature indicates that a well developed
SLR that provides reliable outputs is a difficult and
time consuming task, mainly because of the manage-
ment and administration of large complex volumes of
data. When this is coupled with multiple users as part
of a team activity then the problem increases. In this
paper we have sought to describe the development of
the SLRTool, which aims to address these issues and
to enhance the capabilities required in performing an
While we have been motivated by our our ex-
perience as researchers struggling with bottlenecks
and inefficiencies in attempting to carry out SLRs,
we think that expert reviews typically found in re-
search papers in general could also benefit from such
a tool. Given this, we anticipate building a com-
munity around our approach, and future versions of
this tool will have an appeal to many researchers in
a range of research areas. We have noted that Brere-
ton et al reported that the Simula Lab was the leading
research lab on conducting SLRs because they had
developed very effective research procedures which
were embedded in the organisation. Such procedures
require tool support and the provision of the SLRTool
and its usage in the research community could help
developing capability similar to the Simula Lab else-
where. In particular we are keen to embed the tool as
part of the research training undertaken by doctoral
students at our institution and elsewhere.
It is likely that SLRs will become more pervasive
and be relevant to most (if not all) disciplines, hence
software tools that can support the SLR process will
be a necessary requirement. Further, as different dis-
ciplines approach the SLR process definition differ-
ently (the protocols and activities for example), an
important challenge that arises is the need to support
different flavours of SLR methodologies. The project
reported in this paper has concentrated on a particular
style of SLR methodology; however, the fundamental
design principles that underpin the software are based
on model driven software engineering practice, and
future versions of the software will be able to sup-
port user configurable SLR methodologies. Related
to this, the setting up of an SLR protocol, the criteria
for inclusion/exclusion, classifiers and so on can be
re-used across specific sub-domains, leading to sys-
tematic meta studies of SLRs. For example, it is not
inconceivable that SLRs aimed at mapping out sub-
domains such as Component Based Design, Service-
Oriented Architecture, Event driven Architecture (all
broadly related to software architecture) could utilise
the same SLR protocol enabling a much richer meta-
analysis of the set of SLRs. We are progressing fur-
Figure 6: Searching Google Scholar.
ther development of the SLRTool to address these pro-
posals and the limitations and requirements discussed
The model driven approach we have deployed in
the tool may introduce the possibility for new in-
sights to be generated from the act of performing the
SLR process. For example, implicit relationships be-
tween classification frameworks and quality criteria
may become more apparent. In the case study used
to illustrate this paper, we observed that because of
the explicit SLR processes that are supported by the
tool. Conversely, analysis that exposes inconsisten-
cies both in the primary data and in the data arising
from the analysis undergone as part of the SLR pro-
cess may also be possible. As we continue to work
on the development of the tool, we anticipate that
new syntheses of research literature will reveal addi-
tional meta-properties that could guide the production
of more informed research output.
We note that one area of concern remains regard-
less of any tool implementation. There is a policy is-
sue at stake. For a tool like this to be truly embedded
in the research practice of academics and students (at
all levels), the tool will need to be part of the armoury
of utilities resourced by managers of institutional li-
braries. Ease of use of the tool, particularly access
to full text resources, is dependent on permissions
available at the home library. Often, access to digi-
tal resources is determined by various identity man-
agement systems such as Athens
and Shibboleth
the UK. Such systems will need to be integrated the
SLRTool tool for embedding to take place.
We thank the UK’s Joint Information Systems Com-
mittee (JISC) which supported this research at Mid-
dlesex University.
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