-level’ from the perspective of subject area sematics.
We suggest that higher-level process modelling,
more aware of subject domain semantics, will profit
from using ACSs. First, ACSs are computational
systems that rely on constructive definition of
processes (and data objects, too) and explore their
equivalent transformations (including optimizations,
in some contexts). Second, very powerful type
systems for ACSs are known, and, in fact, developed
as their part; besides, connection with variations of
logics are more or less well explored, which helps in
direct usage of subject domain concepts and
relationships in processes (and data objects)
Though there are numerous abstract machines
for ACSs, distributed and parallel execution remains
yet relatively poorly explored; -calculus and, in
particular, our approach would fill the gap to some
extent. The idea, briefly speaking, is to transform the
semantic-aware applicative model to a more
‘lightweight’ system based on -calculus to perform
actual execution.
In this paper we presented an approach to business
process execution tracing. Usually, executing a
process on an abstract machine (AM) comprises a
series of steps, each consisting in executing a
simple, relatively low-level, instruction that changes
AM’s current state. However, given an arbitrary step
(and a number of preceding steps) it is difficult to
evaluate whether process execution goes as
expected, or which phase of the process is being
actually executed. What we suggested may be seen
as an extension an AM for executing -calculus
processes that facilitates this kind os ‘semantic’
process debugging.
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