In the first situation the a request for the end point
of the variant “imageService” is made in the Mobi-
Line Product. The ServiceContext uses the descriptor
components of the framework to identify the imple-
mentation and the specification of the variant. Thus,
the service context verifies the availability of the ser-
vice in the OSGi container and sends the end point to
the mobile device.
For testing the second situation, we turned the ser-
vice “imageService” inactive in the OSGi Container
and maintained all the alternative services activated.
When a request for the end point of this variant is
made the ServiceContext requests from the Broker a
list of alternative services and their respective punctu-
ation for the utility function. Thus, the ServiceContext
will return the end point for the required variation by
considering the service active with the highest score
in the utility function in the OSGi container.
This paper presents an approach to performing the
dynamic derivation in service-oriented DSPLs based
on a run time QoS analysis. The approach was de-
scribed and evaluated in a context-aware service ori-
ented DSPL called MobiLine.
We consider, according to our evaluation, that
the approach is functional and addresses the prob-
lem specified in Section 2. Moreover, interesting next
steps are the evaluation of the proposed approach be-
havior with a large number of services and variabili-
ties. It would be interesting for future investigations
too verify the performance of the proposed approach
and empirically compares the results with another ap-
proaches or with others DSPLs.
This research is sponsored by the Brazilian National
Council for Scientific and Technological Develop-
ment (CNPq) grants in the process 381305/2011-2.
It was also partially supported by the National In-
stitute of Science and Technology for Software En-
gineering (INES
) , funded by CNPq and FACEPE,
grants 573964/2008-4 and APQ-1037-1.03/08. It is
also part of UbiStructure - An infrastructure for devel-
oping and executing ubiquitous applications - CNPq
14/2011, process number 481417/2011-7.
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