systems through an action plan predefined by the user.
The second service consists of the Management of
the green low power distribution which is based on
the decentralization of production through the use of
renewable sources in low-voltage networks. This en-
ergy is stored in batteries and used according to a spe-
cific management and consumption policy. This ser-
vice also allows the user to manage sales promotional
offers, it may as well buy energy during discount pe-
riods, store it and use it when prices are inflated. Fi-
nally we propose the third peak management service
which allows to manage high consumption periods
by deactivating directly the equipments or delaying
there execution. This service also allows to compen-
sate the difference between the production and the
consumption thanks to use of green energy that we
assume stored in batteries. These original services
meet exactly the different requirements of the modern
and smart electricity grid. We propose a Multi-Agent
based architecture to offer these services. It is com-
posed of: (a) City Information Agents to gather the
useful information for the distribution and the use of
electrical energy, (b) City Master Agents that control
Home Master Agents which supervise Home Slave
Agents to be responsible for the operation of the elec-
trical equipments at homes, and finally (c) Home Stor-
age Agents to be deployed for the monitoring and the
exploitation of renewable energy produced and stored
in batteries at home. An original Master/Slave archi-
tecture is hierarchically proposed in the current pa-
per to manage Information, Storage and the proper
use of green electricity. This architecture is guided
by a communication protocol that manages the ex-
changed messages between the different agents in or-
der to perform the services discussed above. This
optimal protocol allows the management of renew-
able energy, management of consumption peaks and
management of electricity consumption. We also pro-
pose the formalization of these services and the de-
sign of the software with UML diagrams. We verify
the whole architecture by proposing timed automata
models, and apply UPPAAL for model checking(Alur
and Dill, 1994),(Bengtsson et al., 1996). We aim to
verify functional and temporal constraints since our
system is strict and does not tolerate faults and mis-
management of used data and information. The study
of our approach leads us to develop a simulation tool
to be named X-SH which is an original product for
the power management in smart homes. The paper’s
contribution is applied to a real case study provided
by Cynapsys in order to discuss its advantages. The
rest of this paper is organized as follows, the next
section presents the state of the art of Smart Homes.
Section 3 presents the Case Study of Cynapsys that
will be assumed as a running example in this paper.
Section 4 proposes the Multi-Agent Master/Slave ar-
chitecture followed by a formalization of the problem
and the proposed services, the UML design and the
verification of timed automata models, The Simula-
tion tool X-SH. Finally section 5 concludes this re-
search works.
We present in this section an overview on Home Au-
tomation Systems, System Reconfiguration and Mas-
ter/Slave Agent based architecture.
2.1 Home Automation Systems
Nowadays, the research works in the field of home au-
tomation systems have a unique direction to look for
luxury, comfort and the mixture between daily tasks
and new technologies. The authors in (AlShu’eili
et al., 2011) propose a new approach for voice recog-
nition based wireless home automation system to con-
trol all lights and electrical appliances at home or of-
fices by using voice commands, they propose a ver-
ification test based on the voice recognition. How-
ever, this approach is weak against identity theft and
imitating the voice of the house’s owner, so anyone
can take control of the home. According to (Nunes,
2010), an architecture for a home automation system
is given, which has a distributed nature, very mod-
ular and can easily be expanded in size and func-
tionality. The authors present two types of constitu-
tive modules interconnected through a network. The
proposed approach consists of Supervision Module
(SM) and a Control Module (CM) to be intercon-
nected by a Communication Network, a simple sys-
tem with an Action/Reaction mechanism. In (Debono
and Abela, 2012), the authors present an implemen-
tation of a home automation system through a cen-
tral FPGA controller as a simple solution whereby the
user control devices by employing a central field pro-
grammable gate array (FPGA) controller to which the
device and sensor are interfaced. The control is es-
tablished by using a communication with the FPGA
from a mobile phone through its interface. A design
of a networked monitoring System for home automa-
tion is presented in (Song et al., 2007). The system
consists of a base station, a home server, wireless sen-
sor nodes and smart user terminals such as PC and
PDA. A ZigBee-Based Home Automation System is
developed in (Gill et al., 2009). the authors present
a flexible and low cost home automation infrastruc-
ture. The home’s low data rate, control and monitor-