Increasing Privacy and Trust in Cooperative Social
Platforms for Vehicular Applications
F. Mart
andez, P. Caballero-Gil, C. Caballero-Gil and J. Molina-Gil
Department of Statistics, Operations Research and Computing,
University of La Laguna, San Crist
obal de La Laguna, Spain
Abstract. New research challenges have arisen from the increasing number of
vehicles and consequent permanent traffic jams in urban environments. The main
problem is that just one passenger occupies most cars, so a natural solution should
involve a more optimized use of resources, which may be carried out through
carpooling. However, carpooling is not seen as an acceptable solution by many
users mainly due to the lack of trust in strangers. Nowadays, mobile technology
can be combined with social media to create a trust-based system that allows
sharing cars in a comfortable, fast and safe way, taking advantage of the comfort
of travelling in a car. The main aim of this work is the design of an improvement
for existing carpooling systems that introduces a security layer to provide privacy
and trust through the measurement of user reputation. The proposal has been
implemented as an Android application whose results are promising.
1 Introduction
The increase in the number of vehicles has raised the price of fuel and the pollution in
big cities. These facts have led governments to take steps to try to decrease pollution
mainly in urban centres. The use of public transport might significantly reduce these
problems, but public transport is not always convenient and/or affordable for all users.
A convenient solution involves sharing cars so that empty seats could be used in
most trips. This modality is known with the term carpooling and has been proposed as
an effective way to reduce both pollution and spending. Another related but different
proposal, known as carsharing, is based on collective fleets of cars with multiple users,
but such a solution does not solve as many problems as carpooling. Ridesharing is the
general term used to refer to solutions for sharing the use of a car with other people in
order to travel to a given destination. Apart from carsharing and carpooling (also known
as real-time or instant or dynamic or ad-hoc ridesharing), ridesharing also includes other
versions known as slugging, lift sharing and covoiturage. However, ridesharing propos-
als that are different from carpooling are out of the scope of this work.
The use of both types of collaborative solutions has increased since the onset of the
economic crisis thanks to technology 2.0. They are applicable in almost any environ-
ment, but are especially useful in places like universities, holidays, long journeys and
even urban centres. This is because in these situations both vehicle owners and passen-
gers agree on the same motivations to consider carpooling. Usually their main goal is
Martín-Fernández F., Caballero-Gil P., Caballero-Gil C. and Molina-Gil J..
Increasing Privacy and Trust in Cooperative Social Platforms for Vehicular Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0004976800030013
In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2014), pages 3-13
ISBN: 978-989-758-031-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to share fuel cost, but there may be other reasons such as solving the parking problem,
wanting to talk with others or to take care of the environment, etc.
This work proposes an improvement for existing carpooling solutions that make use
of recent technological advances of smartphones and social networks. The described
solution allows the establishment of trust and reputation accountability between drivers
and passengers, while taking care of their privacy at the same time.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 mentions several related works. Sec-
tion 3 introduces the general design of the proposal, which is mainly based on the
reputation algorithm sketched in Section 4. The security of the proposal is briefly an-
alyzed in Section 5. Section 6 describes the developed Android application. Finally,
some conclusions and open problems can be found in Section 7.
2 Related Work
The first carpooling projects emerged in the late 1980s [22], but in those days, without
the technology available today, many difficult obstacles such as the need to develop a
user network and of a convenient communication medium had to be faced.
Gradually, the media used to organize the trips was changing from telephone to
more flexible means such as the Internet, email and smartphones. Nowadays, many dif-
ferent carpooling platforms and services exist, but even today, they may be considered
in their early stages because none has reached a critical mass of users.
Table I shows several features of different existing carpooling systems, including
the most relevant security-related ones. In particular, we have chosen for this compar-
ative analysis the representative systems: CarPooling [7], Blablacar [5], Amovens [4],
ZimRide [28], [8].
The main trust enforcing system in all these platforms is based on points given by
users. However, bypassing this security system is quite easy because users who obtain
a negative score, can create a new profile with new credentials and no points.
Apart from these practical platforms already in operation, there are several papers
that propose different solutions. The work [23] shows an integrated system for the or-
ganization of carpooling service by using different technologies such as web, GIS and
SMS. The authors of [3] propose a web platform to carpool. The paper [12] presents a
carpooling architecture that uses a credit mechanism to encourage cooperation between
Table 1. Carpooling Platforms.
Platform Social network Privacy Points system Phone cert Trust algorithm
CarPooling [7] yes no yes no no
Blablacar [5] yes yes yes yes no
Amovens [4] yes yes yes no no
ZimRide [28] yes yes no no no [8] no yes no no no
Our system yes yes yes no yes
A more recent work is [17], where an algorithm to encourage carpooling is pro-
posed based on assigning priority to users with positive feedbacks through a fuzzy
logic scheme. Another paper, [1], defines a push service to promote carpooling through
instant processing. Finally, another interesting proposal is [6], based on a secure multi-
agent platform that focuses on the security services allowing both the mutual authenti-
cation between the users and the application components with the system.
The main aspect of our work is different from the aforementioned because it deals
with the trust aspect of carpooling services through a combination of reputation mea-
surement with privacy protection.
3 Carpooling Platform
The main objective of the proposed design is the increase of both usability and security.
Thus, its key factors are user-friendliness and privacy. One of the main features is that
users who publish their trips have their privacy fully protected. Unlike other carpooling
platforms, in the described system, no user is allowed to access data such as email,
phone or full name of others, unless he/she is authenticated on the platform and the
algorithm for checking mutual trust returns a valid permission for him/her. In this case,
the interested user can see all the data in detail. Otherwise, he/she can only send a
request so that the receiver can decide whether the applicant is to be trusted or not.
The algorithm is based on trust relationships so that people who want to use the
platform first need to authenticate in the platform through social networks such as Face-
book, Twitter or Google+. In this way, the algorithm checks the existence of some chain
of trust between the applicant and other users, based on the so-called rule of six degrees
of separation [9]. Besides, the reputation gained through the use of the application is
an influent factor, which is considered in the decision on whether carpooling with an-
other person. To do this, at the end of every shared travel, the application asks both
drivers and passengers to score the other users. Such scores are used in future trips so
that seats offered by car drivers with good scores appear in better positions than others
with lower scores. Also well-scored passengers have higher probability to have access
to more details of drivers.
Our overall system architecture used as an application model known as client-server.
The client-server architecture of our system is showed in Figure 1. Its different elements
are the following:
Client. Mobile device used for the system.
Server. Hosted in the cloud, and divided into two parts. On the one hand, the GCM
server is the Google Cloud Messaging server that handles all the notifications and
is responsible for sending the notification when the receiver clients are alive. On
the other hand, the DB dedicated server is the server that stores in its DataBase
all the data related to the users and system. It also serves as a gateway for sending
notifications between the client and the GCM server.
The life cycle of the application is shown in Figure 2, and explained below step by step:
Step 1. The user logs on the application through any of its social networks (Face-
Fig. 1. Carpooling System Architecture.
book, Twitter, Google+). Then, its data are saved in the DB server and the device is
registered in the GCM server for notifications.
Step 2. Once logged in, the user has two possibilities:
1. The user can play the role of driver, and create new routes or manage existing
routes. On the one hand, if a new route is created, all related information is
stored in real time on the DB server. On the other hand, if the user is managing
some old routes, first, the client informs the dedicated server to store the shares
in the DB. Then, it also indicates to notify possible affected users about route
changes in order to ask for acceptance/ rejection to participate in the route,
etc. The DB server sends the necessary information to the GCM server, so that
this sends such notification to the involved clients when they are turned on and
connected to the network.
2. The user can play the role of a passenger who tries to find some trip. Once a trip
is found, the user sends a request to be a passenger on that route. This request
must be answered positively or negatively by the creator of the route, through
a notification sent within a period of time. Such a notification will go from the
dedicated server to the GCM server because this is the responsible server for
sending notifications to the clients.
The proposed scheme protects user privacy through limited and controlled access
to user data, according to the trust level stated for the relationship between each pair of
users. This trust level is got through the combination of direct scores and trust networks
so that it provides the system with enough data to deduce whether people can trust each
other or not. In this way, privacy is dealt with as one of the most important aspects of
the proposed carpooling system.
A first approach to the development of a trust measurement algorithm that provides
a value to each pair of users is based on the use of the PageRank algorithm to predict
Fig. 2. Use Model.
whether two people can rely each other . However, since this algorithm does not con-
form totally to the morphology of the specific problem, a second approach is also being
used to complement it, based on Bayesian networks to know whether people can trust
others. The refined trust measurement algorithm is available in the Android Application.
4 The Reputation Algorithm
No existing carpooling proposal offers the user a quantitative method, based on the
theory of six degrees of separation, that can be used to decide whether another user is
trustful to share a vehicle. Some of them even do not allow users to decide who may or
may not apply your route. There are some proposed that the quantitative method based
on the similarities among users [24] [20], having to collect this information about the
attributes and characteristics of each user. Our proposal aims to be simple for the user,
without the user fills out some information about its attributes. With a simple click (that
enables social login on the network that is previously registered) may be entered in
our system and start using the platform. The main difference with our proposal is the
proposed reputation algorithm. By using it, the user can use a quantitative measure to
decide whether trusting another user. The algorithm is based on the theory of six de-
grees of separation and individual scores within our platform. Six degrees of separation
is the theory that everyone is six or fewer steps away from each other in the world, so
that a chain of ’a friend of a friend’ statements can be made to connect any two peo-
ple in a maximum of six steps. This number of steps may be reduced significantly by
introducing the concept of social networks. Our application uses social networks when
logging into the application to create network users to be used to interconnect with each
other and provide a reliable measure of confidence. Through the use of social networks
we can ensure that the six degrees of separation are reduced to only four. In particular,
according to several researches on Facebook [10] [14] [16], the obtained average dis-
tance was 3.9 ,corresponding to intermediaries or degrees of separation’, what shows
that the world is even smaller than expected.
The reputation measurement is expressed as a number between 0 and 10, and is
computed from the values given by each pair of users to inform about the reliability in
each other. This measure is calculated by taking into account the two parameters men-
tioned above: degree of friendship and appreciation of other users on our platform. If
the Facebook social network is used, the score given by the system with the degrees of
friendship is broken down as follows:
7 points if a user has only one degree of separation (i.e. it is direct friend).
6 points if both users have a mutual friend.
4 points if among those users there is a chain of friendship of more than two friends.
0 points for the case that there is no chain friendliness.
Other users obtain the remaining scores from the assessments after sharing routes.
When a route is completed, users who participated in it, can vote between 1 and 5 stars.
Each passenger individually assesses the driver, and the driver individually assesses
passengers. The weight is higher from driver to passengers than from passengers to
driver, as the driver puts his/her vehicle available to the users. In order to account for
the different ratings on a user, we use a simple arithmetic average. The metric taken into
account for these ratings is as follows:
1 star will impact the score in -3 points if that assessment was given to the driver
by the passenger. -1 point if it was the driver who voted to the passenger.
2 stars will impact the score in -1 points if that assessment was given to the driver
by the passenger. 0.1 point f it was the driver who voted to the passenger.
3 stars will impact the score in 1 points if that assessment was given to the driver
by the passenger. 0.2 point if it was the driver who voted to the passenger.
4 stars will impact the score in 2 points if that assessment was given to the driver
by the passenger. 1 point if it was the driver who voted to the passenger.
5 stars will impact the score in 3 points if that assessment was given to the driver
by the passenger. 2 point if it was the driver who voted to the passenger.
The maximum reputation score that a user can get is 10 points, which corresponds
to the situation when the user’s direct friends have rated him/her with the highest scores.
A user can have total null valuation if he/she is starting to be known, does not have any
degree of friendship, and/or has negative reviews. In this case, the system does not use a
score below 0, so that 0 is the minimum score for any user. This valuation is dynamically
calculated as a function of the friendship degree that a user has. It helps users to have
a reliability measure about whether to trust another user of the platform. Besides, only
users who have a valuation higher than 7.5 points and/or users who have been accepted
by the driver to make the route can see certain route data, such as the phone number or
any other confidential data.
So the mathematical expression applied to the calculation of the reputation score in
the algorithm is:
lvF s +
lvFs. Friendship level measured in points between 0 and 7, depending on the level
of friendship each user has with other user, as explained above.
rat[]. Each of the ratings a user has received both as driver and passenger, on the
routes that has used. The points at which the rating of 1-5 stars are mapped.
n. Total number of ratings that the user has received.
5 Security of the Scheme
Regarding the safety of the platform, Sybil attack is one of notorious attacks in tra-
ditional carpooling systems. This type of attacks are hacking attacks on peer-to-peer
networks where a malicious device illegitimately takes multiple identities by forging
them. Due to the privacy-preserving environment of carpooling schemes, sybil vulner-
ability is generally hard to defend against.
Fig. 3. Insufficient dynamic reputation rating between an bad user and a possible passenger.
Fig. 4. Reliable dynamic reputation rating between a possible passenger and a driver.
In a Sybil attack the attacker subverts the reputation system of a peer-to-peer net-
work by creating a large number of pseudonymous identities, using them to gain a
disproportionately large influence. A reputation system’s vulnerability to a Sybil attack
depends on how cheaply identities can be generated, the degree to which the reputation
system accepts inputs from entities that do not have a chain of trust linking them to a
trusted entity, and whether the reputation system treats all entities identically.
An entity on the analyzed peer-to-peer network is a piece of software which has
access to local resources. It advertises itself on the peer-to-peer network by presenting
an identity. More than one identity can correspond to a single entity. In other words
the mapping of identities to entities is many to one. Entities in peer-to-peer networks
use multiple identities for purposes of redundancy, resource sharing, reliability and in-
tegrity. In peer-to-peer networks the identity is used as an abstraction so that a remote
entity can be aware of identities without necessarily knowing the correspondence of
identities to local entities. By default, each distinct identity is usually assumed to cor-
respond to a distinct local entity. In reality many identities may correspond to the same
local entity.
A faulty node or an adversary may present multiple identities to a peer-to-peer net-
work in order to appear and function as multiple distinct nodes. After becoming part of
the peer-to-peer network, the adversary may then overhear communications or act mali-
ciously. By masquerading and presenting multiple identities, the adversary can control
the network substantially.
In our case, for example, considering the following scenario:
A ’bad’ user (B0) sets up several bogus accounts in social media and the proposed
system (B1, B2, B3, etc). He/she then advertises a possible trip from X 7→ Y 7→ Z.
For the first leg (X 7→ Y ) he/she uses the bogus accounts to claim that his/her vehicle is
full and all these ’passengers’ state that they get off at Y . He/she can then get excellent
scores and increase his/her reputation. At some point, this will be so high that other
normal users will be able trust him/her from leg Y 7→ Z.
The proposed algorithm is protected against the attack described above because
most of the score of our algorithm is preceded by confidence in degrees of friendship
that binds each user to another user. Thus, if a user does not know (at all) another user,
very high ratings of the latter in the system are not reliable enough for the fomer. It is
remarkable that in our system the minimum reliability to trust another user is 7.5 points.
At most, a user can have up to 3 points in relation to ratings for the routes that has done
(see Figure 3) , far from the 7.5 points that are needed at least for that user to be reliable
(see Figure 4).
6 The Android Application
The proposed design has been embodied in an Android application that is already pub-
lished in the Android Play Store under the name ’Carpoolap’ (see Figure 5).
The Android application is developed for the versions 3.0 or higher of the operating
system. APIs like Google Maps v3.0, Google Places, Google Cloud Messaging, etc.,
and Facebook SDKs 3.0 and libraries like Action Bar Sherlock used to use the func-
tionality of the new versions of Android on older versions, were used. Autocomplete in
address searches, Google Maps 3D Technology (see second image of Figure 5), design
based on the latest versions of Android, push notifications with requests or responses of
passengers or drivers, etc. are among the features of the Android Application.
Each user can see the routes he/she proposes as driver (see third image of Figure
5), and whether potential passengers exist for those routes. Besides, with colour codes,
he/she can know the routes that each user has already made and the routes that have
Fig. 5. Carpoolap Screens: Login / Edition Route / Routes List / Rating Passengers.
been confirmed by users. For the assessment of users participating in a route, after fin-
ishing it, each one can give a score through the screen shown in the fourth image of
Figure 5. In order to deploy the carpooling platform, a server is also needed, so we de-
veloped one using javascript technologies by frameworks like ’node.js’ and ’express.js’.
As a database for all the data centralized on this server, we decided to adopt a No SQL
database, such as MongoDB [18]. We deployed our server on a micro instance of Ama-
zon Web Services, specifically under Ubuntu machine with Amazon EC2 account.
7 Conclusions
This work proposes an improvement scheme for existing carpooling solutions, whose
objective is to increase their safety and reliability. In order to reach this aim, a few
existing platforms and some related research work have been reviewed. Also, research
on how to assess the social component of a carpooling system in order to build trust
between users has been done. From the obtained conclusions, a new proposal has been
developed based on gradual access to data according to trust levels got both from di-
rect scoring and social networks. This work includes the implementation of a published
Android application that makes use of this research to create a platform for safe car-
pooling. Many open questions exist, such as the improvement of the application, the
development for other platforms, and the merging with existing carpooling solutions.
Research supported by the Spanish MINECO and the European FEDER Funds under
projects TIN2011-25452 and IPT-2012-0585-370000, and the FPI scholarship BES-
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