Verifying Cloud Systems using a Bigraphical
Maude-based Model Checker
Zakaria Benzadri, Chafia Bouanaka and Faiza Belala
LIRE Laboratory, Department of Software and Information Systems Technology,
University of Constantine II, Constantine, Algeria
Abstract. Formal methods are system design techniques based on rigorous math-
ematical models to build software systems. Our aim in this paper is to define for-
mal specifications of cloud systems and offer analysis support to formally model
check their inherent properties. Hence, we define a formal semantic framework,
based on Bigraphical Reactive Systems (BRS), for specifying cloud architectures
and their shape shifting to ensure service availability and quick scalability. Then,
we propose a Bigraphical Maude-based Model Checker to formally verify some
1 Introduction
Complexity is in the core of today’s Cloud systems, since large organizations have
to manage increasingly heterogeneous cloud systems at different level: hundreds of
services, thousands of servers, hundreds of thousands of transactions, more and more
numerous and spread over the world users, whether customers or suppliers. The inex-
orable increase in the scope of cloud computing is accompanied by a concentration of
risks and brought issues.
The evolutionary pressure imposed upon organizations, and the ever-increasing in-
tegration of dematerialization only accelerate this phenomenon and give a critical role
to cloud systems. Adverse effects of such complexity are numerous, giving rise to many
obstacles [1], such as service availability, performance unpredictability, quick scalabil-
ity, bugs in large-scale distributed systems, etc., that handicap cloud computing adop-
tion and growth. In this context, formal methods are an effective approach to ensure
cloud systems reliability. Since, formal methods allow developing complex software
under a firm mathematical foundation resulting in high quality, more correct software
compared to conventional design methods. Nevertheless, some attempts have been pro-
posed but do not deal with all fundamental concepts of cloud computing. Particularly,
they focus on cloud computing technological concepts;
Hanfei, et al. [2] and Grandison, et al. [3], gave some discussion and exploration on
establishing relationships between virtualization and cloud computing. Throughout
their work, they attempt to give out a formal definition of cloud computing from a
virtualization viewpoint using its theoretical basic concepts.
Benzadri Z., Bouanaka C. and Belala F..
Verifying Cloud Systems using a Bigraphical Maude-based Model Checker.
DOI: 10.5220/0004978800030012
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics (ESaaSA-2014), pages 3-12
ISBN: 978-989-758-026-0
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Shi-Xin, et al. [4], propose an access control model to achieve a fine-grained, data
confidentiality and scalability via a formal definition of the HABAC model (Hier-
archy Attribute-Based Access Control).
Adamov and Hahanov [5], define a security model for individual cyberspace (ICS)
protection as a means to ensure a secured user’s virtual environment, they establish
an analysis of security issues related to ICS and propose a conceptual model for
modern security environments.
Freitas and Paul [6], present an abstract formalisation of federated cloud workflows
using the Z notation. They define various properties using rules restricting valid
options in two categories: security and cost.
Binz, et al. [7], propose Enterprise Topology Graphs (ETG) as formal model to
describe an enterprise topology. Based on the established graph theory, ETG bring
formalization and provability to the cloud. Also, authors show how ETG can im-
prove the environmental impact of the enterprise IT.
Consequently, cloud computing paradigm lacks a formal and verifiable model of its
basic concepts: service delivery and deployment models, only some technological at-
tempts are realized; for virtualization as it has been done in [2] and [3], for security as
in [4], [5] and [6], or for enterprise IT as in [7].
In this work, we adopt, Bigraphical Reactive Systems (BRS), proposed by Milner
[8] , as a formalism to specify fundamental aspects of cloud computing. In particular,
we propose a theoretical framework based on BRS aiming to formalize relationships
between service providers and customers in different delivery and deployment models
of cloud computing. Based on a judicious coupling between bigraphs theory as a se-
mantic framework and Maude language[9] as a specification language, we propose the
Bigraphical Maude-Based Model Checker (BMMC) that combines logical reflection
and hierarchical structuring of the underlying adopted theoretical framework to simply
execute and verify complex cloud systems. The proposed approach is validated through
a concrete verification of two cloud computing inherent properties: service availability
and quick scalability.
This paper is arranged as follows. In the next section we define the bigraphical model
for cloud computing. Section 3 presents a mapping of the defined model to Maude-
based specification and exploits it to formally verify cloud systems. Finally, conclusion
and future work are addressed in section 4.
2 BRS for Cloud Computing Specification
A BRS (Bigraphical Reactive Systems) [8] consists of a category of bigraphs and a
set of reaction rules that may be applied to transform these bigraphs. The bigraph as
an ordinary graph is composed of nodes and edges, unlike nodes in a bigraph can be
nested giving rise to hierarchical and larger bigraphs. Additionally, it is the resulting
graph of composing a link graph; representing interconnection between nodes, and a
place graph; expressing the physical locations of theses nodes; hence the prefix ”bi” in
In this work, we adopt BRS for two reasons. On the one hand, our model emphasizes
on both locality and connectivity that can be used to specify cloud elements location and
interconnection (structural aspects)[10]. And on the other hand, bigraphical reaction
rules are very useful to formalize cloud services elasticity providing them the ability to
reconfigure themselves (dynamic aspects).
2.1 Structural Aspects
Main elements of a cloud architecture can be divided into two essential parts: front-end
and back-end elements; that are usually connected via internet. The Front-end encloses
customer’s computer and necessary interfaces to access the cloud and the back-end
contains cloud services. So, BRS modelling of cloud elements is realized as follows:
Cloud Services. A Cloud Service represents an abstraction of three different service
delivery models that collaborate to ensure front end requests [11] Infrastructure as a Ser-
vice (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). Albeit, all
available cloud services will be modelled by nodes, controls (kinds of node[8]) attached
to them allow us to distinguish between the three service delivery models. We suggest
that nodes of control IaaS and PaaS are active (node permitting reactions inside), and
nodes of control SaaS are atomic (empty node). To offer several access modes to cloud
services, we propose that each node or cloud service contains three different ports: Pub-
lic, Private, and Community.
Cloud Customers. A Cloud Customer represents any entity that requests a cloud ser-
vice. Two types of cloud customers are identified: End users accessing only SaaS, and
ISV (Independent Software Vendor) accessing IaaS and PaaS. Thus, we model Cloud
Customers as nodes equipped with specific controls to be able to distinguish between
both types of Cloud Customers; End user and ISV. Both are atomic nodes and have one
port to send their requests.
Cloud Architecture. Interconnecting cloud computing elements is modelled via two
distinct relations: hierarchy for cloud services imbrication (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS) and
interaction for service request. Formally, a BRS offers two types of independent graphs:
Place graph and Link graph, that will be exploited as follows:
Place Graph. formally expresses cloud services and customers location. Figure 1 rep-
resents the hierarchy of cloud services within a place graph, where a node of control
IaaS (infrastructure) can only contain nodes of control PaaS (platform), also, a node
of control PaaS can only contain nodes of control SaaS (software), finally, a node
of control SaaS do not contain any nodes.
Link Graph. is independent of locality and expresses service interactions, in terms of
service demand/response relationship between cloud services and customers. Link
graph of Figure 1 contains five customers: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 and four cloud
services: S1, S2, S3, S4 interconnected as follows: cloud customer C2 is relied to
cloud service S1 via its community port (green color), and cloud customers C4 and
C5 are relied to cloud service S4, the first one with a public port (blue color) and
the second one with a private port (red color).
Fig. 1. Place and Link Graphs of a Cloud Architecture.
Composing link and place graphs gives rise to the suited bigraph as defined in what
Definition 1. Cloud Architecture Bigraph takes the form:
(V c, V s, E, Ctrlc, Ctrls, GP, GL)
where: Vc represents the set of cloud customer nodes, and Vs represents all cloud ser-
vice nodes. E is a finite set of edges. Each node has a control(kinds of node), which
is an identifier belonging to a set that is called a signature. Ctrlc: Vc Sc is a control
map that assigns a control to each cloud customer where the signature Sc is defined
by Sc = [EU : (1, atomic), ISV : (1, atomic)] , and Ctrls: Vs Ss is the control
map that assigns a control to each cloud service where the signature Ss is defined by
Ss = [IaaS : (3, active), P aaS : (3, active), SaaS : (3, atomic)]. GP represents the
place graph and GL represents the link graph.
2.2 Dynamic Aspects
Additionallly to cloud architecture structural aspects formalization, BRS is expressive
enough to be adopted for representing cloud dynamics. In this section, we define two
categories of reaction rules: Service Allocation Reaction Rules (SARR) and SCalability
Reaction Rules (SCRR).
Service Allocation Reaction Rules. We propose two reaction rules, defining the dy-
namics of bigraphs in terms of service allocation. This category affects bigraph linkage
only, where the redex a left hand pattern (R) of a reaction rule, can match any cloud ser-
vice (IaaS, PaaS or SaaS) and customer (EU or ISV) controls. Figure 2 shows a cloud
customer (C1) allocating a cloud service (S1) representing the first reaction rule. Also,
it shows a cloud customer (C2) liberating a cloud service (S2) representing the second
reaction rule.
Fig. 2. Service Allocation/deallocation Reaction Rules.
SCalability Reaction Rules. The need of cloud services scalability is justified by
system surcharge with customer requests rendering system services unavailable. One
solution of cloud services unavailability is a scaling-up of the cloud system, by creating
new instances of the concerned cloud service (loaded in memory). This instance will
be responsible of taking in charge new customer demands (by doubling cloud service
initial bandwidth). Also, a garbage collector can be automatically triggered when cloud
customers liberate a cloud service. It models a scaling-down of a cloud system. Thus, we
define two reaction rules; representing cloud system scaling up and down respectively
(see Figures 3).
Fig. 3. Scaling-up/down Reaction Rules.
Table 1 bellow summarizes the correspondence between Cloud Computing elements
and BRS concepts:
Table 1. Mapping cloud computing concepts to BRS.
Cloud Computing Bigraphical Reactive Systems (BRS)
Service Node.
Customer Node.
Service models Controls.
Customer types Controls.
Cloud architecture Bigraph.
Cloud dynamics Reaction rules.
3 Verifying Cloud Systems
A set of tools is proposed for BRS edition as BigMC[12], BPLTool [13], DBtk [14],
etc. However, during their exploration, we have been confronted with several limita-
tions to verify a specific bigraph with new types of nodes (controls) adapted to the con-
text of Cloud Computing. Therefore, we propose the Bigraphical Maude-Based Model
Checker (BMMC) in which a cloud architecture can be easily executed and verified. It
confronts system model to system invariants to produce two possible results. A positive
result is returned if the bigraphical model execution satisfies the desired properties or a
negative result otherwise.
The use of rewriting logic via its Maude language[9], offers an executable and
analysable specification that takes advantage of tools around Maude environment, as
the model-checker for linear temporal properties verification[9].
3.1 BMMC Modules Description
A set of modules has been defined to map cloud bigraphical concepts to Maude. The
following descriptions of modules show how the previous specification is translated to
Fig. 4. Overview of BMMC modules.
Figure 4 gives a basic overview of the BMMC modules and their sub-module de-
The Bigraph module includes sort and operator declarations for Bigraph theory:
mod Bigraph is
sorts Node Bigraph Edge Port Control .
op _|_ :-> Bigraph Bigraph [ctor comm assoc id: null] .
op edge_: Nat-> Edge [ctor] .
Prime product operator ( | ) is a juxtaposition operator of nodes or bigraphs, since
it takes as arguments two bigraphs with nodes being a sub-sort of bigraph.
The syntax and semantics of cloud elements are defined in the BMMC Structure
mod BMMC-Structure is
op IaaS :-> Ss [ctor] .
op PaaS :-> Ss [ctor] .
op SaaS :-> Ss [ctor] .
op EU :-> Sc [ctor] .
op ISV :-> Sc [ctor] .
op service<_;_;_>[_].{ _ } : Qid Ss S_State Port
Bigraph -> Vs [ctor] .
op customer<_;_;_;_>[_] : Qid Sc Qid Port
Edge -> Vc [ctor] .
Service operator serves to specify a cloud service, it takes as arguments:
a Quoted Identifier to specify its name;
a Control specifying its service delivery model;
an Attribute specifying a service state (available, unavailable, and cloned).
a set of Edges to be connected to its predefined ports;
a set of child nodes being contained within the considered service.
Customer operator allows specifying a cloud customer, it takes as arguments:
a Quoted Identifier to specify its name;
a Control specifying its customer type;
a Quoted Identifier to specify the requested service;
a Port on which the requested service will be delivered;
an Edge connected to its port.
Cloud systems dynamics has been formalized with BMMC Dynamic module, con-
taining a set of rewrite rules corresponding to BRS reaction rules. We assume that
the term [Req] in customer operator characterizes a service requester, while the
term [Lib] represents a customer who liberates a requested service.
mod BMMC-Dynamic is
rl [Service-Allocation] :
service< i ; cs:Ss ; available >[ e1 , e2 , e3 ].{ b2 } |
customer< i1 ; cc1:Sc ; i ; p:Port >[ Req ] | b1
service< i ; cs:Ss ; available >[ e1 , e2 , e3 ].{ b2 } |
customer< i1 ; cc1:Sc ; i ; p:Port >[ e1 ] | b1 .
rl [Service-Liberation] :
customer< i1 ; cc:Sc ; i ; p:Port >[ edge na ] | b1
customer< i1 ; cc:Sc ; i ; p:Port >[ Lib ] | b1 .
Reaction rules (defined in Section 2.2) will be transformed into rewrite rules. Thus,
several rewrite rules are defined in terms of service allocation and system scalabil-
The BMMC Preds module represents a system specification property expressed in
linear temporal logic. The relevant state predicates are typically part of the property
specification. So, we propose two state predicates to identify whether a service is
cloned or a customer is a service requester. These predicates can be parametrized
with service and customer operators; their semantics is defined as follows:
subsort Bigraph < State .
op requester : -> Prop .
op cloned : -> Prop .
eq customer< i1:Qid ; c:Sc ; i2:Qid ; p:Port >[ Req ] | b
requester = true .
eq service< i1:Qid ; c:Ss ; cloned >[e1, e2, e3].{ b1 } | b
cloned = true .
Model checking LTL formula is realized using a given initial state. For this reason,
BMMC-Checker module, defines an initial state containing a service (s2) of control
IaaS that is unavailable and a customer (c4) of control ISV requesting service (s2)
via its public port. In this case and during execution, the system will automatically
(by running the scaling-up rule) add an instance (”cloned”) of service (s2) to treat
customer (c4) request.
op initial1 : -> Bigraph .
eq initial1 =
service<’s2; IaaS; unavailable>[edge 1, edge 2, edge 3].{null}
| customer< ’c4 ; ISV ; ’s2 ; PbP >[ Req ] .
3.2 Services Availability and Quick Scalability Properties
The BMMC, implemented in Maude as a system module, provides an executable speci-
fication of a cloud system. It can be exploited to simulate the cloud system so specified.
But we can do more. Under appropriate conditions we can check that our bigraphical
model satisfies some important properties. We deal here with simpler, yet very use-
ful, properties such as service availability and quick scalability, while considering ini-
tial state specified in ”BMMC-Checker” module in this example case. Figure 5 bellow
shows model checking results of service availability and quick scalability properties
that are both verified.
The specification of the considered properties:
”Services Availability is fulfilled if system model (in its canonical final states) do
not contain an unsatisfied customer request”.
”Quick scalability is verified if all states, in which no more rewrites are possible,
contain at least one instance of a cloned cloud service”.
These specifications are expressed by the following LTL formulas:
O [] not (requester) .
O [] (cloned).
Fig. 5. Verification of Services Availability and Quick Scalability properties.
4 Conclusion
Bigraphical Reactive Systems (BRS) have been adopted as a semantic framework for
cloud computing specification. BRS seem adequate for two reasons. Firstly, the model
emphasizes on both locality and connectivity that can be used to specify location and in-
terconnection of cloud systems. Secondly, a set of reaction rules, providing to bigraphs
the ability to reconfigure themselves, are very useful to formalize cloud system dynam-
ics, especially cloud services elasticity. The defined bigraphical model allows develop-
ers to correctly reason about most cloud computing features as modelling, composition
and reconfiguration. Particularly, we have shown how this model provides a flexible
theoretical framework where cloud service delivery and deployment models can be nat-
urally defined. A nice consequence of this axiomatization is that relationships between
cloud services and cloud customers have been exploited to formally verify some prop-
erties. This would not have been possible without the proposal of the BMMC, which
is the mapping of bigraphical model to a Maude-based formal executable specifica-
tion. Compared to existing works, the proposed approach achieves a balance between
understandability of representation and formal reasoning techniques.
As future work, we plan to exploit meta-modelling and model transformation tools
to realize a graphical interface and a BMMC specifications generator in order to facili-
tate the exploitation of our proposed approach, thereby permitting graphical edition and
automatic generation of the corresponding specifications.
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