in Section 6 we draw our conclusions and identify fu-
ture work directions.
In this Section, we provide some representative sce-
narios that outline the main open issues related to the
management of security requirements in a cloud en-
vironment, and help to evidence the main functional-
ities required from a security-oriented platform. As a
first scenario, let us consider a cloud federation whose
set-up is explicitly subject to security requirements
(i.e. the federated providers must ensure a set of se-
curity features). At the state of the art, the evaluation
of security attributes related to a cloud provider is car-
ried out by hand (for example, based on the provider’s
existing ISO/IEC 27000-series certifications), as there
are no automatic tools to search, among the avail-
able cloud offerings, those matching specific security
attributes. This is mostly due to the lack of stan-
dards to specify the requested/provided security pa-
rameters. Recently, some steps have been taken for
improving transparency and assurance in the cloud
by the Cloud Security Alliance, with its STAR (Secu-
rity, Trust & Assurance Registry) initiative. However,
even if STAR is a powerful means to help users assess
the security of cloud providers, there is still a lack of
mechanisms to effectively evaluate and compare dif-
ferent offerings, given a specific request.
Similar issues can show up even in the traditional
interactions between cloud providers and end-users.
Let us consider, for example, a cloud end-user that
wishes to acquire a secure cloud storage service to
remotely store data with specific data confidential-
ity requirements. With the currently available ap-
proaches, the user has first to manually search for
cloud providers with the desired storage features, then
check their SLAs in order to verify the kind of con-
fidentiality features offered, study the different avail-
able offerings, and finally select the one that fulfills as
much as possible its requirements. As for the previous
case, it would be desirable to provide the end-users
with a single access point to specify their functional
and non-functional (security) requirements and with
automatic tools to search for and to select the best of-
fering. Moreover, in both scenarios, once a security
control has been guaranteed from a provider, the cus-
tomer should be provided with proper tools to monitor
the correct service provisioning while, at the state of
art, the customer must accept the provider monitoring
services and metrics, and can only create local mea-
surements to obtain further information (e.g., custom
local measurements of response time).
As stated, our main goal is the design and the imple-
mentation of a PaaS dedicated to security services,
based on an SLA approach. At the state of the art,
PaaS solutions are very different from one another,
and there is no standard interpretation of how to build
them. The most common solution is based on adapt-
ing application servers (like Apache Tomcat), in order
to decouple application deploying from virtual ma-
chines acquired over Infrastructure-as-a-Service so-
lutions. Examples of such solutions are offered by
FP7 projects as cloud4SOA (Zeginis et al., 2013),
OPTIMIS (OPTIMIS, ) or Contrail (in the ConPaaS
module (Pierre and Stratan, 2012)). Such PaaS solu-
tions are usually dedicated to a single technology (in
the most common case, web applications), which is
cloud-enabled in a way completely transparent to ap-
plication developers. This approach is based on the
idea of porting well-known middlewares to the cloud,
and of making transparent to middleware users the
adoption of the cloud paradigm for lower level re-
source acquisition. In other words, applications (and
their developers) are not aware of the cloud.
An alternative approach is the one proposed by
integrated stacks as Google App Engine (GAE) or
Microsoft Azure, where developers must adopt dedi-
cated APIs to build cloud-enabled applications. Such
platforms are integrated with the offering of the CSP,
who manages the full stack of services (SaaS, PaaS
and IaaS). Applications are developed using dedi-
cated toolkits: in this case, application developers are
aware of the adoption of the cloud paradigm and have
a set of dedicated APIs that enable them to exploit
the cloud flexibility in their applications. As a draw-
back, applications are dependent on the platform, and
cannot be used over different cloud providers without
Finally, a further approach has been proposed in
solutions as mOSAIC (Petcu et al., 2013) or open-
shift (RedHat, ). These adopt a dedicated cloudware,
which can be deployed over infrastructure resources
and offers APIs similar to the ones offered by GAE
or Azure, but independent of the CSP that delivers the
(infrastructure-level) resources. Our goal is to start
from such solutions and build a PaaS dedicated to
offering security (Security-as-a-Service) through an
SLA-based approach.
As the first step towards the design of the plat-
form, we analyzed the possible interactions with
prospective customers, identifying three interaction
models illustrated in details in Section 3.1. After
that, in order to define the platform requirements, we