Towards a Social Engineering Test Framework
David Kelm and Melanie Volkamer
CASED, TU Darmstadt, Hochschulstr. 10, 64289, Darmstadt, Germany
Abstract. A growing number of hacking attacks use social engineering
techniques to exploit the human factor of computer systems. They include
versatile sophisticated approaches like reciprocity, authority or manipulation
techniques to capitalize on in general positives of humans such as helpfulness.
These attacking techniques are used in the private as well as in the business
context. In the latter they form a main tool for industrial espionage. While there
exist evaluation standards for security critical software and hardware as well as
their operational environment, due to our knowledge there is no evaluation
standard available in order to evaluate vulnerability of organizations with
respect to social engineering. This paper will present a framework to evaluate
this kind of vulnerability. This framework includes whitebox as well as
blackbox tests. The framework enables organizations to elaborate the level of
resistance as well as to identify concrete vulnerabilities. These can be used to
implement concrete measures to improve the situation, i.e. the level of
1 Introduction
Breaches in security often elude our ability to defend against and thus lead to billions
of dollars annually in individual and corporate losses [14]. One major problem in this
connection is industrial espionage. Thereby, attackers gain access to sensitive data
and information by abusing technical or human vulnerabilities. The human
vulnerabilities build one of the most hazardous information security threats since,
according to the Information Security Handbook: A Guide for Managers of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), ''people are arguably the
weakest element in the security formula that is used to secure systems and networks''
[1]. Thus, the ''people factor'', a critical factor, which is often overlooked, provides
massive opportunities for security improvements in order to protect business
We focus here on the human vulnerability, which is exploited by social
engineering. Social engineering is according to Christopher Hadnagy [7], the "Art of
Human Hacking'' i.e. manipulating people into performing actions, which enables
adversaries to gather information and exploit vulnerabilities.
Social engineering often starts with information gathering where the social
engineer tries to collect as much information as she can, for example by searching
through dumpsters or conducting a simple google search. By means of the gathered
‘public’ information she plans next steps. Here she attempts to develop a relationship
with her victim to exploit an awareness deficit and insufficient security skills, usually
Kelm D. and Volkamer M..
Towards a Social Engineering Test Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0004980000380048
In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2014), pages 38-48
ISBN: 978-989-758-031-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
by utilizing techniques such as impersonation and manipulation. Thereby, adversaries
abuse human natural behavior and characteristics such as helpfulness, curiosity,
credulity, kindness or authority hearing.
Since, due to our knowledge, there exist only frameworks to evaluate how
resistant infrastructures of organizations are against technical hacks, but not against
social engineering attacks our main aim is to provide a social engineering test
framework. It consists of three stages: gather information, exploit information and a
document and interview based analysis. The framework provides advice to auditors
conducting the evaluation. This includes what type of information should be tried to
gather as well as how it could be used for social engineering attacks. Additionally, it
contains information about the type of documents to be reviewed and the questions
that should be addressed in the interviews. Furthermore, the framework is designed in
a way that after the evaluation and determined vulnerability level a written report is
handed out.
2 Related Work
There are plenty of standards dealing with the topic of organizational security tests,
albeit the present literature seldom addresses the measurement of social engineering.
The ISO27000 series of standards have been specifically reserved by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) for information security matters. Therefore,
many modules are defined that try to list some best practices recommendations.
Despite the fact that these are huge documents with an enormous scope, this series
addresses social engineering just marginally. Just ISO27005 offers more details when
it comes to Risk assessment. Nevertheless, it offers no specific risk analysis methods.
In contrast to ISO27000 security testing, the proposed social engineering test
framework is not aimed to emit certificates, but to measure the specific vulnerability
of social engineering. Therefore, the organization under test will get an assessment
with respect to social engineering.
In [9] the authors offer a metric for risk assessment. However, they just rely on
experiments with employees and execute one test. To get a realistic overview about
the security of a company we propose to conduct several different experiments and an
additional internal observation. [12] also gives some hints about conducting social
engineering penetration tests, but leaves still a lot of open questions and stays vague.
Nevertheless, a significant point that is mentioned here is e.g. the ethical component
of social engineering penetration tests.
As input for the development of our social engineering test framework, we also
studied general security test literature: In (Smith and Shorter, 2010, pp. 358-363) the
authors compare white box and black box penetration tests and conclude that both
kinds of tests should be conducted. Thus, we cover both parts within our
recommendations for social engineering penetration tests.
Moreover, Pierce et al., [13] critically reviewed seven penetration testing
methodologies in practice, considering the commercial environment, open source
frameworks and the literature. Similar characteristics were observed among the
methodologies, such as progressive frameworks and similar concepts were reflected
in the phases part of testing. The survey identified five major phases of testing:
reconnaissance, planning, penetration, escape and documentation. Penetration and
planning are considered to be the two main issues for successful rigorous penetration
testing and will be focused on within this paper as well. In contrast, classical
penetration tests as the Open-Source Security Testing Methodology Manual
(OSSTMM) [10] mention social engineering, but do not provide tests. In [5], the
German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) points out a structured
methodology for penetration tests based on OSSTMM. However, it does only provide
an overview and some assistance to approach a general testing concept well
3 Framework Overview
The aim of this section is to propose and overview of the social engineering test
framework (visualized in Fig. 1). We propose to begin as a real social engineer would
do, to achieve a realistic testing approach. That is, by verifying what kind of
information can be gathered about the organization under evaluation and chooses our
‘penetration’ test scenarios based on the respective results. i.e. gathered information.
The framework is divided into an external and an internal part. In the external part
the auditor has no insight into the organization’s internal structure. As such black box
tests are conducted, within which information gathering and its exploitation by real
attacks is done. During the internal analysis, the current policies and security culture
(based on interviews) are evaluated. Hence a document based white box test is
Fig. 1. Visualization of the stages of the social engineering test framework.
It is possible to conduct the external and the internal stage simultaneously. But,
then the auditor for both stages should not be the same person, since the auditor may
use internal information for her attacking scenarios, even if unintentionally.
General Remarks: Before any tests are executed, it is important that possible
conflicts with the staff association and the organizations’ chief officers are clarified.
Especially in the case of compliance or skill and awareness checks, these tests can
cause problems in the juristic field of employee observation. As a matter of course,
the organization has to define a clear scope and rules of engagement for testing. The
scope should include, at a minimum, systems with the organization's highest value
information and production processing functionality.
4 Blackbox Testing
Within the blackbox tests the auditor initially gathers information, based on a
checklist that is provided as part of the proposed framework. This checklist is derived
from a broad literature review, e.g. [11], [8], [4], [2], and [7]. Depending on the list
and type of information that could be gathered, appropriate and possible attacking
scenarios are deduced. Therefore, the framework provides a large list of attacking
scenarios as well as an algorithm supporting the auditor to select attacking scenarios.
The selected attacking scenarios are executed in the second phase.
4.1 Phase 1: Information Gathering
We start with information gathering from publically available sources to follow the
track of a malicious social engineer. Within this phase of the evaluation, we measure
to what extent information about the organization can be collected, i.e. about the
degree to which the organization is either robust or prone to social engineering
attacks. It bases upon the fact that, if more information can be found, more
sophisticated attacks are possible. Depending on the degree of information gathering
approved by the organization under test, also a collection of public contact
information can be executed as a part of this check. Due to financial or time
constraints, some organizations may want to limit this phase; therefore e.g. the
employees’ contact information can be handed out to the auditor in order to conduct
the attacks in the next phase (of e.g. phishing attacks).
Our framework offers assistance in information gathering by means of a checklist
with 39 items. We first describe the frameworks’ information gathering checklist
before we explain how it is used within Phase 1.
4.1.1 Information Gathering Checklist
To develop this checklist, we collected information about occurred and publicly
known social engineering incidents e.g. [11], [8], [4], [2], [7] and searched for
proposed tactics e.g. [7] or [12]. We evaluated which information abets social
engineering attacks and how critical they may be. Included checklist-items indicate
how well informed an attacker can be, when she conducts serious information
gathering. In order to rate and rank the results of phase 1, risk values are assigned for
each item. These risk values depend on the number of possible attacks and the
exploitation risk that they pose to an organization. The checklist could not be included
in the paper due to space limitations.
4.1.2 Usage of the Information Gathering Checklist
If within an extensive information gathering search an information item is found, the
corresponding risk value is added to the total value. Therefore, four values are
assigned from 1 (not critical) to 4 (extremely critical). Since it is very important how
easily an attacker can gather this information, the auditor additionally defines how
easily she achieved this information and classifies the effort. The corresponding
algorithm is pictured in Figure 2 a). Hence another five values can be assigned: 0 (no
information found), 1 (by physical), 2 (via phone), 3 (via internet) and x (not tried to
find this information).
To rank these findings, the values of the found items’ risk value are summed up,
while the average effort value is calculated. As a matter of fact the average effort
value (of our 39 items) should be as low as possible (since a low effort
value means
more effort had to be invested to collect the corresponding information). We estimate
that an average effort value below 1.2 should be desirable (note, this need to be
confirmed by case studies applying this framework). By means of this checklist, a
maximum cumulated risk value of 345 can be achieved.
Additionally, we define a maximum possible value since information the
researcher was not looking for should not influence the results in a positive way:
meant is the maximum value excluding all x-values. Due to the fact that a lower value
illustrates a better immunity against information gathering we propose the following
assessment: A value lower than 1/7 of the maximum possible value seems to be fine,
lower than 1/4 is still ok while an value between 1/4 and 1/2 of the maximum possible
value is critical. If more than 1/2 of the maximum possible critical value is reached, a
very high risk should be considered. Since these values are just an estimated proposal
point of reference, they need to be empirically verified in future within a case study.
Fig. 2. a) Algorithm for information gathering. b) Algorithm for assigning and proposing
4.2 Phase 2: Execute Attacks
The deduction process is aided by an algorithm that helps to choose and rank the
possible attacks based on the information gathering findings.
4.2.1 Attacking Scenario List
Based on the information found in the previous step, different social engineering
attacks are possible. To assist the auditor while figuring out which attacks the
organization under test is likely to be faced with, a knowledge base was developed.
Thus, it is easy to choose attack scenarios that are connected with corresponding
information gathering items. These attack scenarios were developed by the help of
occurred and public known social engineering incidents, e.g. [11], [8], [4], [2] and
derived from the knowledge of other authors e.g. [7] or (Nohlberg, 2008). For a more
detailed insight into that list of scenarios please contact the authors. Within these
proposed scenarios the security compliance of employees is evaluated by conducting
small parts of attacks instead of full attacks (i.e. by establishing a relationship with an
employee, without exploiting them). That way, many more different attack vectors
can be examined than if just one or two sophisticated and fully exploited attacks were
conducted. An example is the Event Registration scenario: Within a spoofed e-mail,
the auditor impersonates an employee and pretends to organize a social event. All
employees that are interested and would like to get further information should register
themselves via an online form. This information could be easily further exploited, but
this is not necessary, since we already got a meaningful result.
4.2.2 Usage of the Attacking Scenario List
To choose the best attacking scenario we provide the auditors with an algorithm,
which will be described later on. It is inevitable that different attacks address different
victims, because each attack might increase the employees’ suspiciousness towards
the social engineering attempts. Clearly, this depends critically on the size of the
organization under test. Within a large company, there is no problem to address
different employees while in smaller companies only few employees are available as
targets for different attacks. Nevertheless, these hindered test conditions form a
realistic security estimation for smaller companies, since they are also more resistant
to multiple attacks in reality.
To introduce an algorithm for the choice of attacking scenarios, we have to
classify them. Therefore, we assign them to different levels of detectability and risk,
since these express the main classification quality. The levels of detectability are
defined with respect to the sophistication of the attack. Obviously, these levels may
vary even within a single scenario, since they critically depend on the actual
arrangement of the scenario. For example, a phishing mail can be sent from a freemail
address, or from a real company email address that has been spoofed. Moreover, the
text can be written in English, or in the company language, it can contain writing
errors or be well verbalized. Accordingly, the levels of consequences and risks of a
scenario are assigned according to the following scheme:
Level 1: Helps to gather further non-critical information (e.g. vacation times)
Level 2: Places malicious file on personal computer via internet or helps to gather
further non-critical information (unlimited, i.e. within conversation).
Level 3: Helps to gather further critical information (i.e. passwords) or places
malicious files on personal computer via non secure (physical) way.
Level 4: Allows physical on-site access to information systems
Well prepared phishing mails mean a huge threat, since they are very efficient and
low effort attacking tools. Thus, we further distinguish between different kinds of
phishing mails at each level, to cover a broad area of attacks. Therefore, exploitation
and preparation mails are sent. The main aim of exploitation mails is to infect the
victim’s computer with a malicious file. Thus, within an exploitation mail the auditor
counts how many people would download a file (i.e. PDF). However, the main aim of
a preparation mail is to persuade the victim to enter personal information (i.e. e-mail,
name, and password) into a web form. Therefore, the auditor guides the victims to a
manipulated website where they shall enter their data.
Since it may not be possible to conduct all tests that are proposed, due to a rising
detection risk with each test, the selection of tests is very important. Therefore, the
auditor first needs to have conducted information gathering (Process visualized in
Figure 2a) and a specification and ordering of the attack scenarios by the following
properties: available information (the more the better), risk level (the higher the
better) and detectability level. We have developed an algorithm for this process; a
diagram can be seen in Figure 2b.
To get an effective insight without immense costs, we recommend conducting
attacks beginning with the lowest level of detectability, until one level of attack was
successful. An attack can be hold as successful if at least 10 to 30 per cent of victims
fall for it (empirical value has to be confirmed in further research). That way, it is
possible to make a statement concerning the security of the organization under test. It
is recommended to send at least one preparation and one exploitation mail per level,
but at best also physical on-site and phone scenarios should be conducted. As a matter
of course, the attacks with a higher risk level (within the same level of detectability)
are more relevant and should be conducted with priority.
The algorithm for choosing these attacks is as follows: The auditor has to define a
priori how many attacks she would like to conduct per level (minimum is two, as
there needs to be at least one preparation and one exploitation mail). Then, found
information is entered. Based on these findings our algorithm evaluates which attacks
got the most information and should be conducted in a more sophisticated way.
Within this ordered list, the assigned risk value is not considered. Therefore, the
algorithm does two bubble sort iterations where values with a higher risk level are
preferred. Based on the resulting list, attacking proposals for the different kinds of
attacks can be given. Thus, the algorithm’s final output proposes a list of different
exploitation/preparation/physical attacking scenarios for each level. Thereby, there
are always two to four more scenarios proposed than the auditor has specified a priori.
This leaves some freedom in choice of attacking scenarios since an algorithm cannot
estimate the whole situation as the auditor can do.
In the following, we describe some of the attack scenarios listed in our knowledge
base. We start with an exploitation attack: New Documents (Detectability: 1, 2; Risk:
2) - The auditor pretends to introduce new security documents that should be noticed
by all employees working at Computer-Workstations since “there are very important
changes”. Thus, she attaches a (manipulated) PDF file that gives her access to the
opener`s computer. Information that helps at this scenario is i.e. email naming
convention, a public forum or IT support handling. But furthermore, we also propose
some preparation scenarios, e.g.: Event Registration (Detectability: 1, 2; Risk: 3) -
Within a spoofed mail, the auditor impersonates an employee and pretends to want to
organize a social event. All employees that are interested and would like to get further
information should register themselves via an online form. The auditor can easily ask
for information like name, address, hobbies, e-mails or even passwords. Therefore, it
is necessary to know whether there are any websites that are blocked and if there is an
intranet in use. In addition, we propose some physical scenarios, e.g.: Repairman
(Detectability: 2, 3; Risk: 4) - A hired actor impersonates a computer technician and
claims to have the order to service the computer of an employee. While she is doing
this, she is snooping around for passwords hidden under the phone, keyboard or desk
blotter etc. or plugs an USB-Stick in. Here, it would be beneficial to know if there are
public terminals for open use, how the IT support is handled and if there is a public
forum where e.g. announcements are made.
At least one employee should be informed as an insider before each executed
attack. She should be able to inform the auditor if some internal process goes wrong
or prevents the respective attack. Naturally, an IT-Department employee is best suited
to collect and report this kind of information. Of course, it has to be ensured that
systemic problems discovered in penetration tests are fully tracked and reported well
in the resulting document.
Proposed lists, information gathering and penetration testing, can of course be
extended following the concept of this paper (necessary to hold the algorithms
feasible). Nevertheless, the information gathering list should be adequate for most
The result of the external testing phase gives an overview of possible attacking
vectors for external attackers. We try to pattern how an attacker would approach an
attack and to identify which gateways are easy to obey. Since this only gives an
overview of apparent attacking gateways, it is necessary to analyze the internal
processes as well. It helps to identify even more security issues that arise by reason of
internal processes and mistakes.
5 Whitebox Testing
5.1 Phase 1: Analysis of Security Mechanisms Against the Threat of Social
The internal stage begins with analyzing current security mechanisms. In the literature
testing approaches can be found to measure the IT security level of an organization.
We derive some key items from [3]. The focus hereby lies on external threats, since
the risk that internal attackers (i.e. employees) mean to an organization mostly
depends on their satisfaction, not on fails to social engineering. This stage aims to
identify vulnerabilities that were overlooked from outside and is supposed to reduce
the impact of the residual risk, when the auditor is not capable of conducting adequate
One part of the process is the reviewing of internal, security relevant documents
and policies. Important items that have to be present in order for an organization to be
considered as well-protected are listed in our framework. A selection is mentioned
Rules of Behavior: A general instruction set for all employees that indicates the
desired behavior.
Security Mechanisms: Firewall, USB ports, anti-malware, use of encryption.
Termination Responsibilities: Responsibilities for performing employment
termination or change-of employment (including removal of access rights and
return of assets)
Furthermore, there are some additional items listed, which are strongly recommended,
but not strictly necessary, inter alia a training plan where the frequency and content of
training sessions is defined.
Additional documents can affect the assessment in a positive way. Accessibility,
availability and update process of all documents has to be reviewed as well.
5.2 Phase 2: Conduct Interviews
Nevertheless, a pure screening of documents cannot tell everything about the real
situation within the organization. The spreading process and range is just as important
as the content is. To verify this, we propose to do further a check with respect to how
well these documents are communicated. Therefore, at least two employees at each
level of hierarchy should be additionally interviewed, since that way the risk that both
are outlier is minimized. Nevertheless, the possibility of desirability biased results
should be taken into account as well. In order to conduct them consistently we have
developed an interview guideline, which should be followed while conducting the
Some major items that are covered are as follows:
Does the employee know any security relevant documents and follows them
Does the employee write down his/her passwords and keeps them secret
Would the employee use any USB Sticks without knowing the origin
6 Report
After analyzing the results of this investigation, the organization receives a written
report illustrating the results. For the blackbox as well as for the whitebox tests, a
rating between zero and 100% is assigned. Since they can be weighted individually,
the weighted average value can set a meaningful statement, i.e. by assigning more
importance to a penetration test phase, which needs more effort and has more
We advise to include a traffic light figure in a prominent place that shows a green,
yellow or a red light in order to clearly illustrate this value. Yet, to propose exact
values to calculate, evaluate and rank the results more research is necessary.
It is necessary that standards of qualitative interviewing are followed, as they are proposed in [FU07].
7 Conclusion
We have presented a new systematic testing approach for organizations that attaches
importance to the threat of social engineering in business contexts. The first part is an
external analysis, including an information gathering process and social engineering
penetration tests. The second part is an internal investigation that is comprised of an
analysis of current security mechanisms and by interviews for a deeper view into the
inner workings of the organization under test.
In the external stage the auditor conducts a blackbox penetration test. By help of a
knowledge base, she initially gathers information and chooses - based on these
findings - attacks out of a list of proposed attacking scenarios. This deduction process
is aided by an algorithm that helps to choose and rank the possible attacks based on
the information gathering findings in a consistent and systematic manner. Hence, it is
necessary that the previously executed information gathering phase is completed
beforehand. Nevertheless, it is possible to conduct the external and the internal phase
simultaneously while auditors should not be the same person, since – even
unintentionally – an auditor could use internal information for his attacking scenarios
within e.g. a phone call. In the internal stage the auditor reviews current security
mechanisms of the organization under test and confirms the results of this analysis by
interviewing employees.
The main drawbacks of this approach are that there is much freedom leftover for
the auditor. On the one hand, that way he is able to consider company specific facts,
but on the other hand, the test result depends on the ability and creativity of the
auditor. We try to decrease this by giving a lot of checklists, but this defect will never
disappear. Moreover, there are some design decisions where we had to estimate
values to the best of our knowledge (they will be evaluated in a following case study).
The next steps are, of course, a practical evaluation of this concept, where we
obtain concrete limits for the different values, gain an insight on problems that still
may occur and identify additional social engineering gateways to further improve the
accurateness of our social engineering test framework.
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