Principles and Metrics to Improve Quality in SOA Applications
Joyce M. S. Franc¸a
and Michel S. Soares
Federal University of Uberlˆandia, Faculty of Computing, Uberlˆandia, Brazil
Federal University of Sergipe, Department of Computing, S˜ao Crist´ov˜ao, Sergipe, Brazil
Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) have emerged as an architectural approach for building distributed ap-
plications based on the concept of assembling services. Currently, the growing complexity of software re-
quires greater attention about the quality of the produced applications. Many advances in SOA quality have
been proposed in the literature, such as definitions of quality models, attributes and some metrics. However,
many research gaps were found and thus much more needs to be done in this research area. There is a lack
of metrics and tools to evaluate quality in SOA. Another aspect that needs to be addressed is the application
and evaluation of research in accordance with the ISO 25000 standard. Therefore, this research project is
mainly aimed at addressing relevant issues in the quality of service-oriented applications that have not been
adequately explored. This paper presents the state of the art in the area of quality in SOA, the objectives that
have been defined, the methodology to be followed to achieve the objectives, and the expected outcomes of
the research project.
Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is the comput-
ing paradigm that utilizes services as fundamental el-
ements for developing applications/solutions (Papa-
zoglou, 2003). A service is a capability of the busi-
ness organization that is implemented and made avail-
able on the Internet (or Intranet) so that other ap-
plications can access it. Services are autonomous,
platform-independent computational entities that can
be used to create large, complex applications.
An important concept related to SOC is the
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). Many defini-
tions on SOA were proposed in the literature. Ac-
cording to the Open Group SOA Working Group
(SOA, 2014), SOA is an architectural style that sup-
ports service-orientation, and service-orientation is a
way of thinking in terms of services and service-
based development and the outcomes of services.
SOA has also been defined as a distributed archi-
tecture with services distributed in an environment
working together to perform some tasks (Steen et al.,
2005). In summary, SOA can be defined as a
paradigm or an architecture to implement loosely-
coupled, platform-independent distributed software
systems using communicating services. Currently,
SOA is well-recognized as an established architec-
tural paradigm for distributed systems (Goeb and
Lochmann, 2011).
Services performs functions that can be simple re-
quests for activities or complex business processes.
Therefore, services can be of simple nature or com-
posite. Composite services involve the concept of or-
chestration. The concept of orchestration is related
to automating business processes. The orchestration
allows services to be composed of other services, in
such a way that the logic of the process is centralized
by orchestration that enables extensibility (composi-
tion of new services).
Another important concept of the SOA paradigm
is choreography(Erl, 2005), which enables collabora-
tion between organizations of different applications.
Choreography is essentially a collaborative process
designed to enable organizations to interact in an en-
vironment that is not owned by any partner. The WS-
specification (WSCDL, 2014) enables the ex-
change of information among multiple organizations
(or even different applications within the organiza-
Service-oriented computing is not the first pro-
posed paradigm for systems integration. Several dis-
tributed solutions have been proposed, with varying
degree of success and limitations. Integration of soft-
ware systems became a key reference in the late 1990s
and many organizations were not well-prepared for it
Web Services Choreography Description Language.
M. S. França J. and S. Soares M..
Principles and Metrics to Improve Quality in SOA Applications.
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Erl, 2007). Thus, many systems were developed with
little elaboration and integration point to point was
created according to the needs that were emerging.
This approach produced a tangle of complex connec-
tions, difficult maintenance and problems associated
with lack of stability, extensibility and inadequate in-
teroperability frameworks. The EAI
platforms intro-
duced the middleware that allowed more robust and
extensible architectures. Despite improvements in in-
tegration over time, middlewares were often consid-
ered to be complex and expensive (Erl, 2005).
Service-oriented computing proposes the use of
open standards such as SOAP
(SOAP, 2014) and
XML (to define the WSDL
(WSDL, 2014)). The
SOAP protocol is used for data transmission. The
WSDL describes the information about the service
such as the service functionality description and data
types transmitted in a structured way using a gram-
mar described in XML. The use of these open stan-
dards facilitates the development of service-oriented
applications because the exchanged information has a
standardized format.
Service in SOA is platform independent (Papa-
zoglou, 2003). This feature is of great advantage be-
cause SOA enables integration in heterogeneous envi-
ronments. Thus, no matter what platform the system
has been developedin, it is always possible to propose
integration using SOA.
The possibility of interacting systems in hetero-
geneous environments makes SOA a very attractive
technology because it enables reuse of legacy sys-
tems. Legacy systems hold the key and complex busi-
ness processes of companies. Legacy systems were
developed in the past decades using programming
languages such as COBOL, RPG, and C/C++ (Ben-
nett, 1995). These systems are known to be inflexible
and difficult to maintain. It is estimated that more than
80% of business data in the world are executed on
COBOL and 50% -70% of total IT costs are expent for
the maintenance of these systems (Koutsoukos et al.,
2006). SOA has emerged with the promise of allow-
ing legacy systems to expose their core functionality
as services (Khadka et al., 2011).
With software systems becoming more complex
over time, quality assurance become increasingly im-
portant. Software quality is a challenge for software
engineering, and this challenge extends to SOA ap-
plications. The emergence of service-oriented archi-
tecture introduced new challenges. One of these chal-
lenges is the need to create design principles and spe-
cific design patterns for SOA in order to design high
Enterprise Application Integration middleware.
Simple Object Acess Protocol.
Web Services Description Language.
quality applications. These quality properties need to
be evaluated in practice, but few researches on spe-
cific quality attributes, tools and metrics for SOA ap-
plications were proposed in the literature. This is the
core of this thesis proposal.
The first stage of this project was to determine the real
applicability of SOA design principlesin practice, and
further evaluating the influence of these design prin-
ciples on the quality of SOA applications. This study
aims to analyze if these principles are used in practice,
how they are implemented, in which domains they are
most used, what advantages are obtained in their use,
and how the application of these principles influences
the quality of the application. A systematic literature
review has been performed to answer properly these
research questions.
The designed strategy to perform a systematic lit-
erature review was to search empirical studies that
mentioned the use of design principles. Articles pre-
senting researches in which SOA applications were
developed as case studies were recovered in the sys-
tematic review for an analysis of how the principles of
SOA design are used and if any mention was made to
the influence of the use of these principles in practice.
Among the results of this review, an interesting
one is that few studies mentioned the use of design
principles when developing SOA applications in case
studies. The reason is not yet clear. Therefore, the
second part of the project is to interview profession-
als and academic researchers with focus on trying to
better understand this and other results found within
the systematic review.
The main objective of this study is to research on un-
derexplored topics in SOA quality. Several research
gaps were found in the area of quality in SOA. For
instance, lack of tools for measuring quality of SOA
applications (Goeb and Lochmann, 2011) and lack of
service design principles (Papazoglou et al., 2008).
In addition, few studies were published considering
the ISO 25000 standard (ISO/IEC, 2005) that deals
with quality and has been recently proposed to replace
the ISO 9126 (Goeb and Lochmann, 2011) (ISO/IEC,
The specific objectives of this research are:
1. To Systematically Evaluate the Applicability of
SOA Design Principles.
This study aims to contribute with design princi-
ples that improve the development and quality of
SOA applications. The existing SOA principles
have to be classified, for example, in relation to
their real applicability in practice, measured ad-
vantages and scope of use. Thus, during this re-
search a systematic review has been developed to
investigate these issues.
2. To Propose New Metrics.
Another objective of this study consists of evalu-
ating the existent metrics to measure SOA qual-
ity and to analyze them. It is of fundamental im-
portance to know if there exist metrics to evaluate
all SOA quality attributes, including the ones de-
scribed in ISO 25000. This work intends to pro-
pose new relevant metrics to assess the quality of
service-oriented applications.
3. To Propose Improvement in Tools.
From the literature review, it is possible to notice
the lack of tools to automatically collect metrics
to assess quality attributes of service-oriented ap-
plications. This study aims also to explore this
research gap in SOA. The strategy to achieve the
goal is to detect existing tools that measure qual-
ity in SOA applications. Thus, one can analyze
the quality of these tools based on predefined cri-
teria and verify which metrics are automatically
used to measure SOA quality.
4. To Contribute with SOA Quality Attributes
Based on ISO 25000.
Several founded studies are based in the ISO
9126 standard that was replaced by ISO 25000.
This study aims to contribute with new metrics to
measure quality attributes in SOA based on ISO
5. To Produce Case Studies to Validate the Re-
Software Engineering studies, in general, have
received critics regarding the few amount of re-
search with quantitative validation (Shaw, 2002)
(Runeson and H¨ost, 2009). One objective of this
research is to produce case studies with quantita-
tive validation. The case studies will be devel-
oped to suggest design principles for SOA that
improve quality application. Therefore, tools for
evaluating SOA quality will be used to produce
the quantitative validation. The qualitative analy-
sis of case studies will be performed by applying
questionnaires and interviews with users, students
and professionals.
The research problem addressed by this study is re-
lated to quality of SOA applications. Several research
gaps were found in the literature in quality about
SOA. Thus, there are many SOA quality topics that
need to be better explored.
The research problem addressed by this study was
divided into three sub-problems presented below.
1. SOA Design Principles.
Initially, the purpose of this study is to focus on
a research challenge presented by Papazoglou in
(Papazoglou et al., 2008): Design principles for
engineering service applications. This research
topic covers the search for fundamental principles
that are the basis for designing services. It is im-
portant to find out if this gap, proposed in 2008,
has been adequately addressed by researchers in
the past five years. Some research questions arise
from this topic: the literature provides all the fun-
damental principles for design services? How
these principles are used? What advantages are
obtained in their use? In what areas are they being
used? SOA applications are used only for legacy
systems or new systems too? Is there experimen-
tal evidence on the influence of these principles in
the quality of the application?
The first hypothesis to this research is: H1 - Cur-
rent specific SOA design principles are necessary
and sufficient to improve quality in SOA applica-
2. Lack of Metrics and Tools to Measure SOA
Quality Based on ISO 25000.
Several quality models specific for SOA have
been presented in the literature. However, these
quality models have their limitations related with
lack of metrics and tools to measure quality in
SOA applications. The proposed quality models
describe several quality attributes but do not pro-
vide tools for evaluating the degree of quality at-
tributes in SOA applications. Most quality models
were proposed in the literature in order to provide
quality attributes in accordance with the old ISO
9126. However, the ISO 25000 is more complete
and have a wider range of quality requirements for
software. Thus, there is a lack of research studies
addressing quality attributes based on ISO 25000.
Another important analysis is to verify if the exist-
ing quality attributes based on ISO 9126 complies
with the ISO 25000, and if ISO 25000 will bring
any benefit at all when compared with ISO 9126.
The second hypothesis is: H2 - The ISO 25000
brings important benefits to SOA applications
when compared to ISO 9126.
Literature review involves analyzing the studies al-
ready produced in the area. Literature review for this
project ia divided into two main areas: software qual-
ity for SOA and SOA design principles. The follow-
ing subsections describe some studies in these two ar-
5.1 Software Quality for SOA
The evaluation of software quality is an extremely im-
portant activity in the software development process.
According to Sanders and Curran (Sanders and Cur-
ran, 1994), quality is crucial for survival and success.
The software market is increasingly global, and com-
panies will have difficulties in succeeding on the mar-
ket unless they produce quality products and services.
According to Sommerville (Sommerville, 2010),
software quality is evaluated from internal and exter-
nal quality attributes. The factors that affect quality,
and can be directly measured, are called internal qual-
ity attributes (for example lines of code). Factors that
can only be indirectly measured are called external
quality attributes such as maintainability.
SOA quality can be evaluated by using several
external attributes, as for instance (O’Brien et al.,
2007): Interoperability, Performance, Security, Reli-
ability, Availability, Modifiability, Testability, Usabil-
ity, and Scalability. However, there is a lack of met-
rics to measure attributes such as modifiability and
Quality models are elaborated to describe, to eval-
uate and to predict the quality of a SOA application.
These models can be provided, for example, by or-
ganizations of international standards or guidelines
(Voelz and Goeb, 2010). Specific models for SOA
quality have been proposed in the literature: S-Cube
(Gehlert and Metzger, 2008), WSQM2.0
2005), Quamoco-extended (Goeb and Lochmann,
2011), and quality model for evaluating reusability
(Choi and Kim, 2008). SOA Quality models are most
often structured into a set of quality attributes that
should be found in SOA applications. Some models,
such as the one proposed by Choi and Kim (Choi and
Kim, 2008) also defines metrics to assess the defined
quality attributes.
S-Cube is a quality reference model for service-
based applications. This quality model consists of
89 quality attributes for service oriented computing
based on software engineering attributes (ISO 9126
and UML profiles). The weaknesses found in this
OASIS Quality Model for Web Services (WSQM2.0).
model (Goeb and Lochmann, 2011) are the high com-
plexity and lack of clarity in many settings, the fact
that the model does not fully follow the rules of ISO
9126 and does not provide a tool to assess the pro-
posed quality attributes (actually the authors indicate
that the development of a tool will be addressed in
future work).
WSQM is a quality model for Web Services de-
fined by OASIS (Organization for the Advancement
of Structured Information Standards)
. WSQM has
a similar approach to S-Cube in which it establishes
a set of important attributes of quality in the field of
web services. However, according to Goeb (Goeb and
Lochmann, 2011), this model is not mature enough
because many settings are not accurate.
The research project Quamoco
(Kl¨as et al.,
2011) (Lochmann and Heinemann, 2011) formed a
quality model for software that defines a generic
meta-model that enables the creation of tools for
many types of systems. However, the Quamoco
model is restricted to unique systems, and therefore
does not provide support for SOA applications. Thus,
an extension to Quamoco was created to include ap-
plications in SOA meta-model (Goeb and Lochmann,
2011). The extended Quamoco listed several upcom-
ing activities to complete the project, one of them is
to create a tool to produce quality measures.
Other articles have been published presenting
metrics for evaluatingquality in SOA. Most case stud-
ies are focused on presenting metrics to evaluate the
quality of service (QoS). One of these studies was per-
formed by Choi and Kim (Choi et al., 2007) where
QoS metrics have been defined to evaluate whether
services provide the responses for consumer appli-
cation (a Consumer Application is a partner organi-
zation application that provides information for ser-
vice). A set of metrics has been created to evaluate
each of the following six quality attributes: perfor-
mance, availability, reliability, dynamic discoverabil-
ity, dynamic adaptability and dynamic composability.
A case study was proposed to explore the applicabil-
ity of the metrics. Only one application was used as
case study, a Hotel Reservation Service (HRS). Met-
rics related to the availability of services were used
and it was concluded that the services of the HRS
have high availability. Considering the services per-
formance metrics, one service received long response
time indicating that improvements should be imple-
mented to optimize the service. The other proposed
metrics have not been evaluated by limitations in the
applicability. The study described in the paper was
based on the ISO 9126 quality model.
In 2008, Choi and Kim published another study
(Choi and Kim, 2008) that proposes metrics to evalu-
ate service reusability. In the study, reusability was
evaluated using quality attributes such as modular-
ity and adaptability. One case study in the field of
flights management with booking and purchasing air-
line tickets services was used to apply the new pro-
posed metrics. The study did not use tools to auto-
matically collect the results of the metrics.
It is possible to notice that much more needs to be
done regarding SOA quality research. There is a lack
of metrics and tools to evaluate quality in SOA. An-
other aspect that needs to be addressed is the produc-
tion of studies in accordance with the ISO 25000 stan-
dard because it is more complete in relation to quality
attributes than ISO 9126.
5.2 SOA Design Principles
According to the SWEBOK (Software Engineering
Body of Knowledge) (IEEE Computer Society, 2004),
software design principles are key notions considered
fundamental to many different software design ap-
proaches and concepts. Several design principles for
software have been proposed in the literature with the
aim of improving the logic of the solution and/or deal
with the problem complexity. The principles of soft-
ware engineering are useful for the emergence of best
practices (Bourque et al., 2002) that collaborate to
create consistent designs.
Examples of design principles for software en-
gineering found in SWEBOK (IEEE Computer So-
ciety, 2004) are abstraction, coupling and cohe-
sion, decomposition and modularization, encapsula-
tion/information hiding, separation of interface and
implementation, sufficiency, completeness and primi-
A brief description of each of the above princi-
ples are presented as follows based on various publi-
cations (Bass et al., 1998) (Bosch, 2000) (Buschmann
et al., 1996) (Jalote, 1997) (Liskov and Guttag, 2000)
(Pfleeger, 2001) (Pressman, 2009).
Abstraction: Abstraction is the process of represent-
ing data and programs omitting the implementa-
tion details.
Coupling and Cohesion: The coupling is defined as
the degree of relationship between the modules.
Cohesiveness is defined as the way that elements
of a module are related.
Decomposition and Modularization: Process to
decompose and modularize large software into
several smaller parts, often with the goal of
assigning different functions or responsibilities in
different components.
Encapsulation/Information Hiding:
Encapsulation/information hiding means group-
ing and packaging the elements and internal
details of an abstraction and making those details
Separation of Interface and Implementation:
Separation of interface and implementation
involves defining a component by specifying a
public interface, known by the client and separate
the details of how the component is implemented.
Sufficiency, Completeness and Primitiveness:
Achieving sufficiency, completeness and prim-
itiveness means ensuring that a software com-
ponent captures all the important features of an
abstraction and nothing more.
A literature review was proposed with the aim of
analyzing if the principles for software engineering
in general are applicable to SOA. Few studies in this
area were found. The study presented by Huhns and
Singh (Huhns and Singh, 2005) demonstrates how the
principle of abstraction is applied specifically in SOA.
Another important publications is the book from Erl,
T. (Erl, 2007) in which eight specific design principles
for SOA are highlighted. These studies are detailed as
Huhns and Singh (Huhns and Singh, 2005) show
how to apply the principle of abstraction in SOA. Ser-
vices provide high level of abstraction for large-scale
organizational applications. The article describes a
hospital system that provides a range of services to
exemplify existing levels of abstraction. A large hos-
pital has, among other activities, the challenge of
making the payment, providing suitable scales and
interacting with account systems. A hospital system
provides service within the organization itself, which
exemplifies a level of intra-enterprise abstraction, as
well as with other organizations. SOA allows that
legacy systems components can be encapsulated as
services, preserving the component behavior and fa-
cilitating composition. That way, the services enable
interoperability of systems belonging to the hospital.
Another level of abstraction highlighted in this ar-
ticle (Huhns and Singh, 2005) is the inter-enterprise
one. For better understanding the following situation
is illustrated. A traditional approach would be to send
paper bills for agencies and insurance companies that
receive it and type again data into their own informa-
tion system. Of course, these approaches are disap-
pearing in favour of online sales.
The service-oriented computing provides the abil-
ity for interaction between companies and allows the
choreography of the parties and automatically apply
local policies to suit the inter-enterprise processes.
The other level of abstraction presented was the in-
frastructure. The activities related to building com-
plex applications on distributed platforms, such as
network architectures, are difficult and have led to an
interest in modular interfaces based services. Cur-
rently, companies can focus on their core business
and outsource their computing infrastructure to spe-
cialized companies.
According to Erl (Erl, 2007), a principle of de-
sign is defined as a widespread and accepted con-
cept by the market. A principle can be compared to
good practice by the fact that both propose a means of
achieving something based on experience or market
acceptance. Erl presents eight specific principles for
SOA design: service contract, service loose coupling,
service abstraction, service reusability, service auton-
omy, service statelessnes, service discoverable, ser-
vice discoverable and service composability. These
design principles are considered fundamental princi-
ples for SOA applications and are widely referenced
in the literature. A brief description of each principle
is highlighted as follows.
Service Contract: services share standardized con-
tracts. A service contract consists of a technical
interface or one or more service description docu-
ments. Each service contract must comply with
the same standards applied to other design ser-
vices contracts within a service inventory.
Service Loose Coupling: services are loosely cou-
pled. The existence of a service contract, ideally,
is decoupled from the implementation details and
Service Abstraction: services are designed to limit
information in the service contract to what is re-
ally necessary for the service to be functionally
useful to consumers. Information beyond that is
published in a service contract and is considered
private and should not be made available for cre-
ating potential consumers of service. Services
are consistently abstract, and specific information
about technology, logic and function in the world
is outside the service boundary.
Service Reusability: services are reusable. The ser-
vice encapsulates the logic that is useful for more
than one service request. The encapsulated by the
service logic is generic enough to allow many us-
age scenarios and can be used for different types
of service consumers.
Service Autonomy: services are autonomous. That
way, the services have a contract that expresses
a well-defined functional threshold which should
not involve other services.
Service Statelessnes: services minimize dependence
on the state. The services are specifically de-
signed to minimize the period during which they
exist in a condition of dependence on state infor-
Service Discoverable: services are designed to be
effectively discovered and interpreted so that the
discovery, its purpose and capabilities are clearly
understood. Service contracts should contain ad-
equate metadata that will be referenced correctly
when viewing queries are issued.
Service Composability: services are designed to act
as effective composition participants, regardless
of the size and complexity of the composition.
Services can be composed to automate business
processes of a company.
Besides presenting eight principles for SOA, Erl
(Erl, 2007) also provides an important insight into
other principles of SOA. The author asserts that some
principles and concepts of SOA were inspired by
principles of the object-oriented paradigm. A com-
parison of design principles for service orientation
was held for several fundamental principles of ob-
ject orientation. A section of the book discusses
how service orientation is related to each principle
of object-oriented design: Encapsulation, Inheritance,
Generalization and Specialization, Abstraction, Poly-
morphism, Open-Closed Principle (OCP), Don’t Re-
peat Yourself (DRY), Single Responsibility Princi-
ple (SRP), Delegation, Association, Composition and
The work proposed by Erl defines the specific de-
sign principles for SOA. However, it is important to
define how these principles are applied in practice,
whether they are sufficient and to what extent they
aggregate quality on applications.
According to Shaw (Shaw, 2002), research in Soft-
ware Engineering in general seek for better ways to
develop and evaluate software. This study aims to
contribute with better ways of developingand evaluat-
ing SOA applications. The following research meth-
ods were planned to achieve the proposed objectives
(section 3).
Initially, the purpose of this study is to focus on a
research challenge presented by Papazoglou in (Papa-
zoglou et al., 2008): Design principles for engineer-
ing service applications. This research topic covers
the search for fundamental principles that are the ba-
sis for design service. It is important to find out if this
gap, proposed in 2008, has been adequately addressed
by researchers in the past five years. In other words,
the literature provides all the fundamental principles
for design service? In addition, how these principles
are used? What advantages are obtained in their use?
In what areas are they being used? SOA applications
are used only for legacy systems or new systems too?
The literature provides few specific design prin-
ciples for SOA. Moreover, the existing principles are
focused on defining the essence of a service and not to
contribute to improving the quality of applications in
SOA. Based on this, the first planned step in this study
is developing a systematic literature review (Kitchen-
ham, 2004). The systematic review has the purpose
of analyzing the following research questions:
What are the specific principles for SOA mostly
used in service-oriented applications?
How these principles are applied in practice?
In which areas these principles are used?
The application of each principle has measurable
advantages in the quality of the application?
The cited principles are sufficient to develop qual-
ity SOA applications or there is need for propos-
ing new principles?
The proposed systematic literature review focuses
on searching empirical studies that use design prin-
ciples for developing their SOA applications. The
found studies are analyzed with the intention of an-
swering the research questions proposed previously.
In order to evaluate the proposed hypothesis, the
initial idea is to propose case studies (Yin, 2003)
(Runeson and H¨ost, 2009) to evaluate the quality of
SOA from the application of specific principles for
SOA. From experience and lessons learned in the de-
velopment of case studies, principles that enable qual-
ity improvement in SOA will be proposed.
Another research gap found in the literature is a
lack of metrics and tools to measure SOA quality.
In the research study presented by Goeb (Goeb and
Lochmann, 2011), he cited many specific quality met-
rics for SOA, however these models have no specific
tool support. Thus, it can be seen that there is much
to be done in the context of quality of services.
Case studies proposals are presented in the next
section. These proposals were based on ideas for im-
plementing service-oriented architecture in areas that
do not yet use this technology, or at least they are
still very incipient, and would represent an important
innovation to facilitate the implementation of several
6.1 Proposed Case Studies
A case study is defined as “an empirical inquiry that
investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its
real-life context, especially when the boundaries be-
tween phenomenon and context are not clearly evi-
dent” (Yin, 2003). Rather than using samples, case
study methods involve an in-depth examination of a
single instance or event. When selected with care,
even a single case study may be successful in terms
of theory formulation and testing (Yin, 2003). This
might be because it is a critical case for testing a
well-formulatedtheory, and if the theory holds for this
case, it is likely to be true for many others.
There are several applications examples in SOA
that can be used as case study. The following two
examples are services oriented applications that may
be developed during the research.
1. University Students. Brief Description: Several
services must be performed by a student when
starting an undergraduate university course, such
as: registering at the library, request the card to
use University Restaurants, request various kinds
of student financial support, such as student hous-
ing and transportation, access to research labs.,
and so on. The process to be done by the student
would be simpler if there was an application for
accessing all these services.
2. Hospital System. Brief description: A hospital
system has many complex processes that can be
automated. An example of a process that can be
automated is a solicitation to buy hospital sup-
plies. The service responsible for conducting the
purchase can access the system by the selling
company, request items, generate the full amount
of purchase, request permission from the purchase
to the hospital leader and then authorize to for-
ward the invoice to the hospital financial area.
6.2 Validation
This study will be validated through qualitative and
quantitative analysis. Proposing a new solution to a
problem is not enough, and this solution needs to be
validated for its applicability in practice. Two ap-
proaches can be used to validate a study: quantita-
tive and qualitative. Quantitative consists in evaluat-
ing the product solution through numbers that can be
analyzed by statistical methods, while qualitative in-
volves descriptions, pictures and diagrams and can be
analyzed through categorization (Runeson and H¨ost,
This study proposes to contribute with a set of
principles, metrics and tools to collaborate with im-
provements in quality of SOA applications. This set
of principles, metrics and tools (called product of this
research) must be validated. The way to evaluate the
applicability of the product will be through a qual-
itative evaluation. The qualitative evaluation in this
case is to introduce the developed work during the re-
search for professionals through questionnaires to as-
sess whether the proposed product presents relevance
on its use. To perform this qualitativeanalysis, human
subjects, including master and doctoral students, uni-
versity professors, in addition to professionals work-
ing in industrial SOA applications are to be used with
the expectation that they can provide valuable feed-
back. For the development of controlled experiment,
the number of people is estimated to be between 15
and 20.
Validation of case studies will be done through
quantitative and qualitative evaluations. According
to Seaman (Seaman, 1999), a combination of quali-
tative and quantitative data often provides better un-
derstanding of the studied phenomenon.
The Quantitative analysis of the case studies in-
volves the use of metrics and tools for SOA. Thus,
SOA applications developed in this research will be
submitted to be evaluated with the implemented tools
regarding the quality of the produced application.
The qualitative analysis will be divided into two
steps. The first is based on experience gained dur-
ing the development of case studies, such as lessons
learned and conclusions. The second step is to
produce a controlled experiment (Seaman, 1999) in
which the applications are introduced to human sub-
jects and they return feedback. The assessment will
be based on questionnaires and interviews.
Two paradigms characterize much of the research in
Information Systems: behavioral science and design
science (Hevner et al., 2004). The behavioral science
paradigm seeks to develop and verify theories that ex-
plain or predict human or organizational behavior. It
has its roots in natural science research methods. The
main objectives are to developand justify theories that
explain or predict organizational and human phenom-
ena surrounding the analysis, design, implementation,
management, and use of information systems.
The design science paradigm, which is followed
in this research, has its roots in engineering. As a
matter of fact, it is fundamentally a problem solving
paradigm with emphasis on products and solutions
(Rossi and Sein, 2003).
There is lack of consensus as to the precise desired
outputs of design research. The resulting products of
this research, according to (Hevner et al., 2004), in-
clude 1) constructs or concepts, i.e., abstractions and
representations that define the terms used when de-
scribing an artifact; 2) models, i.e., abstractions and
representations, that are used to describe and repre-
sent the relationship among concepts; and 3) instanti-
ations, i.e., implemented or prototyped systems, that
are used to realize the artifact.
This study expects to contribute with research on
SOA quality. Some research gaps were found, such
as few specific design principles for SOA, few stud-
ies using ISO 25000 standards and lack of metrics and
tools to evaluate quality in SOA applications. Accord-
ing to (Shaw, 2002), Software Engineering projects
may produce different outcomes as final products.
Therefore, the expected outcomes are:
1. SOA Design Principles Report.
The present study aims to contribute to a cata-
log that defines the principles of design specific to
SOA. In addition, to inform the actual applicabil-
ity of these design principles. That is, how prin-
ciples are applied in practice, the application do-
mains in which SOA is more widely used, and es-
pecially what are the effects of using these princi-
ples regarding the quality of the application. Most
of the answers contained in this report come from
the systematic literature review conducted in this
study. Another part can be produced from the ex-
periences and lessons learned during the develop-
ment of the case studies to be developed during
this research.
2. New Quality Attributes and Metrics in Accor-
dance With ISO 25000.
Another expected result of this research is to
propose quality attributes according to the ISO
25000. Most of studies address quality attributes
in accordance to the old ISO 9126. However, the
ISO 25000 provides a larger range of quality re-
quirements for software product. In addition to
proposing attributes, this study wants to produce
as a result an analysis to determine whether the
existing quality attributes based on the old ISO
9126 are in accordance with the ISO 25000.
3. Set of Metrics and Tools to Evaluate SOA
Another important research result of this study is
a package of metrics and tools that can be used
to measure quality in SOA applications. The im-
plemented tool should automatically collect met-
rics results to analyze quality attributes contained
in SOA application such as modifiability and
reusability. This tool can collaborate with SOA
developers to investigate whether the chosen so-
lution design produced a quality application ac-
cording to the quality attributes.
4. Specific Solution - Case Studies.
According to Shaw (Shaw, 2002), a research re-
sult in software engineering can be a specific so-
lution which means to present a solution to an ap-
plication problem that shows use of software en-
gineering principles. Therefore, an important re-
search result is to develop an application using de-
sign principles and thereby producing a good so-
lution for the problem. This study will develop
two case studies (proposed in subsection 6.1) to
validate the metrics and tools produced. These
case studies will also be useful to analyze the use
of design principles and to discuss what it can be
inferred in the SOA applications quality.
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