Agile Information Systems for Collaborative Enterprises
Barbara Livieri
Department of Economic Sciences, University of Salento, Via per Monteroni, Lecce, Italy
Keywords: Enterprise Modelling, Collaborative Enterprises, Performance Measurement, Information Systems,
Abstract: In the last years, new challenges have arisen for both business and technical aspects due to the movement
towards a collaborative-SMEs-driven society, where collaborative enterprises are used as catalysts of
competitive advantages. However, between 50%-70% of Collaborative Enterprises fails, due to the lack of
tools and methods to measure performance in an inter-organizational environment, where common
boundaries of firms fail. In this scenario, a new role has been recognized to Enterprise Information Systems.
As stated from FInES annual report, IS should “enable new forms of participation and collaboration,
catalyze further the formation of networked enterprises and business ecosystems. In this project, a possible
solution to face these challenges is offered. The general objective is to build a framework and a set of tools
to support the governance of CEs through monitoring and benchmarking. This can be enabled through a
comprehensive online service, based on enterprise modelling techniques, the creation of a collaborative web
application and of repositories, taxonomies and ontologies for CEs.
In the last twenty years, organizational relationships
have moved from intra-organizational to inter-
organizational ones and are moving towards trans-
organizational relations, with a prediction of a speed
for value creation never seen before (Bititci et al.
2012). However, it is known that globally 50%-70%
of CEs fails, often due to the lack of a
comprehensive analysis that combine strategic goals
and KPIs (Kaplan et al. 2010; Bititci et al. 2008)
with a possible negative impact on component firms.
The risk of failure or low success for CEs “... is
mostly the avoidable result of inadequate
governance resulting in inadequate strategy
development and implementation” (Hoogervorst
2009). Indeed, performance measurement is a key
element in turning goals into reality (Popova &
Sharpanskykh 2010).
This has led to new challenges related to the
performance measurement in a collaborative-SMEs-
driven society for both business and technical
Indeed, as stated from the “Future Internet
Enterprise Systems” annual report, Information
System (IS) should “enable new forms of
participation and collaboration, catalyze further the
formation of networked enterprises and business
ecosystems […] ushering in a new generation of
enterprise systems” (FInES 2010). Therefore, the
question is how to design and develop IS for CEs
and for networked SMEs. In particular, the
monitoring should be performed at two level of
granularity, which are the CE level and the firm
level, with a guarantee of comparability between
KPIs and perspectives of the two levels. More in
detail, at each level it is important to offer domain-
specific KPIs (Parung & Bititci 2006), which
depends on the type of the CE, on the maturity of the
collaboration and on the goals of the CE. In this
project, a possible solution to face these challenges
is offered.
The work is structured as follows: Section 2 is
for the outline of the research problems and Section
3 for the objectives of the research. In Section 4 an
analysis of the current state of research is presented.
In Section 5 is for the methodology and Section 6
for the stage of the research. Section 7 is for the
expected outcome.
Performance measurement is a key aspect in the
Livieri B..
Agile Information Systems for Collaborative Enterprises.
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
management of all kinds of organizations, no matter
if the level of granularity is the individual enterprise
or a CE. In particular, through performance
measurement and KPIs analysis it is possible to
understand if the organization is achieving its
strategic goals. Indeed, monitoring and
benchmarking are essential in order to notice
promptly a gap between goals and achieved result
and to define which actions to undertake in order to
reduce the gap. However, performance management
has a high degree of complexity in inter-
organizational settings, due to the fail of traditional
organizational boundaries and it is not yet possible
to analyze in detail which costs and which revenues
of a firm are ascribable to the CE. Thus, currently it
is not possible to know in detail the impact of a CE
on components firms. Indeed, although several
authors (Caglio & Ditillo 2008) studied the role of
management accounting in inter-organizational
environments, no one applied these results in order
to quantitatively analyze the performance of CEs
and of involved firms (Bochicchio et al. 2013; Bititci
et al. 2012; Krathu et al. 2013). In addition, in
several proposals, the skills required for CEs’
managers are far from those available in the largest
part of existing SMEs. In this context, firms and CEs
would benefit from methodologies and tools
allowing them to better link desired objectives and
achieved results in an inter-organizational
environment. In other words, firms could find useful
having more structured and rich information not
only on their own performance but also on how it
compares with partners and competitors (Parmenter
2011), even in different CEs, in order to understand
the drivers of CEs’ success and, thus, to enhance
their performance. Moreover, benchmarking within
a CEs, even with a comparison of synthetic data,
enable the analysis of benefits, of their distribution
among partners and of the performance drivers for
the CE. Indeed, firms are concerned both with
performance drivers and targets; therefore
benchmarking is relevant not only for KPIs
comparison, but also for the identification of the
“collaborative practices” that contribute to the
success of a CE (Simatupang & Sridharan 2004).
This implies, for managers, the ability “to
observe and evaluate”, the awareness of “being
observed and evaluated”, a stronger perception of
the “value of the collaborative enterprise”, the
personal consciousness of the “impact of CEs on
firms” (and vice-versa) and the knowledge of the
different meaning that performance indicators
assume in a collaborative enterprise. In practical
cases, this kind of interrelated performance
evaluation and comparison cannot be conceived and
realized without a set of suitable IS elements and
procedures, which becomes not neutral with respect
to the measured performance and to the style of
management adopted for modern CEs, as well as a
music instrument is not neutral with respect to the
played music. In this perspective, Information
Systems (IS) have to face the new challenge offered
by a networked society (FInES 2012). In traditional
control systems built for individual enterprises, there
is a clear-cut between external and internal
environment. Indeed, whilst for CEs it is possible to
use the same performance measurement frameworks
used for individual firms, it is still necessary to
structurally and operatively change the measurement
system (Bititci et al. 2004).
General Problem. In order to measure performance
in CEs there is the need to develop an agile
Information System built for inter-organizational
and changing environments and able to analyze the
In particular, the same KPI can be calculated or
interpreted in several ways, making them not
comparable within a CE or among different CEs
(P.1). This problem concerns both financial and non-
financial KPIs and derives from the need to share a
common understanding of the domain (Bertolazzi et
al. 2001).
Problem 1. In order to monitor CEs and to perform
benchmarking within and between CEs and firms in
CEs, it is necessary to share a common language for
Moreover, benchmarking within a CE enable the
analysis of benefits, of their distribution among
partners and of the performance drivers for the CE.
Indeed, firms are concerned both with performance
drivers and targets; therefore benchmarking is
relevant not only for KPIs comparison, but also for
the identification of the “collaborative practices”
that contribute to the success of a CE (Simatupang &
Sridharan 2004). However, CEs are heterogeneous
clusters of partnerships among enterprises (FInES
2012). CEs can indeed be of different types (e.g.,
horizontal CEs, vertical CEs), be at different stages
of maturity and have different goals. In this frame, it
is obviously not enough to compare CEs only taking
into account the business sector or the size, but other
factors, such as the CE type, maturity, organizational
structures and goals, come into play.
Problem 2. There is the need to analyze and
understand CEs type, lifecycle, organizational
structures, roles and goals in order to comprehend
the phenomenon.
Problem 3. CEs goals, types, structure, role and
maturity are relevant in order to perform an
effective and accurate benchmarking.
Moreover, different CEs types need for different
KPIs (Parung & Bititci 2006); therefore firms and
CEs have to understand which KPIs are relevant and
what a KPIs mean in a given firm or a CE with
defined goals. However, this kind of understanding
is not immediate, especially in several SMEs, which
lack of the know-how needed to perform this kind of
analysis and often choose the more “known” KPI,
instead of the more relevant one, with possible
negative effects on the CE equilibrium. Therefore,
CEs need to understand which KPIs are relevant for
them, considered their “type”, maturity, and “goals”.
Problem 4. Build domain-specific KPIs, which
means KPIs specific for the CE type, maturity and
Furthermore, CEs are a multifaceted phenomena,
that is sometimes difficult to analyze and to
comprehend in abstract ways. The analysis by itself
of CEs’ goals, CEs type and related KPIs could be
misleading for firms and CEs.
Problem 5. Reduce the complexity of the analysis
and of the monitoring of CEs performance, through
graphical representations.
Moreover, in order to “track” and store KPIs
large enterprises usually benefit from internal
control systems (Enterprise Information Systems),
whilst SMEs perform, whenever that even happens,
a manual analysis of their financial statements and
compare their values with those of similar firms, by
means of public databases of financial statements.
The choice is often due to the high costs and the
complexity of EIS.
Problem 6. Build Information System suitable for
SMEs, that means more user-friendly.
Finally, firms who cooperate need to exchange
information (e.g., on their transactions, goals), since
this can increase their performance (Essa et al.
2013). Also, in case they decide to share more data
not only with partners but also with other firms, this
can increase the effectiveness of benchmarking.
Problem 7. Enable information sharing with
partners or with other firms and CEs.
Aim of the project is to build a framework and a set
of tools to support the governance of CEs through
monitoring and benchmarking. The sub-objectives
include: (a) the definition of a shared knowledge on
KPIs formulas, rationales and explanations; (b) the
classification of CEs types, lifecycle, organizational
structure and firms role in order to perform an
effective benchmarking; (c) the analysis of the
linkage among KPIs, CEs goals, type, maturity and
structure; (d) the analysis and use of graphic tools to
facilitate the comprehension of CE-related
phenomena; (e) the design, prototyping and testing
of an online service suitable for CE-oriented SMEs
and for information sharing among partners.
At the best of my knowledge, there are no tools or
conceptual framework offered as a means of
operatively manage and quantitatively analyze
collaborative enterprises. Therefore, in this
paragraph is presented a short analysis of the
literature on performance measurement and
enterprise modelling for collaborative enterprises, on
enterprise ontologies and on cross-organizational
Information Systems, which are necessary for
enabling performance measurement. For each topic,
the current state of research, the existing gap and the
prospective of future research are analyzed, thus
outlining how these topics have to evolve in order to
face the new challenges deriving from the changes
in society.
4.1 Performance Measurement
Performance management and performance
measurement have a key role in the assessment of
CEs and of how the CE is affecting firms, according
to the principle of “if you cannot measure it, you
cannot manage it” (Kaplan & Norton 1996; Parung
& Bititci 2006). Indeed, several authors (Caglio &
Ditillo 2008) have analyzed control mechanism in
inter-organizational environments, such as
management accounting. In particular, in CEs the
monitoring can operate on three layers: a) firm; b)
effects of the CE on the firm; c) CE. For sub-c)
researchers and practitioners propose several
guidelines, performance and cost management tools
(e.g., modified Balanced Scorecard and scorecards) (
Fayard et al. 2012; Kaplan et al. 2010) and
enforcement methods, such as Open Book
Accounting (Caglio & Ditillo 2012; Romano &
Formentini 2012; Agndal & Nilsson 2010). In
particular, Open Book Accounting (OBA) allows
firms of a network to share accounting information,
which enable an improvement in the decision
process (Caglio & Ditillo 2012). However, many
firms are reluctant to disclose these data, because
OBA is sometimes seen as formal control
mechanism that damages trust (Windolph & Moeller
2012). Moreover, while there is a consolidate
literature on sub-a), there are still few works on how
to measure the effects of networks on firms (sub-b))
(Dekker 2003), and even in those there is no focus
on quantitative aspects (Bititci et al. 2012;
Bochicchio et al. 2013). Furthermore, there are few
works that takes into account both CEs and SMEs
(Pittino et al. 2013; Lee 2007). Nonetheless,
performance management and performance
measurement have a key role in the assessment of
the achievement of CE goals and of how the
partnership is affecting firms. Therefore, whilst we
are going towards a network-SMEs-driven society,
new challenges arise for performance measurement
system, since they have to be developed and used
across the traditional organizational boundaries. The
question is how to manage both the performance of
CEs and of firms for SMEs (Bititci et al. 2012). In
order to face this question, it is necessary to modify
existing tools for inter-organizational settings,
overcoming the clear-cut between external and
internal environment. Indeed, whilst it is possible to
use the same performance measurement frameworks
used for individual firms, it is still necessary to
structurally and operatively change the measurement
system (Bititci et al. 2004).
4.2 Enterprise Modelling
The research on enterprise modelling has three main
topics. Some authors focus on the analysis of
business processes (Comuzzi et al. 2012; Pan et al.
2004), others on the information architecture
(Kulkarni 2012) of firms and some others on the
modelling of strategic an organizational aspects as
well (Strecker et al. 2011; Frank 2012). In this sense,
a comprehensive research work in this field has been
performed at University of Duisburg-Essen
(MEMO: multi-perspective enterprise modelling).
For the purpose of this research project, MEMO and
MML (Meta Model Language) are relevant because
of their ability to model software engineering, social,
managerial and economic aspects of the firm
(Strecker et al. 2011).
In general, modelling has several benefits for
firms and for collaborative enterprises, such as:
understanding how a CE works, giving a starting
point for the re-arrangement, whereas needed, of the
CE, giving a starting point for the development of IS
for CEs and so on (Steen et al. 2002). In particular,
the need for EM is even more relevant in CEs, due
to the increase in complexity. However, still few
works exist on the subject. Therefore, the question is
how and in what measure current EM techniques
and tools can be used in order to face the issues
deriving from the inter-organizational setting.
A possible solution could come from the
principles adopted in Service Oriented Architectures
for service compositions, i.e. by adopting graph
based representations and graph-theory to represent
and manage the network of relationships in CEs and
among CEs. Other examples come from the
adoption of a graph-based notation for collaboration
However, there is still much to do in order to
culturally change for manager the awareness of CEs
and to make possible for enterprise modelling to
have an active role not only in single firms, but also
in CEs.
4.3 Cross-organizational Information
Coordination among partners is a key factor in order
to achieve goals. This can result only from a flow of
information among and within organizations
(Eckartz et al. 2010), which can be assured by
Information Systems (IS) and, in more detail,
Enterprise Systems (ES) that takes into account the
inter-organizational setting. An IS is indeed made by
a set of applications which allow the collection,
elaboration and storage of information useful for the
decisional or operational processes (Laudon &
Laudon 2011, p.15; Bracchi et al. 2010, p.1).
However, according to the contingency theory, a
change in the organizational structure, imply a
change in the IS. Information Systems usually
distinguish and oppose relations within a firm, from
those across it. However, in an inter-organizational
setting it is necessary to broaden data sources so to
include partners as well and to consider them as a
beneficiary of the information (Håkansson & Lind
2004). While at the business level coordination
comes from coordination mechanisms, at the ES
level, it is performed through shared databases, data
warehouses, workflow management systems, web
services, service oriented architecture (SOA) or
cross-organizational ERP, which are used from
several independent firms whom cooperate in an
inter-organizational environment (value web)
(Daneva & Wieringa 2008). Although even
coordination mechanisms at the business level are
partially integrated with ERPs, however the use of a
cross-organizational ERP system can lead to a lost
on flexibility because it implies processes
standardization and collaborative relations are now
always stable. This limit can be overcome through
customization; however it is usually very expensive
and, therefore, is out of the reach of SMEs.
Moreover, Information Systems represents only a
potentiality for change, but in order to fulfil it there
is the need for certain organizational characteristics
(Maraghini 2010). Therefore, the actual
implementation of cross-organizational ERP is not
suitable for CEs in the first stages of cooperation.
Moreover, most of IS adopted are not cross-
organizational; thus, “they focus on a single
enterprise with some supports towards sharing
performance information with external parties”
(Bititci et al. 2012). However, the key element in the
future seems to be “cooperation” (Missikoff 2012),
whilst IS should “enable new forms of participation
and collaboration, catalyze further the formation of
networked enterprises and business ecosystems […]
ushering in a new generation of enterprise systems”
(FInES 2010). Therefore, the question is how to
design and develop IS for CEs and for networked
SMEs. Nowadays, there is a lack of a model which
allows: a) in the pre-alliance phase, the opportunity
of engaging in a CE; b) in the operational phase, the
evaluation of goals achievements. In particular, the
monitoring should be performed at two level of
granularity, which are the CE level and the firm
level, with a guarantee of comparability between
KPIs and perspectives of the two levels.
4.4 Enterprise Ontologies
Nowadays enterprise are entities far more complex
than in the past; therefore, it is not easy to manage
them. In this frame, there was the need for a “…a
conceptual model [...that is…] coherent,
comprehensive, consistent and concise…” (Dietz
2006). Indeed, enterprise ontologies are developed
and used for several reasons linked with enterprise
modelling, such as the development of Management
Information Systems and strategic decision support
systems, Business Process Reengineering and the
construction of Virtual Enterprises. However, still
few enterprise ontologies have been developed and
use in productive settings, due to the complexity and
the novelty of the methods (Bertolazzi et al. 2001).
In more detail, there are two enterprise ontologies,
which are: a) the Enterprise Ontology developed
from the Edinburgh Group (Uschold et al. 1996) and
b) the Toronto Virtual Enterprise Project (TOVE)
(Fox et al. 1993). However, there is still a lack of
ontologies for CEs, which are entities more complex
than individual enterprises, or, more in general, for
KPIs and performance measurement. A first step
towards this direction if offered by a taxonomy for
CEs, developed by a FInES taskforce (FInES 2012).
For the development of the research project, a
structured approach is adopted for all the four phases
here described.
In the first phase, a KAOS approach (Bresciani
et al. 2004) is used in order to elicit the requirements
of the service. In particular, an analysis of literature
on CEs is performed in order to outline the CE
lifecycle and to define the potential stakeholders and
their goals in each phase. Goals are then refined and
transformed in requirements. The output of this
phase is a requirements specification document
covering all phases of the collaborative enterprise
lifecycle. These requirements are used in the second
and in the third phase in order to design the system.
In the second phase, starting from this
preliminary analysis, CEs are modelled both from an
organizational and strategic point of view by means
of Meta Model Language (MML) (Strecker et al.
2011), and through ontologies, for the information
architectural part. Indeed, in order to properly model
and use KPIs, several layers of the CE have to be
taken into account.
MML is used in order to describe the
organizational structure of the CE and the role of
each partner, e.g., how the decision power is
distributed, if there is a vertical structure, if there
is a focal firm and so on. This model should be
integrated with the ontology of CEs types.
Ontology are used to semantically model CEs
(main ontology) with regards to the following
aspects which constitute the domain ontologies:
CEs’ lifecycle; CEs’ goals, CE’s type and KPIs.
CEs’ goals are modelled using the representation
of the strategic level as starting point. The
modelling of CEs’ type is based on the taxonomy
already elaborated by (FInES 2012), which will
be enriched with other classes and instances, with
the analysis of the relations among classes.
Finally, the ontology of KPIs the ontology has
the aim of representing a shared
conceptualization of the domain (Bertolazzi et al.
2001) and to allow for the aggregation of the data
of component firms and for the comparison of
the information among different firms and CEs.
For each KPI, informative contents are enriched
through literature references on the basic KPIs,
their rationales, formulas and “limit” values
(Strecker et al. 2011). KPIs are also linked with
CEs’ types, goals and lifecycle in order to
provide domain-specific performance indicators.
For the development of these ontologies OWL,
as language, and Protegé, as tool, have been
Indeed, ontologies are particularly useful in this
context because of the heterogeneity of data
connected to CEs, which are often stored in
documents like contracts, textual reports,
financial statements, web pages, and so on.
Therefore, for the processing of these sources the
use of Semantic Web techniques is suitable.
Finally, information on CEs type, maturity,
goals, structures and KPIs will be represented
graphically by means of data and information
visualization tools, such as hypertrees.
In Fig.1 is visually represented the second phase.
In the left part, the objects of analysis are shown. In
the second column, each object of analysis is linked
with the method (except for the visualization tools,
which take into account the outputs). In the third
column the outputs of the use of methods on
information objects are represented. Finally, in the
right column the overall results are shown.
Figure 1: Second phase of the methodology.
The results of the second phase are: (a) the
development of reflective (Strecker et al. 2011)
domain specific KPIS, starting from the information
on CEs type, maturity, goals, structure and KPIs
types; (b) the modelling of the organizational and
semantic level of CEs; (c) the visual representation
of the elements. In the third phase, the collaborative,
cloud-based Information System is designed through
a structured approach based on HDM/IDM (for the
hypermedia design) and on UML (for all other
modelling aspects) and developed. The IS should be
composed by all the elements described in the
second phase. Indeed, ontologies can be easily
integrated in Java web application by means of tools
such as OWLAPI. The Information system has three
Firms and CEs monitoring and benchmarking,
through the creation of personalized dashboards,
KPIs evaluation and information sharing. Using
the models and semantic tools developed in the
second phase, the IS should retrieve from
different sources information on component
firms, financial and non-financial data, contracts,
KPIs, etc. and store them in a central database.
The processing of data through the semantic
layer, enable the system to define which is the
type of the CE, its organizational structure. In
this way the IS can propose the use of relevant
KPIs, possible changes in contracts or in
structures and pertinent comparisons with other
firms and CEs.
A repository of templates. Contracts or
agreements and organizational structures,
whereas available, can be furthermore processed,
in order to make available an online repository of
templates for CEs, such as those provided by the
Legal-IST project (, for firms
that decide to formalize or change the
collaboration and organizational structures.
Information sharing, in order to better collaborate
with partners and to have more detailed
benchmarks, with different level of privacy.
In order to achieve these goals, data mining and
semantic web techniques, Business Intelligence
tools, relational databases and a cloud architecture
will be used.
In the fourth phase, the validity of the approach
and of the system will be tested, with the analysis of
coherence with existing literature, of the usefulness
of the approach to firms and CEs and of the
performance of the IS. The coherence validation is
aimed at analysing whether the research contribution
is consistent with previous literature and can
therefore contribute to existing literature: this
analysis is particularly useful in the early-middle
stages of the research, when it’s not yet possible to
test the system with users. Moreover, the usefulness
of the approach will assess the contribution to
practice of the research and will be tested through
controlled tests with students purposely trained and,
then, with managers of CEs. Both test will be
performed in two phases. During the
tests/experiments, each participant will act as a
manager of a CE; therefore, individuals will receive
a case study of their CE, with a description of the
type, maturity, goals and participant firms. In the
first phase, each individual will choose a set of KPIs
that he consider more appropriate in order to
understand the performance of his CE. Individual
will be asked to make strategic decisions considering
the values of the set of KPIs and results of the
choices will be evaluated. In the second phase,
another set of individuals will be provided with a
prototype of the system and they will be asked to
perform the same tasks of phase 1. At the end of the
second phase, the results will be compared with the
ones of the first phase.Finally, the performance test
will ensure that the system can be used by a large
number of users, with an adequate level of
The feasibility of the proposed approach is
supported by the joint effort of two research groups,
which cover the technical and business aspects of
the project. The specific contribution of the PhD
Student regards the requirements specification, the
development of the ontologies, the design and test of
the prototype of the online service and the overall
management of the project research aspects. The
contribution of the PhD Student, although
contextualized in a broader project, has an
autonomous scientific validity, whereas enterprise
modelling is a fast growing research theme, as well
as the design of IS.
The first phase of the project is almost been
completed. The requirements specification document
is available, although it will be subject to change
whereas new interviews with firms and CEs will
highlight other key aspects. A preliminary version of
the approach and of the requirements has been
submitted to 26
International Conference on
Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE
Forum 2014). As for the second phase, the KPIs
ontology is alomost completed in its first version
and is now being formalized with OWL. The KPIs
ontology will be sumbitted to the Conference on
Business Informatics 2014. The CEs type ontology
has been drafted, and will be furthermore elaborated,
partly through student theses. It will be sumbitted to
the 15
IFIP Working Conference on Virtual
Enteprises (PRO-VE 2014); an extended version
will be submitted to EMISA 2014.
Regarding the third phase, a preliminary version
of the prototype of the system has been developed
and presented to itAIS 2013. The prototype is
currently able to store quantitative data on firms and
perform statistical analysis on financial statements.
The validation has been performed as coherence
with literature for phase 1 and 2 and as perfromance
and usefulness tests for phase 3. Each single
component (i.e., ontologies, taxonomies, etc.) will
be tested and verified with a small set of users or
simulated users (e.g. students trained to do so).
Finally, the system will be integrated and the system
test will be perfomed on a small group of final users.
The expected outcome of the research project is the
design and test of the prototype of a comprehensive
online service, based on enterprise modelling
techniques, for CEs governance and analysis,
through the creation of a collaborative web
application and of repositories, taxonomies and
ontologies for CEs.
This system should offer a customized
monitoring and benchmarking platform with a
semantic layer able to analyze the CEs and to return
a classification and relevant KPIs and CEs for
benchmarking. Another expected outcome is the
development of a KPIs ontology, a CEs ontology, a
goals’ taxonomy and a lifecycle ontology.
Moreover, the online service should enable the
creation of templates for contracts and
organizational structures and the information sharing
among partners. The approach should facilitate firms
and CEs in the choice of which KPIs to include in
the dashboard, thus which KPIs are relevant for their
goals, CE type and maturity, therefore it should be a
suitable approach for SMEs which lack of the
financial and organizational resources needed for the
adoption of cross-organizational ERPs. The design
of the system will be based on a GORE analysis
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